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Revision as of 04:49, 30 January 2015

Marshmallow World
Dramatis Personae

Ducky, Faelan, Jack


Snowy day, hot chocolate, and chit chat


<XS> Conservatory

Tall panes of glass keep this large indoor garden warm year round. Tended to by the school's groundskeeper, the conservatory is lush with plant life, a carefully cultivated paradise within Xavier's walls. The room serves as a classroom as well; in the center of the garden a ring of seats forms a small circle, a favorite locale for some teachers to hold court.

Sitting on a bench watching the frozen outdoors, Faelan has a cup of hot chocolate steeming in his hands. A big ole grey hoodie with the Xavier's logo on it helps to keep him warm and he has on a baggy pair of cargo pants with filled pockets. He just seems to be relaxing as he watches the outside and the snow that isn't likely to melt anytime soon, glad to Not be out there either way. "I should order more boot warmers," he mutters to himself as he takes another sip from his cup, a large bag of mini marshmellows open beside him.

"Boot warmers?" the voice comes before its owner is seen. Or not seen in Jack's case. The invisible teen's in similar attire to Faelan today, jeans an an Xavier sweatshirt. He's got his backpack hanging off one shoulder too. Lifting a sleeve to wave, keen eyes might spot some stripes of color shaped almost like the back of someone's hand where Jack's should be. Green, red, and blue. "Hey, Faelan," Jack greets as he approaches, not expecting to see the other mutant but not unhappy about it.

The weather outside may be frightful, but there is someone out there, trudging up through a path that had been at least partially cleared through the snow leading towards the door of the Conservatory. The figure, dressed in a pair of thick blue jeans, tucked into knee high, bright yellow snow boots, and a neon teal parka zipped all the way up to obscure their face. However, the large black bird perched atop the hood of her parka, and the pair of geese toddling along in the snow behind her, make the figure readily identifiable as Ducky. Once she reaches the door, she pulls it open carefully with a gloved hand, shuffling into the relative warmth slowly, not initially registering that there are others inside - as her small contingent of birds follows her inside, ruffling feathers to dislodge snow.

Pulling her gloves off, and pushing the parka hood back, Ducky blinks around at the others, offering a sheepish wave. "Hi. Um, oops. Um, I... I can send the birds back outside," she mumbles apologetically, shuffling her foot a bit and glancing at the geese, then back at Faelan and Jack.

Tilting his head to the voice, Faelan nods. "Boot warmers. Its these little chemical packs. You break some little doohickey inside of it and it makes things warm. It's like glowsticks, except with heat. Also smaller and squishier." He makes hand gestures which almost slooshes out the hot chocolate but he manages not to barely. "So I guess more like Ice Packs in reverse would be the more logical thing to say..." He shrugs at the statement and pops a marshmellow into his face. "Huh, so paint works? That's cool, so the Chevy Chase trick should work for you then. Plenty of make up and such." He nods a bit and smiles over to Ducky though he shivers at the burst of cold air. "I don't care about them being here as long as they don't poop on me. I don't think any of the teachers would care that much either unless they make a mess."

"Oh! So those hand warmer things. Love them," Jack replies with a chuckle. "Didn't know they made boot-specific versions," he added. When the paint is mentioned, Jack looks as embarrassed as empty clothes can. "'s...Shane and Rasa got me thinking so I'm trying a few things out," he replies, looking down at the stripes floating in mid air. The burst of cold air makes his shoulders tense but that's about it. "As long as they don't mind me and don't mess stuff up, I don't mind birds."

"The boot ones are kinda bigger than the glove ones," Ducky says quietly, picking up on the conversation, "Cause boots have more room, in theory, anyway." When the others express that they are okay with the birds, Ducky nods, and the two geese nestle in next to the door, apparently just content to be inside. "Birds won't bother. Just wanted to be in front the wind for a bit," she says quietly. The black bird - a juvenile raven, actually - nestles in to the hood of her parka, eyeing the others curiously from its perch. She shuffles forward a little bit, tilting her head curiously at the discussion of the paint. Unzipping her parka a little, the small dappled pigeon that is usually on her shoulder peeks out from the collar of the coat.

"Sometimes other students can kinda offer insight, I guess? S'how I got into sign language stuff - it helped me focus and not talk out loud to the birds," Ducky says with a grin, "Erm, not as much, anyway." She pauses and blinks, a bit confused, looking at Jack, before babbling in a somewhat run-on chatter, "I don't think I've actually met you, yet. Kinda haven't exactly been much for socializing since Christmas. Um, anway. Hi. I'm Ducky."

Faelan smiles at the amusement over the boot warmers. "Yeah that's basically it. They also make kinda generic body ones but you can probably also just get those icy cool patches or whatever since that is adhesive." He offers a bit of a shrug and hrms abit looking between Jack and Ducky. "Ah right. Jack had just gotten here like last month or so, this is his first term still right?" he says questioning Jack to make sure he was right on that. "But yeah, I was just thinking, might be a good idea to stockpile up some stuff. Maybe put the things that will last a while in caches where I could get to them." He frowns and shakes his head. "If the dreams are real that is."

"I never saw the big ones. I just managed to get lucky and get my hands on some people dropped since they weren't hot enough for them anymore," Jack shakes his head at that. "Just because they weren't like new, people threw away perfectly good stuff..." he mutters. "Yeah...being around other students is definitely helping me," Jack admits sheepishly. He blinks a little at the run on chatter and tilts his head to the side before chuckling. "I'm Jack," he offers the hand with the stripes to Ducky. "I'm pretty sure its still my first term unless I read the thing wrong and a term passed or something," he replies. "Dreams?" Jack tenses again. " you mean the ones about the crazy future?" he asks.

"Prob'ly have cases of them at like Walmart or something," Ducky ponders, "Or like hunting supply shops I guess. Big quantities of them. Just, um, just in case." She ruffles her hair, looking a bit antsy at the idea of the stockpiles and dreams. "Yeah. In case they're real," Ducky says, her voice a little bit unsteady at the mention. She ruffles her hair again, tugging anxiously at a spot of hair at the nape of her neck, which is noticably more sparse than elsewhere on her head. The pigeon in her jacket pecks at her hand, as though reminding her not to fuss at it. Extending her hand to shake Jack's offered hand, she grins, "Hi Jack. Nice to meet you."

"Sometimes being around people can help. It helps me. I get, um, flighty, when I'm not around people. When I've got too many birds on my brain it'll make me less, um, peoply. Though less birds means I'm more babbly and less able to actually shut up." Taking a deep breath, she sort of wobbles on her feet, "Yeah. Crazy future dreams. Not... not good. Very bad. I," she winces, closing her eyes, and taking another deep breath, "I think I break in the future. Kinda not all... there."

"Yeah, I've been training a lot harder since I started having the dreams. I kinda like the secret agent thing... not so much the apocalypse thing," Faelan sighed and chewed on more marshmellows. "And yeah, Students are good at thinking outside the box. Sometimes you have to not know a lot of stuff to suggest solutions that people assume can't be done." He nodded and looked at a marshmellow in his hand. "Such as, what does an invisible marshmellow taste like."

Jack gives the pigeon a wary glance, never having good luck with them back in Jersey. "Nice to meet you too, Ducky," he offers. "I just...before I came to New York, I spent a lot of time on my own. Other kids out there didn't want me around so..." he shrugs, gesturing towards the outside. "Still getting used to...y'know...being social and everything again," he admits. He takes a deep breath as the future talk goes on, looking down at the floor. "I've got a...secret spy thing going on in the future too I think. I was sneaking into place and gathering information..." he trails off, tensing at the memories. After a moment, he shakes his head. "We could test that question now I think."

The pigeon does not seem phased by Jack's scruitiny, instead just nestling back into Ducky's parka with a quiet cooing noise. "A lot of us were kinda like that, at least for a bit. I was homeless for a while when I ran away. Made it from Chicago to New York, and then to here. No one really wanted me around - so I kinda get where you're coming from," she ruffles her hair again, but manages to refrain from pulling her hair this time. "I don't think training will really help me," Ducky says quietly, shuffling one booted foot against the floor, "Nothing cool going on for me in the future. Hiding in the woods for who knows how long. And then cowering on a hilltop while my friends die, and I send thousands of birds to their deaths. Yup. To the future." She shudders and hugs her arms around herself tighter, "Sorry. Still, kinda, um, on edge about it." Tilting her head to the side, and somewhat forcing herself to change tracks in the conversation - a movement mimicked by the black bird and the pigeon at the same time - she looks at Faelan, "Invisible marshmellows?"

"I got lucky kinda. The Professor sent out people to get me...after I sorta had ended up jumping all over the world. Apparently it set off their checks," Faelan frowned and let out a sigh. "Its why I've been here so long. This is more home than otherwise." Hrming a bit to himself, he glances to Ducky "And I don't know Ducky, I mean mebbe some more training could help. More survival lessons, or just practicing blocking out certain things?" He shrugs but nods. "I mean I thought i would be crap forever at using my powers, but apparently I get better eventually. Maybe it can help me figure out how to be better now." He does however accept changed topics and picks up a mini marshmellow and makes it invisible. "Yep. Invisible marshmellows. Never know if the invisibility also effects taste after all. It shouldn't but who knows?"

"Just from Jersey to NYC for me. Stowed away on a bus," Jack admits, rubbing the back of his neck with some embarrassment. "Then I ended up running into Micah and Shane and the rest so much and got convinced to come here," he shrugs. "We can train to be better so we can stop that future..." he murmurs softly. Going with the subject change, Jack offers an unseen smile. "I'll be a food tester if you're looking for one."

Ducky nods, fidgetting with her gloves while she listens to the other two speak. "Maybe. I suppose," she mumbles, shrugging slightly, barely visible beneath the parka, "I hope." She tilts her head at the marshmallow, curious about the invisible food. "Huh," she says, eyeing the space the marshmallow was, "Can't say this is the most scientific experiment, but I'm kinda curious what the answer is." Glancing over at Jack, she grins, a bit hesitantly, "You can try first though, since you volunteered."

"Course throwing an invisible marshmellow into an invisible mouth is a terrible idea, soooo I'll just try to get it into your hand," Faelan looks towards the paint swatches and does his best to aim the thing into the other boys hand. "We can just keep eating marshmellows. I just finished my hot cocoa after all. I mean, sure other people Probably would want some though." He shrugged and smiled and popped one into his mouth before offering the bag to Ducky. "Good use of a snow day at least."

Jack laughs a bit. "Yeah, I think that'd be asking to get marshmallows everywhere," he says, offering his painted hand. He fumbles a bit before eventually catching the unseen puffy treat. "Okay...this," he says, examining the space where the marshmallow should be. He squeezes it once before popping it into his mouth. "Mmm...tastes the same to me. But maybe me being invisible too alters the taste further," he remarks.

"Well, at least if the marshmallows were invisible while being flung about, then no one else would find them, either, right?" Ducky offers with a lopsided smirk, "At least for a while, anyway." She accepts the bag of marshmallows from Faelan, fishing out a few of the marshmallows to munch on, before passing the bag to Jack. "For taste comparison - better have another, right?" she asks, grinning, before popping one of her marshmallows into her mouth. "Marshmallows for Science?" Nodding, Ducky looks out to the snow, which is falling again, "Good use of a snowy day, yeah. Marshmallows make lotsa stuff not so bad."

"Yeah, throwing around invisible stuff is a good way to end up with missing bits everywhere," Faelan nods. "It's also why a lot of the sports events they do their best to have us not cheat and use our powers. Think how easy it would be to get a football to the end zone if they can't figure out who has the ball. Or even where the person with the ball is." He smiles at that, and hrms abit. "I should Probably get some sleep soon though. Just in case we can get out of snowpocalypses and I can get to my college classes tomorrow. I really wish I could just teleport there and back. Maybe I can figure out that webcam trick thing sooner than later," he seems contemplative then shrugs and stands. "You guys are welcome to the rest of the bag."

"Or if you could control the ball in mid air for perfect passes every time. Or evade incoming defenders with invisibility or tripping them up with telekinesis," Jack perks up as he speaks about football. "I really can't wait till football starts up here. It has been way too long," he says with a little sigh. He accepts the bag with snags a few marshmallows for himself before offering the bag back to Faelan. He tilts his head to the side as Faelan mentions a webcam trick but decides to ask about it another time. "Have a good night then, Faelan."

"I really shouldn't eat too many more marshmallows. Sugarbuzzes kinda make me hyper-er. Er. And I should probably get my birds back outside," Ducky admits sheepishly, eyeing the geese that have been sleeping by the door, "And sleep. Because the down side of a boarding school is school not being cancelled due to snow." She giggles and shrugs, starting to bundle back up and head towards the door, the geese waking up with a ruffle of feathers as she approaches them. "I'll see you guys around. Have a good evening, 'k?"