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Latest revision as of 20:41, 1 October 2013

Dramatis Personae

Ducky, Lyric




<XS> Karolina, Ducky, and Lyric's Dorm - FL2

Tucked into a spire at the end of the girls' hall, this dorm is one of the few three-student suites. Spacious, its arrangement in the oddly circular room is nonstandard; two lofted beds sit near two of the room's many windows, with their respective desks tucked beneath. The third bed, a regular twin, sits across the room, next to a desk of its own. There is plenty of space in the room's three closets, and one of the tall windows even has a very tiny accompanying balcony just outside.

Classes have finished for the day, and most of the extracurriculars as well. Probably many people are settling down to get homework done, as they trickle back to their dorms, though quite a few our outside enjoying the remnants of sunlight and pleasant weather. From Lyrics dorm, though, there is -- noise. A whoooole lot of noise, music -- a VNV nation album -- turned up high enough to be heard all the way down the hall. Bass cranked high, thumping from a large speaker next to Lyric's desk; she is sitting in her spinny-chair, feet resting on the speakers, twisting her chair back and forth absently. There's a bow on her lap, though no arrows anywhere in evidence; at the moment she is quietly waxing its bowstring, head bobbing along to the kind of obnoxiously intrusive music.

Ducky is returning from a stint of reading in the library, her bright yellow backpack slung over her shoulder, laden with books and notes, while her hands are full with books on the physics of flight. She stops at the end of the hallway, apparently startled by the loud thumping music coming from the end of the hall, even more so at the realization that it is coming from her room. Hugging her books tight to her chest, she puts her head down and heads for her dorm, grimacing at the volume of the music. She knocks briefly on the door, before opening it and heading inside, head still bowed against the music.

Taking a moment to set her books down and free her hands, she moves to stand in front of Lyric, waving in greeting while saying "Hello." Her facial expression makes an attempt at masking the discomfort, but she is wincing with the time of the bass. "Hi. Um, sorry, um, could you possibly turn your music down a bit? It's kinda painfully loud all the way down the hall," she says, carefully, signing as she does, although she switches between fingerspelling and actual signs - her grammar isn't perfect, but she's getting there. "Sorry."

"Loud?" Lyric lifts her hands from the bow to echo this with some confusion, but then understanding dawns as her toes wiggle against the speaker. Her eyes widen and she nods in acceptance, leaning down in her chair to turn the speaker knob -- first up, unfortunately; it takes a moment of thumping before she recalibrates and adjusts it back down to a still Pretty Loud but less ear-splitting level.

"Sorry," she signs afterwards. "It has a nice beat." She eyes the books in Ducky's arms curiously. "Are your birds teaching you to fly?" Her mouth curls up into a wide amused smile.

Ducky nods, continuing to sign, "Yeah. Sorta was vibrating the windows down the hall a bit." She flinches at the momentarily louder sound, but then relaxes, "Thank you." Ruffling a hand through her hair, she presses against one temple briefly, finger spelling with one hand, "It's ok. Thank you for turning it down a bit. Was a good song, just painfulish." She glances at the books with a sheepish grin, offering a shrug, "They've tried before. But, um, a friend asked about it, so I figured I'd look into it at least. Not like I'm gonna sprout wings or anything." Her face shows a touch of disappointment as she signs this, but she smiles again almost instantly.

"Sorry. I forget that not everyone has ear-armor," Lyric explains with a small crinkle of her nose. "I /bet/ there's someone out there who can grow people wings. Maybe you need to put an ad. Somewhere. Though I guess if there was a mutant who could they might think someone's just trying to lure them out to get beat up or something." This puts a small frown on her face. "Though maybe people already here could BUILD you wings have you talked to Kisha or Bastian or his nerd club?" 'Nerd club' is at least signed with more cheer than disparagement.

Nodding, Ducky shrugs, and lets the music topic drop. "Probably, yeah. Though that would probably make a lot of things difficult. And my luck, I'd still be a flightless bird. Wings are really complicated, and I don't think people would really advertise teh ability to grow wings on other people. That seems like it would end poorly," she says, signing along as she does - she's improving, it would seem, at least when it comes to talking about birds. She giggles at the 'nerd club' mention, "Haven't asked about it no. It seems sort of... silly, to request." Ducky looks down and shrugs, "'Sides, Kisha would want to put rockets and lasers on the wings, too. And... I'm not too fond of the idea of accidentally exploding."

"No exploding," Lyric agrees with a giggle. "But people have all kinds of things for flying. Like -- hang-gliders? Wingsuits?" She has to spell both these out. "That doesn't require any new muscles or hollow bones they're built for people. Maybe they could make you a flying /suit/. Without rockets."

Ducky moves to her desk, and picks up one of the books, neon yellow and black stripe, declaring itself to be 'Unpowered flight for dummies' in bold black letters. "I've looked into hang gliders - but a wingsuit would be totally awesome, in theory. Or really painful," she giggles and sits down, turning her own chair to face Lyric and signing as she talks, "I dunno. It'd be neat, but I'd also probably hurt myself. A lot." Her head tilts slightly in a bird-like manner at Lyric's bow, gesturing at it and signing curiously, "You do archery? Just started or have you been doing it before?"

"Probably," Lyric agrees cheerfully, "but you can get hurt doing lots of fun things." She glances down at her bow when it is indicated, her smile brightening. "Like this! You should have seen the inside of my arm when I started learning." She brushes her fingers against the inside of her forearm with a giggle. "Just. Red and bruisey and then we learned about bracers. I started learning a little bit when I was small? With my dad he thought it'd be fun to do together. But both of us were really bad! Are really bad. Then I joined archery club here last year. It's so much fun /and/ also Daiki is in it and he," Lyric leans a little bit forward like confiding a deep secret, "is the prettiest. You should join we just shoot at targets a lot."

Ducky giggles, signing and smiling, "I think it might kinda be worth it, though, even if I got hurt. To get to fly with Horus. Would be cool - and then I can tell all of my birds that yes - I can fly." She nods intently at the explanation of the bow, and grins, "Oh! That's awesome that you got to do stuff with your dad like that! Does he still do archery with you?" Now that the topic is changed, her signing is a little bit more halting, and occasionally she has to correct herself. "I might consider it. I'm 'sposed to do some extracurriculars not involving birds, apparently," she chuckles, tilting her head slightly, "Daiki? Oh! I know him, sorta. He's nice."

"/Very/ nice." Lyric is emphatic on this point. "Last term he was tutoring me in chemistry but," she confesses, "I didn't actually need the help." This admission comes with a faint blush and a soft giggle. She returns her attention down to the bow, one finger drawing against its freshly-waxed string. "Yes. On weekends sometimes. He only lives just in Salem Center. So I see him all the time. If you need extracurriculars it's a good one. Astronomy club is fun too that teacher is nice. I was going to try rock climbing club but it's getting cold now, maybe in spring. What things do you /like/?"

Ducky looks just the tiniest bit confused at the confession about chemistry tutoring, but she shakes her head and shrugs slightly, apparently just not getting it. Her attention turns back to the bow as well, nodding, "That's cool! Has he gotten better at it too, or are you better now, since, y'know, being in the club and all?" The question makes Ducky ponder for a moment, and she chews on the inside of her lip in thought at it, "I... well, I haven't really had hobbies since I left home. I mean, birds don't really count, and even before then, it was kinda birds." She looks confused again, frowning, "Dunno. Maybe there's a hiking club or something. Or I'll try archery. Dunno how good I'd be at Astronomy - sort mostly goes over my head, even if the teacher's nice."

"I learn more things now and then I teach him! So he's also getting better. Um. I think there's a hiking club but I don't know who's in it." Lyric wrinkles her nose thoughtfully. "There's /lots/ of clubs actually. Maybe you need to find hobbies! Maybe I will help you find hobbies. You can come with me to chess club! Or I can teach you to dance. And you don't have to be good at astronomy to be in Astronomy Club, there's no grades you just have to go out and look at pretty stars. OH! How about table tennis club that can't be hard to pick up!" Her stream of chatter is cheerful, likely continuing on for a while now that she has found a new /mission/ in life.