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Sleepless in Xavier's

Sleepless in Xavier's

Dramatis Personae

Logan, Rogue & Rasa

27 January 2013

'Twas the night before Monday and all through the school, Many students were stirring - some thought it was cool. And there in the kitchen, the fridge-light was on. There's Rogue, Ras' 'n Logan! Where's all the beer gone???


Kitchen, Xavier's School

Night falls.

The youngest of the students living in the School are already in bed - for the most part. Outside the kitchen and down a hall, a young boy sits in front of the TV, watching every channel (at the same time). Some of the more nocturnal of mutants are going about their night-routine - which usually involves snacks. Lots of snacks.

Logan, looking bleary-eyed and not a little grumpy (what else is new?) appears in the doorway to the kitchen - a hand upon his face, grinding the ball of his palm into his eye as though to force a headache or irritation out... manually. Two young students nearly bump into him as he staunters into the kitchen, and makes his way immediately to the fridge.

He is wearing tracksuit pants and a singlet. Bending over the fridge, he peers inside, muttering and grumbling under his breath. "No beer. What kinda school is this?"

"It's a school, Logan, not a frat house." Comes a drawling from the other side of the fridge. Up on the counter is a Rogue, in a loose hoodie unzipped over a black tank top, paired with loose sleep pants and fuzzy black socks with purple polka dots. Gloves are on the counter next to her, as she digs into a pint of Hagen-dazs. Banana split flavor, no less.

Rasa wanders into the kitchen a little after Logan, missing most of his poking around, but catching the last of his comment. Ze blinks in his direction and pauses near the doorway. The teen is decked out in loose flannel pants and a long sleeved tee, the squinty expression on hir face and the wrinkles in hir skin indicating that ze had been sleeping moments before this late night excursion.

Audible gurgles in hir stomach cause the figure to almost double over, one hand on hir belly, the other braced against the door frame. Ze looks in Rogue's direction as hir face grows gaunt with severe hunger. Ze moves away from the wall and goes towards one of the cabinets, fishing out some energy bars. "The beer is hidden."

"Frat house, right." Logan retorts - dragging out riiight a little, into a drawl. "Whatever." Standing up, he arches his back, then twists his torso from side to side - stretching.

Crack! Crick! Crack-crack-crack!

The sound is quite audible and punctuates the air, possibly setting teeth on edge. The burly, hairy man turns about to regard Rasa and his eyebrows shoot up - not to much in surprise as in... interest. "Where?" is all he says - sniffing the air, nostrils flaring. He stubbornly does not look at Rogue for the moment. He wants his beer.

Rogue giggles softly under her breath, popping another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. She shakes her head to try and push white strands out of her face, looking up. "Hey, Rasa. Don't tell him. Make him work for it." The belle's expression is pure mischief as she hops down off the counter, a faint silvery sound from under her tank top as she moves to put ice cream away.

"People's bedrooms, most likely. Weird nooks and crannies, most like. We're teenagers. We have to hide all that stuff." Rasa shrugs at Rogue's warning, hir fingers busily tugging a package open and biting into it hungrily. Ze glances up at Logan again, cheek stuffed with food. "School doesn't supply it. Kids have to find it and squirrel it away on their own. I haven't found it myself, but there has to be some. We're teenagers after all." Ze finishes chewing and stuffs more food into hir mout greedily after.

"Figures." Logan wanders past Rogue and Rasa toward one of the cupboards, looking haggard as ever - healing factor or no. Itching his jaw with one hand, the feral mutant opens door after door - moving along the wall systematically until, finally, he comes across some bottles of soda.

Warm soda.

"Better 'n nothin'," he grumbles and cracks on open. "Don't you kids have a curfew or somethin'?" he asks pointedly. The man turns about, leaning back against the bench. His eyes peer at Rogue for a moment first, and then at Rasa. "Rasa, isn't it? What're you in for?"

Two heads appear in the doorway to the kitchen - peering in from behind the frame, a blond-haired boy and a brunette girl with a ponytail. They appear to recognise Rogue and Rasa by sight, and immediately dash for the fridge.

Logan just arches an eyebrow and wait for either Rogue or Rasa (or both) to answer him. His nose wrinkles. Warm soda. Ugh.

Rogue just shoots Logan a look. "Over eighteen, remember? Finished up studies for the time bein' an' all? Ringing any bells, sugar? Besides, less people around this time of evenin', as a rule." She dodges the rushing duo to the fridge, which is good since her hands are bare.

"I'm starving," Rasa admits, hir eyes appearing more sunken with hir claim, rather than less. The shadows under hir cheek bones grow more drastic as well. Ze's already working on hir second energy bar, while pulling out a quick meal from the cupboard. "Have you been brought in against your will?" Ze finds a packet of tuna and some crackers as well and moves away from the other students to find a stool to sit on. "Is that why you're here?"

With a confused frown on his face - half-mingled with a glare - Logan turns his head abruptly from side to side (firstly at Rogue and then at Rasa), before he mutters something unintelligible and swigs his soda again. Ugh.

"That was a joke, bub," he explains to the androgynous mutant - but Rogue is given a rare smirk followed by: "Still a spring chicken to me, sugah" he jibes. "I work here," he adds for Rasa's benefit.

The two children in the fridge giggle and snerk at the exchange between the older three. One of them (the girl) pokes her head out - eyes wide with delight - at the grizzled, grumpy mutant when he mentions working at the school.

Then she giggles at Rogue. With mischief.

An apple falls out of the fridge, bounces once and then rolls across the floor.

Rogue scoops up the apple, and feints throwing at at Logan's head. "Who isn't a spring chicken compared to ya, ya old grump? Just because ya ain't young an' pretty anymore..." She sasses him, a grin before she glances at Rasa.

She reaches for her gloves, getting a glass and ice together. "Heaven help anyone tryin' to take Logan somewhere against their will. He's mean as a rattlesnake, an' faster than one." She sounds like she knows so much, doesn't she? She takes the bottle out of Logan's hand, pouring the warm soda over ice into the glass.

"I see." Rasa contemplates this for a moment and watches how Rogue and Logan interact. Ze considers this quietly as ze finishes off hir energy bar. "What do you do here?" Rasa asks politely of the older man, brows rising, package torn open and prepared fish meat being squeezed onto a cracker. Ze adds a little pepper to the top and continues hir munching.

"I teach."

Logan snorts, giving his head a minute shake - knowing full well he hasn't exactly answered anything. Sniffing and wriggling his nose, he takes the glass of soda from Rogue with a grunt, and drains it. "Phys-Ed, Self-Defense - older students only." He peers toward the fridge as the boy and girl suddenly close the door, their arms full of various snacks (anything from pieces of fruit to energy bars), and dash for the door.

"I don't do... kids."

The older man puts both hands to his face then, heels pressed into his eye sockets and jaw tightening to stifle a yawn. As he lowers his hands, his fingertips pull on the skin a fraction, stretching his eyelids and effectively 'pulling a face'. "'N you?" he asks Rasa laconically.

Rogue snorts. "Thank gawd. You'd give them trauma. You really need to find a new way to say that, Logan. Ya know, so ya don't sound like a pedo." The belle hops back up on a counter top, ignoring other surfaces perhaps more appropriate for sitting on. She gives Rasa a glance, a hint of a warm smile as if encouragement. She'd tell people Logan was more bark than bite...but it's not always true!

"I, um, do stuff with kids, I guess, since some of them are my age and some are not." Rasa looks a bit confused, wide-eyed. The color drains from hir cheeks as ze takes on a more silvery gray tone. "I'm a student. What is your age cut off for 'older kids?' I just.. don't know what to - I don't know." Nervousness or overwhelmedness starts to build in hir posture. Ze starts making up crackers with fish and decorating them with pepper instead of eating them directly. "You sure you don't need sleep?" Ze glances over at Rogue. "I probably wouldn't have thought pedophile until you mentioned it... now it's kind of hard to get out of my head."

Logan shoots Rogue a rueful, weary look. "And folks wonder why I don't talk much." He shakes his head and pushes off from the bench, rolling his shoulders. He looks at Rasa, and holds up his hands in an exaggerated - and somewhat agitated - expression of placation.

"Hey, bub, it's fine. Student - got it. And 17 'n up - for the Danger Room - in case you're interested. For the other sh--uhm, stuff, like Survival - High School age. That answer your question?" He makes an effort to lose some of the grumpy edge to his voice with that last question, for Rasa's benefit. Another look, then, is thrown over his shoulder at Rogue, as if to say: there, see? I'm making an effort. I'm being 'nice'. Happy?

Rogue giggles, just a touch, before she's biting into the apple. Feet swing to bump heels against the cupboard door under the counter she sits on. She notice that look tossed her way, giving Logan a big, cheesy smile. Yes, she's happy he is making the effort. "Do Ah need sleep? Yes. But Ah tend to sleep very little. Four hours or so a night, lately."

"Oh, no. I was asking him because he was yawning." Rasa finishes scooping out hir food and making little crackers before starting to eat them. "I will not be in any of your classes for a while then," ze admits. "I am too young." Ze nods politely to Logan before stuffing a cracker in hir mouth. Ze chews thoughtfully and then rises, leaving everything where it is to find a glass and to get some milk from the fridge. "But it is good to know."

Logan looks mildly surprised, and hmphs in acknowledgement. "Well, I'm around," he says with a shrug. It's as much of an invitation - here if you need me - as he can manage. Sinewy muscle ripples as he stretches his neck and shoulders while on his way to the kitchen door; he pauses in the doorway.

"I'm headin' to the gym," he remarks to no one in particular, but for Rasa he adds: "And I sleep... sometimes. 'Night, kids." And he walks through the doorway and disappears down the hall.


A few seconds later, Logan sticks his fuzzy face back in the kitchen doorway and growls: "Where's the gym, again?"

"It's part of his grumpy routine. Not much sleep helps give him maximum growl." Rogue chimes in, clearly unafraid to sass and poke at the Wolverine. "His classes are kinda rough, anyhow. Enjoy not having them." There's another smile as she takes the last big bite of apple, sliding to the floor to toss the core in the trash. "Night, Rasa. Might take a snack up to your room with you for later."

Rogue laughs at Logan's head popping back in, a gloved hand up to muss at his hair. "Come on, Ah'll show ya."

Rasa takes hir glass of milk and heads back to the stool, settling in for hir snack. "Thanks. I will."