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Revision as of 19:46, 29 May 2013

The Lidenbrock

Introducing Hank's secret drone program.

Dramatis Personae

Kisha, Hank




XS Medlab

<XS> Medical Lab - B1 Gleaming and sterile, the school's medical facility is all cool science in contrast to the mansion's old-world old-fashion. All stainless steel and antiseptic tinge, the room is filled with the quiet whir-click of the various implements that comprise its medical equipment -- all state-of the art. The hospital beds are curtained off for privacy when they have patients, and in one of the alcoves there is a small operating theatre visible. More heavy-duty equipment is visible in the lab in the back, where the securely locked cabinets keep sensitive equipment out of the reach of teenage fingers.

The Medical Lab at Xavier's is far more than just a few hospital beds and monitoring equipment. Dr. McCoy actually has quite an advanced set up, and today, he has repurposed a large section of the lab for some kind of fabrication process. There's a clear workflow as well. The 3D printer at one end has obviously been busy producing parts. Then there's a pile of partially constructed doodads, tiny circuit boards no more than a few inches across, followed by what look like tiny chassis of some kind. The whole layout takes up about 20 feet of counter top space. It's also cluttered with tools - a microscope, soldering irons, volt meters and testers, etc.

Above the counter, hanging upside down from his feet, Dr. McCoy is reading from a technical manual of some kind, and taking notes in the pages. Every so often he glances up (down?) at the doorway, probably wondering when Kisha will get the email he sent her this this morning and make it down here.

When it comes to email Kisha usually reacts faster than people asking her in person. Unless of course she's in the middle of something fun. Like putting the finishing touches into a Spetznaz throwing shovel. Why? Because she can. Eventually, shovel complete, she makes her way down to the Medical Lab hefting her touchpad computer and catching up on the days news as she goes.

"Ah," Hank exclaims when Kisha comes in. "Excellent, good morning, Ms. Dorogoi!" Flipping down to land his feet on the floor. He folds the technical manual quickly in half, perhaps trying to hide it from Kisha, and tucks it into his lab coat pocket. "Thank you for joining me. I'm in the middle of a project, and I was hoping to employ your assistance. I /believe/ it may even be a challenge for you." Hank grins, pleased to work on a project, educate a student, AND develop her mutant ability, all at the same time. Multitasking! "Would you examine the work table please? I don't have anything completed yet, but I wonder if you can determine the nature of the project, by extrapolating what you /can/ identify." Hank stands back, and waits quietly, hands folded behind his back.

Kisha hmmmmmmmmmmmmmms. "Good morning," she says eventually, eyes already darting between the objects on the work table. "Interesting." She slowly walks into the room and sniffs the air, then frowns and wanders towards the 3D printer. "Can I use lateral thinking too?" Her hand lingers over the control panel. "And pull up the records of all the things you've been printing."

"Normally, that would be an excellent approach, Ms. Dorogoi," Hank says, smiling. "But part of the exercise this morning is to stretch the known limitations of your ability. Please indulge me, in this." Hank continues to observe, impassively.

"Well," Kisha decides, heading directly to the work table and running her hand over some of the tools. The other still clutching her touchpad computer. "Micro-electronics. These seem like small ducted fans and between that and the conversation we had a few days ago I'd guess some kind of drone. The 'landing' gear is too complicated to just be stands... articulated. I would guess it can walk and fly, which seems like it could be a little excessive. Depending on the function of course."

"Well done, right on all counts." Hank picks up an articulated leg and flexes it across its four joints, from a straight line to a half circle, and back again. "And normally I would even agree with you on the excessiveness. If it flies, why bother with walking? Or if you want a walker, why fly? A solid line of logic. However," Hank idly flicks a gesture on his xTab, laying on the counter, and a 3D holographic model of his design takes shape, floating above the counter in glowing blue lines.

"The purpose of this design is to deliver the little guy across a treacherous surface, and then squeeze through a non-flyable passage, with unknown conditions on the other side." Hank reaches up and turns the design, displaying the whole idea for Kisha. "You've heard about the terrible event in Grover's Mill, no doubt? Well, we'll be taking a group of students, including you, to join the clean up process. I intend to use this to explore in otherwise inaccessible portions of the rubble. And I'd like you to help me assemble it. "

Kisha scratches her head. "I still don't think it needs both," she decides. "The legs make flight awkward and the ducts make the shape difficult for it to dig through rubble." Her head tilts. "It did pop up on my news feed, I have it set to highlight stories which mention mutants or disasters. And priority tag anything which mentions both just in case... Back to the drone, personally I would make it a two stage vehicle. Deliver the walker as payload from a slightly bigger aerial craft."

"Again," Hank says, looking impressed. "An astute evaluation. However, I expect folding the legs will improve stability. And more importantly, I intend to deploy this device... surreptitiously." Hank lets that word hang in the air for a moment, making it clear that he is taking Kisha into his confidence for this project. "It needs to be quiet, small, and unobtrusive. It also needs to be able to extricate itself following the mi- the exploration." He gestures to his design, "Hence, my overly complex design. Which is technically only as complex as it needs to be, based on extraordinary requirements." Hank smiles, and winks. Secret project!

"How expensive is the current design? If it's below a reasonable threshold you could make it disposable?" Kisha suggests, putting her touchpad down and beginning to type away. Research notes it seems. "I mean it is a very good design. I suppose I'm literally just full of ideas. Generally other peoples, but I like to think it's helpful for innovation too. It would mean building several drones if you wished to explore multiple locations... Might I ask why you need to be discreet for assisting with search and rescue? More to the point and not to sound heartless, but surely anyone you are searching for is dead by now."

Hank frowns slightly at Kisha's callous question, but doesn't comment. He knows well enough how the inventive can get so focused on the immediate. He just nods and continues, "Yes, well, this isn't... a search and rescue drone. I'm afraid I can't give you it's full range of mission parameters. But I can explain why it can't be disposable." Hank gestures to the coffee bot, and at Kisha's nod, he sets it to pour two cups instead of just one.

"The design is relatively expensive, but given our budget, that is less of a concern. More importantly, we don't want any of these components to be discovered after the fact. It may have become apparent to you that we here at the mansion enjoy contact with some advanced devices of our own design." Hank nods at his own xTab device, and of course most students know about the Danger Room, even if they've never been there. "We don't wish to tip our hand, and reveal our full capabilities."

Kisha hmmmmmmmms again. "You're looking for whatever caused it," she states with a grin. "Personally I tend to prefer using the dumbest, most disposable equipment that will perform a task for things which are... dubious. But hey it's your money not mine! Have you considered bringing some ground penetrating radar along? A student could probably wander around with it without being questioned too much. Kids are more likely to be ignored when they act weird."

"That," Hank says with a grin, "Is exactly what I had in mind for you." The coffee bot bleeps, and two cups sit there, steaming. Hank picks up both, hands one to Kisha, and continues. "I've had you released from classes today. I hope you don't mind. I'd like you to complete the construction of our little friend here, and christen it with a proper name. My project today is to retrofit our radar device to be more portable." Hank starts to walk away and then turns back. "Kisha, I trust you'll be able to keep this project to yourself? I mean, the faculty know about it, but its easier for the other students if they don't have to keep secrets. I'm sure you understand."

Kisha gulps the coffee without even waiting for it to cool. Pro-coffee fiend powers activate! "I don't know just how specific my school records are... but if you are asking if I can deceive people for the sake of a project then the answer is yes. That shouldn't be any trouble." She shrugs. "As for a name... I would say Lidenbrock."