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Revision as of 16:45, 17 February 2013

Tardis Time
Dramatis Personae

Peter, Sebastian, NPC-Spencer

16 February, 2013

Babysitting Spencer. Sort of.


<NYC> 303 {Holland} - Village Lofts- East Village

This apartment is cheerful, in its way -- bright and airy, its floor plan open and a plethora of windows providing it with an abundance of light. The tiny entrance hall opens into a living room, small, though its sparse furniture and lack of clutter give it a more open feel. The decor is subdued and minimalist; black and white is the dominant theme, with occasional splashes of deep crimson to offset the monochrome, though of late bright coloured sealife has made its way into being painted on the wall. The couch and armchair are upholstered in black corduroy, the low wide coffee table central is black wood and glass-topped, and a few large pillowy beanbags provide additional seating by the large windows that dominate the back wall. Towards the back, a couple of doors lead off into bedrooms and bathroom, and to the right, the kitchen's tile is separated from the living room's dark hardwood floors by black countertops. Above the bedroom to one side, there is higher space; a ladder climbs up to a lofted area looking down on the living room. Standing in front of the partition between living and cooking area is a large fish tank: one lone Betta, blood-red, swims regally among several species of black and silver fish. A hallway beyond the kitchen leads further into the apartment. Another bathroom stands just into the hall and the farthest door leads to the apartment's final bedroom, the door usually kept shut to hold in the acrid fumes of turpentine and paints from within.

By the time Sebastian enters the apartment, Peter and Spencer have managed to build six Daleks and one Tardis. The former are made out of K'Nex; not very impressive looking-- although they've currently managed to surround Jerusalem, who is up on the wall. The latter is made out of couch cushions--basically, your standard cushion fort. It's even got a ceiling and a slot (one of the cushions slanted to the side, to make it shorter than the others) to peer out of.

Oh, and you can tell this is supposed to be a Tardis because it's got a sign taped to the front of it that says 'TARDIS'.

When the door opens, Peter peers out of the fort with Spencer. Clad in a bright red ski-mask and giant yellow-tinted goggles--they give him a bug-eyed look.

"Uh. Ohcrap," he says.

The door opens kind of /abruptly/; Sebastian enters a little wide-eyed, a little frantic, and the look he gives the living room is a /baffled/ one that briefly interrupts his look of panic. "Oh my gosh, Spence, I looked upstairs and I looked at Ryan's and I'm /so sorry/ I'm late the train was -- oh my gosh are those Daleks? Are we being /invaded/?" Panic is giving way without even a hitch in breath to intrugue. Sebastian slips his chunky sneakers off by the door, hanging up his coat and continuing into the apartment in very bright-colored, very mismatched socks, purple corduroys, and a pink t-shirt with a large monarch butterfly on it. "Oh, wow, /every/ fort should be a Tardis is there /room/ in there?" He sounds hopeful.

"Yeah!" Spencer is /excited about this. He doesn't bother rearranging the cushions in order to /leave/ the fort. He just disappears, and reappears at Sebastian's side. "It's okay Jerusalem's gonna hold off /all/ the Daleks for us," even if it currently looks like the spider is on the losing end of this battle, "You don't gotta worry we're not going to die come on! Did you know there's a /real/ spider in there except he's a person too," he's telling Sebastian, animatedly, pointing to Peter's mask-clad face. It's probably a stream of chatter that hasn't had much pause since Peter has been Tardis'ing it up with the boy.

Peter--aka, the spider in question--proceeds to pop out of the Tardis like snakes out of a can of peanut brittle. Somehow, in jumping out of it, he manages to both pop the ceiling off and *put it back* before he even lands; in the next instant, he is on his feet, near the back of the room, crouched and peering at Sebastian: "I--I was totally just, um, teaching him about Daleks and also your dad mentioned you'd be back in a bit but you are back a *lot* earlier than I expected and he mentioned you'd have friends..." The words trail off for a moment. Peter is presuming, of course, that Sebastian is Shane.

Peter is clad in a ski-mask, goggles, a red hoodie, blue jeans, a leather backpack... and elbow plus knee pads. He looks like some sort of demented hockey-player. Or a DIY superhero.

"Um -- wow." Sebastian has curled an arm around Spencer in an absent squeeze of a hug that drops, soon, so that he can go check out the Daleks. "We really need to get him those laser eyes if he's going up against /Daleks/." He turns, now, to scrutinize Peter more carefully, "-- Uh, is this a friend of yours, Spence?" He looks a little confused. "I mean, hi -- person."

"No!" Spencer says emphatically, and just as emphatically, "Yes! He came with /top secret/ stuff for Pa I'm not allowed to see! And then he's staying on the couch but we made the couch a Tardis because you'd rather sleep in a Tardis than on a couch, right?" He is grabbing at Sebastian's hand, dragging the older boy towards the fort though when they get close to it they /both/ just vanish. Spencer's voice keeps chattering a moment later from inside the fort. "Did you know he's a superhero? Are /you/ a superhero? Pa's a superhero when do we get to be? Can I get a mask?"

"I changed the costume up a little," Peter says. "I mean, I added goggles. And pads. And, uh... It's a really long story, but I asked your dad if I could crash here for tonight. But I..." Peter's head tilts to the side, cocking like a bird who just caught sight of a curious thing: "Wait. I didn't change my costume up *that* much," he says, then: "You... don't remember me? Weird dumb kid who snuck into your house the other day? Nearly bit my face off?"

"What? I didn't -- oh my /gosh/ are you that kid who broke /in/? With the letter and the --" The roof of the Tardis is pushed up. Sebastian's black eyes peer out, over at Peter curiously. "-- Why are you here?" Curiosity turns to confusion.

"To bring more /secret stuff/," Spencer explains patiently, reaching up to tug the roof back into place. "There's a /window/, Bastian, use the /window/."

Sebastian's eyes reappear at the slot. "Oh. Um. Hi," he says, but he still sounds kind of lost. "Super secret what?"

"Is this a test? Or is it one of your other powers? Do you have multiple personaliiiiiiiiii-waaaaaitasecond," Peter says, suddenly interrupting himself: "Oh, God. Oh, *GOD*. There's *two* of you, isn't there?!" The boy proceeds to hop *way* back, landing on top of a distant table, perched on the edge. "I mean, that's just--ohGod! You're like *twins*! And you're both--with the teeth! And the gills! And the--I'm sorry this is probably really offensive but it is *so* freaking me out right now," Peter continues. "I mean--oh, *GOD* please tell me there are just two of you, I don't think I could handle any more sharp teeth--"

The files. Right. Take a breath. *STEADY*, Peter. He's been practicing this, trying to explain things slowly. Calmly. He is not used to talking to people. The past week has involved more social activity than Peter has gotten--outside of his uncle and aunt--his entire life: "I broke into a lab and stole a bunch of important files and I think that some of them might contain the address of the lab your father's friends are hidden in," Peter finally manages. "Also, uh, I think the police might be after me."

"See?" Spencer says, when Peter is saying he broke into the lab, "he's like a /superhero/."

Sebastian is pushing the cushions aside more carefully, now, slipping out of the fort and replacing its walls neatly once he is on the outside. "Shane's my twin, yeah. Um. We -- I can't help the teeth," he says, although he is a good deal more /careful/ than his brother to keep his lips mostly closed when he talks or smiles. "Does that, um, bother you?" he says apologetically.

"Cuz you're like a spider and they're like /sharks/," Spencer says this like it's /the coolest thing/. "Isn't that awesome? You could be superheroes /together/!"

"Are you okay? Why are the cops after you? Uh. For the breaking into the lab thing?" Sebastian's nose wrinkles. "Did you really find the lab that Josh and Eli and Halim are in?"

Peter takes a breath. "No," he lies about the teeth. "I mean, yes," he immediately corrects himself--his voice growing in steadiness and volume as he continues: "but it shouldn't. I'm just really, really agitatable. I'll get used to it. I think they're actually /really/ cool," and that isn't a lie, "it's just *freaky* at first. But I'm getting used to freaky." Peter hops off the table--and stands up.

"Sharks and spiders aren't thematically consistent," he points out to Spencer, before turning back to Sebastian: "I don't know. The lab I was in isn't *half* as scary as the one you guys talk about. No cages, no mutants. They built anti-mutant weaponry there. But what I did get is the shipping manifests for where they're sending those weapons--for, uh," and here, Peter's voice loses a few ounces of that brief courage, "...testing. And," he quickly adds, moving off that thought as swiftly as he can, "I'm pretty sure those addresses are the *scary* labs."

"It is kinda freaky," Sebastian says, with a smile, but a small one, crooked and a little self-conscious. "Um. Did you say anti-mutant -- weaponry?" At the sides of his neck, his gills are fluttering, abruptly, rapid and quick. He opens his mouth to say something else, but then looks back at the Tardis. "Hey, Spence, it's time for bed. Kinda past time for bed, um, do you want to go brush your teeth and then we can pick out a story?"

"I want the BFG," Spencer says promptly, and he's reappearing again outside the fort. "Is it your bedtime, too?" he asks Spencer, seriously.

"Evil never sleeps," Peter responds in his BATMAN voice. It is something like what you would expect a gravelly teenager to sound like. "SO NEITHER DO I. But you *should* sleep, because, uh, otherwise we won't be able to tell the difference between you and evil." Then, assuming Spencer is on his way, he turns to Sebastian: "Yeah, I... uh... the guy who's good with computers? In this apartment? He's... decrypting all the stuff. They had, like, all sorts of weird toys, and drones, and there was this kinda terrifying video about..." He lets his sentence trail off.

"It doesn't matter. The only point is I *think* the files will tell you where your friends are."

Spencer has disappeared off to the bathroom with his usual abruptness, winking out of existence and, hopefully, reappearing over there. Presumably, given that the water is running. "Good with computers?" This makes Sebastian look puzzled, his brow creasing and his weight shifting awkwardly from one foot to the other. "Um. Okay. I don't want to -- we can talk more once he's -- I gotta put him to bed." For a moment he looks as frazzled as Jackson usually does. "But then we can -- have you eaten?" He frowns. "No wait, Spencer." And he is off, disappearing into the younger boy's room to make BEDTIME happen.