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Revision as of 04:03, 13 February 2015

No Clothes Sneaky Thing
Dramatis Personae

Jack Kaine


Hanging out in the Rec Room


<XS> Rec Room - FL2

School this may be, but life for Xavier's students certainly isn't all studying. Outside classes, this is a popular spot to find students in their downtime. An enormous tribute to slacking off, this room is a wealth of fun and relaxation.

Comfortable armchairs, couches, and beanbags offer plentiful seating scattered throughout the room, and the cushioned windowseats by the high windows offer a cozy nook to curl up and look out on the grounds.

The room is often filled with the noises of gaming -- whether it comes from the big-screen television (tall racks of DVDs beside it, if nothing can be found on the multitude of cable channels), tricked out with consoles from retro to the latest releases, or the less electronic clatter and thump of the pool table, air hockey, or foosball. For those a little more subdued in their gaming, the cabinets hold stacks and stacks of board and card games, ranging as classic as chess and go to as esoteric as Dixit, Catan, and Gloom.

More days than not, there's some variety of snacks to be found on a table beside the gaming cabinet -- quite often in the form of fresh-baked desserts.

"Thanks. I'll catch you later," Jack can't be seen but he can be heard as he waves to another student currently on their way out of the rec room. The invisible teen's by the pool table right now, having just finished a game with a classmate. Dressed in jeans, a zip-up black hoodie, and a bright red t-shirt, Jack's in a pretty good mood as he returns the pool table to order after their game. He's using his telekinesis a little as well, floating things into place rather than walking around to do it manually. Just a little practice.

Kaine heads in shortly after the exiting student, lingering in the doorway to look over the room. He's dressed to work out, basketball shorts and a loose fitting Nirvana shirt. It doesn't take him long to notice Jack, who he offers a wave. "Hey, Jack, wasn't it?" he calls over to the floating clothes.

Jack glances up when he hears his name, looking around before spotting Kaine. "Yeah, that's me," he replies. "You're uh....Kaine. Hey," he greets, stretching as he stands. "What's up?"

"Not shit. Was going to head down to the gym or the lake, but decided to check out this place out." Kaine replies with a slight shrug, heading over to the pool table so he isn't blocking the door anymore. "And yourself?"

"Might be a bit late for the lake," Jack shrugs one shoulder. "I mean cold aside, its getting dark. Gonna need night vision to see," he explained, gesturing towards one of the windows. "I'm just hanging out awhile before getting to homework. Played a couple rounds of pool."

"Headed out that way the other day while it was still light. Made an igloo and ended up passing out in it." Kaine shares. "Does get dark. Still went for a swim though, would have been a wasted trip otherwise." His attention finally falls onto the table itself. "Never played, myself."

"An igloo? There's enough snow to make a house out there?" Jack's a little confused. "Probably not good to sleep out there either. I mean I'd pick inside over out any day," he shrugs.

When attention turns to the table, Jack chuckles. "I only learned when I came here. I'm better at the video game one over there than I am this one," he admits a little sheepishly.

"Probably not. But I could make an igloo on a hot day. Probably wouldn't last as long though." Kaine turns his attention to the television. "And I could probably sleep outside in this." He motions towards the clothing he's currently wearing, "I don't really get cold until it's almost zero."

"You powers?" Jack asks, arching an unseen eyebrow. He's a little uncertain but doesn't question much. He's invisible and moves things with his mind after all. "Beds are more comfortable though," Jack adds. "Trust me. The ground sucks for sleeping."

"Yeah, water too. More ice than water though." Kaine reaches up to rub his jaw. "And it can be uncomfortable, yeah. Usually had a bag or at least a tent when we went out to the bush."

"Huh. Cool," Jack replies. He starts moving away from the pool table, heading to one of the normal tables in the room where a plate of cookies is available for people to take from. He gives a faint snort when Kaine mentions the brush though. "Camping...I hated the idea before and I hate it even more now," he mutters darkly.

"My dad enjoyed it, and I'd be a liar if I said I didn't too. That's one of the few things Barrow is good for. You need a boat or a floatplane to reach it. If you aren't a fan of nature, you won't do well out there." Kaine says after a moment. "Take it you've had a shitty experience or six."

"I ended up living on the streets when this kicked in. So what was fun camping to you was trying to survive for me," Jack replied in an annoyed tone. He bit into a cookie a moment later, the bit of food just disappearing. "And I'm not the only one around here with that kinda story."

"I'd of likely ended up kinda like that if I hadn't of came here." Kaine agrees with a slight nod. "It's a bunch of fuck shit, if you ask me."

"That's one way to put it," Jack mutters, trying to shake off the funk that fell over him. It was just that a nerve had been struck. "So what did get ya down here?"

Kaine motions vaguely towards his face. "Guess it was the physical mutation. Opened a whole can of worms."

Jack pauses, considering Kaine carefully. He lets out a thoughtful noise before speaking again. "You had the ice part before the fish part then? For how long did you only have the one power? When did the whole...physical thing kick in?"

"Close to," Kaine trails off a moment, "four years." He says with a slight nod. "Give or take a little bit. Came with the water mutation. Only been like this for a few months."

"Okay that's uh w-" Jack stops himself and chooses another word. "strange. I wonder what caused the sudden change..." he trails off. "I...disappeared a few days after my other powers started working," he remarks. "I can't make sense of this mutation stuff..."

"Far as I can guess, sometimes only part of your mutation will activate at a time. Or it'll develop with a mental block." Kaine starts, reaching up to tap the side of his head with a webbed finger. "Sometimes it can take a bit to kick in, or it never will. You might always be invisible because of a block you subconsciously put in place. Might not. I'm not a doctor, or a telepath, so I couldn't tell you. I don't even know if I'm being accurate about it, but I'm hella good at telling you what I think it might be."

"There's no block," Jack mutters. "None anyone found anyway," he adds. "Apparently my powers screw with the light," he gestures an empty sleeve around. "Somehow. Not sure how yet but," he shrugs again. "Let's talk about something else."

"I'd say bad ass, but fuck that." Kaine shakes his head. "Anyway, what do you do you like to do? Seems everyone around here has something they're good at. Shit ton of artists and musicians, some people that build robots, people that fix cars and tools or build stuff like that," He motions towards himself at that one, "and people that are good with words. Everybody has something."

"Mostly I've been reading and studying since I got here. And trying to figure out how to be social again," Jack replies with a sigh. "I used to play a lot of football when I was younger but that kinda dried up on me. Now...still trying to figure out what I want to do and what I'm good at."

"Well, there's cooking, workshop, private investigating." Kaine suggests, counting off on his fingers. "Best to play to strengths, really."

Jack gives a faint laugh. "Not sure what good I'd be in a workshop. And as long as I have instructions to follow in the kitchen I'm alright. Without them, I have no clue what I'm doing," he says. "Being a detective something I kind of like the sound of. I read a bunch of mystery novels after all..."

"Think about it, the one time being invisible won't suck ass. As long as it's warm enough to go naked, since the clothes obviously don't turn invisible too. And there's never a dull day out here."

Jack laughs again, louder this time. "Yeah, done the whole no clothes sneaky thing out there plenty. Got me out of plenty of trouble and helped me last as long as I did," he replies, blushing a little even as he admits it. Not that it can be seen.

"I've done the no clothes thing, but it doesn't really make me any stealthier. Actually think it makes me way more noticeable." Kaine says with a slight chuckle.

Jack gives an unseen smirk. "Yeah, naked people do tend to draw attention," he replies. "Hopefully it was more people enjoying the view than laughing at it."

"Didn't bother asking." Kaine admits with a half-grin. "I like to think, in my heart, that they did. But you never know."

"You could ask next time it happens," Jack points out. "If it does anyway," he says before finishing off his cookie. "Thankfully I haven't had to do that kind of sneaking in awhile. Last time was right before I ended up coming here to the school actually."

"With my luck it'd be out on the lake. But once I realized, I could probably just hide out there. Only Shane or B would be able to find me and drag me out. Far as I'm aware anyway." Kaine saya, finally moving to take a cookie.

"Depends on the time of year. I hear its a popular swimming spot in spring and summer," Jack replies. "And just cause they can go in after you don't mean other people can't reach you," Jack adds. With a little concentration, he starts levitating a cookie from the plate towards Kaine. Silent telekinetic offer of the treat.

Kaine takes the cookie with a nod. "Thanks." Then his attention falls to the bottle of water in his hand. "The only thing I can do anything like that with is water." He gives the bottle a brief shake. "Though the only thing I can really do with it is move it around. Only good for freezing it."

Jack lets out a breath when he stops using his TK, lifting a hand to his forehead a moment. He's been using it a lot today. "I'm still working on it," he says. "Moving water is pretty useful though."

Kaine tosses the cookie into his mouth and unscrews the lid on the water. He rolls his wrist slightly like he was going to say something but his mouth is full, only to wave his hand and give up. The water in the bottle starts to move slightly, eventually flooding out and covering his hand and his arm up to the elbow. "I can't think of a whole lot of uses, unless there was a fire or something." He eventually says after finishing the cookie. "Unless I get into a fight or something." No sooner has he finished talking before the water freezes, coating his arm in ice.

"Fires, helping lazy people," Jack begins listing things. Judging by how he's lifting his arms, he's counting things off on invisible fingers. "Making your showers really quick, keeping cool in the summer," the invisible teen chuckle. He goes quiet a moment at the freeze, shivering slightly just from thinking about being covered in ice. "And if you can move enough of could make gardens or farms a lot easier."

"Only a hundred gallons or so at the most right now. And it's a bit more complicated than this." Kaine brings his iced over hand up to wave at that. "Could use it in the morning to commandeer somebody else's shower that beats me to it. Use it in the event I go out and people start shooting at me." The ice on his hand shifts a bit at that, small hooks forming over his knuckles. "Or easy fishing."

Jack laughs a little. "Don't start a fight in the showers, man. Just not cool," he teases. "I prefer to avoid getting into the situations where I get shot at in the first place. Sneaking is more my thing than fighting," he says.

"Never know when people want to shoot you. Bet if I went to New York I'd find one or two." Kaine says with a slight shrug, the ice on his arm melting and moving to fill the bottle back up once more. "Gonna want to throw this away, before I forget and drink it."

"Yeah...I just mean I'd rather avoid the trouble than get into it. Y'know, avoid the places where they're trigger-happy and all that," Jack replies, waving it off. He watches the ice melt again, humming a little. "I should probably get going. Got to start on that homework before it gets too late."

Kaine nods slightly. "Yeah, too late to head down there now anyway. Anywho, cool talking to ya. See you around! Or not.." He taps out a salute before turning to head off.