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| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <XS> Kisha and Sophie's Dorm
| location = <XS> Kisha and Sophie's Dorm
| categories = Xavier's
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, XS Dorm, Kisha, Sophie
| log = Having heard that her room assignment was due to change today Kisha has been tidying up. At least... sort of... The science obsessed teen has her most presentable clothing on, black pants without any chemical burns and a Black Mesa logo T-shirt, and has put away most of the sharp or potentially dangerous tools.  
| log =
Having heard that her room assignment was due to change today Kisha has been tidying up. At least... sort of... The science obsessed teen has her most presentable clothing on, black pants without any chemical burns and a Black Mesa logo T-shirt, and has put away most of the sharp or potentially dangerous tools.  
"Window open to let the chemical fumes out? Check," Kisha mutters, pacing back and forth. "No exposed wires? Check. Pretty much everything I own crammed into the closet? That's check too." The closet in question even has a heavy weight propping the door closed to ensure it doesn't burst open and cover the floor in a mix of dirty laundry & scrap metal.
"Window open to let the chemical fumes out? Check," Kisha mutters, pacing back and forth. "No exposed wires? Check. Pretty much everything I own crammed into the closet? That's check too." The closet in question even has a heavy weight propping the door closed to ensure it doesn't burst open and cover the floor in a mix of dirty laundry & scrap metal.

Latest revision as of 03:05, 14 April 2013

Welcome Home
Dramatis Personae

Kisha, Sophie


Kisha gets a new roomie; Sophie shows off her power.


<XS> Kisha and Sophie's Dorm

Having heard that her room assignment was due to change today Kisha has been tidying up. At least... sort of... The science obsessed teen has her most presentable clothing on, black pants without any chemical burns and a Black Mesa logo T-shirt, and has put away most of the sharp or potentially dangerous tools.

"Window open to let the chemical fumes out? Check," Kisha mutters, pacing back and forth. "No exposed wires? Check. Pretty much everything I own crammed into the closet? That's check too." The closet in question even has a heavy weight propping the door closed to ensure it doesn't burst open and cover the floor in a mix of dirty laundry & scrap metal.

Perhaps unknowingly, Sophie gave Kisha some extra time to tidy up before receiving her new roommate. She'd known since moving in that her quarters were temporary, but was never actually sure when she'd be moving, so some of her stuff was, naturally, unpacked. And she's accumulated some dirty laundry... so between re-packing, and getting her clothes washed - because hauling around a load of dirty clothes doesn't make friends for anyone - it isn't until a little later in the day that she makes her way to her new room. Hauling two suitcases, a shoulder bag, and a jacket slung over one shoulder, she hesitantly knocks the door, leaning in juuust a little to see if she can hear anyone inside. "Hello..?"

From inside the room there is some muttered Russian phrases best left untranslated masked only barely by a little swing music playing. "Yes?" Kisha eventually calls. "If this is about the helium it's fine it doesn't explode. Entirely safe and nothing you should be worrying about!"

Well THAT'S certainly encouraging. "Um." Sophie sort of stares at the door for a moment, considering the best course of action. ... Well, in for a penny. "Is this Kisha's..." She sounds uncertain about the pronunciation. "...I'm your new roommate. Sophie. Did they tell you I was coming? I hope they would, but you know, sometimes stuff happens and.. anyway, can I come in?"

"Uhm, yeah sure," Kisha offers, shoving a last few things under the bed. "All done tidying up... and I meant what I said about the perfectly safe helium. So don't worry, nothing in here will explode. Not unless you start mixing it up anyway..."

"O.. kay." Tentatively, Sophie opens the door, peeking in first before finally opening it wide enough that she can step in. "Hi!" It looks safe enough, at least. She pulls her bags in a bit, enough so that she can close the door again, and gives a little look around. "Well, this is nice." Slipping her shoes off, she starts towards the cleaner side of the room, though she does give Kisha a sort of 'is this okay?' look as she goes. "I, um. I'm sorry to intrude like this, you probably liked having a single room. I'm Sophie," she repeats, as if her name wasn't included in the 'new roomie' notice anyway. "This is my side, right?"

Kisha nods. Indeed there is an almost invisible line directly down the room, with one half piled high with stuff (including a complete covering of the bed) and on the other nothing. "I always made sure to stick to me side so that I wouldn't get overly used to the extra space. Measued exactly with a laser just to be sure... Do you need a hand with your bags?"

"Oh, no, I'm okay." Sophie grins a little awkwardly. "It's just clothes and -- I'll take care of it all later. It'll be nice to be able to actually unpack; I've been pretty much just living out of my suitcase since term started 'cause I didn't want to have to re-pack everything, y'know? I guess since I came in late in the year they weren't sure where to put me." So for now, the two suitcases are stacked next to her bed, and shoulder bag is opened so that she can pull out a slightly oversized notebook computer, and sets that aside before shoving that bag on the floor as well. "You didn't have to tidy, really, I don't mind a mess. I mean, I guess unless you had stuff on my bed." A bit of a laugh, there.

"Oh no," Kisha assures. "I've never touched that side and I didn't really need my bed. Kinda evolved past needing it infact. But anyway... I get the feeling we should agree any ground rules so we don't annoy each other?" She pauses, then shrugs. "Which basically means I just wanna veto the watching of romance shows involving vampires. Films included."

Sophie laughs, then climbs onto her bed, folding her legs under herself comfortably. "That seems fair. We're on the same page on that." She runs a hand through her hair, tucks her head to one side, thoughtfully. "I actually don't watch too much TV, really. I mean if I've got nothing else to do I'll look for a movie or something. I've never actually-- lived with anyone else like this, I'm not sure how to go about doing.. rules. I guess if you have food, make sure you clean it up? Food stink is the worst." ... "Wait, what do you mean you evolved past needing your bed?"

Kisha frowns. "Part of my mutation is I don't sleep," she explains casually. "Oh, I don't tend to leave food waste. But sometimes I need to work on a few science projects and the chemicals can smell a little off. But I'll try do that with the window open whenever possible." She grins. "But to make up for it I'll fix any broken electronics you might have for cost."

Blinking, Sophie just nods a little. "Oh, well that's... neat. I guess-- well now that you've warned me I can probably deal with chemical smells, I'll just get a mask or something if it's really annoying." She grins at that. "But uh-- isn't that-- it sounds really boring. Not your power, I mean, but not sleeping.. don't you get like, wicked bored staying awake? You don't sleep at all?"

Kisha turns, ducks down and pulls out some masks. "Already got that covered," she informs earnestly. "It isn't my whole power... And I have far too much to do with my time for sleeping. I have science. Currently I'm working on drone size airships, although perhaps taking a break to build a siege weapon for history class."

"Oh, uh, wow, okay, that's-- pretty hardcore." Sophie's more surprised than anything, really. "But that's.. that's cool. I actually sleep kind of a lot, sometimes. And when I'm using my power it's... I look like I'm sleeping, I guess. Sometimes if I do it for too long I end up sleeping a lot. But I'm a heavy sleeper anyway, so if you need to make noise at night for your stuff.. I mean, it'd be great if it's not too loud, but a little bit of noise is okay. I mean, I've slept through lawnmowers outside my window."

"I'll see what I can do. Although you should be fine as I tend to stick to R&D after lights out," Kisha assures, making a mental note to dig out her headphones. "What is it? Your power I mean, if it's not too rude my asking?"

Sophie frowns a little - the thoughtful kind - and bites her lip. "It's kind of-- it's sort of hard to explain. I guess I could show you.." There's a slow bit of a smile, there. "I don't think I've done it since I got here, actually, I'm not used to not having to hide it, you know? Don't.. don't freak out." And with that she moves her laptop off to one side and gets all cozy down on her bed, closes her eyes and, after a moment, her whole body goes limp.

Kisha watches as her new roommate seems to prepare for a nap. "Uhm... Terrifying?" she offers. "I feel a little like you're about to try sell me some scented candles or a yoga class..."

"Who are you talking to?" The voice comes from beside Kisha, with a bit of a stifled laugh. And standing there, though with her clothes slightly less bedraggled and hair considerably more tamed, is Sophie. "She can't even hear you, she's not really conscious, you know." She does a little twirl, during which Kisha may notice that her feet don't make any sound on the floor, and tilts her head. "I mean, she's me but.. it feels weird speaking in the first person like this."

Ever so slowly, Kisha turns in place so she's facing the source of the voice. "Ah," she states, eloquent as always. "Well.... That is... not quite what I was expecting? If I try wave my hand where your head is would that be bad for either of us? I suddenly understand the impulse to do the hand waving through a ghost thing, like in the movies."

Sophie II laughs a little, shaking her head. "As far as I know it's okay. I'm pretty much just a projection." She holds out a hand, though. "But maybe my hand instead, waving your hand through my head feels a little morbid." After a moment of hesitation, she decides to elaborate further. "I, uh. Apparently sometimes I 'sleepwalk' like this? I never remember it, though, I've never like... had dreams of walking around or anything. So that's probably something to keep in mind."

"When in Rome I guess?" Kisha decides, reaching out and trying to pinch Sophie II's ghostly arm. "You... astrally project? Is that the correct term? Anyway now that I know you might do that it shouldn't be any trouble for me." She tilts her head. "I guess in the spirit of sharing I should confess my power is pretty much that everything every invented is inside my head. I'm not just some crazy kid who likes tools."

Sophie II's arm is, indeed, completely intangible and completely spooky. "I don't know what the term is, really. I guess it's sort of like astral projection but... it's not like, on the astral plane or whatever that is? Or maybe it is. I don't really know. If I try really hard I can sometimes push things but.. I need more practice. But jeez, your power sounds a lot more useful. Mine's just like... good for spying, but even then it isn't like people can't see me."

"Do you match the outfit you were wearing before?" Kisha wonders, glancing between the two Sophies. "If so you could disguise yourself before roaming, then at least when you spy on people you won't get caught as easily. Being able to spy could be invaluble, especially if you can return to your body in a short space of time."

Shaking her head, Sophie II gestures with one hand, vaguely. "I can change what I'm wearing and what my hair looks like but I can't change the rest of me, which is too bad. Maybe eventually I'll be able to, I don't know. And-- actually I'm sorry, I'm creeping me out like this." And just as suddenly as appearing, the Sophie apparition vanishes with little fanfare. Actual!Sophie stirs a bit before pushing herself up again, with a big yawn. "I don't usually hang out in the same room as myself. It does tire me out a bit, like I said; when I go out further away it's even worse."

Kisha nods, frowning a little. "Interesting... You'd just have to wear a balaclava to cover your face," she suggests. "You'd be amazed at how little you need to change how you look before they can't recognise you. Unless you have something really distinctive, like I do. Unless I cover my arms everyone seems to remember seeing me.."

Sophie grins. "Red hair doesn't help much, in my case, though at least I can make it look short. I don't know, I've never really actually used it for anything like that, it... didn't really occur to me that it could be useful for much. I mean yeah, spying, but it isn't like I ever really need to do that." She's a little naive to this whole 'world of humans against mutants' thing, still. "I think that took a little more out of me than I realized, between showing off and getting my stuff packed up for moving. Do you mind if I take a nap...? And I can try to think of some more rule things to talk about, later."

"Mi casa es su casa?" Kisha offers, gesturing at the empty side of the room. "Quite literally. And I'm sure there are dozens of uses for an ability like that. Off the top of my head you could check unsafe buildings... But anyway you take a nap and I'll finish up the last of my cleaning."

Still grinning, Sophie gives a little nod. "Yeah, I suppose so, though so far it's mostly been useful for scaring my neighbors in the middle of the night. Back home, I mean. But.. yeah. I'll actually even make myself an eye mask, later, so you can keep the light on while I'm asleep if you want. For now..." She rolls over on the bed, pulls a pillow over her head and settles in comfortably. "This'll do. I'll try not to sleep-creep."