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Not Not Stupid
Dramatis Personae

Ember, Peter, Sebastian, Shane, Ross


Ross waits eagerly for Not Stupid log name, luckily he can't name it Not Stupid again <3


<XS> Lake

Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

The water teems with life nevertheless, home to myriad species of fish that provide for ample fishing or just lazy watching on a slow summer day, for those who want to take a boat from the boathouse out to the center of the lake, or perhaps lounge on the pier and try their luck.

There's music coming from down by the lake, after dark has fallen. The twins have returned with Peter to school, from the city, actually spending a night here for once! But not in their dorm. Though it's admittedly not yet curfew /anyway/ -- just dark, though it's a clear night and the bright sliver of moon overhead casts a silvery glow onto the lake.

And music. Quick-fast, lively music, right now. 'The Devil Went Down to Georgia', though it's grown a cheerful guitar accompaniment to the traditional fiddle part. Sebastian sits on the end of the long stone pier, in black boxers and no shirt, legs dangling down into the water and his guitar on his lap. Beside him, in similar (lack of) attire (save that he also has a thick red fabric collar buckled around the gills at his neck), Shane has his violin, picking up the main melody of the tune.

Peter is dangling from the trees, listening; if the twins are /water-benders/, then Peter's an /air-bender/, dangling high up -- actually, he's /specifically/ dangling beneath a very thick branch that extends over the pier's edge, a long line of silver connected to the bark -- his ankles crossed over the line, with one hand extended just below (above?) his hips, hanging upside down as he listens. He sways, in half-time (it's far too quick to swing in full-time!) to the fast-paced rendition of the song. Though he's /also/ reading a school textbook with his other hand; the cover identifies it as a Vietnamese textbook. As the two play, Peter occasionally speaks in a /slightly/ mangled pronounciation: "{1, 2, 3, 4...}"

Little did they know, this peaceful moment will soon get slightly annoying. Slowly pacing towards them, both due to boredom and to relax, is Ross, who didn't actually take off her hospital gown, she just put pants and a bra and shoes on and made it fashion. Her hair is still pure brown due to lack of time for highlighting over night, and she's a bit slow due to the painkillers they gave her not being completely gone. Her skin color is no longer pure pale, it's become a bit pinkish purple, which somehow she hasn't noticed, but most probably could. Her wrist and ankle are still braced and booted, respectively. She steps up, screeching to a halt when she hears the GODAWFUL MUSIC. Like seriously.

"{Three, four,}" Sebastian corrects reflexively, over top of the music. His head turns slightly, at the NewPerson approach, but he doesn't stop the music.

Neither does Shane. "{Five six seven! You don't need to count any higher than that, right?}" His music continues, bright-lively.

Peter /snorts/ from his dangly perch at Shane's comment, though he repeats the numbers as Sebastian pronounces them: "{Three, four...}" He does /not/ notice Ross' approach; not at first. He does not have excellent smelling! And he's thoroughly distracted by music, reading, /and/ speaking: "In base /seven/, maybe."

Ross's eyes immediately spot the two ugly shark monster movie rejects. Her head revolts, until she spots Peter, who is also blue but is also cool or something so like yeah. She gives him a small wave as she approaches the lake, avoiding all contact with the sharks and giving terrible terrible body language to them. "Hey, Peter! How are you?", she shouts towards the trees, almost forgetting that they're playing music BUT SHE'S RUDE. She sits in a cross leg pattern, carefully to not get injured, and begins picking at her newly purple skin. Also, if Peter looked at her breast area, it's smaller somehow, from C to A. DON'T ASK ME I DON'T KNOW.

"Peter," Shane actually does stop his music for this to say to Peter with mild /disappointment/, "{You don't /need/ 'seven' if you're counting in base seven.}"

Sebastian stops his music pretty much at the same time as Shane does. His lips twitch. "{Peter, I'm docking you one nerd point,}" is in Vietnamese and then a quiet-cheerful, "Hello," in English.

"Sup," Shane says, and then returns to his playing.

"Placeholder for /zero/," Peter fires right back, flushing at the threat of losing NERD CRED. Though -- it's clear! He /probably/ actually did forget that. When both the twins stop playing, Peter looks up (down?) from his book, eyebrows zooming up (again, down?) as he catches sight of Ross -- hears her! -- and: "...ohhey."

Suddenly, Peter's a little /tense/. Just a slight ripple of tiny-tension, but probably noticeable to anyone who knows his body language -- or his smell. The book is closed -- tossed! -- THWIP -- and carelessly glued to the tree-branch overhead for safe-keeping (somewhere far away, Lucien Tessier's eyebrows twitch in distress, although he does not know why). Then, promptly, Peter is on the pier -- WHUMP! -- notably standing between Shane / Sebastian and Ross. He gestures to her, glancing back at the twins. "S'Ross," he tells them, before glancing to Ross, and: "S'sharktwins. Shane. Sebastian." A thumb jerks to each in turn.

Ross scoffs when she hears Shark Twins, in obvious disgust. I mean, they're blue. BLUE IS NOT A NATURAL COLOR. Even though Peter's blue and Ross doesn't care. "Hey." She reaches out for a hand shake to the shark twins. Oh god. Peter better intervene, fast. "Yeah, I'm Ross, nice to meet you!", she says, making a quirky smirk. Somehow, no one noticed she's obviously wearing a hospital gown. Well, okay, it's not obvious seeing as it looks more like a poncho but whatever.

There is a sudden /quickness/ with which Peter places himself between Ross and the twins; the boy is remarkably fast even under ordinary circumstances -- but suddenly he is scarcely more than a /blur/, stepping directly in front of Ross, hands held up to her in a gesture of 'whoa whoa whoa': "Hey, waitasec--" he starts, before: "{No touch her.}" Peter is /very/ tense, now. Shoulders clenched, jaw locked.

"Bastian," Sebastian greets; he'd started to play again but he stops this to extend a hand to Ross!

Shane stops his playing to do the same, though he drops his hand immediately again upon Peter's words. "Huh?" He rocks back a half step.

Bastian doesn't, hand frozen midway to Ross's when Peter is suddenly in betwen. "Huh," he echoes, puzzled.

"... I'm Shane," Shane introduces himself, but slower. Gills flaring along his sides, eyes darting between Peter and Ross and Bastian. "You new here?"

Ross immediately becomes a bit angry, as Peter mindcontrolblocks her. She had no idea what she'd tell them to do, she was just pretty bored, and also a bit stupid. "Uh, yeah! Just got enrolled last week. Name's Ro- oh wait, Peter already told you." She immediately begins plotting on how to touch them, mainly because Peter doesn't want her to and that makes it a game. "So, what's your names?" She brushes her hair back with her good hand, still not noticing she's purple. She still also hasn't made eye contact.

"... /You/ already told us," Bastian says, a little bit more confused. "And, um, we just told you our names."

"Like two fucking seconds ago," Shane adds. "The hell are you on?"

"--they're--" Peter glances back at the twins, but it is a /quick/ glance, spurious and fast; his eyes snap back to Ross, apparently intent on keeping a very close eye on /her/. "--Shane and Sebastian," he repeats, nose wrinkling; he takes a tiny step back, toward the twins. Struggling to think of a way to communicate -- "{Desiree,}" Peter says the name as if it were VIETNAMESE, mangling it in his horrible VIETNAMESE ACCENT SIMULATOR FACTORY. "{Same.}" Tiny grabby motion with his hand. "--you okay?" he asks Ross. "You seem -- out of it. Really out of it." He peers a bit at Ross' top, and: "--is that. Hospital gown?"

Ross quickly realizes she already told them her name and vice versa. "Oh-oh...sorry. I just got out of the hospital, I guess they gave me pain killers and they haven't worn off yet or something." She smiles dimly, slightly embarrassed. "Anyways, I'm Ross.", she says, sarcastically. "So, uh, what were you playing? It was...nice." She says the last part, trying to lie as well as she can and doing so badly. And she's good at lying, too! "Unique, I guess."

"It's -- not really unique, um, it's a pretty famous song," Sebastian says with a puzzled frown.

"You don't get out much, do you." Shane settles down into a crouch, tucking his violin beneath his chin.

Sebastian just stands, guitar held at his side by its neck. He shifts his weight a little uncomfortably from one foot to another. "{-- Is it just me or does she seem --}"

"{Yeah no I'm getting giant bitch-vibes,}" Shane finishes this prooobably more crudely than Bastian was going to. "So what's your deal," is in English.

"Why were you in the hospital?" Sebastian's brows furrow, perhaps in concern.

"--hospital? Th'heck?" Now Peter's taking a looong step back, putting himself -- nearly between the twins! But still notably between Ross and them. He's frowning in thought, a little. He picks up the twins' Vietnamese talk, but -- doesn't catch /everything/. Well he definitely catches the cursing. /That/ prompts him to flush a little violet. "--are you okay?" he repeats, before adding, taking a step back toward her: "Like, do you -- need a -- I think we should maybe get you to Dr. McCoy? Especially if you're -- still on pain drugs I mean you seem really out of it."

Ross sighs, getting ready to explain.. "I started coughing up blood last night all inside my dorm and couldn't breath. I met Doctor Save-what's his name or whatever. Apparently, my chest was shrinking or something and gave me a hemothorax or something. That's my supervillain name by the way, no stealing." She laughs a bit, and looks towards Peter. "No, I don't need to see Doctor Smurf, I'm fine! I swear!" She smiles cheekly and slowly inches towards shark twins with open skin. "But, uh, thanks for caring!"

"I don't give any fucks," Shane answers, "but they probably care." His head tips towards Peter and his brother with a definite implication that caring is for SUCKERS.

Sebastian just chuffs out a quiet breath. "/Hemothorax/ is your supervillain name? That's -- um." His nose crinkles, and his, "... unique," comes in much the same tone Ross used on their music earlier.

The four are down on the pier; the tiny blue sharktwins are both dressed in nothing but boxers. One holds a guitar at his side, the other a violin tucked under his chin.

Shane's even starting to play his again! The devil's part from 'Devil Went Down to Georgia', this time.

"--ohjeez you started. Coughing up /blood/? And you're still -- your /chest/ was shrinking?!" Peter exclaims, eyes popping open wide -- eyebrows /flinging/ up toward his hair. "/Why/ are you not in a hospital right now?!" The boy is standing between the sharky sharktwins and Ross; his metallic-blue chitin kind-of-gleams in the dim light. /He/ is dressed in a white collared shirt and dress-slacks. "--also hemothorax is. /BLOOD/ chest?" He stares at Ross. "--okay, listen, you are. Coming to med-lab."

Ross adamantly shakes head. "No, no! They cleared me to leave Mount Sinai and all that, otherwise, I WOULD be in the med-lab. I left earlier today. You think they'd leave me around to roam if I was dying? It's like a nanny state here." She quickly turns to give Shane a nasty 'I don't like you' look. She brushes her brown hair back, still slightly purple and in a hospital gown. "Also, stop acting like that, your head will explode. If it hasn't already and I'm not aware. Also, thanks. I like being unique!". She says the last part smiling, not aware that Sebastian was being an asshole. "But, yes, I would like to see you drag me to the med-lab, Peter. You'd have to, you know, touch me.", she says, smiling evilly. She loves her power.

"Blood chest, pretty much, yes," Sebastian answers, "it's when you're bleeding into your pleural cavity -- /why/ were you bleeding into your pleural cavity?" he wonders, with a slight frown.

Shane shrugs. "Who gives a fuck. She says Io took care of it. He knows his shit, right?" He drops his bow hand, his hairless ridged brows raising.

Sebastian tugs back gently at Peter's shirt sleeve. "You should. Maybe calm down. We were doing good with the lessons there for a bit!"

Peter peeeeers at Ross for a moment. For a lot of reasons, but it's probably that last bit that earns her. The Peter-Stare. Before: "You /do/ know that I could, like. Just cocoon you and drag you there, right?" Peter says, a /little/ dryly, before adding -- maybe with an edge of panic, and a raise of his hands: "I'm not gonna do that though I mean I wouldn't I'm just saying I--" Then there's a tug-tug at his back, from Sebastian; Peter flushes, lowers his arm -- and steps back, a little embarassed. Glancing back up at his book, which is now -- stuck to a tree branch via webbing. "...yeah, okay. Just um. {Did. Bad thing.}" is the best Peter can manage in Vietnamese.

And then Peter's hopping up to catch the tree branch with one hand, extending one of his webshooters toward it -- there's a brief /spritz/ of solvent, and -- the webbing starts to loosen as he pulls the book down. Somewhere back in the city, Lucien might be suffering an inexplicable /panic/ attack as the vinegar-based solvent soaks through the book's jacket.

Ross sighs when Peter escapes. "Aww, I really wanted to mind control something. You make me sad, Peter.", she says, jokingly crying. She looks at Shane. "Okay, what the fuck is your problem with me? Like, seriously? Is Mister Shark hungry or something?". Oh boy. She says this with a tint of anger getting one foot closer and one foot farther away. She then turns to Sebastian. "Somehow, creepily, my chest went back two sizes, so there was too much excess blood. It's like, disgusting.", she says this, very nicely compared to how she just spoke to Sebastian. "Hopefully one of the stupid physical mutants isn't infecting me or something, eww.". She says this in a hint of disgust, while still speaking nicely to Sebastian, momentarily forgetting he is also a physical mutant. This will not turn out well.

Exploration. That's what one does when confronted with a new place and new... people. Is 'people' the right word? Whether bold or simply stupid, Ember is approaching the gathering of mutants without much hesitation. Regardless of the temperature, the youth's dressed in an assortment of fleece and sweats. Fleece pants are bright pink with little black skulls, and the gray hoodie has a faded care bear rainbow across the chest. She's coming up to the group in time to overhear Ross' commentary about physical mutations, and the white-haired girl is cocking an eyebrow. "Well, aren't /you/ a sweetheart..." is drawled, before bronze eyes drift toward the ... physical mutants.

"-- Mind control?" Sebastian's eyebrows shoot up. And then back down again, "um, he doesn't. /Have/ a problem with you," he says, cautiously. "But you're sort of sounding like you want to make one."

"Yeah no what the fuck, I don't even know you, chick." Shane shakes his head. "But you should fuck right the hell off this /campus/ if you have a problem with physical mutants. "{Or find a fucking mirror,}" is added in Vietnamese.

The twins' heads turn in tandem at the new arrival, both sets of brows hiking up. Sebastian offers a smile -- small and closed-lipped! Shane's is brighter, toothier. "More new kids?" Shane says, and, "Yo."

"Hi," Sebastian is warmer, less gruff than his brother.

Peter's book is YOINKED free, at last; he hops down off the tree branch and lands back on the pier with a solid WHUMP. His hand moving to brush off the excess web-goop that's already dissolving from contact with the vinegar. The book's now got a big splotchy stain on it; not that PETER cares. "--mutations don't work that way I mean /maybe/ a mutant could be contagious if that was their /specific/ mutation but man -- that would be weird." His head swings up and around when the sharktwins are greeting a newcomer; again, Peter's eyebrows /bound/ upward; he tenses /again/. Dude's just. Generally tense.

"Ohhi," Peter says, hesitantly waving back to Ember.

Quickly, Ross sidesteps back, looking towards the new kid. She did not catch nor understand the vietnamese, and otherwise ignores Shane. "Well, nice to meet you too, bitch.", she says sweetly to Ember. She then says to Peter, kind of nicely, "I hope not. Luckily, I'm just a normal pale teenager. Like normal people should, unless, you know, they're of a different race or something.", she says, mostly due to the painkillers, slightly due to her being a bitch. "Eww, books. I mean, some are good, but reading for fun is, kind of boring." Quickly, elsewhere, Lucien got slightly nauseated without any knowledge of why. "Anyways, calm down! You'll have a heart attack!", she barks at him, basically an order.

Ember looks toward the group of boys at the chorus of greetings, and the girl is lifting a black-nailed hand to offer the three a psuedo-wave. "Yo 'n all that shit," she offers, though what would've been a more-or-less friendly smirk is derailed by Ross. Bitch? Up goes that other eyebrow, and she's cocking her chin enough to give the other girl a dubious look. "Normal people? You look like you took a bath in grape Kool-Aid, you racist dipshit. And you don't like to /read/, either. Shocking." Bronze eyes flicker toward the shark twins then, then Peter, before she's snorting. "I'm Ember Adams, resident arson."

"Oh, sweet, arson. I have a friend," Shane says, "looooves to light /all/ the fucking shit on fire. Can you," he's asking this with /light/ curiosity, "light her? On fire?" His violin bow waves towards Ross.

"/Shane/," Sebastian sounds chiding, if mildly so. "That's Shane. I'm Bastian. Hi. We're -- not. Arson. Just. Kinda. Sharky. That's Peter," he nods towards the spiderkid!

"/He's/ a nerd," Shane offers, as though this were Peter's mutation. From his crouch he sidesteps juuust a little closer to Peter, bonking his head up against Peter's calf, friendly-affectionate in contrast to the disparaging tone with which he says /nerd/.

"--Ember Adams? Like /Wednesday/ Adams?" Peter says, and now he's grinning, *just* a smidge. A slight flick of eyes toward Ross, and then back to Ember, and: "--don't. Actually set anyone on fire um. Just in case, you uh. Thought that was like--" When Shane bops his head against Peter's calf, Peter's hand drops down to his head, fingers weaving through his hair! /Still/ a little tense, but some of that tension seems to be melting away now that it seems like nobody's going to be set on fire or mind-controlled.

For a second, Ross tries to figure out what Ember meant by grape kool-aid.. She quickly tosses another angry look towards Shane, due to his fire comment. She goes to point her finger at him...when she notices her hand. Purple. Purple all over. She looks at her other, and then at her reflection in the water. Her reaction is not pleasant, as she immediately drops to the ground and begins taking turns screaming and crying, which is appropriate seeing as she just turned purple out of NOWHERE a few hours ago. She begins to rock herself in her knees, both frightened and slightly broken inside. She doesn't even respond to Peter's Wednesday Adams comment to use it as an insult against Ember, just rocking back and forth slowly.

"I /could/, yes..." Ember is drawling toward Shane, one corner of red-painted lips curving upward. "But with it bein' my first day and all, I'm tryin' to lay low." Peter's interpretation of her name has her glancing toward the 'nerd', but rather than a standard response the girl is lifting both hands to the level of her ears, and after an oh-so-spooky, "Dunah nah nah," her fingers *snap* *snap*. There's a wink toward the younger boy, and then... well, Ross.

"Is... uh." Needless to say, Ember has gone to staring at Ross. "Should we call for help, or is she just... special?" She has the decency to look /mildly/ concerned.

"She's a fucking dumbshit racist bitch," is Shane's immediate answer, "don't fucking bother." His head is butting up against Peter's hand, and he /ignores/ Ross's crying after this.

Sebastian doesn't, his brows furrowing slightly. He inches closer to her, reaching a veeeery tentative hand for her shoulder? "Hey -- um. Hey. R-ross? Are you -- what's -- wrong?"

"Touched in the fucking head is what's wrong. Jesus Christ, I'm going to bed." Shane moves away from Peter to tuck his violin away into its case, sitting further towards the center of the pier. "Ember. We're not all looneytunes, she's -- just special. Nice to meet you."

"Ohcrapwowokay," Peter says, one hand /darting/ up as Ross -- sinks to the ground and starts wailing. "Whoa, okay, uh, calm down, look uh maybe we should -- get you to med-bay?" The other hand is still patting at Shanehead pretty steadily through this, up to the point when Shane moves away; Peter steps forward with Sebastian -- when Sebastian reaches out for Ross' shoulder, Peter's hand /darts/ for Sebastian's other hand, giving a -- tiny-tug? -- backward. Like: 'Be careful'.

The sound of the others doesn't even get to Ross, as she's basically suffered a tiny mental breakdown. "I'm purple! WHY AM I PURPLE? When did I become purple, why am I purple? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?", she says inbetween crying about her sudden new physical mutation. She obviously won't move, so possibly Peter WILL have to cocoon her up to get her to the med-bay, if he wasn't joking. "What is wrong with me...who did this to me, why, why, WHY?". She tries to get up, promptly, uh, falling into the lake, screaming for help as she falls. Her klutzyness knows no bounds, it would seem.

"Jesus H. Christ." Ember doesn't sound all that alarmed as she watches the purple girl wail and then flail, though she does grimace a bit as she falls into the lake. The pyro's shaking her head almost as soon as she sees the other girl go under, taking a few deliberate steps backward. "One've you better get her, if anybody's going to. Fire... water... no bueno, you know?"

"Fuck it," Shane says, snapping his violin case shut. "Motherfucker can cry herself into the goddamn lake for all I care." His tone sounds more bored than anything else. He thumps a fist loosely against Sebastian's shoulder, jerks his head up in a nod to Ember, and starts back towards the school building.

Sebastian just -- rests his fingers lightly against Ross's shoulder. "Hey --" he says slowly. "Hey, why are you -- what's --" He exhales heavily. "-- I'm getting a teacher," he decides instead, with a step back towards Peter. He flashes a wry smile towards Ember. "Sorry. Is this your first day? It's /mostly/ not like this, I promise, she's -- just --" He doesn't say 'special'. But something in his crooked smile /suggests/ it all the same.

"...jeez. Okay, um, yeah, go get a teacher I'll make sure--" Peter steps forward, then! As Ross falls into the water. And then there is a --- THWP THWP THWP THWP -- several long silver lines /extending/ out to attempt and lightly splat against her shoulders as she splashes and thrashes inside of the lake! Pulling up, in an attempt to sloooowly ease her back toward the pier: "Don't panic it's /fine/ we'll get a teacher," he tells her. With a glance toward Shane: "I'll catch you later. Um, nice to meet you, Ember," Peter adds, PROBABLY looking a little like a puppeteer. With Ross as the puppet. Tug, tug.

"... catch you later, man," is Ember's sideways farewell to Shane, and the look she tips toward the retreating twin has a hint of 'take me with you' mixed in. "Wow. Uh. Shit." That's her response to Peter's puppeteering, and her gaze flickers around the odd little grouping. Shark boys, puppeteer spider, Kool-Aid girl, and pyro. It's going to be a great year.

Ross just rocks, back and forth, even as she's pulled upwards by super thwip strings. She's still not in her right mind, and definitely needs med-lab, seeing as she's not only purple but going insane. She still can't get how one turns purple all of a sudden after sixteen years of being normal. She is pulled onto land by her puppeteer, and just sits there, crying. Atleast she won't grow a tail and long ears. Right?