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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Hanna, Melinda, Micah, Doug | summary = So. Many. Cupcakes. *_* | gamedate = 2013-06-19 | gamedatename = 19 June 2013 | subtitle = | locatio...")
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Latest revision as of 05:12, 20 June 2013

Dramatis Personae

Hanna, Melinda, Micah, Doug

19 June 2013

So. Many. Cupcakes. *_*


<NYC> Happy Cakes Bakery – TriBeCa

Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.

Once inside, the walls of the combination bakery and coffee shop are covered in crisp clean white ceramic tile, with the occasional randomly placed tile with an color engraving of a tropical flower, or tile made of reclaimed China. Ambient music reminiscent of the Big Band era plays through the shop, loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to make conversation difficult. Tables and chairs in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles fill one side of the room, none of them quite matching each other, but all of them seeming to work together. The other side of the shop is a long series of gleaming glass and chrome bakery displays, filled with colorful sweets and treats of every description. To one end of the counter is a gleaming chrome espresso machine with far more tubes and bobbles than is really necessary, but producing excellent espresso beverages. At the other end is the old style cash register, a chrome and cherry wood relic from a bygone age that dings cheerily with each sale. The wall behind the counter is covered in photos of a tropical island, as well as a pair of shops that look like a smaller version of this one, several including a pair of dark haired women.

Happy Cakes Bakery has seen better days, with the slightly hazy red outline of graffiti still highlighted on the storefront glass, and there aren't nearly as many people in the bakery this evening, only a few regulars sitting around chattering about current events. There is at least one visible mutant man sitting in the corner, foxlike ears swivelling about to listen in on the conversations in the area, a brown fedora sitting on the table, apparently his method of getting around in public largely unnoticed. The chrome and glass cases are filled with a rainbow of sugary treats, the shelves more burdened with baked goods than on a 'normal' day, perhaps.

Hanna, the proprietess of the shop, is currently bustling about in the seating area, clearing away what looks like a bunch of broken China dishes and cups that were piled onto a single table, a thick white apron protecting her key lime green dress from damage and stain. She sighs softly, glancing up and around, meeting eyes with Jayna, as she works. Jayna, typically showing full foliage this close to summer, is wearing a bright green hijab, contrasting oddly with her sleeveless blue sundress, yet it does quite a bit to mask her physical mutation from prying eyes.

Melinda comes in after her hours at her cafe is over, after a run to the grocery store. She has a couple reusable shopping bags with her, stuffed with veggies and other assorted things. She heads in, glancing around the dining room as she enters, her brows rising. Her clothes are still the black and white trade wear of a restauranteur, sensible shoes on her feet, her hair pulled back in a french braid. When she spies the proprietess cleaning up porcelain shards, she inhales sharply and sighs. Bags deposited on an empty table, Mel wanders over.

"Oh, Hanna. I was hoping things were going okay for you, but ... damn, it's not looking like that. Did you take a lot of damage? Is everyone okay?" She moves over to the table to try to help.

Micah is post-work bouncy! He is appropriately dressed for his mood in rainbow-patched jeans and a white T-shirt on which an exuberant T-rex, with an adaptive reaching aid in each hand, is printed under the heading ‘UNSTOPPABLE!’ A break in his stride and quirk of his mouth betray somewhat less-happy thoughts at the sight of spraypaintings and broken things. But! He is getting /entirely/ too used to pushing on past such. Which he does well enough to offer Hanna--and Mel!--a bright smile. “Evenin’, ladies! Y’all okay?” It is a strange tone of cheerful-concern.

Doug isn't exactly /bouncy/ when he comes through the door of the bakery not long after Micah. He's never been here before, after all, and the marks of the graffiti were enough to make him pause thoughtfully in front of the window, as if weighing risk vs. pastry. But, he does come in (point to pastry!), dressed in knee-length denim shorts and a TARDIS-blue shirt with the words 'WIBBLY-WOBBLY TIMEY-WIMEY' printed in white across the chest, with low-rise converse in a bright fire-engine red on his sockless feet. He has a laptop bag slung across his chest, with an airbrushed picture of the Justice League on the flap in photorealistic art, and he appears to be giving Superman a head massage as his fingers tap along the hero's brow. "Hey guys," is sort of a subdued greeting, and he lifts his other hand in a wave. "Everyone all right?"

"Micah!" Melinda turns around and pulls Micah into a hug, if he doesn't resist, her arms tugging him close almost needfully. She holds him for a second then releases him, giving him a quick once over quietly, looking for signs of stress and injury. She inhales deeply and looks over at Doug when he enters and gives him a smile and a nod. "Hello. Um, yeah, I was just asking Hanna about that. It seems like there may have been some problems here." Mel looks over Hanna's shoulder to give a curious look to Jayna, concern putting a wrinkle between her brows.

Resist a hug? Micah? Nonsense! Mel gets all the hug! “Hi, Mel! You been holdin’ up okay with all the…?” He just gestures toward the vaguely-painted window. “I mean, it’s been everywhere an’ everythin’ anymore, feels like.” A slow shake of his head matches the question better than his still-present smile. “Hi, Doug!”

Doug looks relieved when Melinda confirms that no one is actually hurt, and he steps forward with a lopsided half-grin. "Yeah, tensions are getting high," he acknowledges. "Someone tagged a coffee shop near the campus pretty good, too." He wrinkles his nose. "It's starting to make the parental units nervous. Lunch today was filled with 'well, what if you just came home for the summer?'" He shrugs. "But, staying out there means giving up my chance at a Stark internship next summer, so that's a no-brainer." His grin slips a bit wider, and he lifts his eyebrows. "How are you guys getting along?"

Hanna glances up as the series of customers enter the shop, gently brushing her hands off on the white apron she wears. There's a slightly tired smile on her face as she sees Melinda, and she shrugs, "Eh, coulda been worse. Just a few plates and cups I picked up in thrift shops and such. There was a, well, little bit of an argument, and the customers weren't as gentle with the plates as most people are." She offers a sheepish smile, and shrugs, "But at least we got most of the graffiti off the windows, and no more has popped up since. Had some help cleaning it off, which was nice - means the entire community isn't out to get us." Hanna offers a smile to the third customer, Doug, not recognizing him, "Hi, welcome to Happy Cakes. We're a safe spot - pay no mind to the graffiti on the windows - illiterate hooligans thought it was funny to pick on an innocent bakery."

Jayna catches Melinda's glance and shrugs slightly, "I hate wearing this thing, but it's honestly safer than walking around with my head uncovered. Outside of my lack of foliage in the winter, this damnable thing is my only way of passing." She casts a look at Hanna, "And she was in such a state of panic about my safety after the shooting, and the vandalism, that it was the only way I was going to be able to get out of the apartment." The last statement is tossed out with a roll of her leaf green eyes, followed by the barista sticking her tongue out in Hanna's direction, although she grins quite cheerily, snorting with laughter. Even if the tensions are high out in the world right now, Happy Cakes, and the employees are going to do what they can to lighten the mood.

"I'm holding up. Things have been stressful all over lately." Melinda straightens up and rolls her shoulders. "What I've had to deal with at Montague's is pretty much nothing compared to the fights we've had to break up at the shelter." She draws in a deep breath and shakes her head again. She listens to Jayna quietly and nods, lips pursing as her eyes move upward toward the hijab. "You could always try dreadlocks, you know? Wrap it in cotton hair, pretend the leaves are decorative? I'm glad you're out and about, though. There's nothing quite like feeling like you're waiting for the worst to happen inside a small room, sweating." She takes a deep breath and frowns. "I should have people over. Give people a chance to go somewhere safe."

"Can't say as I blame your parents for their nervousness. I been worryin' about pretty much everybody /ever/," Micah admits with a sheepish grin. "I'm sorry you have to put up with any of that," he adds, this directed to Hanna and Jayna. "It's not right. Also, your hair is so /pretty/, Jayna, that's a shame all on its /own/." He clucks his tongue faintly against the roof of his mouth. "I'm sure folks would like that, Mel." His hand pets at Mel's shoulder reassuringly. "We just had Game Night yesterday. For the first time since all of. The things. It was actually a pretty good time, though! Just, tryin' to get back"

Doug flashes teeth at Hanna, and nods. "I heard about this place from a couple of people," he says. "Thought I'd come in and treat myself." There's sympathy in his eyes as the barista speaks, and he wrinkles his nose. "That sucks," he says, his lips pressing together tightly. He seems to be considering offering more, but apparently decides against offering too much sympathy to strangers, and instead he nods at Micah. "Only son gets extra worry," he says. "Especially since they know Jax lives in the building. My mom calls at least twice a day." The reminder of the night before gets a wince, and he slaps at his forehead. "Shit. Game Night. I got distracted by all that other stuff, and completely forgot."

Hanna shakes her head and shrugs, "It happens. As I said then - I shoulda seen this coming." She moves behind the counter, taking the large white plastic bin filled with china shards along with her, skirt swishing with movement as she goes. "Everyone's a little bit worried, but, well, that's what baked goods are for. So, what can I get for everyone this evening? We've got a decent selection of vegan treats tonight," she says with a nod to Micah, "And our normal selection is pretty good for this late in the evening. And of course, coffee, tea, and suchforth." Hanna smiles, attempting to brighten the mood a bit in the otherwise cheery bakery.

Jayna looks thoughtful at the idea of dreadlocks, "Huh. I'd never actually thought of that. As long as it's permeable cloth or something, I should be fine - I sorta need them to get air circulation." Of course, at this turn in conversation, and the lack of freak out from Doug over the idea of her having leaves, Jayna takes a moment to tug her hijab down to rest around her neck, letting the braided mass of willow fronds that form her hair be visible again. There's a visible look of relief on the woman's face, although she looks warily out the door for a moment.

"You could always look into kintsugi, Hanna. Make mint on ebay putting your shards back together with gold for the sake of the art - you know, if any of the dishes might have fetched a price to start." Melinda leans against the counter as her eyes begin to scan the offerings for the evening. "Your hair is lovely, Jayna. We'll keep an eye out if you want to close early or something and just take a break." She swings her braid over her shoulder and smiles. "Cotton would probably be good, it's fibrous enough so it's supposed to look like real hair, but you know, matted." She licks her lips lightly as she considers the cupcakes. "What are you guys having tonight?"

"Oh, sorry you missed it, Doug! But, yeah, I think everybody's been a little /distracted/ lately." Micah rakes his fingers through his hair as he moves to lean at the counter. "Ohgosh, I guess I /could/ get something for now!" His eyes brighten with the idea, like it's /novel/. "I really came to work on orderin' somethin' for Friday, but. There are people an' treats are nice. An' Jayna. Makes coffee." /Magical/ coffee, apparently, from the sound of it.

Doug's eyes widen a bit when Jayna removes her hijab, and he offers an actual smile. With teeth and everything. "Oh, hey, that's pretty," he says honestly. "Shame more people can't see that." Micah's observation gets a solemn nod, and he moves towards the case when Hanna indicates it, his eyebrows hiking. "Yeah, what's good?" he asks, eyeing the case carefully. "I didn't get a cake with lunch, so I'm looking for something particularly birthday-appropriate." He waves with the hand hooked in the strap. "I am totally open for suggestions." Then he tips his head at Micah. "What's Friday?"

There's an honest laugh at the suggestion of combining the shards again, "Oh, no, none of this is really worth anything. They were just trinkets that were picked up along my travels - I like the eclectic look, so I'll just bop down to the good will, or some such thing, and see what they've got. No worries." She does, however set the bin on the back counter, instead of just dumping it out summarily. She then turns her attention to her real favorite thing - baked goods and people. "Oh? A special order? Just let me know what sorta thing you want, and I'll get it fixed up and ready to go. Depending on when and where you want it, I can even make deliveries," Hanna smiles and nods to Micah, making note on a nearby pad of paper to get the order before he left. Hanna smiles at the mention of Doug's birthday, "Well, it depends on what your tastes are. We've got old fashioned chocolate, vanilla. Or, if you're a bit more adventurous, we've got a couple of lemon based things - like strawberry lemon, or lavender lemon. I've also got a really summery mint julep cupcake, which has been doing pretty well." She points at each in turn, waiting for orders or questions.

Jayna blushes, a slightly earthier tone coloring her cheeks, at the compliments, "I usually just go without head covering. Haven't for years, until this week." She shakes her head, a few of the fine frond dislodging from their braid as she does. "I can get coffees going - or coffee like beverages. Tea, espresso, you name it, I can make it for you. Within reason, anyway."

"I'll take a lemon lavender cupcake and a mint julep," Melinda speaks up, smiling quietly, of course letting Doug make his order. She instead shimmies down the countertop to smile more brightly at Jayna. "I'll take a extra large hazelnut latte with soymilk. I'm glad you're back at the espresso machine. Last time I was in, you were not, and while Hanna turned out a good cup, it wasn't quite the same." She gnaws on her lip and looks over at Micah as he makes his big order.

“/Doug/, it’s your /birthday/? You should get a cupcake! With a candle! Do you have little candles, Hanna? Can I /buy/ you a cupcake?” Micah…talks even /more/ when he is excited. Just…faster. “Can I have a caramel coffee? With whipped cream? Also something /chocolate/…what’s the chocolatiest thing you have? /I’m/ not vegan. So it doesn’t have t’be vegan. But I should get something before I go to take to Jax! /That/ needs to be vegan.” Oh! Did Doug ask him a question? “Friday is /Jax’s/ birthday! So many birthdays! I wanted to get a cake decorated with all kinds of colourful, but I couldn’t decide on a flavour because he likes so /many/ flavours! Then I figured he couldn’t decide /either/. An’ they make those cakes out of cupcakes that get frosted together? I thought maybe you could do that, but with…like…four different flavours of cupcakes?” It’s amazing he doesn’t pass out from lack of breathing.

Doug nods at the selection offered, and muses at the case for a moment. Then Micah is activated, and the blonde attempts to hide his grin somewhere in his shirt collar. "No candles," he says, chuckling as he lifts his chin. "But I'll let you buy me a cupcake. One of the lemon lavender ones," he says to Hanna with a nod. "That sounds kind of interesting." He blinks as Micah goes on, and his eyebrows lift at the explanation of Friday. "Oh, wow. I didn't know that. I'll have to get him something. How much coffee have you had already?" he asks, with an amused little tug of his mouth.

Hanna starts plating the cupcakes as they are ordered, and Jayna immediately jumps to work on the coffee orders as they are placed, both women seeming to work in tandem, prepping the orders in a dance like rhythm. Melinda's cupcakes are up first, and the drink is ready momentarily, although it is in a to-go cup to accommodate the larger size. There's a laugh as Micah explains /everything/ about his plans, and Hanna hands over one of the chocolate chocolate cupcakes - a rich devil's food with a pleasant cinnamon undertone - plated on a tiny China plate. Doug gets a smile, and one of the lemon lavender cupcakes. Jayna sets the drinks down for everyone, raising a delicate green eyebrow at Micah, "I was wondering the same thing... did you get cut off at the last coffee shop, and wandered this way for more caffeine?"

"Oh, good to know. Jax's birthday is Friday." Melinda leans in to give Micah's cheek a kiss as she gets her cupcakes to go as well, paying for her drink quickly as she starts to make her way toward her nearly abandoned groceries. "And happy birthday to you, too," she tells Doug as she passes. "Have a good night, guys. I want to grab a shower before my shift tonight, so I have to keep moving. Stay safe." She pauses as she grabs her belongings, looking at them with concern, then heads toward the exit. "Good night!"

“I have had /no/ coffee since my /one/ travel cup this morning! I was in clinic an’ you can only have food-things in the employee lounge area and who has time for that?” Micah crinkles his nose up with that sentiment. “I’m sure Jax doesn’t expect you t’get him anythin’. You don’t have to on the ‘have to’.” He eyes the cupcake appreciatively. “Oh, that looks like the /chocolatiest/. Good job.” Melinda gets a return cheek-peck as she heads out. “You, too! Try to get a bit of rest in before you’re back to work! G’night!”

Doug looks skeptical at Micah's defense, and narrows one eye. "Okay," he says, grinning slightly. "How much /sugar/, then?" Because playing hunches usually works out. "And I /want/ to get Jax something. He's had a rough couple of months. He could use some good stuff." He lifts a hand after Melinda, then drops it to claim his plate, lifting it to inhale the aroma with a small twitch of his nose. "Oh, man. That smells /delicious/. I can't wait to try it." And he doesn't. He's already biting into it with a small sound of pleasure. "Oh, man," he says around his mouthful. That is /awesome/."

Hanna smiles and offers a wave to Melinda, watching the other woman leave the shop, and checking for stragglers around the store. She shakes her head and smiles, heading over to switch the sign to 'closed' for the evening - admittedly, a bit early, but it's been a long few days. "Don't feel rushed, I just need to get a few things in order in the back, and start up some of the supplies for tomorrow. Stay as long as you like - I'm not in the habit of making people leave," Hanna explains, stepping behind the counter and tightening her apron. "Happy Birthday, young man. Before you head out - let either Jayna or I know - we'll box up another one on the house for you," she says to Doug, smiling kindly. "And don't let me forget to get the order for you, Micah. How many, what flavors. And color preferences. I know all vegan, but, well, I can do a lot of vegan options," the baker nods. "I need to step in the back for a few - but if you need anything at all - ask Jayna. She knows her way around here almost better than I do." And with that, the baker vanishes into the rear of the shop, through the massive chrome doors.

Micah sighs dramatically, shaking his head at Doug. “No sugar! Didn’t eat nothin’ since breakfast. Promise.” He /does/ pause to sample a bite of cupcake (now sugar!), slowly savouring it, and then wash it down with caramel coffee (now sugar /and/ caffeine!). “Prob’ly not the recommended thing to be eatin’ first, but…so much yum.” He smiles and waves at Hanna as she exits to the back room. “Thanks, Hanna! An’ not to worry. I got that order /and/ another cupcake t’get. I’m not like to forget /baked goods/.” Micah gestures toward a table with his coffee cup. “Y’wanna sit a minute, or y’gotta eat an’ run?”

Doug grins. "So, that's just natural hyper?" he teases, licking a bit of frosting from his upper lip. He waves a frosting-smeared finger after Hanna, and flashes another smile at the birthday wishes (and promise of another free cupcake -- SCORE). "Oh, I've got time," he says with a wide grin. "I'm taking tomorrow off, just because it's a lab, and I've already done the work for it." He motions to a nearby table, unshouldering the bag and looping it over the back of a chair. "Oh, hey. You can be the first person I tell," he says, waggling his eyebrows conspiratorially. "My dad got me a kick-ass birthday present."

Micah giggles, carrying his cup and cupcake over to the table and plunking himself down in the empty chair opposite Doug. “Can’t a guy just be excited without gettin’ accused of abusin’ food-substances?” Once he has a free hand, he brings one weakly to rest over his heart. /So hurt/. Well, not really. Grinning, actually. “You got a /parent/ birthday present worthy of eyebrows?” Speaking of eyebrows, his own raise slightly.

"When they breathe between sentences, then yes," Doug decrees, waving his finger like a royal sceptre. "Until then, I will continue to accuse sugar and caffeine of hyperactivity in certain people." He grins, and takes another bite of cupcake, nodding at Micah. "Oh, heck yeah. Dad got me a VIP tour of Stark Industries. I don't even know how he managed it." He raises a finger, wiping frosting from the corner of his mouth. "I'll get to see stuff not on the regular tour, allegedly."

Micah sticks his tongue out at Doug for /that/ decree. Then nabs his cupcake to put said tongue to use licking /frosting/ off of it. Since it was already out there. Mmm, frosting. "Oh, that will be fun! You gonna have to sign your life away in NDA's? Everybody's gettin' all TonyStark lately, seems like! I mean, I assume you saw the press conference? An' 'Bastian an' Peter got themselves internships over there. I thought they were gonna /explode/ with /excite/." He nibbles at the bald bits of cupcake after consuming the frosting from them, then repeats this process on another spot.

"Probably," Doug says, wrinkling his nose. "If I actually get to see anything good. I have a feeling that 'VIP' means 'a small lunch buffet at the end of the regular tour.'" He grins, although his expression grows a little confused. "Press conferen -- oh! That thing with Stark! No, I haven't watched it, yet. I've been busy with stuff. What ha --" he breaks off at the news about Sebastian and Peter, and his mouth closes audibly in his surprise. "Oh, wow," he says, some of the brightness coming out of his voice as he works through that. "How did they manage that?"

"I'm sure they'll at least let you see /somethin'/ that ain't on the regular tour. Otherwise the people as have been on the regular tour would /know/," Micah assures. He shifts his cupcake over to one hand in order to free up the other one for /coffee/. "So, the story as I've heard it... TonyStark wandered into Jax's shop one night. Then he came back, an' Jax told him about what had happened with the folks gettin' kidnapped? I'm still not really sure why. But...'Bastian ran into him as he was leavin' an' somehow /magicked/ a pledge of 7 million dollars for the Mendel Clinic out of him. The press conference was mostly announcin' that, an' TonyStark kinda throwin' his influence behind the cause. Which is /amazin'/. Anyhow, sometime before the conference 'Bastian showed him Jerusalem--did you ever meet Spencer's robot spider? 'Bastian made him. An' Peter showed him his web...gun...things. Guess he was impressed by 'em. Apparently he kept one of Peter's webguns? I am...kind of afraid he may market them somehow. 'Cause I sorta made the first workin' version of the blasted danger-magnets an' /ugh/." Coffee. Coffee will help make that thought less crazy.

Doug is quiet through the story, picking at his cupcake thoughtfully and nodding at the question about Jerusalem. They've met. "Huh," he says in a flat sort of voice when Micah finishes. "Good for them, I guess." He wrinkles his nose, and lifts a shoulder. "Those web-gun things don't seem very marketable," he says, waving his fingers. "They seem like a litigious nightmare, if the average person got hold of them. You're probably safe." He taps his foot on the floor a bit, maybe in Morse Code, with the rhythmic cadence of it. "But good for Doctor Saavedro, getting the money from Mister Stark. That'll help out a lot, I'm sure."

Micah is back to nibbling at cupcake. “Yeah, it seems like another in a series of happy accidents.” He actually stops fussing with the pastry at Doug’s reassurance. “Gosh, I hope not. I mean, I’d figure as much, too. I just…/why/ did he keep it? I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to make the blasted things in the /first/ place.” He nods vigorously in agreement about the money for the clinic. “The money’s good enough! But the public support? That’ll hopefully go a long way, too. Ain’t really /had/ much of that at all. For the genetically enhanced crowd or anythin’ to do with ‘em, really.”

"Oh, there's been a series?" Doug's tone is drying out as he picks at his cupcake, although his expression still seems amiable. "I guess they could use some good luck." There's the smallest tightening of his jaw, but his shoulder is loose when he lifts it. "If you hadn't made them, he would have found someone else to do it," he says sagely in that same oddly bright and drily detached tone. "Tony Stark will be a good draw," he agrees. "A lot of people like him, and he's smart enough that people will question themselves using his philosophy as the standard." He waggles his fingers. "Sort of the karma version of trickle-down economics."

“Just…what I was talkin’ about. With the random meetin’s an’ the donations an’ what-not.” Micah finishes the last chunk of cupcake in one big bite. He has to stop talking for a moment to wait for his mouth to catch up to him. “Yeah, it was /really/ about time. After all the assorted kidnappin’s an’ worse.” His auburn head nods bobblehead-like about someone else making the webguns. “It doesn’t help that he /has/ since then. Made, like, half a dozen of the things an’ keeps /givin’/ ‘em to people. But that was my original thinkin’. He was either gonna keep askin’ strangers an’ get himself hurt, get someone else to make ‘em an’ get himself hurt, or try to make ‘em /himself/ an’ /definitely/ get hurt. I mean…you shoulda seen the prototype he /tried/ to build of the thing. If you’re gonna do stupid things, at least do ‘em with good equipment.” He shrugs. This list…probably has been recited to himself a fair number of times in /reassurance/. “I’m hopin’. I’m extremely hopeful it might make some difference, no matter how small.”

"Yeah," Doug says, exhaling heavily as color begins to creep into his ears. "They definitely had some good stuff coming to them." He doesn't really sound like his heart's in it, though, and he polishes off his own cupcake in a couple of bite, barely chewing before he's swallowing them down. "The squirt gun?" he asks, when Micah mentions Peter's early prototype. "I saw that. He brought it by my place when he came to pick up his phone one morning." There's a quick dusting of his fingers, and he's pushing to his feet, pulling out his phone and glancing at the screen. "Only time will tell," is his response to the older man's sentiments, murmured softly. "I should get going," he says suddenly, frowning deeply. "I might be taking tomorrow off, but I still have stuff to do."

Micah nods at the mention of the squirt gun, as an apt description. He quickly finishes the remainder of his coffee. “Should prob’ly be goin’, myself. Let the girls close up an’ get outta here. Still gotta make my complicated order…” Dishes find themselves stacked together for ease of returning them for washing.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Doug says, grabbing his laptop bag and looping it over his shoulder. "I bet they can handle whatever you throw at them." He points a finger at Micah, and looks at Jayna. "Hey, give him my free cupcake," he says, already moving towards the door. "I'll see you later," he says to the older man, his expression definitely less cheerful than when he came in, although not completely lost to whatever is bringing darker color to his ears. "Tell Sebastian I said congratulations," he says over his shoulder. "Peter, too, I guess." There's more said, with a couple of colorful words in the mix, but they're lost as he mutters them into his shirt, pushing out into the noise of the street.

Micah looks a little bit /confused/, but promises to pass along the congratulatory wishes, regardless. “Happy birthday, hon. Be safe out there.” By the time Doug heads out the door, he’s only looking /more/ confused. Teenagers? Who knows. He tries to get through placing his other orders quickly, to let Hanna and Jayna get on with their night.