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Morgan Freeman should narrate everyone's life, just saying.

Dramatis Personae

Dusk, Rasputin


Conversation on the arts of impersonation and bank-robbing.


<BOM> Common Room - Main Lodge - Ascension Island

The common room's rustic-lodge feel has been somewhat mitigated by the modern amenities inside its sturdy wooden walls. It has comfortable couches, several chairs, a refrigerator (stocked with snacks and drinks!), a pool table, a pinball machine (METALLICA!), an assortment of books, a television -- with several game systems! -- and a splendid view out the windows (when their lacy yellow curtains are drawn open) for the rest of the island. The pale wood floors have been covered in places -- by a pair of soft thick blue rugs, by a large squishy pair of beanbags that stand in front of the stone fireplace. There's also a board up on the wall, half corkboard, half whiteboard, with a variety of community notes (and occasional insults) to other Brotherhood members.

Large doors on the right-hand side lead off to the kitchen and dining room. In the back of the room, the council room's heavy oak door bears solid locks that are almost never actually barred. A short hall adjacent to the council room's door leads to a trio of multi-stalled bathrooms; these might once have been marked with the typical man-woman-handicapped signs, but someone has given them new plaques on the door; a stick figure with horns and a long tail, one with wings. One -- the large single-user toilet -- has instead been given a helmet and a cape.

Right now in the Lodge, Rasputin is here! Whilst many members have gone back to their cabins to /sleep/, Rasputin is currently on a couch facing the television, watching some Morgan Freeman movie on Netflix. Whilst hir eyes are half closed, ze is definitely awake, listening to the movie and opening hir eyes whenever something important happens.

Dusk is here, too, coming in not from outside but from the training room down below. He's dressed in workout gear of light sleeveless black shirt and sweatpants, barefoot, black handwrap around his knuckles that he's currently peeling off. He makes his way first to the kitchen; he returns eventually with a messy sandwich overloaded of leftover turkey and cranberry sauce and stuffing and gravy. Extra turkey and gravy on the side. And a bottle of water. He settles onto the arm of Rasputin's crouch in a crouch, wings drooping down behind him. "That man should narrate my life."

"Narrate your life? Wonder how that'd sound.". Rasputin simply says when Dusk comes over, not really moving hir head. Then, ze speaks again, this time in Morgan Freeman's voice. "Dusk currently is eating a massive sandwich of leftovers from about a week ago, after coming from a training exercise, telling his cat comrade how I should narrate his life.". Rasputin's voice then returns to normal, continuing. "Thought everyone was asleep. Then again, are bats nocturnal? I'm not sure.".

"Oh. Oh my fucking god." Dusk's eyes widen huge; he turns to /stare/ at Rasputin. "Oh my /god/ where have you /been/ my whole life. I need that. I need that /forever/ that -- is the best thing that's happened to me all day." He picks up his sandwich to carefully chomp into it, and sets the plate down on the couch to nudge it closer to Rasputin in silent turkey-offering. He holds one hand under the sandwich to catch any stray innards it decides to drip. "Most bats are, yeah. I see better at night. Light's a little painful. So I guess I am too, sort of by habit."

"Why, thank you, one of my many talents. Okay, actually, I only have two, being a cat and imitating people, but, eh.". Rasputin moves over, stealing a small piece of turkey, pulling it over to hir side, and chomping on it. "I was just having a conversation like, yesterday, with this young homeless girl named Tess about being nocturnal. And stuff. Homeless bonding, all that.". Ze rambles on, changing the subject. "But, yeah, I am the official Brotherhood of Mutants celebrity impersonator. Well, other than Mystique, who can actually take on their forms, but, eh, I'm a close second atleast.".

"No way, you make a pretty baller pigeon, too," Dusk assures Rasputin with a toothy grin. "Oh man Regan could get in on that, too. Maybe that's how we should bring in cash. Celebrity impersonations. People can use a little entertainment, right?"

"I think Regan would just scoff at the idea, Mystique probably too, but, it is brilliant." Rasputin says, finishing the turkey piece. "Though I think the Brotherhood as a whole is better suited to robbing banks if we want money, really. But, I'd definitely go for it!"

"I think it'd be goddamn hilarious. -- Wait, holy shit, can we rob banks /while/ impersonating celebrities?" Dusk's eyes light at this idea, his grin delighted. He chomps further into his sandwich hungrily. "I'll bring it up at the next meeting. /Just/ to see how hard Regan has to strain not to roll her eyes."

Rasputin pauses, actually considering this idea. "It'd deflect suspicion, for sure. Probably would be the best thing ever. Though, I'm only good for vocal impersonations, I don't think they'd buy that Morgan Freeman has turned into a cat.". Rasputin pauses again, looks over at Dusk, and laughs slightly. "I absolutely can't wait for that.".

"Man we've had the dead rising to eat people, who /says/ Morgan Freeman can't be a cat. Sounds like speciesist discrimination to me. If a cat wants to be Morgan Freeman he's got as much right as anyone." Dusk's grin doesn't fade through this, laughter colouring his voice. "Next meeting," he promises, and turns his attention towards the movie.

"Alright then, I am now Morgan Freeman.". Rasputin says, once again in Morgan Freeman's voice. "Dusk turns back to the movie, after speaking on the rights of cats everywhere.". Rasputin hirself then turns back to the movie, closing hir eyes again.