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Latest revision as of 06:18, 24 February 2015

Dramatis Personae

Jax, Kaine, Rasa


"Are you having sex incorrectly?"


<XS> Art Room - FL2

Smells of paints and chalks and turpentine mingle freely in this room, well-used, well-stocked. Natural light flows in, plentiful through the large windows. The long counter-like tables are speckled with spots of color, and half finished projects often stand on easels or propped in corners. The many cupboards lining the walls are crammed full of art supplies.

It's bright and sunny in the art room, one of those deceptive winter days that seems almost inviting (if you ignore all the snow); the window shades have been opened to take full advantage of the light. As the bell rings and class lets out there's a scrape of stools against the floor, a brief traffic jam by the sink as kids pause to go clean their brushes, a mass exodus from the room -- left largely empty save for the young man who remains behind to finish tidying the room up.

Jax is as bright as the room is, right now; dressed vividly in metallic green mermaid-scale leggings, a purple crushed-velvet knee-length skirt over top, long mismatched multicoloured armwarmers over a black fishnet shirt layered over a purple tank, his hair in myriad shades of purple-green-blue, makeup in metallic green and black, knee-high stompy boots. Sunglasses over his eyes despite being indoors. He's humming quietly to himself as he collects unfinished artworks to store them carefully away. Some song of Ryan Black's, low and a little off-key; around him there's a host of tiny brightly-coloured winged creatures. Dragons and dragonflies, sharp-clawed bat-winged fairies and jewel-toned hummingbirds, small spirits made of smoke and fire that shift and dance in time with his kind-of-tuneless song.

Kaine sticks his head in the room, hands tucked in his pockets. He's has a scarf wrapped around his neck and he's wearing thin union jack t-shirt, slim fitting jeans, and a pair of red converse. His ears are also now home to a pair of captive bead rings, but still look a little red and sore. He spots Jax and offers a wave, "Hi there." he calls over in an easy greeting, gaze moving across the room.

Rasa zips in after the other class vacates the room, a supremely fuzzy tail trailing after hir. Ze skitters to a stop and heads over to the port of the wall that stores the larger portfolios and starts to pull out hir work, slipping the drawing board out form the protective layers. Ze is wearing loose purple yoga pants with an oversized black tee shirt over the top. The lack of warmth in the clothing is more than made up for by the thick and bushy hair ze has produced on hir own. The floof on hir head rivals an angora bunny in softness, but the rest of the cloud of light colored hair is broken up by iridescent scales. Ze pauses after a moment, swinging around the watercolor ze has tacked to the board, peeking for a place to sit during the break between classes. "Oh. Hey there." Rasa flashes a smile at the two others in the room and sets down hir board, looking for hir paints.

The images around Jax vanish immediately, his humming stopping as his head turns towards the door. "Oh -- hey." Above his sunglasses his pierced brows furrow, slightly. "You're -- Kaine, right?" His teeth click against a lip ring; a moment later a warm smile spreads across his face. "Hey, Rasa." He sets the painting in his hand against a board, slipping it onto a shelf. "What's --" For a moment he hesitates, words hitching as he glances to Kaine's ears. Then away. "... up. Y'all in art this term?" Not /his/ art, clearly.

"Not much, school stuff really. More planning on my next classes than anything, since I got here so late in the term." Kaine replies, reaching up to touch his ear, guessing that's where Jax's attention went. "My parents don't live down here, can't get them to give their consent. So as much as I hate it, I got stuck by somebody willing to do it here. Gonna be bummed if it gets infected despite me keeping it cleaned." He says with a slight sigh, finally looking over to Rasa. "Hey, haven't seen you in a minute Rasa. Been well?"

"Oh, I'm in advanced painting this term!" Rasa chirps quietly as ze skitters around the room grabbing up hir supplies in a rush. Ze has to pause at the sink as ze fills a jar of water. "It's not until this afternoon, but I just wanted to layer some color over a part of this so it would dry by class and I could finish it today." Ze moves back to hir painting and purses hir lips, glancing from the paper to Jax and Kaine and then back to hir painting. "What? Huh? Consent? What? Do what here? Infections? Are you having sex incorrectly?" Ze draws a deep breath and looks away from the page to stare at Kaine. "Um. I've been okay. How about you?"

"Oh fantastic," Jax says brightly, though after this his cheeks flush deep red -- "/Not/ -- uh, bad sex. /Or/ bad piercings, oh gosh, /both/ thoser are terrible." His nose crinkles up. "You know there's, like, /internet/? They can /email/ a consent form? I /know/ your folks can handle that because you literally couldn't be here if they wasn't in contact with us." His knuckles scrub briefly against his cheek, teeth clicking down against the piercings in his lower lip. "D'you need some saline t'keep 'em clean with?" His head tips slightly to one side, turning between Kaine and Rasa thoughtfully. "... or condoms? I ain't sure I'm keepin' the thread of this conversation proper but I got those too." His elbows are planting down against the table, leaning in slightly to get a better look at Rasa's painting.

Kaine chuckles a bit, turning a shade red himself. "I didn't think of that, and I don't need condoms." He looks over at Rasa and indicates his ears, "Had somebody here pierce me, then ran into New York to get the rings," adding the last bit while looking towards Jax, "I got some stuff for my ears too. Know to soak it, have a bit of experience from my nose. Oh, and you have to be having sex to have bad sex. Not something I've gotten into here."

"Oh, Condoms." Rasa's milk white face starts to turn a peach color, hir head ducking. "Um. Well. I could keep some on hand, but, uh, Vanya and I haven't... Um. Yeah." Ze clears hir throat and then, looks over at the corner of the room. Such a nice corner, all calm and boring. Nothing happening in that corner. "Jax is a professional tattoo artist and maybe piercer, I haven't actually asked about that, I mostly assumed because the place he works at does piercing too. Jax? You do piercing?" Ze turns large golden eyes upon one Mr. Holland-Zedner as ze asks, offering a small smile. "Sex... apparently happens," ze offers to Kaine after a moment. "If you want to get into it, it's good to be prepared."

"Had somebody -- then ran into -- but the city's near two /hours/ away right now --" The colour is fading from Jax's face; his cheek scrunches up for a moment. "I /do/ do piercin'. Unfortunately," he tells Rasa with a hint of laughter in his voice, "cuz I'm feelin' a lot of professional /pain/ right now." His drawl is exaggerated as one hand moves to his heart. "Deep deep in my heart."

"My next two are definitely going to be professionally done." Kaine assures Jax. "Won't be eating for a while after my next one, and yoga pants for a month for the one after it. Might see about having pa send in an email for one of them, but pretty sure I /have/ to be eighteen for the other one." His attention shifts towards Rasa then, "And the only people I really talk to are you, Lia, and Jack. So it's probably not going to happen anytime soon. That reminds me, I need to speak to Shane eventually."

"Yeouch." Rasa's shoulders twitch from a tiny shudder between hir shoulder blades. "Well, teens have been doing it from the dawn of time. Doesn't mean it's smart." Ze listens quietly as ze squeezes a little bit from a tube into a plastic palette tray. Ze pauses when Kaine mentions other locations and hir brows rise. Ze looks up after a moment, mouth opening. Then ze closes it, but it finds its way open once more. "You want to have sex with Shane?" Hir head tilts as ze looks him over. "Hmmm. I... am not going to say anything in front of his dad."

"Mmm." Jax's brows furrow briefly; he gives his head a small shake. "Ain't no piercings that're prohibited t'minors. Can't /tattoo/ someone underage, but ain't no specific piercings not-allowed with signed parental consent." One of his shoulders hitches up briefly. His cheeks flush again after this, a dusting of pink putting colour in his very-pale skin. /He/ opens his mouth -- closes it -- opens it again. "Shane? Ah -- right. Can't say that's -- surprisin', um." His fingers scuff through his hair. "He's often in the music room or on the roof come break time. If y'needed to. Uh. Find him."

"No, not what I meant." Kaine replies with a shake of his head, color touching his cheeks once more. "I'm straight. Went into New York with Jack yesterday, ended up going to Evolve. Wanted to talk with Shane about being a business owner, once I got a little more experience under me, wanted to open a repair and custom build shop." he explains with a wave of his hand. "And glad to hear that about the piercings. Might get the apparently more painful one out of the way first."

Rasa just shakes hir head. "S'alright. It was just amusing how the conversation came out. You should know, you wouldn't be judged if you were." Ze dips a brush in the water and drags it across a blue lump of paint and smooshes it into the middle of hir tray, them mixes it with a little green. "Business owner? You have capital for such an investment? That's kind of the big hurdle to most entrepreneurs."

"I'm pretty much judgment free," Jax agrees with a small curl of smile. "More painful? Which piercings was you thinkin' on getting?" He folds his arms against the table, leaning his wgith down against them. "Ohhh. Evolve's kinda great. But, yeah, it was -- a lotta stars linin' up right t'get it open. He'd definitely be good t'talk to, though. Startin' a business is a challenge for sure an' it was a whole separate kinda challenge for him doin' it as a minor? The law is seventeen different kindsa stupid an' he had to jump through all kinds of dumb hoops -- still /does/ -- just to get everythin' in order without bein' eighteen."

"Was thinking of writing home and asking to bum a little bit, and seeing about loans. Then I gotta find a neighborhood where my shop won't get firebombed." Kaine starts, only to sigh a little. "People are dicks." Then his attention moves to Jax, "Thinking of a prince Albert, the needle in the urethra thing is what I'm worried about." he explains. "And, I wasn't worried about bein' judged. Totally have a gay friend here, don't think he expected me to have already figured it out, and to be cool with it." His shoulders lift in a slight shrug. "Far as I'm concerned people can love who they want to, and identify as what they want to. It doesn't mess up my day, and it makes them happy. Be a dick move to piss on another person's happiness."

"It's probably worse at Evolve, on account of the fact that the club serves alcohol." Rasa applies the brush to hir paper gently, spreading a little of the blue green here and there. "I don't think that there's actually a neighborhood in the world where..." Ze stops and inhales deeply, shaking hir head. "Never mind. No need to be constantly pessimistic. "For a straight guy, you talk about dicks a lot."

"Everyone's pain tolerance is gonna be different," Jax says thoughtfully, "but it's fair likely gettin' your tongue done'll actually hurt a sight more'n a PA will. Most people say t'ain't hardly worse'n getting an IV put in. Both my tongue rings was way more painful, anyhow." He gives a small shrug. The corner of his mouth twitches slightly upward at Rasa's comment. "His point is fair valid. Don't think the choice'a slang got no bearing one way or another on anyone's orientation. I'm jus' pretty glad," he tips his head in a nod to Kaine, amusement brightening his smile, "y'ain't gonna be a dick about it. Some people come here assumin' that on account'a we're a freak school everyone's gonna be tolerant of /all/ everyone's weirdness but nope, people can be just as totally obnoxious as anywhere else. Real glad when they /ain't/."

Kaine nods slightly towards Jax, "I'd heard the tongue would hurt worse too. Think I'm just more worried about the other one. And getting an IV put in doesn't hurt as long as I don't look at it. Septum and ears were about the same, ears hurt more because the needle wasn't quite as sharp as a piercing needle." His attention drifts towards the windows, "Was gonna go swimming later, but it's supposed to be in the negatives. Water is gonna be chilly." Which leads him to looking back at Jax, "I don't see B often. If you run into hir, can you see how much of a pain it'd be to throw together a filter to clean the crap out of water for me? Chlorine burns like a bi-, a lot. Chlorine burns a lot."

"Eh, it was a poor attempt at a joke anyway," Rasa admits, shaking hir head. Hir fingers slide the damp color onto a couple other places on hir paper before ze dips the brush in the water and starts packing up. Plastic wrap is fetched to cover over the top of hir paints before ze moves hir board to an easel to dry. "Can you shut your gills in the chlorine and hold your breath? Or are they always open?"

"I can ask, but honestly durin' the weekdays you're more likely t'be around her'n I am, the pups're only home on weekends an' she ain't in my class. Y'could shoot her an email if y'don't see her around lunch? She's glued t'her phone pretty much." Jax pushes himself upright with a small wrinkle of his nose. "They hate the chlorine too, though." He glances over to Rasa's painting again curiously as ze moves it to dry, his smile curling a little wider again. He steps away from the table, reaching over to yoink a sweatshirt (also bright, colourblocked in a rainbow of shades) off a stool and pull it on. "Though if they're always open /an'/ you're still talkin' fine that means you got a way more efficient dual-processing respiratory system than they do -- which if that's true," he muses with another quick glance to Rasa, "might be somethin' useful some time for learnin' t'breathe underwater." He moves back to pick a messenger bag off the floor, pulling it carefully up over his shoulder. "I should get back t'New York. See y'all t'morrow."

"I can stay underwater all day, long as it doesn't have too much extra stuff in it. And I'll have to look around harder for her then." Kaine says, rubbing the back of his neck. "And alrighty, take care mister Jax." He taps out a two fingered salute before tugging his own phone out to check the time.

Rasa is painting a dragon, one with forearms that reach out toward the sky, but with hindquarters that disappear into the distance, if they exist at all, at the end of a long ribbony body. The clouds have a swirl pattern in them and they glow with the sunset. There's a stormy sea below. It's nearly finished, but the definition is still loose as Rasa layers over the colors to build it. Ze is rinsing hir brushes a moment later and setting them in a cup to dry, brush up. Ze glances toward Jackson when he points out the interesting configuration, glancing back to Kaine and tilting hir head to one side. "Bye... Jax. Give Spence my love." Ze then peeks at Kaine once more. "It's okay, you don't have to talk about your gills if you don't want to."

"Will do." Jax lifts his hand to his forehead in return to Kaine's salute -- there /wasn't/ any hat there, but a moment later there is one, a wide-brimmed black Stetson tassled in silver that he tips to the two students before making his way slowly out of the room.

"Oh, I forget to answer that question? I /can/, but I have a habit of opening them whenever I breathe. And that means I end up with pool water in them if I don't have them covered." Kaine explains with an apologetic smile. "It's about that time, isn't it?"

"Ahh, well, it'd still be interesting to try your gills out sometime." Rasa nods as ze glances at the clock on the way. "yeah, the breaks aren't really that long. Time to head to class - at least for me. You auditing anything?" Ze gathers hir personal gear as ze heads for the door, glancing over hir shoulder to see if he answers, but rapidly padding toward hir next class whether he follows or not. If not, ze waves goodbye.

"I do in the Lake, or anywhere that doesn't kick my ass." Kaine replies with a slight shrug, turning to head out as well. "Wish I'd have signed up for yoga. Gonna have to get that next term."