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Revision as of 02:33, 6 April 2014

Just Another Saturday
Dramatis Personae

Claire, Ghost, Sebastian




<XS> Gardens

From indoor gardens to outdoor, though without the protective greenhouse glass the back gardens do not last all year round. Still, the gardens out here are well-tended and well-worth spending time in, as well. The paths wending through the beds of flowers and herbs and vegetables spread out through the school's back grounds, tended by students as a credit class. Benches offer seating and a small pond is home to koi and turtles, as well as a few frogs. At the far back edges of the garden, a droning buzzing marks a few stacked white boxes as beehives.

It's growing late in the afternoon, the sun sinking lower in the sky. It's pleasant enough outside, though, still, cool but not /cold/. The gardens are actually starting to look springlike, a small scattering of flowers blooming and things waking up from winter dryness. Sebastian is adding to the garden-colourfulness, a bright spot of /blue/ with his slightly sheeny skin. He's dressed blandly, at least, a Xavier's sweatshirt over a bright orange tee with Despicable Me minions on it, a pair of bluejeans, a pair of hiking boots. He is balancing, just at the moment, on a -- well, it /looks/ like a skateboard, but it has no wheels, and is /hovering/ right now about half a foot off the ground. He's holding a tablet in his hands, as he balances, frowning at something written on its screen.

At the koi pond, there's a orange-yellow light coming from roughly above the bench next to it. The light is, on closer inspection, either fire or hair. Possibly both. It comes from the top of the head of a teenage girl, who notices Sebastian from the corner of her eyes, and turns to look towards him briefly. Claire looks at the fish and turtles almost immediately again. New face is new.

Approaching from the back porch is Ghost. She's farily normal..except for the purple skin and yellow eyes. Still rather normal! As she walks out, she spots Sebastian, a brief grin as she approaches him. "Hey, 'Bastian! How are you?". Ghost's grin fades as she spots Sebastian's frown, and she speaks again. "What's wrong?".

Ghost spots Claire, a small wave to the new girl, but right now is curious about Sebastian. Ghost is dressed in her XS hoodie, a pair of blue jeans, a gray shirt under the hoodie, and is barefoot.

"I haven't been getting it anywhere near as responsive to steering as I need it to be," Sebastian answers, still frowning as he leans back -- and /shoots/ back abruptly /way/ closer to the koi pond at rather dangerously fast speed. A very undignified squeak comes from him, one arm windmilling as he struggles to keep his footing. "-- Um. I mean. I mean /correctly/ responsive." His face is -- suddenly /very/ pale. "This thing's a /little/ bit a deathtrap."

He crouches down, now, maybe a little bit chary of standing /up/ on the hoverboard, hugging his tablet against his chest and curling his hand against the side of the board. His gills flutter rapid-quick against the sides of his neck, breathing also rapid-quick. His huge black eyes are open even huger-wider, looking at Claire only when Ghost waves at her. "-- apologies hi not trying to kill you I swear."

Claire jumps back when Sebastian approaches /like that/ and the flames on her head grow two inches taller, for about five inches total. She kind of holds her hands in front of her face protectively, flames coming from her fingertips. When she gets a moment to calm down, the flames on both her head and finger tips decrease in intensity, but they stay. She waves shyly to Ghost, and says. "I'm sorry, you startled me." She smiles weakly, "I'm Claire."

Ghost jumps back at Sebastian /bursts backwards/, before running towards him. "Crap, B, you alright?". Ghost is then jumping back /again/ at the flaming fingertips, before digging her feet into the ground. "Uh, sorry, you..frightened me as well. Ghost. I take it you're new?". Ghost is then turning to Sebastian again. "You totally reminded me that I need to speak to your more foul-mouthed half sometime soon.".

Sebastian squeaks as the flames on Claire's head grow, and his sudden lean back makes the hoverboard shoot back again, rocketing off a few feet across the grass as he clings on tight. Possibly for dear life. "{Ohgod oh no oh /fuck/ I'm going to die.}" This is in a sudden burst of very freaked-out Vietnamese, a moment before the teenager presses at the tail end of the board to make it lower back to the ground. He heaves a relieved sigh, gills fluttering again and then calming. "Apologies," he says again, calmer. "I'm, um, still working out -- the kinks. It's, um, it's a work in progress." His cheeks are regaining color rather darker than before, a deep near-purple flush to them.

"I'm B," he introduces himself with a shy smile. He's a little trembly where he crouches on the thankfully now-inert board. He takes a deep breath, now nodding to Ghost with a little bit calmer of a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm alright. I, uh. Need to fix this a little before it's, um, a little less deadly. Claire? Hi. Hi. Are you - did you jus start here? Hi. Welcome. -- Shane went out riding with my dads," he adds to Ghost. "They'll probably be back soon enough, it's getting dark."

"Yeah. I'm new." Claire's flames shrink back to normal levels, they are clearly still present, even on her fingers. "I'm sorry about freaking you out, I don't really have any control over this. Whenever I get startled or something I just flare up, I guess." She extends her hand, then realizes that people haven't been keen on shaking her hand lately, and retracts it. 'It's nice to meet you, Ghost and B."

"Awesome. Me and Shane dreamt about this guitar and then a few days later I bought it I totally need to show it to h- wait that sounded weird didn't it.". Ghost plays with her hair for a quick second, before clarifying. "Uh, do you know about..weird shared dreams? If not's kind of hard to explain what I just said.". Ghost is shaking her head before leaping into a grin. "Less deadly is..good. Welcome to the madhouse, Claire.".

"You got a new guitar?" Sebastian's eyes widen; for a moment there's a small hint of jealousy in his tone. "I haven't replaced mine yet since the fire. There's just been -- so much stuff." His nose wrinkles up, head dipping. "Is it /awesome/?" He nods, slowly. "I've had the strange shared dreams. It's -- it's /pretty/ bizarre." He tips his head back up, casting an apologetic look to Claire. "We're a little bit crazy around here," he -- not-quite explains. "The /world's/ a little bit crazy around here. Um. Nice to meet you, too. I think I kind of freaked myself out. I've been working on building this, um." His hand taps against the board he sits on, now safely resting flat agains the ground. "But I'm not very /good/ at it so it's -- not. Very safe yet. Apologies. Didn't mean to get all -- zoomy."

Claire makes a confused face, doesn't comment on that, and instead tries to focus on the music talk. "It'd be kinda cool to learn how to play guitar." Then she hears something about a fire, and she frowns, her own fire growing a bit. Not too much, "What happened?"

"It's kind of awesome but I have no idea how to play it. Yet.". Ghost laughs, before replying to Sebastian. "Man, maybe you have a guitar in the future and once you dream of it, it'll like, rain onto your lap.". After this, she's turning to Claire. "Oh, people are dreaming the future. No big deal. Just another Saturday."

"I can play the guitar. Ryan taught me," Sebastian admits with a faint blush. "But I gotta get a new one now. I -- don't know if I have a guitar in the future. I think in the future I make /this/ stupid thing work, though." He baps at the end of the hoverboard again, and it switches back on, rising up into the air. He tips his tablet back down, resting it against his knees and starting to tap at its screen again. "The bizarre and inexplicable /does/ seem to just kind of /happen/ with some regularity around here, it's true."

Claire quickly moves to the opposite side of the bench when Sebastian starts working on his hoverboard again. "Okay. Strange things happen often. I'll keep that in mind." She looks at the others, and admits, "I never thought I'd be in a place where so many obvious mutants would be so close together." Herself included, of course.

"Zombies, superhero costumes appearing, chocolate rain.". Ghost is /agreeing/ with Sebastian, as she speaks over to Claire. "Yeah, this is basically our haven. Come here, avoid discrimination, and have a great day. And learn shit.". A small grin on Ghost's face at the last part of the sentence.

"I did like the chocolate rain." Sebastian's voice is soft, a very faint smile curling at his lips. It fades as he admits: "I've been one place before with this many mutants together." There's a beat of pause before he adds, "It wasn't quite this nice, though." Alongside his neck, his gills flutter rapidly; his eyes don't leave his tablet, this time, his fingers moving rapidly against its screen. "I do like the learning part." He glances up from the tablet over towards Claire. "Have you picked your classes yet? One of the art teachers is /pretty/ much the greatest teacher at school."

"I only arrived this morning. I haven't really looked at stuff yet, I'll probably just try as close to my old classes as possible." Claire looks at her hands, and sighs, "And try not to set my books on fire. If I can..."

Ghost's grin fades as Sebastian mentions the other place with more mutants. "Me too.". At this point, Ghost is waving to Sebastian and Claire. "Yes, Mr. Holland Zedner is the best teacher at the school, hands down. I should get going. Cya, B, nice to meet you, Claire.". And then Ghost is walking off.

"Hmm." B is glancing down at Claire's hands curiously, and then at his own. "I wonder if we could make some gloves that help with that." He sounds quietly thoughtful, his claws clicking rapidly against the side of his board. He switches the board off again, hopping off it to pick it up and tuck it beneath an arm. "It was nice to meet you," he agrees with Ghost. "I should go work on this /in/ the workshop." Evidently, a large barn-like building across the gardens -- because that is where B is heading, after a small shy smile and a little wave to Claire, his hoverboard and tablet in hand.