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Revision as of 05:09, 22 February 2013

Kiss and Tell
Dramatis Personae

Sebastian, Shane

21 February, 2013



<XS> Lake

Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

The water teems with life nevertheless, home to myriad species of fish that provide for ample fishing or just lazy watching on a slow summer day, for those who want to take a boat from the boathouse out to the center of the lake, or perhaps lounge on the pier and try their luck.

With exam weeks just around the corner many students are studying, prepping, reviewing. That's inside the mansion, of course. Out here Shane is electing for d) none of the above. He's down by the lakeside, crouched at the edge of the pier. His black eyes are focused somewhere distant, watching the sun slip lower in the sky, and his webbed fingers curl around the toes of his polished shoes, gripping tightly. His gills flare, slowly opening, slowly closing.

Sebastian isn't exactly creeping up on his brother, but he's not doing much to announce his presence, either. Soft steps against the grass, soft steps against the pier. He doesn't offer a greeting, just a hand dropped down to rest on Shane's shoulder. His other hand drops, too, fingers absently brushing gently down one set of flared gills.

There's no tensing of surprise when Sebastian's hand touches him, so it's likely the quiet steps registered to Shane's sharp senses. His fingers clench tighter against his shoes, for a moment, relaxing at the touch to his gills. One set of clear lids slides sideways closed over his eyes. The blue pair is slower to follow, dropping down half-lidded but leaving a slit of black still focused somewhere down at the water.

Sebastian keeps brushing, absently, fingers lifting away to run downwards against Shane's gills again. His eyes turn outward, too, watching the water; when he speaks, it's quiet in their native Vietnamese. "{I wrote you up notes for biology.}" A beat, and, a little more wry, "{Will you use them?}"

Shane continues to relax at the touch, his eyes closing the rest of the way and his gills flattening beneath Sebastian's hand. "{I'll fail if I don't,}" he replies, though this sounds like less of an /answer/ and more of an /evaluation/. But, reluctantly, "{I need that science credit.}"

"{I'll help you. You won't fail it.}" Sebastian's still looking at the water. His nostrils flare, sniffing. Eventually he settles down on the pier next to Shane, curling up his legs cross-legged beneath him. His fingers drop to his sneaker, fidgeting with one of its velcro straps. It makes loud scritchy-tearing noises. "{You like Shelby, right?}" This is blurted abruptly.

Shane's lips peel back, curling into a slim sliver of grin. "{/You/ like Shelby, that's the important thing.}" His head only turns slightly, watching Sebastian from the corner of his eyes. "{You going to ask her out again?}"

Scriitchtear teeearscritch. Sebastian keeps ripping at the velcro, putting it back, pulling it up, putting it back. "{I don't know she says she's a dick?}" He doesn't really sound very /certain/ about this judgment. "{In that, uh, she's, like you. She thought I should date Rasa instead.}"

Shane shrugs at this, and reaches a hand over to CLAMP it firmly down atop Sebastian's sneaker, stopping further tearing. "{She is a dick. You like dicks. Do you want to date Rasa instead?}"

Sebastian curls his hand around Shane's. Pryyyying it up. His fingers slip under Shane's to try and bend them back, away from his precious noisemaker. "{I like /you/. But most people who are dicks just kind of scare me. And I -- I don't -- I don't know Rasa's not /like/ that.}"

"{You like Hive,}" Shane counters, twisting his hand only kind of halfheartedly against Bastian's prying, "{And you like Jim, and you like Dennis, and you like Ian --}"

"{/OK/ I get the point,}" Sebastian interrupts, "{I mean wait no that's /besides the point/. I just, um. I mean I don't like her /because/ of being a dick I just think she's cool. And there's more to her than that. And I --}" He frowns down at his shoes, and forgets about bending Shane's fingers, just gripping them tighter as a flush creeps up his neck. "{I was trying to study and she interrupted.}"

"{And that makes you blush? What like a break from studying is /so/ appalling you're ashamed to even say it?}" Shane pokes his elbow outwards, bopping Sebastian in the side. "{Did she interrupt with her /cunt/?}"

"{Oh my /gosh/ Shane /no/.}" This prompts a deeper blush, furious and dark, and Sebastian /shoves/ sideways at his brother. "{Stop being terrible um /no/ she took my /trig/ book.}"

Shane topples over sideways when Sebastian shoves him, and elects not to get back up, lying on his back on the cold stone pier. He stretches his legs out instead, draping them across Sebastian's lap. "{Oh god,}" he says, with feigned horror, "{Your trig book, how did you /live/. How long were you deprived of math, shit, if it was more than a few minutes I'm surprised you didn't wither and /die/.}"

"{I mean, she didnt keep it.}" Sebastian's claws scritch against one of Shane's shins, nails raking against the corduroy fabric of Shane's pants. "{Only just kept it for, um, for, until,}" There's a pause, here, Sebastian's head bowing and his gills starting to flutter rapidly; he has to quell them long enough to remember to breath in so that he can blurt out, "{OnlyuntilIkissedher.}"

Shane sits back bolt upright at this, eying the side of Sebastian's face. First with a startled expression, and then with a /huge/ and bright toothy grin. "What the fuck," is English, and now it's his turn to run his fingers down against Sebastian's gills. Followed by a CLAP of both hands against his brother's shoulders, and a rough-jostling shake. "{Seriously? Really seriously? Shelby? You know she's gonna be so much trouble, right?}" Though he says this like it's a /good/ thing.

Sebastian is still blushing deep and dark and he is jostled readily enough, though he turns his head to nip at Shane's finger with this shaking. "{I'm used to people who are trouble,}" he is maybe looking /pointedly/ up at Shane with this. "{C'mon, I came out here for dinner.}" He starts tugging off his shoes, leaving them at the edge of the pier.

Shane is still grinning. Wide. He doesn't pay much heed to the nip. He shakes Sebastian /again/. But he's getting up, too, to start peeling off his clothes. "{No way. You came out here to /kiss and tell/. Dinner's just a side bonus." He waits for Sebastian to strip down, too. Then returns the /shove/, pushing his brother off into the icy water. And diving in afterwards, the ripples of their splashing soon smoothing away to nothing.