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Revision as of 05:53, 5 March 2016

Dramatis Personae

Chloe, Kyinha


"I can cram a /whole/ lot of fun into one day."


<NYC> Figment - SoHo

Sleek and chic in a cool understatement of glass and chrome, Figment is a playground for the rich and trendy. Its polished bar wraps around the back, a place both to be seen and to obtain the best in libations, and the tables sit recessed in alcoves for those who have come just to relax and socialize. The stairs wind up to the VIP balconies, overlooking the main dancefloor, and in warmer weather the back patio stays open as well, where the elegantly-clad waitstaff will bring you your drinks on the terrace overlooking SoHo's glittering lights.

Figment should be closed on a Monday night, but instead it is bustling with a crowd fit to rival the weekend. There's no obvious advertisement, but the flier cards indicate that this is the LEAP OF FAITH party, in honor of leap day. However thin the excuse of a mathematical oddity in the Gregorian calendar, New York's beautiful people have turned out in force, and in the latest fashion. Perhaps it's the springlike weather that has everyone's blood pumping again, but there's a subtly manic energy in the air.

Kyinha has been lounging at the bar, twisted around to watch the bodies moving on the dancefloor. His dark brown eyes are half-lidded, the glossy waves of his black hair are just ever so slightly touseled, and pallor of his rich brown skin is alternately more and less obvious, depending on the and and color of the light. He's wearing a silvery-gray button-down shirt that gleams in the club's lights like hematite, tight black jeans with silver contrast stitching, and heavy black boots with more chrome hardware than is probably necessary for keeping them on his feet. He has one elbow resting on the bar, his chin propped up on the heel of that hand while the other holds a tumbler half full of ice and something clear and fizzy, his whole posture languid and catlike.

Chloe has definitely not been lounging at the bar -- not up until now. Out on the dance floor she has been quite busy tearing it up amid a group of several other women, but is peeling away from them, now -- hips still shaking as she heads away from them and toward the bar, now. She gleams, too -- an asymmetrical bandage dress, one-shouldered, in gold foil, and strappy metallic gold heeled sandals to match. Her hair tumbles down around her bare shoulders in thick loose curls. She slides up against the bar alongside Kyinha, first looking down its length for the bartender -- but then letting her gaze come to rest on Kyinha, instead, easy smile touching her lips. "Do you dance?"

Kyinha's eyes follows Chloe when she leaves the dance floor -- not long enough to constitue staring. But he is certainly not unaware of /her/ gaze, his smile quick and sincere in reply before she even speaks. "Not very much, lately," His accent is odd, but has a definite hint of Portugese in it. He takes a sip of his drink, glances back out at the dancers. "And not so well as you, even when I do."

"Oh, well, not everyone can keep up with me and my girls." Chloe's rich warm voice sounds perfectly matter-of-fact about /this/, glancing back towards the friends she's left still quite impressively turning up out on the dancefloor. "But having fun's the most important thing. Something been /keeping/ you off the floor or it just not your thing?"

"Oh, I can hold my own in the fun-having department." Kyinha follows Chloe's line of sight, gives a small nod, barely perceptible. "I just have to work up the energy for dancing." He swirls his drink around the bottom of the glass, sitting up a little straighter as if he is gathering himself even as they speak. "You are having fun, though? A whole extra day's worth?"

Chloe's smile lights again, brown eyes warming at this answer as they flick up and down Kyinha. "I'll just bet you can." She lifts a hand to signal to the bartender, one foot starting to tap again to the new song that has just started. "Three whole missed birthays' worth. I can cram a /whole/ lot of fun into one day. I've had me some good practice."

"Ah, happy birthday!" Kyinha finishes off his drink. "Have one on me, then." He's already turning to the bartender. "Another, if you would," as he sets down the tumbler, only the ice cubes and lime left, "and whatever the lady would like?" There's a lift of his intonation and a glance toward Chloe at this bit -- leaving it up to her.

"Sazerac, please," Chloe requests of the bartender with a warm smile. "Thank you. And thank you." She's turned her attention back to Kyinha, propping an elbow on the bar and leaning in to rest her chin lightly against her knuckles. "Tell me, then, what is your usual. Tastes. In the fun-having department, I mean?"

"It's nothing." Kyinha says lightly. "Me, I enjoy all sorts of things. In warmer weather, to play soccer, capoeira, frisby -- anything outdoors and with people, honestly." He sounds a little bit wistful about this, eyes flicking up briefly. When the bartender brings their drinks, he gives a quick smile and a "Gracias" before pulling his drink -- some novel concoction involving açai flavored vodka -- to him. "But also to have fine food, strong drink, and chocolate dark as night in the rainforest. To sit by a warm fire with pleasant company. To talk. To laugh." Then, his smile returning, wider and a touch crooked, "To dance. Yourself?"

"Capoeira!" Chloe looks delighted at this answer. "Oh, you play? I've only dabbled but there's so much /joy/ in it." Her fingers curl around her own drink, flashing the bartender a warm smile. "I like anything that's got some energy to it. Take my dog out into the mountains. Get out onto the court with my friends." She lifts her glass, matching Kyinha's smile. "Dancing. {Though a little chocolate sure doesn't ever hurt.}" This last is in Spanish, bright and amused before she takes a swallow of her drink. Lifts her eyebrows, tips her head out to the dancefloor. "Indulge me?"

"Mm, there is a very lively roda in Union Square every Sunday afternoon -- always room in the circle, even if you only dabble." Kyinha pulls at his drink, smiling behind the edge of the glass. "{I do make an excellent cup of chocolate, thick and spicy.}" His Spanish, like his English, has a curious accent -- a bit Portugese, and a bit something else. His eyes track out to the dance floor and he nods, the faintest movement of his head. "Happily." He lifts his drink again, salutes Chloe with it, and drains the rest. "{Shall we?}"