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Latest revision as of 23:48, 4 April 2014

Brothers' Keeper
Dramatis Personae

Anette, Rasputin, Regan


Part of Perfectus TP.


<NYC> Lower East Side

Historically characterized by crime and immigrant families crammed into cramped tenement buildings, the Lower East Side is often identified with its working-class roots. Today, it plays host to many of New York's mutant poor, although even here they are still often forced into hiding.

It's still early in the day -- the city is still waking /up/ on Friday when a very unassuming black coupe pulls up to the curb along one small side street, parking just across from a taqueria that sits beside a narrow three-story townhouse. /The/ narrow three-story townhouse that, later tonight, will house a good deal of fighting and in the interrim just houses quite a few displaced mutants.

Regan is looking a little /pinched/, a little /harried/, as she gets out of the driver's seat. Blonde hair pulled back and tied into a ponytail beneath a black knit cap, she's dressed otherwise blandly in jeans, black boots, a grey-green sweatshirt over a plain blue v-necked tee. She shuts the door to the car with a bit more /force/ than is really necessary, blue eyes scanning the street one direction and then the other before crossing in the direction of the house.

A small gray bird is currently right outside the safehouse, pacing back and forth kind of rapidly, head darting out to the road every now and then. As Regan begins crossing towards the house, the bird's eyes are narrowing on her, but it doesn't move, waiting for her arrival, until it speaks, quietly, kind of anxiously, and also kind of angrily. "Thank god, Regan. I tried looking to see if like, they escaped or the van got wrecked earlier, but..nothing."

Anette is enjoying the weather and (relative) quiet of early morning New York. Wrapped up in her leather jacket (which conveniently covers everything...not quite human about her), she walks along casually, with no particular drive or focus. As she approaches the familiar three story building, she pauses briefly and looks up to it, seeming lost momentarily in her own thoughts before continuing along. At the sound of voices, she pauses, turning her head to an odd angle as she listens in casually.

"Did you get a license plate?" Regan asks straightaway, as she approaches the house. She doesn't enter it -- just leans up against the railing of the few short steps up to its front door. "Or see which way it -- maybe /some/ of your birds could see which way it went." Her tone is calm enough, though there's a tension to her posture that betrays her agitation. Her eyes skim up and down the street again as though she might still see the offending van. Instead she sees Anette, eyes narrowing faintly on the fight club attendee with a niggling sense of familiarity. "-- You're Anette," she finally remembers. "Dusk talked to me about you." Though there's a creeping tension in her /voice/, as well, with the mention of Dusk's name.

"I..didn't. I was..stupid and left them, trying to get help. I should have stuck and fought.". Rasputin's voice sounds overly /guilty/, as ze quickly nods. "I'll track down my host the bird I launched at them..died but the host escaped it probably saw the plate and there was another bird so I can see what I can find.". Normally at this point, Rasputin would turn to the new person, all full of glee and speaking. But instead, Rasputin's still talking to Regan. "Gray cargo van. The strangest part? They were mutants, without a doubt. Came out of nowhere.". Rasputin's also beginning to ascend to the door as well, a long sigh.

Anette pauses as she's approached, looking over the other woman. "Ah, right. Batboy. I hope he said good things," she responds. " are...?" she asks, before turning her head sharply towards Rasputin as it speaks. "That...bird is talking..." she stumbles over her words, not sure what to make of the strange...creature in front of her. She shakes her head and looks back to Regan. "Right...anyway, anything I can do for you?"

"He did, actually. Say good things." Regan's arms cross against her chest, a still-tense impatience to the gesture. "/Mutants/." There's clear disgust in her tone at this, a cold barely-contained anger. "Mutants attacking /mutants/. What were they /thinking/." Her fingers curl in against her arms, hard. "Regan," she finally introduces herself to Anette with a small tip of head. "You fight each week in my house." One hand lifts from the crook of her arm to gesture to the house behind her. "What would they want with Dusk and Ion --"

She exhales a short sharp breath, looking between Anette and Rasputin. "-- This is Rasputin. He isn't a bird, he's just inhabiting that body at the moment. If you think," she says to Rasputin, "that you could get information out of the other birds, please /do/. With everything that's been happening lately --" Her fingers clench into her arm again. "We need to find them sooner rather than later."

Rasputin nods at Regan's explanation to Anette, but instead replies to Regan. "I'll get some scouts pronto, see if I can find the birds who might have seen it. Can't be too far.". At this point, Rasputin's glancing around for more birds, before speaking. "No clue. This bird chick, not like me more humanoid, drew a gun on Dusk, and then this chick with tentacles took out Ion. They were gone by the time I got backup. We're definitely going to find them.".

At this point, Rasputin's attention finally focuses on Anette. "Uh, hello there. I think I've seen you around? Sometimes I'm a cat. White, fluffy, come around here a bit. Nice to meet you.". Rasputin's beak clenches shut, perhaps a symbolization of a frown.

Anette looks over to Rasputin again. "'s just, well, it's honestly the most unique mutation I've ever seen." Turning back to Regan, she nods slightly. "Well...I haven't been as active as I could be. But now I remember seeing you, I think. Either way, pleasure to meet and I'm glad to hear I've mad some sort of impression." Regan and Rasputin's words catch-up to her and she glances back and forth between them, concern crossing her face. "Wait...somebody kidnapped Dusk? When did this happen? Who took him?" she asks, her brows furrowing as she tries to catch up with current events.

"Mutants /shooting/ mutants." For some reason this concept seems to disgust Regan still more. She lifts a hand, pressing her palm to her cheek in a slow rub. "Yes. Find them. Whatever you can tell us about where they've gone. And as soon as possible, Rasputin." Her eyes level on Anette with a slow thoughtful regard. "You have. In both your abilities and your bravery in putting them to /use/, after the explosion at his building. Someone," she says this very slightly through her teeth, "abducted two of our people this morning. Maybe an hour ago. Not more than two." Tap-tap-tap, go her fingers against her elbow. "I understand you can fly. If we're manning a search that might be handy."

"I'll get right on it. Dusk was shot, could we get a bloodhound in or something? I know this is like, a super crazy idea, but if I could possess one, I can see if I can find a trail.". At this time, Rasputin is doing some sort of..bird call, calling a nearby pigeon off a building. The two birds proceed to..squawk at each other for about two minutes, before the pigeon flies off. "Bird's going to look around. No idea if it'll /actually find anything/, they're dumbasses, but it's a start. The bird can probably get more birds if it's smart enough. Probably."

"Do you think this has anything to do with the mutants getting chopped up? Dusk's wings would definitely make him a target and I doubt they were going to leave witnesses. Whoever these fuckers are..". Rasputin doesn't finish hir sentence, another beak clamped shut.

Anette shakes her head. "Goddammit what the hell is wrong with people? Why would mutants attack their -own-?" She returns Regan's level gaze, listening to the woman as she compliments her. "Well...I happened to be there. Unlike -some- people apparently, I'm willing to take protect our own." She can't help but smile slightly as Regan brings up Anette's ability to fly. Apparently she likes discussing her abilities, even despite the circumstances. "I'm an owl. Wings, heightened sight and hearing. And a damn fine screech though it's not very useful for communicating as some," she says, giving a gentle nod in Rasputin's direction as it starts ordering pigeons around. "Though if that dream I had is any indication, that may still happen." She does return to a more serious tone however. "Anything I can do to help, I'd be glad to. I'll find the bastards and finish them off myself."

"I'm sure we could /find/ you a bloodhound. Though there are a few people attending Fight Club tonight who have noses as /good/ as a bloodhound." Regan tips her head in a nod to Anette, a very small-brief smile flitting across her face as she listens to Anette's description of her abilities. "Good. /Good/. Rasputin, you can work with Anette on searching. Between you I'm sure you can cover a good deal of ground. Catch her up on everything that happened this morning. I need to find Kay --" This trails off, her brows creasing just slightly in thought. Her attention turns back to Anette after a moment, head inclining in another accepting nod. "Mmm. Good. When we /find/ Dusk I'll have to let him know he has good taste in people. We can use the help, I think." Her smile now is thin, and a little grim as she starts up the stairs towards the house. "-- We never leave a Brother behind."