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Revision as of 22:47, 10 February 2015

Futureistic Options
Dramatis Personae

Kaine, Kisha, Rasa]]




<XS> Conservatory

Tall panes of glass keep this large indoor garden warm year round. Tended to by the school's groundskeeper, the conservatory is lush with plant life, a carefully cultivated paradise within Xavier's walls. The room serves as a classroom as well; in the center of the garden a ring of seats forms a small circle, a favorite locale for some teachers to hold court.

The conservatory doubles as both a great place for people to hold classes while under some pleasant sunshine (not really happening today, sadly) and a wonderful place to eat lunch. Rasa is wandering in from the great hall with a tray of food in hir hands. The teen is sporting hir winter luck dragon look, with fuzz pouring out of every cuff and hem of hir clothing and the hole ze has conveniently placed on her backside for hir prehensile tail. In an effort to bring in some cheer or warmth at least to the eyes, ze is wearing a orange cream and pink kurta, its long sleeves ending in embroidered cuffs. Underneath that, billow pants wrap hir legs and swish around hir bare but furry feet. Ze moves to settle on one of the short walls around the garden, setting hir tray in hir lap as ze looks over hir prospective meal of mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy and chickpeas in red sauce over rice.

Kaine seems to have the same idea about lunch, minus the food. He heads in dressed in a slim fitting black jeans, a purple studded belt, a simple red t-shirt, and his hair loose behind him. It only takes a moment for him to spot Rasa, who he offers a light wave to. "Hey Rasa, how's it goin'?" he greets lightly, not taking a seat just yet.

Tucked away in the corner of the conservatory is Kisha. She's bundled up in a military surplus Russian greatcoat that can charitably be called 'a little too big for her' and has a very large sheet of draft paper spread across the floor upon which she is scribbling in a frantic manner. She's wearing her aviator goggles and has a few mysterious electronic devices poking out of her pockets, many of which have blinking lights or camera lenses. "Mind your feet," she murmurs without looking up. "I am in the middle of being abso-fucking-lutely brilliant. Not to brag that is."

"Oh, Hey Kaine. How are things treating you?" Rasa looks up from hir lunch, hir spoon still stuck in hir mashed potatoes. Ze is giving them a bit of a swirl in order to incorporate more of the delicious gravy into the fluffy tuber. Ze only notices Kisha when she speaks up, hir head tilting to one side as ze studies what Kisha has on the ground. "Privet," ze utters, hir tone taking on a Russian accent with the greeting. "How much floor space do you need?" the accent remains.

Kaine starts to reply, only to look towards Kisha, giving a nod. "Hey." he flashes a warm enough smile, hopping up onto the wall. "Hope it's night vision and infrared goggles to help me hunt." he suggests teasingly, only to get serious, "You know what'd be cool? A real life version of those echolocation goggles from that Splinter Cell game." His feet shift a bit, a platform of ice attached to the wall forming so he can sit with crossed legs. He finally answers Rasa, "Pretty well, like it here. Place to do work out and do yoga, people are pretty awesome so far, don't mind the whole school thing with that being here. Not that I was opposed to school to begin with."

"This should be plenty," Kisha decides, after a few moments consideration. "I have mapped out the fuselage and am just working on the ignition system. Then I'll need to come up with a payload delivery system and... I don't know why I am rushing. I'd need to build a refinary for the rocket fuel before I could even think about testing it." She adds a few more lines, slightly less frantic this time, before finally glancing up. "Oh. Hello Rasa and... Kaine was it? Night vision is boring, you can buy that sort of thing on ebay. That being said I could replicate it by clipping a night vision camera to my coat and linking the feed to the augmented reality overlay in my goggles. Bit excessive though as I already have a wind up torch on my key chain."

"Echolocation is noisy," Rasa offers, hir nose wrinkling up a bit. "It clicks or screeches. I am not sure I'd really want something strapped to my face that does that. Granted, I haven't played Splinter Cell yet. It's probably not so annoying in their distribution." Ze lifts hir tray and tucks one leg under hir bum as ze settles in to eat again. "Fuselage, Kisha? Rocket fuel? Have you come up with a way to formulate it? I think that once you start making your way into the chemistry labs, we're going to be in big trouble."

Kaine snaps and points at Kisha. "I like you, you know what the fuck you're doing. And that makes one of us." He rests his hands behind him, leaning on it as he listens to the pair talk for a bit. "I don't know anything about any of it. But I have a feeling you're going to start a fire trying to figure it out. Or not, don't know you well enough to say that yet."

Kisha chuckles. "I have googled it. Ammonium perchlorate, aluminium, iron oxide and a few other bits. But it's not really important because the teachers wouldn't consent to me even trying. However I /am/ going to finish the design so that if I ever meet a teleporter with the required capabilities I can make us both very rich." She grins. "But don't worry. I am an expert at fire prevention and blast shielding. You only need to blow yourself up once before you have a very strong desire to become an expert on the topic."

"A fuselage that requires a teleporter? Now I'm intrigued." Rasa chuckles a little and turns to peek over at Kaine. "She... just sort of runs on that line between explosive and in control. She's managed to not blow up anything at the school that I know of, but the teachers are also very aware of her proclivities, so that might be why." Ze scoops up a large spoonful of potatoes and feeds them into hir mouth, nomming them quietly for a bit.

"Only good thing about money is shelter, resources, and the government not being on your ass." Kaine allows after a moment. "And clothes. Clothes are pretty cool. Might be because I'm not as smart as you guys though." He straights up a bit, tugging a tie from his wrist and proceeding to secure his hair into a top knot. "I swim, fix stuff, and hunt. That's really about it."

Kisha glances at Rasa and snorts. "My genius is constrained by petty rules and laws," she says, all solemn and deadpan. "It's a fairly standard rocket, but cut down to allow a teleporter to put it into the upper atmosphere. Saves on fuel, weight and you would no longer need disposable boosters. An average rocket launch costs about sixty to eighty million dollars, so paired with the right mutant ability it'd be rather profitable." Her attention flicks back to Kaine. "You fix things? What kind of things?"

Rasa nods solemnly with the statement Kisha makes, hir face adopting a very serious expression as well, until a small smile starts to tug at hir lips. "What would it do in the atmosphere? Does it make more snow? I don't know if I could handle that. Plus, I generally leave all of the weather issues to Storm as she seems to have a pretty good idea what she's doing." Ze continues eating, gnawing on hir lip after hir next bite, waiting on Kaine's response to Kisha.

Kaine looks to Rasa at the mention of snow. "Not a fan of it?" He makes a slight tossing motion, snow leaving his hand like confetti. "I rather like it, it's comfortable." Then Kisha has his attention again, "Your snowmachine, bigger vehicles, and tools and the like. Suppose it wouldn't be hard to learn more, just a bit of time to get familiar with it."

"It flies into space?" Kisha answers, scratching her head. "It just starts higher up to save on fuel. I don't have a snow machine and I'm not even sure it is possible. I guess with the right chemical distribution system you could influence the weather but it would be a nightmare to test. Come to think of it I also don't have a car. I should probably see about putting something together so that once I pass my test I can go places."

"I'm just... tired of it. There's just so much of it. Personally, I'm better with the DC weather, all things considered. It's a lot like New York, but it doesn't often get as cold." Rasa gives a small shrug and takes another spoonful of food. Ze holds it out in front of hirself as ze considers. "Where did you learn how to repair things? Did you work for a mechanic back home?" Ze wrinkles hir nose at Kisha again. "Oh. Space travel. I see. Tired of Earth already? Ready to set up a home on Mars?"

"Oh, think you call it a snowmobile." Kaine amends, before looking at Rasa. "It's expensive to have stuff done professionally out in the Bush, because it has to be imported. Cheaper to get the stuff to do it and fix it yourself." He explains. "And I should probably see about a vehicle at some point myself."

"It's not big enough to put a person into orbit," Kisha laments. "Although that's not entirely out of the question. It would just require a very powerful mutant to teleport it. I am not quite ready to leave Earth, but it is something I plan to do eventually. Especially if the current attitudes towards mutants keep getting worse."

"So, it's just a prototype for later?" Rasa considers, finishing hir potatoes and setting hir spoon down. Ze moves hir tray off hir lap and picks up hir drink, opening the juice jar and twisting the lid off. "Oh? Then you learned from manuals." Ze glances toward Kaine for confirmation before ze takes a sip. "Yeah, the sentiments toward our kind is pretty shitty these days. I'll join you on Mars if you have room for another."

"The way I see it, we have three paths. That might change, but in this instance, three paths." Kaine starts, holding up one finger. "One. We show them that they aren't right to fear us, that abilities don't make the mutant evil, mutants make powers evil." Another finger pops up. "Two. They continue down this path, and eventually they go too far. Think concentration camps. It'll be a rocky road, but one that eventually leads to an uneasy peace." The last finger. "Three. We crush them. Take over for ourselves. But we'll have to unite. It won't be pretty, not in the slightest. Not a path I advocate, personally." He shrugs a bit, leaning back on a hand once more, adding to Rasa, "And, not really. Mainly from watching and repeating."

Kisha shrugs, then resumes drawing. "It's not a prototype, it's just not intended for putting people into orbit. It's mainly for launching satellites. It does also act as proof of concept and may lead to a shuttle with a crew, but that comes after I am stupidly wealthy." She explains earnestly. "You did miss option four. Which is that someone gets so afraid of mutants they launch some nukes or another equally horrible weapon and it wipes out all sentient life on earth."

"Judgment Day." Rasa replies to Kisha's final statement. The fur on hir body starts to droop throughout the conversation, hir head bowing slightly as ze fidgets in hir seat. "I'm still going to advocate option five where we move to Mars or Venus. I don't have to think concentration camps. I dream about them, apparently. I wouldn't assume it leads to anything but population control then death or sterilization for every person who carries X-Genes. I wouldn't underestimate the defensiveness of the majority humans on this planet."

"I tend to not think of a gray goo situation." Kaine says with a slight shrug. "I may not be a violent fish.. But in the event they try to sterilize me? They'll have a fight on their hands." That hand he didn't move back starts to ice over, claws eventually forming over his fingers. "But we should think of happier things. Like that dance coming up. Either of you attending? May take the opportunity to hit the gym, myself."

"Venus? Not a great choice. Mars, Europa, or Enceladus are your best bets. Maybe Titan as a distant fourth choice. To be honest it might not be a Human weapon, there is just as much chance a mutant with an unknown power could make a mistake. Another zombie outbreak but with an unknown transmission method for example," Kisha points out matter-of-factly. "Dances are not my thing. I was thinking of doing a little coding work to update Bob now that I am mostly happy with how my mind control interface is doing. "

"Yeah, well. I've been around larger portions of the population than you seem to be. People are horrible. Mutants can be just as horrible as the others. We're all human after all." Rasa grumbles, taking a sip before putting aside hir juice again. "I've been to a few dances. I don't know. Ever since my person left, I've been less inclined. The spring formal a couple years ago was a little traumatic too. Maybe. If there's a group of us that seems like we'd have fun. Did you want to go?"

Kaine nods slightly, closing his fist and turning the ice encasing it to powdery snow. "Might be a cool chance to meet people. But if not, I have no problem turning the pool in the basement into an ice fort." He reaches up to rub his jaw lightly. "Actually don't dance, but I'm always up for mingling. Easier to just show up and mingle when you don't have a person, really. Less inclined to dance and talk with their friends. Unless you share a group of friends."

"I'm sure everyone will have fun?" Kisha offers, her attention increasingly drawn to the schematic she's working on. "I wouldn't recommend turning a heated indoor pool into ice. If nothing else you'd risk damaging all the workings, crack the tiles in the pool and the ice itself would be rather toxic from all the chemicals."

"The teachers will have a problem with freezing over the indoor pool. I wouldn't recommend it." Rasa gets to hir feet and puts hir dishes back on the tray. "I'll let you know if I intend to go. It'll probably be fun. Maybe we'll get Ryan Black to come play again. He's pretty busy now. I kind of liked it better when he wasn't so popular around the world." Ze turns back toward the great hall. "But it's almost time for class, so I guess I should take these back."

Kaine pushes off the ice he's seated on, it turning to slush and falling to the ground. "Yeah, may be the lake instead." he allows, tapping out a slight salute to Kisha. "Yeah, it's almost that time. Was cool to talk with both of you."

Kisha finally sniffs the air. "It's almost class time? That would mean lunch is almost done," she muses, before suddenly rolling up her schematic. "/Pizdets/. I should get going and see if they have anything left."