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| subtitle =  
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| location = <NYC> [[The Sublime Center]] - East Village
| location = <NYC> [[The Sublime Center]] - East Village
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Xavier's, Sage, Trib, NPC-Araceli, Sublime Center
| categories = Citizens, Mutants, Xavier's, Sage, Trib, NPC-Araceli, The Sublime Center, Morpheus
| log = The clean lit sign for the Sublime Center is in sharp contrast to its actual accommodations. Large tinted windows are covered with the residue of a thousand posters, flyers, and advertisements a hundred times removed and replaced to the point that it defies a window washer's efforts thoroughly. Inside the office is divided by several mismatched cubicles and similarly diverse office furniture ranging in quality from flat-packed to 20 year old donations, and each desk seems to have a personal touch of family pictures, potted plants, or other knick knacks that would be out of place in a more corporate setting.
| log = The clean lit sign for the Sublime Center is in sharp contrast to its actual accommodations. Large tinted windows are covered with the residue of a thousand posters, flyers, and advertisements a hundred times removed and replaced to the point that it defies a window washer's efforts thoroughly. Inside the office is divided by several mismatched cubicles and similarly diverse office furniture ranging in quality from flat-packed to 20 year old donations, and each desk seems to have a personal touch of family pictures, potted plants, or other knick knacks that would be out of place in a more corporate setting.

Latest revision as of 05:48, 4 February 2014

Chance Meeting
Dramatis Personae

Araceli, Sage, Trib

In Absentia


Part of the Morpheus TP.


<NYC> The Sublime Center - East Village

The clean lit sign for the Sublime Center is in sharp contrast to its actual accommodations. Large tinted windows are covered with the residue of a thousand posters, flyers, and advertisements a hundred times removed and replaced to the point that it defies a window washer's efforts thoroughly. Inside the office is divided by several mismatched cubicles and similarly diverse office furniture ranging in quality from flat-packed to 20 year old donations, and each desk seems to have a personal touch of family pictures, potted plants, or other knick knacks that would be out of place in a more corporate setting.

Huge bulletin boards are covered in business cards, brochures, meeting agendas and sign ups, and campaign posters advocating mutant rights and equality with various high handed slogans such as 'My Genetics do not Define Me', to a picture of a multicultural set of children, one of which is green skinned.

A meeting room is off to the side with a dozen chairs in a dozen different styles, and a reception desk is manned by overworked volunteers at nearly all hours.

The Sublime Center is not a place where Trib is a familiar face. He's passed it more than once, on his way to and from the gym. But he's never really had any reason to breach the doors and see what the center was all about.

Clearly, the times they are a-changin', as here the boxer is, dressed in jeans and a thick blue v-neck sweater (that somehow looks /oversized/ on his large frame) over a white undershirt. He has an army flack jacket folded over one arm, and a knit cap shoved down low on his head that he occasionally slides a finger underneath to scratch at his head. He's currently standing in front of the bulletin board, seemingly reading each flyer and business card carefully before moving on to the next. Every now and then, he reaches up to pluck one from the board and casually stuff it in a pocket of the coat. Because no one will /ever/ notice the empty spaces on the board.

Except Sage, of course. She notices everything. Dressed in a black tanktop, a pair of jeans, and sandals, red tinted glasses over her eyes, she is just leaving a late-night group session. Accompanied, too! By her side, /very/ close to her, is a young Hispanic woman about her age, dressed in a rainbow t-shirt saying "LOVE NOT WAR", a pair of shorts, and pink shoes, brown hair and eyes. Araceli is grinning, talking about something that happened in the session, as Sage stops, confronting Trib. "I do not believe those are to be taken. You are supposed to memorize written numbers or write them down and leave the cards for others.".

Trib glances towards the general letting-out when it starts, inhaling deeply through his nostrils before he plucks another flyer from the board and stuffs it away. When the women approach him and address him, he gives each a long look of appraisal before he hitches his shoulders back. "I'm shit for memorizin'," he admits, folding his arms across his stomach. "You work here?"

"No.". This is calm and emotionless from Sage. "But I do know how these types of boards are working. I can understand your plight however as I am the exact opposite and memorize everything I see, every face, every word. I am currently using my abilities to investigate the recent dream plight as well.". As Sage boldly says this, Araceli steps in. "Uh, yeah, I think they might have a copier? You could maybe copy the fliers and then stick them back up, y'know?".

"Remember everything, huh?" Trib seems almost sympathetic to that situation. Almost. There's little sympathy in his hard gaze, and he inhales deeply again. "Probably could copy 'em," he nods to Araceli, and glances towards the desk. "Figure they'll let me?" At the mention of what the other woman is investigating, Trib narrows his eyes slightly. "What the fuck does that mean?" he rumbles without heat. "'Dream plight'. You talkin' about that fuckin' technicolor nightmare from yesterday?" His expression darkens as he considers it, and he rolls his shoulders. "What the fuck is up with everyone an' dreams lately, anyway?" This is mostly to himself, although he continues to stare at Sage intently.

Sage nods. "Since I was 14. It is my ability.". Sage is obviously comfortable speaking about what she is, seeing /where/ she is. Araceli nods, smiling. "If you ask kindly, I'm sure they'd let you! They're really helpful here!". When Trib starts questioning the dreams, Sage begins..ranting of sorts. "I have recently been affected myself and the theory is that everyone who has been affected has met the same person. My memory allows me to know everyone I have ever met but the memories of others are not as good as mine and therefore this will be a difficult process, if ever solved.". Sage sighs, as she glances around. "The Hug Bank is also apart of that amongst other things.".

"I'll ask 'em," Trib says to Araceli, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly as he nods to the woman. Sage gets a longer sort of loo as she explains, and his nostrils flare slightly. "You're talkin' about the shit just appearin'," he says suddenly, as if this thought were brand-new. "I had that happen to me." He pokes his tongue into the corner of his mouth, and shrugs. "Don't seem all that dangerous. Little annoyin', but I figure all of fuckin' /life/ is a little annoyin'."

"You had that happen to you?". Sage is twisting her head, and then pauses. And then asks a question. "There is a possible person, who I have to thank for a friend for all of this. Dark skin, possibly Indian, female, about as tall as Araceli here, cheerful attitude and colorful clothing. Did you meet her before your dream?". Yes, Sage is just asking this /out/ of the blue. Araceli is looking sheepish at this. "Uh..I have no idea what she's talking about really but I totally believe her she's pretty damn smart you couldn't believe what she did in her first meeting with just her brain alone though it did kind of end with her having a seizure but she was fine afterwards.".

"Yeah," Trib grunts at the question, and he lifts a shoulder. "Dreamed about a guy in a hat, an' then had the hat. Weird shit." Trib's brow knits at Sage's second question, and he frowns deeply. His expression clearly states 'what the fuck', and he tips his head. "I seem to remember someone like that," he says. "But I didn't /meet/ her, exactly. She was just there when I was tellin' off this snooty society bitch an' her bodyguard for shootin' at my friend." His frown tugs furhter down. "She didn't seem too cheerful at the time," he rumbles darkly. "But she seemed to not like people shootin' my buddy any more'n I did." He screws up his face in memory. "She had a big-ass dog with her. I remember that. Like one of them Scooby-Doo dogs."

At the dog mentioning, Sage pauses /completely/. "The woman I met also had a dog.". Sage is thinking, and then grabs Araceli's hand. "It was nice to meet you.". Araceli laughs, and waves with her free hand to Trib. "Nice meeting you as well!". And then they're off on their way.