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Latest revision as of 01:51, 28 June 2015

Dramatis Personae

Jack, Rasa, Teague

In Absentia




<NYC> Central Park South

Central Park South is home not just to the park itself, but also to the Belvedere Castle, the Alice in Wonderland statues, and the Central Park Zoo. These areas tend to draw tourists like a magnet - it is, perhaps, for that very reason that places like Bethesda Terrace tend to attract more New Yorkers than not, if just to escape the press of tourism that infiltrates the whole city.

With a sigh, Jack drops onto a bench. Despite the uniquely teenage sprawl, he's careful not to spill the small coffee he'd bought. Really it was just to get one of the coffee cart guys to even talk to him and ended up producing no useful information but he still doesn't want to spill it. In jeans and a hoodie made of nice, lightweight fabric, he's frowning invisibly at the cup. "I idea what to do next..." he mutters to himself. He's been trying to find any information he can about the caffeine crisis but so far hasn't had much luck.

Quite unconcerned with the 'crisis,' Teague makes his way through the park on his day off from training. The gloomily dressed teen, moves languidly along the edge of the pathway. Cigarette in hand, he watches his black oxford make each careful, quiet step while his mind drifts off somewhere else. Coming upon Jack, the British boy ducks his head to see if there's a face under all that hood. Tucking his long hair back behind his ears, he twitches up a fleeting smile. "Hello, handsome," he takes a drag, "That coffee doing you any good?"

It's not a very hot day, given some of the recent temperatures they've experienced lately. It seems a bit like the summer is not nearly as wild as the spring. Rasa is out for a walk in the park, dressed to keep much of hirself from showing. Ze is wearing a long blouse with bell sleeves. The fabric is a mixture of red and blue, which hangs over long pants, chucks peeking out the bottom. Ze has a light scarf wrapped around hir head, leaving only a small window for hazel eyes to peek out. Ze inhales deeply and raises an eyebrow when ze sees Jack and Teague. Ze hangs back a moment to watch, seeing of Jack recognizes the other.

Jack is startled out of his thoughts by Teague's voice and he straightens up. When he recognizes Teague, an unseen scowl crosses his face and Jack's shoulders tense up. "Didn't help any," he replies carefully. "Didn't buy it to drink it anyway," he adds. "Never really needed the buzz from it," the invisible teen goes on, not yet aware of Rasa.

Teague tilts back with haughty self-satisfaction at Jack's body language. His own remains very lax. Arching an eyebrow, he glances about over his shoulder. The act is suspicious, but has no meaning. "Then, why'd you buy it?" He asks, running a hand over the flat of his stomach. His black thermal and black skinny jeans leave little over his spidery form to the imagination.

Rasa wanders forward, skirting over to ze is easily seen in Jack's peripheral vision. Ze continues moving inward listening quietly, sliding into a sitting position at the other end of Jack's bench. Ze glances over at him and considers before, "Well, if you don't want it, I'll drink it." Ze adjusts the thin, champagne colored gloves on hir hands, tugging them more around hir wrists before scooting a little closer to Jack. Then golden eyes shift to take in Teague.

Jack glances in Rasa's direction when he catches sight of the motion. His smile can't be seen but its there. He gives a very slight nod to Rasa before shrugging in reply to Teague. "Needed to talk to the guy selling them. He wouldn't talk to me if I didn't buy anything."

"Yes, I imagine /those types/ are taking a pretty big hit around here," Teague's sultry, mud-colored gaze find Rasa. Flicking his eyebrows suggestively, he watches hir with impunity even while continuing to regard Jack, "Are you planning on solving the big mystery? Saving the day?"

Rasa reaches out and takes up the cup, peeling off the lid entirely and setting it aside. Ze reaches hir free hand under hir scarf and puts the cup to hir lips in the obscurity of the fabrics, taking a long sip before sliding it down and free of the material once more. "Dear me," ze utters quietly enough. "Dear me, dear me, dear me. Those types makes it sound a bit like you think them drug dealers of the worst kind. Or peddlers of camel dung."

Jack lets Rasa have the cup without any resistence, nodding. "Yeah, they're suffering hits to the wallet," he remarks with a sigh. He idly hopes Shane's bottom line isn't taking too much damage but doesn't voice it. "So what if I am?" he asks Teague. "Its better than ruining some random couple's day or gluing posters to windows," he adds. The invisible teen then glances over at Rasa. "Well, they are technically selling a drug..."

Teague's eyes twinkle. He shifts a shoulder, taking a drag from his cigarette, "I was just going to wish you luck." He blows out a line of smoke, doing the pair on the bench the courtesy of turning away to do so, "It almost makes you wonder if it may spread to affect other vices." He turns his cigarette in his wrist to look at it.

"Yeah, we kind of do," Rasa admits with a little shrug. "But not all drugs are bad. They keep a number of people alive -- and another part of the population even keeled." Ze starts to maneuver the cup back under hir scarf again. "I sense ... some struggle here - between you two."

Unseen brows loft at that, Jack looking as skeptical as empty clothes can. "Well...thanks then," he says carefully. Jack nods to what Rasa says, making a little noise of agreement about the drugs. "We've had..." Jack pauses, glancing at Teague. "A disagreement or two."

Teague taps his cigarette in a 'ah-ha!' moment, "I'd wager pharmaceutical sales have increased." He cocks his head playfully, "At least for uppers." He taps some ash, pressing his lips to subdue a smile, "That might be a fun lead for you."

Running his free hand through his hair, Teague feigns a stretch, "You won't hear a complaint out of me." He shakes down a few blackish locks, "I've already forgotten what they were about." The boy slowly cranes down, tapping out his cigarette on the arm of the bench.

"Ahh, I see." Rasa nods slowly then drinks down half the cup of coffee. There is a cringe as the bitterness attacks the back of hir mouth and hir eyes water, irises turning blue. Ze swallows and pulls hirself together. "Forgetting fights is probably for the best -- but I don't know if I'd really put a big conspiracy to this whole thing. I feel like it's more of an accident."

Jack stays tense, just shooting Teague a slightly irritated look. Not that anyone can tell. "Possibly," he murmurs in response to the new lead. He'll talk to Dusk and Rictor about that when he gets a chance. There's a half shrug to what Rasa says though. "It could be an accident but no one knows yet. That's part of what everyone is trying to find out."

The changes in Teague's expressions are generally subtle, so as he watches Rasa force down hir coffee, it's with just a tinge of his true concern. Then again, he isn't a coffee drinker so he couldn't know. "I just hope one of us finds the poor idiot responsible," he furrows his brow, flicking the unlit remainder of his cigarette into the nearby waste bin, "Not somebody who'll hurt them." With a purse of his lips, Teague drifts a step or two away from the bench. "Cheers," he offers half-heartedly, pulling out his cell phone to scroll through it as he walks away.

Rasa pulls the cup out and puts it down on the bench, displeased with it. "Bleh. That is cheap coffee." Ze inhales and watches Teague as he departs, considering for a moment before looking back to Jack. "What was that all about?"

Jack watches Teague go, frowning deeply. He's got no plans to hurt anyone unless he gets left with no other options. "Sorry, I bought the cheapest one possible," he says. Eventually he looks to Rasa, shoulders slumping slightly. "Just ran into that guy a couple times before. He's an ass..."

"He's definitely in love with his ... I don't know. I don't think I know him well enough to make any sort of judgments." Rasa exhales softly and shakes hir head. Ze gets to hir feet and extends a hand to Jack. "Come on, let's get something that tastes better, okay?"

Jack nods, accepting the offered hand and pushing off the bench. "Sounds good to me."