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Revision as of 02:51, 15 February 2015

Dirty Old Men
Dramatis Personae

Lyric, Lia, Kaine

14 February 2015



<XS> Rec Room – FL2

School this may be, but life for Xavier's students certainly isn't all studying. Outside classes, this is a popular spot to find students in their downtime. An enormous tribute to slacking off, this room is a wealth of fun and relaxation.

Comfortable armchairs, couches, and beanbags offer plentiful seating scattered throughout the room, and the cushioned windowseats by the high windows offer a cozy nook to curl up and look out on the grounds.

The room is often filled with the noises of gaming -- whether it comes from the big-screen television (tall racks of DVDs beside it, if nothing can be found on the multitude of cable channels), tricked out with consoles from retro to the latest releases, or the less electronic clatter and thump of the pool table, air hockey, or foosball. For those a little more subdued in their gaming, the cabinets hold stacks and stacks of board and card games, ranging as classic as chess and go to as esoteric as Dixit, Catan, and Gloom.

More days than not, there's some variety of snacks to be found on a table beside the gaming cabinet -- quite often in the form of fresh-baked desserts.

It's Saturday morning which means -- though it's really not /early/, breakfast already wound down in the Great Hall -- it's still quiet around the school, many students taking a chance to laaaaze with no actual schedule to stick to. The Rec Room, therefore, is in a rare moment of quiet. No gaming happening, no conversation, no clack of pool balls or air hockey. The television /is/ on, but the volume isn't, /Black-ish/ playing muted on screen with captions along the bottom. Lyric is curled up on a beanbag on the floor, dressed in a long flowing pink skirt, green long-sleeved cardigan over a black blouse, a green and black shimmery headscarf wound and draped neatly over her head and tucked under her neck in elegant ruffles. There's a laptop on her lap, her attention split between tumblr on the laptop screen and the show on the television, brows pulled into a small frown. A plate is beside her, half-finished scrambled eggs grown cold together with a mostly-empty glass of cranberry juice.

Lia has a box of clay just obtained from the art room tucked under one arm as she peeks into the rec room...admittedly looking for possible treats set out on the sharing plate. It might have slipped her mind that sugary goodness is most likely being prepared for the dance later in the evening. She is dressed warmly against the crazy wind and cold and snow of the day: thick cable-knit sweater in brilliant blue with sparklier blue threaded through it, skinny jeans with butterfly patterning over her lined leggings and thick socks hidden under knee-high black boots with entirely more buckles than necessary for function. Her unruly ash-brown hair is tamed only by a gauzy blue scarf lazily pulling it away from her face. There are no goodies for her to spot, but there /is/ a Lyric. Lia heads fully into the room to get herself close enough for appropriately drawing the girl's attention to wave a cheerful-smiling greeting.

Kaine is entirely too cheery for the morning, humming what sounds like Sweet Transvestite from Rocky Horror. He's wearing camouflage BDU pants and a black tank top. He ends up at the couch, settling in near the arm, offering a slight wave towards Lyric and Lia. "Hey there." he greets with a warm smile, pulling a band from his wrist to secure his hair up in a messy bun. "How's the morning treating you guys?"

Lyric doesn't initially look up with other people entering the room, at least not until Lia comes closer. Her eyes lift slowly from her screen, a smile pushing slower across her face as she returns the wave. Then glances back to her computer, minimizing the browser. She glances up at the scarf on Lia's hair, pointing at it with a brighter grin. Shifting her laptop of her lap, she trades it for her plate of eggs, scooping a mouthful into her mouth. Her head tips back up as Kaine is settling in, brows pulling briefly together and then evening out; she waggles her fork in greeting.

Lia bats cat-like at an end of the scarf when Lyric points it out, her smile only spreading wider. 'How are you? Are you going to the dance? B is going to do make-up for me,' she signs before plunking down on the floor, carefully not blocking the TV but keeping a clear sightline with the other girl. "Hi!" Lia doesn't switch to speaking so much as speaking and signing on a slight delay when Kaine arrives. "It is a good morning. There was a breakfast. I had pancakes with chocolate chips /and/ blueberries. Both. In the same pancakes. With syrup. There is a crazy wind outside! The snow is going whoosh and whirl all over."

"Ah, deaf." Kaine flashes an apologetic, "I can't sign," his gaze moves over to Lia, "but you can. So all is well." His smile warms up once more and his attention shifts towards the television for a moment before moving back over to the pair. "That's fantastic. I just had eggs, and I like the cold." he motions towards his outfit, "It doesn't bother me much. Fell asleep in an igloo out by the lake the other day."

'Oh-yes, Shane invited me. Again.' Lyric's shoulders shake slightly here, a small suppressed laugh at this: Shane invites /everyone/. Her brows furrow briefly again, and she answers finally only: 'Tired.' A small shrug. 'Don't know what to wear yet. I like your scarf.' She picks her fork back up for another mouthful of eggs, squinting uncertainly at Kaine as she eats. Her lips purse briefly; for a moment she starts to lean towards her computer, but then just settles back in her beanbag.

"I can tell you what Lyric says," Lia offers with a nod. "If you sit so that she can see your mouth when you speak? That helps. If it gets complicated I can tell her what you say, too. If you want." Her eyes widen a little at the mention of sleeping in an igloo. "You should be careful of sleeping in igloos on school grounds. Sometimes they turn into whales and eat you. Then you have to break out of their heads." While her tone is matter-of-fact considering the content, the sign accompanying seems more animated. She does relay what Lyric says, as advertised, when the girl speaks. "I go to all of the dances with Shane." Nothing unusual here, apparently. "Did you have trouble sleeping? I like your scarf, too, it has a sparkle! I am going to wear red. They said that is the colour for it, usually."

Kaine pushes up and moves to sit cross legged near the beanbag so he can better see the pair, and be seen. "I made the igloo," he explains, making a slight tossing motion that produces a bit of confetti-like snow. "I wasn't going to go, but I'll probably head into New York and pick up an outfit." he reaches up to flick the ring in his nose, "I'll probably trade the bead in this one out for a red one too. Though the only people I kinda know that /might/ be going are Rasa and Kisha." Kaine amends quickly, "Actually, Kisha isn't."

Lyric's brows furrow again while she watches Kaine speak, lips pressing together. She finishes her eggs, setting the plate aside and licking her lips clean. 'Eat you? Whales?' Her brows lift, clear confusion in her expression. 'I think your igloos are different than what I know.' She stifles another laugh after this. 'Everyone goes to all the dances with Shane.' She fidgets slightly, fingers brushing against the ruffles in her scarf. 'Most people go to the dances. I guess it's the most fun thing to do? Especially with all the snow. Not easy to get to the city.'

"Horus fell asleep in an igloo and Shane turned it into a whale and it ate him. He had to break out of the whale's head," Lia explains with a 'this totally happened, honest!' expression. Her eyes widen at Kaine's snow throwing. "You made a snow!" Point. 'He made a snow!' is signed only, in addition. "Dancing is always fun. Kisha never goes. I think there are not enough robots. Maybe if there was a robot dance, then Kisha would go."

"I just like meeting new people." Kaine says with a slight shrug. "Not much a dancer though, better at mingling. Don't really like much modern music either, more of a nineties grunge guy, you know?"

The completely blank look Lyric gives Kaine suggests no, she doesn't know. Blink... blink? 'I like dancing,' she finally replies. And then, 'Bobby could make snow.' This puts a smile on her face. 'He was pretty. -- Are robots good dancers?' Her lips purse in thought. 'Maybe B could make a robot dancer?' And more excitedly: 'Robot dance TEAM?'

"People here are mostly nice," Lia opines with a little head tilt. "You do not /have/ to dance at the dances. That is just one of the best parts." The question of robot dancers earns a very /enthusiastic/ nod from the girl. "Very, very good dancers. B made me a robot for dancing." Her mouth scrunches over to one side before she adds, "Maybe in a dream. It seemed like there were really dancing robots, but then there weren't." Lia looks over at Lyric questioningly, needing to spell out G-R-U-N-G-E? The signs she adds to this question equate more to 'Dirty old man?' than what Kaine likely intended.

"Ah, like Nirvana or Alice in Chains." Kaine explains towards Lyric at the look. "I was thinking about joining the club B has for robots, though I could never do as well as hir or Kisha." He reaches up to rub at the side of his neck. "I'm better at swimming than making robots." he decides.

'B made you a robot in a dream?' Lyric isn't looking a lot /less/ confused. Especially not with: 'You like dirty old men?' Now she looks confused and a little uncomfortable. 'Dirty old... men in chains?' She pulls her cardigan a little bit closed. Tucks her legs up closer against her chest. Looks at the other two with increasing /bafflement/, her cheeks darkening.

"I don't understand," Lia finally gives up and admits with a small shake of her head. "I like swimming. There is a swim team. I am on it for this season." Swimming makes sense, at least. "I had a robot...was a robot. I liked how it moved. B said she would make it better, too, in the dream. Maybe dream. She had /many/ robots."

"Er, no." Kaine can't help but chuckle a bit. "Alice in Chains and Nirvana are bands. Grunge is a genre that was only really popular in the nineties and early two thousands." he explains. "And I probably couldn't actually compete in the swim team. I'm really fast, and don't have to come up for air."

Lyrics mouth opens into a small O, though understanding doesn't /really/ seem to dawn in her expression. Her knees stay pulled in tight against her chest, her posture still leaned back, guarded and kind of -- away. 'O-K.' Briefly she bites at her lip, brow furrowed. 'The shark-boys, they are on the swim team? But they can't compete too. Only practice. Not go to the meets. Also fast-fast. I do swimming. Also.'

"Oh, that is a popular music?" Lia tries to latch on a little. "I do not remember that," she adds...honestly meaning the nineties in early two thousands. "You can be on the swim team non-competitively like Shane and B." The rest of this is easy enough to explain further simply by translating for Lyric. "I like to be under the water but I have to come up or I start to see spots. Mostly purple. They are kind of pretty."

"That's not good for you. Means you're about to pass out. Can drown that way." Kaine points out. "I usually swim out in the lake, where I met Shane. Met B in the workshop. They both seem nice enough, haven't ran into either since though."

Lyric's eyes open a little wider in mild alarm. 'Spots not good,' she agrees with Kaine. 'Should come up before that.' Her head bobs once, quickly. 'Nice,' she agrees. 'B is nicer but Shane is funnier. Both good sharks though. I like them.' She gets to her feet, switching off the television and picking up her empty dishes to balance them atop her closed laptop. She hefts them in indication -- need to put them away! One hand lifts to wave.

"I do not...usually. Just sometimes I like to see how long I can stay in the water. Just to see." Lia nods agreement with Lyric's assessment of the twins. "If you go to the dance you should see them. Probably you could be Shane's date, too. He usually asks everyone." The girl's eyes widen as Lyric stacks /dishes/ on her computer. With her own borrowed computing equipment, respect for the hardware might have been drilled in a little hard. "Oh no, Lyric, let me help you carry! You have too many things if your food things are on your computer things." She also waves to Kaine before holding her hands out in offer to Lyric.

Kaine waves as well, pushing to his feet and moving back to the couch. "You guys take care! I'll probably see you later."