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Revision as of 04:26, 6 June 2014

Dramatis Personae

Jax, Micah, Shane

Monday, 5 June 2017

The future is full of cuddles! (Part of the Future Past TP.)


<NYC> Harbor Commons - Sunroom - Lower East Side

Bright and warm, this room is set up to enjoy a little bit of the outdoors even year-round. Tall glass panes make up most of its wall in between wood supports, providing a wide three-sided view of the garden and yard outside. As well as the inner doors leading back into the kitchens and dining room, an outer door leads out to the outdoor gardens, as well. Inside, the room is airy and green -- a plethora of potted herbs and plants hang from the ceiling, as well as ring the room in a series of narrow wooden raised-beds that provide growing space for a selection of herbs year-round.

Outside of the herb beds that ring the room, this place is designed simply to come and relax; quiet and simple, with clean stone floors and neutral-toned wicker furniture adorned with comfortable cushioning. Some of the chairs ring stone-and-glass tables for eating or conversing; a few more solitary seats come in the form of rocking chairs or netted hammock-chairs hanging from the ceiling.

The sunroom is living up to its purpose, today, bright and warm even into the early evening with the glass walls doing a good job of trapping and holding the rest of the day's light. Given that the /house/ is empty and the /garden/ is empty it's a safe bet that Jax might be found in one of a few remaining places around the common areas and today he's here in a /choice/ pool of sunlight, barefoot, dressed in denim shorts (black on one leg, pink-and-black striped on the other) and his 'Compassion is Invincible' t-shirt. He /had/ been drawing, evidently, judging by the sketchbook in his lap where he is tucked into one of the net hammock-chairs, but it seems like /sleep/ has preempted that. The carnivorous flowers on his sketchpad are only half-finished, though a /garden/ of them has grown up around him, bright and toothy but intangible. In his dreams there is plentiful movement, in the odd vegetation; the pups tumble and wrestle with each other with sharp snaps of teeth and, beside them, Spencer sends a giant robot-spider to try and pry them apart.

Micah is on a Jax-hunt, freshly home from work and dressed in his familiar TARDIS-blue polo shirt with khakis. He is sipping from a slender blue tea thermos as he walks, faint smells of cinnamon and ginger associated with the opening of the lid. His messenger bag thuds gently at his side. Jax's illusion garden is the tip that guides him back into the sunroom. Though there is no mass to the illusions, he side-steps the plants and the children as he makes his way over to the chair. He deposits his bag on the ground at their feet before slipping in beside Jax, nuzzling his forehead against his husband's shoulder.

A quiet purring comes from Jax's throat, the flowers in the illusion-garden growing both more vividly colourful /and/ more sharply /bitey/ as Micah nuzzles against him. Here soaking up the sunlight Jax is fiercely hot to the touch, toasty as he nuzzles back. A slow sleepy smile curls across his face, the garden around them fading into blurry half-image as his eye cracks open. Then closed again. "Y'found m'husband."

A light chuckle answers the purring as Micah simply snuggles in closer at Jax's side. Leaning in, he places kisses at his husband's forehead and each cheek. A pleasant-warm smile mirrors the other man's on his lips. “Seems like I also found another cat. Have y'ever seen such a lazy sun-nappin' thing? When'd we get this'n?”

Jax shivers pleasantly, draping an arm against Micah's chest and tipping his head to catch that last kiss against his lips, light and brief. "Oh, 'round about four years ago y'saddled yourself with it I think. /Lazy/, though, well I never." His nuzzling moves to Micah's neck, lips brushing there softly. "I guess I should jus' keep the spicy chocolate snickerdoodles I baked all t'myself, then."

Micah's head tilts to allow better access to his neck for kisses. “Don't know what else you'd call loungin' about in the middle of the day, just soakin' in the sun.” One hand reaches to rub at Jax's belly in slow little circles. “Knowin' how /you/ bake, that'd likely give y'the kinda tummy ache you're not soon t'forget.”

"I'd call it /chargin'/." Jax presses a slower line of kisses to Micah's neck, a warm shiver of glow fluttering around him. The purring starts back up at the belly rub, his body melting in against Micah's. "Power-up so I can get a good long stint'a painting in after dinner." His fingers trail down, slipping in under the hem of Micah's shirt and running against the other man's side. "Anyway lookit /you're/ loungin' now. Lazybones. How was your day?"

There's a quiet creep of bare feet that pad through the kitchen, the door to the sunroom opening softly. Shane likely does not /need/ to stalk his fathers out here; curled up in the hanging chair they make easy prey anyway. And /yet/. Some habits are hard to break. He smells heavily of coffee, clinging to dark slacks and green button-down as he collapses into boneless puddle onto the floor in front of their chair. He lazily lifts a hand to bat-bat-bat, first at a stray thread hanging from the hammock-netting and then at Micah's robo-leg. Bat. It's like a lazy-shark's pouncing.

“Oh, well, in that case...” A soft, pleased hum in Micah's throat is likely felt by Jax's lips more than heard at the continuing kisses. His own shiver answers the fingers against his ribs.  "Not loungin'.  Performin' husbandly duties.  Very important cuddles.  So my day's pretty awesome."  He giggles at Shane's attack, waving a hand lazily in greeting.  "Hi, hon."  He swings his foot a bit.

"Mmmn. You're distractin' me from /my/ husbandly duties, m'gonna get up an' make dinner in a few. -- m'in charge'a group dinner tomorrow, y'all got any requests?" Jax's hand is sliding up higher, skimming slow against Micah's skin. He lets out a quiet chuckle, lips closing in brief light suckling before he presses one last kiss to Micah's jaw and then looks down at Shane. "Don't look now but I think we're under attack."

/Chomp/. Shane is ramping up his attack when Micah's foot swings, craning his head up to latch teeth right through the khaki fabric and onto Micah's leg. Rrr. "Tacos," he answers, muffled through a mouthful of CYBORG and khakis, at the question of dinner. "Can /I/ come over for that dinner tonight, B and Dai are both working late."

"Who's distractin' who now?"  Micah's breath sighs out slowly at the continued petting, slipping easily into just letting his head fall back as Jax's lips move along his neck.  "Little bit under attack," he agrees, wiggling his leg a little.  "You put holes in m'pants leg an' I'm makin' you mend 'em.  Also, I'd be down for tacos."

"Does he even know how to sew? I'd be skeptical of any mendin' job this'n's doing. He'd prob'ly cheat an' foist it off on Dai. An' t'ain't /my/ fault you're easy-distractable." Not Jax's fault at /all/. Which is why he's happily just returning to little kisses, little nibbles, at the side of Micah's neck. He tips his head down to regard Shane with a squint. "You're always welcome t'dinner, honey-honey. S'seitan stroganoff t'night. Though /gosh/ B's only barely been back an' ze's /already/ swamped hirself with work." He grimaces at this, dotting another kiss just below Micah's ear as his hand skims up against his husband's chest. "Shane-honey what's your schedule like Friday? I'm gonna be outta town but Spence's due down at the clinic in the mornin' for another --" His brow rumples. "'ppointment."

"Rrr." Shane's head shakes at Micah's leg when it wiggles together with a small playful growl. He pulls back to thunk his forehead down against Micah's shin. "I'd get Dai to do it," he acknowledges lightly. "Though isn't mending clothes /your/ husbandly duty?" He tips his head back, grinning up at Jax. "You know the great thing about owning my own place is my schedule's a lot what I want it to be." Though the smile fades with his agreement, "I'll take him in Friday. And B --" His gills flutter quickly, eyes lowering to the ground as he leans back, palms braced against the floor behind him. "... likes staying busy."

“You callin' me easy on top of bein' distractin'?” Micah's fingers curl inward to scritch against Jax's belly as he melts back into the kisses. “I usually do the mendin' of things, but not so much when somebody else's gone /bitin'/ through...” He looks thoughtful for a second, gives his head a small shake, and decides not to finish that sentence for reasons. “If it doesn't work out for you t'do for some reason, I can always wiggle m'schedule around, too.” His free hand reaches down to pet at Shane's gills reflexively.

"/Little/ bit'a kissin' an' all your muscles go flopsy, what's that if not eas--" Jax's words cut off into a blissful sigh as he melts bonelessly in against Micah, another shivery glow fluttering around them at the scritching. "Oh-h-h." His eye closes, head turning to nuzzle up against Micah's neck. "I don't think we've never been too sure on what husbandly duties is whose, is there a list somewhere we can reference?" He presses closer to Micah as Shane's smile fades, arm squeezing a little tighter around his husband. "I'll be back from D.C. on Sunday so it should be in time for his next –"

"Speaking of flopsy." Shane gives Jax an amused look at his melting. "You're /both/ easy. And I don't know jackshit about what's properly husbandy really. Though --" His eyes skate out towards the garden. "Dai and me have been talking about. Once he graduates --" His gills flutter, and he tips his head to the side, stretching them beneath Micah's hand. "... have they figured anything out?"

"S'you bein' distractin', like I said," Micah returns with a smirk, fingers scritching in more firmly. "Well, I'm the one with the sewin' machine. So I just kinda claimed the sewin'. Imagine most things go like that. An' the rest we just split up, anyhow. Like cookin'. Though bakin' is yours. 'Cause you got the...not burnin' things. In /that/ particular case." There's a little giggle at the irony of his statement, but it fades at the Spencer appointment talk. At least until Shane's other comment distracts him yet again. "Talkin' 'bout... What, gettin' engaged?"

Jax purrs quietly, kisses fading into just nuzzling. "We split up cuddlin' pretty well, too." His fingers stroke in against Micah's side, head giving a very small shake to Shane's question. "They're doin' everything they can, but. I don't know. S'possible if they can make that -- suppressant less harsh on him, then --" He blinks, slowly looking back down at Shane. The glow around him brightens. "-- For serious?"

Shane's gills start to ripple open again at the talk of Spencer, but press flat once more as he leans up closer against Micah's legs. "Well. Yeah. Just. Just not till he's done school, you know? Once he graduates and becomes a /real/ proper adult. Is he supposed to ask you guys for my hand or something because by now I think I'd have to ask /you/ for /his/ too."

Micah takes over the kisses, placing them wherever he can reach with Jax nuzzling into his neck and mostly hitting temple and cheekbone with a few to the top of his head. His brow furrows over the talk of Spence, though he slides past that in order to show appropriate /happiness/ for Shane's announcement. "Y'wanna wait a bit anyhow. Make sure you're over 21 for the reception so y'can enjoy some of the drinks without people makin' a fuss." He giggles at the talk of asking hands. "Y'don't gotta do none of that. S'all silly vestiges of outdated property systems an' we don't own you none. But it'd be kinda adorable if y'both did."

"Not -- helpin' the -- distractin'," Jax murmurs happily, in between quiet rumbles of purring from his throat. "Oh gosh if we're doin' all that can we get all dressed up medieval-like? /Oh/ an' we can give y'both dowries." He finally pulls away, slipping his hand into Micah's to squeeze lightly. "Okay-right. /Dinner/. Like a /proper/ husband. See? M'good."

Shane's eyes open wide. "Oh, yeah. Once I'm twenty-one I'll finally get to find out what alcohol tastes like." He pushes himself to his feet, extending his hands to both his fathers to help them up from the chair. "You can wear medieval clothing to my /wedding/ if you like. Wait if I'm not your property does that mean you're not going to give me away, too? -- Actually that's a trick question, B's the only one allowed to do that."

"So helpin'. Best kinda helpin'." Micah keeps up the kisses until Jax pulls away, a small pouty face following his husband as he stands. "S'your weddin', sugar, y'do what you want. And/or what Dai wants. Within reason for things like safety an' legality an' expense." His fingers wave slightly at those little considerations. "Oh, right. Dinner. I'll help with that as soon as I get a quick shower so I'm not gross an' messin' with food." It takes a little wriggling to get himself out of the net-chair.

Jax takes Shane's hand to pull himself up, leaning in to drop a light kiss on Shane's cheek once he's upright. "Jus' hit me if I ever start naggin' you 'bout grandchildren, 'kay?" He picks up his sketchpad, tucking it beneath his arm. "Dinner's in an hour. Or so. Showers sound kinda distractin' /too/."

Shane just smirks, moving to hold the outside door open for them. "... like I said. Easy."