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Latest revision as of 03:54, 5 March 2015

Rain, Rain
Dramatis Personae

Lia, Kaine

4 March 2015

"Water drops don't like being alone"


<XS> Gardens

From indoor gardens to outdoor, though without the protective greenhouse glass the back gardens do not last all year round. Still, the gardens out here are well-tended and well-worth spending time in, as well. The paths wending through the beds of flowers and herbs and vegetables spread out through the school's back grounds, tended by students as a credit class. Benches offer seating and a small pond is home to koi and turtles, as well as a few frogs. At the far back edges of the garden, a droning buzzing marks a few stacked white boxes as beehives.

Rain, rain, rain! It has been rainy all /day/ this lovely exam-week Wednesday. But it is /warm/ winter standards, nearly eking out 50 degrees Fahrenheit here just past noon. Lia is out in a sky-blue-and-bright-green rain slicker, blue jeans, and green rain boots with froggy faces that have googly eyes in them. That is as much of her attire as can be seen, anyhow. Her ash-brown hair looks quite a bit darker for being soaked and plastered to her skull, tresses doing their own steady dripping of water. The girl seems to be finding puddles to hop-splash through, occasionally leading her closer to the koi pond, where she peek-peers from time to time.

Kaine heads in from the direction of the forest. He's wearing a black pea coat, dark blue jeans, and older looking combat boots. Oddly enough he's holding his hand over his head like he is miming having an umbrella, and it's actually working. The ran hits where fabric would be and rolls away from the teen onto the ground. As soon as he spots Lia his hand comes up in a slight wave, "Hey Lia!"

Lia's eyes narrow at the pond just a bit longer before she turns away again. “Hello. There is rain now. It is warm enough for rain and you can rain without freezing. Also, the rain is raining without freezing.” She turns, suddenly, peering back at the pond like she is trying to /catch/ someone doing something sneaky.

"Yeah, it's nice." Kaine allows with a slight nod. "Anywho, watcha lookin' for?" he asks curiously, heading over towards Lia and the pond.

“Fish,” Lia responds simply at first, shaking her head at the pond. “There are koi in the pond. In the winter they are sleepy and do not do much. And their metabolism slows down, so it is not good to feed them so much. When it gets warmer they move more and you can give them treats. I thought /maybe/ it might get just-warm-enough today. But they are still being sleepyfaces.” The girl's lips scrunch over to one side as if this were a personal affront presented by the fish.

"Yeah, it'll be a little bit before you can do that." Kaine says apologetically. "It's gonna get even colder and snow some more. Once that's over, they'll be swimming about more. How have you been?"

"I was hoping maybe they would wake up for /one/ day so that I could say hello before they get in another nap. They nap a long time." Lia holds her hands out, palms-up, collecting water in them. "Lots of studying, lots of exams. Just a few more days. There was a sunny day and I got to have sun. Now there is a rainy day and I get to have splashing." She does have the presence of mind to back away a bit before demonstrating on a particularly lovely puddle. "Probably not for as long as spring puddles. I will need a warm shower and new clothes fairly soon. Did you have exams?"

"Yup, for a few classes. But I'm a firm believer of 'it'll be what it'll be'. So I'm not stressing too much." Kaine shares. "Just a few areas I needed touch up on, but I should be fine." His shoulders lift in a slight shrug. "What about you?"

“I am actually very good at tests,” Lia admits with a shrug. “I have done many of them, all the time, for as long as I can remember. I guess practice helps. People think maybe I should not be good at tests because I am bad at remembering me. From before. But I remember things that are /not/ me very well. And even me! Just not from before.”

"Why it's never good for people to assume." Kaine nods slightly, reaching his free hand up to run through his hair. "Have anything interesting planned for the break that's coming up?"

“You have to, a little. Otherwise you stand around being overwhelmed by all of the things and it is hard to know where to start,” says the voice of likely...entirely too much experience on the subject. Lia's head shakes at the question. “Not really. Usually on breaks I do a lot of reading. Practicing things. Playing with my clay. Or being outside when it is sunny. Many people go away and it is very quiet.”

"Well, that's true, too." Kaine allows, turning his attention towards the mansion. "I'll most likely be here, too. If we go out to do something, I'll be sure to let you know. Should be a few restaurants around that'll serve me."

“We sometimes go places in Westchester as a group. They keep a list of where are good places not to get thrown out,” Lia informs with a small nod. “If we go into the city, usually we will go to Evolve. That is Shane's coffee shop! They have so many warm drinks and yummy food. Sometimes there are things that Mr. Fairyjax makes there, even. But you have to buy those. Not like the plate in the rec room.”

"I've been there once. Been meaning to go back." Kaine heads over towards the koi pond, looking down into the water. "Also been meaning to head over towards the tattoo place over there again too. Just been too busy to head back into the city recently."

“It is a nice place. I do not go very often,” the girl observes evenly, finding another puddle to splash through. “I think Mr. Fairyjax works in a tattoo place, too. He has all the jobs.” Lia nods at the mention of being busy. “There are exams and there has been snow. It makes it harder to city.”

"Then maybe I can get my parents to just email him the consent form so I can get my tongue pierced." Kaine muses, worrying his lower lip between his teeth. "I'll need to go clothes shopping, it should start warming up before much longer."

"That sounds like a good plan." Lia narrows her eyes at Kaine, scrutinizing as something sparks her memory. "Your ears did not fall off. Probably it is better to have things done right that are not beyond fixing." She obviously does not know a lot about piercing...Shane's opinions are clearly being echoed as cold-hard fact. "There are second-hand stores that are very fun to find things in! Sometimes someone takes me to those. Also, many of the girls here will give me things they get too tall for! I am very small. It is helpful for clothes."

"I really just need to get shorts before it starts to warm up. I don't like the heat, so the more I can stay cool the better." Kaine reaches up to half-rotate the ring in his ear, nose wrinkling slightly. "Which means I'll spend a lot of free time at the lake."

“Oh, yes. When it is hot people like to be in the lake. Especially Shane and B. They are in the lake even when it is not hot.” Lia looks thoughtful for a moment. “I have seen people sometimes to cut the legs on pants shorter. Probably that is best only if you are too tall for the pants, or something else has happened to them. Otherwise then you do not have pants anymore.”

"My pants should still fit next time I need them, so best to keep them around for a bit. Hate to be wasteful." Kaine looks back out towards the lake. "I'd be in it today, if it wasn't for my ears. Gonna let them heal up before going back out."

“That is probably the best plan,” Lia agrees, taking a longer jump to land in another puddle. Sploosh. “Water is nice in the rain. All the drops come and join in and then they are not drops anymore. Just more water.”

Kaine lowers his hand, water still continuing to hit the barrier around him. "Yup. Water drops don't like being alone. Suppose we can all relate to that, most the time."

“I suppose they have to do it sometimes, so they can go from being air to being puddles. And bigger waters.” Lia marches in place a little in her puddle. Squoosh-squelch. “At least it is a short-ish sometimes. This break.”

"Yeah. I'll probably spend most of it watching movies with people in the rec room, or down in the gym." Kaine decides, face scrunching up thoughtfully. "Probably finish 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'."

“That would be /many/ movies. Your eyes might get tired,” Lia informs helpfully. “I have not heard of that one.”

"It's a Johnny Depp movie. He and his lawyer go on a drug binge in Las Angeles. Pretty good, kind of hard to follow, but it's good." Kaine explains. "And I'm fine with watching many movies, because there are many I haven't seen yet."

“Oh, is it a musical movie? I have seen him in musical movies and he is good at those.” Lia's head tilts, not really getting a good picture from the description. “I think you would never get to do anything else if you tried to watch /all/ the movies.”

"It's not a musical movie, no. He was good in those though. My favorite was 'Cry Baby', but he didn't really sing in that one. Of the ones he sang in, it'd have to be 'Sweeney Todd'. Because he's in that for more than just a brief bit." Kaine agrees. "And I can always watch one good movie a day."

“Too bad,” Lia sighs softly, faintly disappointed. “I liked 'Sweeney Todd', too. He was also the wolf in the 'Into The Woods' movie. So very creepy! I had shivers in my spine.” The girl shifts back over to the pond again, slowly peeking.

"Yeah, the musical was dark comedy, the movie was just creepy there." Kaine says with a nod, gaze returning to the pond as well. "I don't like how they changed it from the original, but it was still good."

“They did a very good job with their arrangements and singing and...definitely the” Lia gives another disappointed sigh. “I do not think the fish will be getting a treat today. Probably I should go in and get dry soon.” She /is/ starting to look a bit shivery.

"Then let's get you inside then." Kaine steps on over to Lia, extending his protection from the rain.

“I am going to have to soak these clothes and let them hang before they go in the laundry,” Lia informs, with an air of confession. She /is/ quite a bit muddy. “Soak-soak-shower, laundry, studies. Dinnertime.” It could be that is her upcoming short-term plan, delivered in a sing-song fashion as she moves back toward the building.

"Sounds about right." Kaine reaches up to run his fingers through his hair once more. "Then maybe movies in the rec room again. Or maybe gym." He clearly isn't as positive about what he'll be doing.