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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Isra]], [[Lyric]]
| cast = [[Isra]], [[Lyric]]
| summary = 'Halwa /always/ helps.' (Later followed with [[Logs:Overcoming|a visit]].]])
| summary = 'Halwa /always/ helps.' (Later followed with [[Logs:Overcoming|a visit]].)
| gamedate = 2015-10-25
| gamedate = 2015-10-25
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  

Latest revision as of 05:42, 27 October 2015

Emails - Family Weekend
Dramatis Personae

Isra, Lyric

In Absentia


'Halwa /always/ helps.' (Later followed with a visit.)



from: Lyric Dirie <>
to: Isra al-Jazari <>
date: Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 07:09
subject: Family Weekend


Did you know it's family weekend at XS this weekend? I mean every week is family week for me so that's not really a big deal so much except for it being crazy crowded so I left campus to go home. It made me think of you, though, how have you been doing? What have you been doing? I heard all kinds of stories about Dragon*Con which sounded awesome. Terrible. Terrisome? Awesible? I don't really know.

Did you know Anole dropped out of school? And then came back? I guess technically a *lot* of people dropped out of school this year, lots of parents were freaking out over the news thing, but that's different. We have about seventeen million new students to make up for them anyway. I'm starting a tiny little side business making all kinds of clothes for people. All kinds of fashionable clothes, anyway. The school seems to mostly only care about functional ones but honestly who wants to run around in their Xavier's sweats all the time even IF they've got holes for all twelve of your arms? Jeez.

It's really weird to think that this is senior year. Most likely in college people will only want shirts with two arm holes.

Anyway, I hope you're doing good. It's been a while. Too long of a while.

from: Isra al-Jazari <>
to: Lyric Dirie <>
date: Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 09:23
subject: re: Family Weekend


I knew Family Weekend was coming up, but had not specifically noted that it fell on this particular weekend. It sounds hectic--just about everything there sounds rather hectic this term. How do you like your new classmates, their sheer volume aside?

I also did not know that Anole had returned, but I hope that he is finding better welcome there now. As for Dragon*Con: I still do not know how best to summarize it, but it probably falls somewhere between terrisome and awesible. In general, I must confess I have not had the best of months, but your message has raised my spirits.

It pleases me to learn that you have undertaken this venture in clothing design. Please do send me any relevant links if you have an online store (and if not, might I recommend Etsy? A lot of people out there need shirts with more than two arm holes). Even aside from my not insignificant personal interest in fashionable clothing that can accomodate extra limbs, I should very much like to see your business--however tiny--thrive.

At any rate, how do you find your senior year so far, other than weird?

My best to you and yours,

from: Lyric Dirie <>
to: Isra al-Jazari <>
date: Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 12:21
subject: Family Weekend

Things are really hectic this term, that's for sure! I don't have an online store or anything, I don't know if I'm good enough for that? Or serious enough for that! Hm. I hadn't really considered it! It was just kind of a side project for classmates, but that would be interesting. Maybe I should look into Etsy. B has an Etsy store which to be honest kind of amuses me because, well, look at her Serious Business! But I just sew things for fun sometimes. Which -- I guess in fairness is also what B does with her sculpting.

I don't really know how I like my new classmates, to be honest. There's one kid who's asked me to be in a band with him? I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. It's not like he's ever heard me play. But for the most part I don't really get to know them and they don't really get to know me. My roommate is cool enough, which is nice, I could've gotten stuck with someone awful (there are some awful people around here) but. I don't know. Most of the time it seems like I'm not really there. Although the New Kid who asked me to be in a band is like, one of the only people who makes an effort to actually include me in conversations which is nice, maybe he wasn't joking! About the band I mean.

I think Senior year is mostly just reminding me how it's never going to matter how many years I live with most of these people? That sounds maudlin sorry! I miss Shane and B. And you. At least Taylor is still here.

Why has your months been not good? I'm sorry to hear that! Would it help if I brought you some halwa. I find everything is better with halwa.


P.S. I saw Dusk the other day at a poetry slam. Did you know he's still really pretty? I'm sure you knew.
from: Isra al-Jazari <>
to: Lyric Dirie <>
date: Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 13:40
subject: re: Family Weekend

Regarding the quality of your sewing, I have no doubt you have grown in skill since the last time I saw your work. Etsy (and similiar services) hosts a wide range of crafts, from the frankly uninspired to the truly sublime, but the vast majority of sellers there did start out just making things for fun. I feel confident that, if your classmates find your designs satisfactory, you will find other customers farther afield.

Perhaps things will settle down somewhat as the new students adjust to life on campus and the world adjusts to the school's very existence? Having never met this New Kid, I cannot properly say whether he is joking about starting a band. If he seems willing in general to communicate with you, it might not harm to ask him explicitly? I do celebrate your good fortune in the roommate lottery this year, all the same.

I can accept maudlin, though I wish you did not lead such an isolated life. Building relationships takes work, even more so across barriers of culture and language. Unfortunately, many people find such barriers too daunting. Sometimes I wish I might have stayed on at the school--little though though it would help any of the above!

Some of my stress has come to me second hand, I suppose. I miss Shane and B, also, having seen little of either since they started college. So many people dear to me have too much worry in their lives and too little time. As well, I have of late been separated from a member of my family, and am anxious about his whereabouts and well-being.

But halwa /always/ helps.


P.S. Quite so. I notice it all over again every time I see him.
from: Lyric Dirie <>
to: Isra al-Jazari <>
date: Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 07:03
subject: Family Weekend

I made some pretty excellent halwa. Are you free tomorrow? We don't have class tomorrow or Tuesday. Fall break. It seems like a good time for halwa.

from: Isra al-Jazari <>
to: Lyric Dirie <>
date: Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 11:23
subject: re: Family Weekend

Excellent. I have no plans tomorrow other than babysitting and reading, and will be at Geekhaus all day. You are more than welcome to come over, though I am, as you know, quite mobile as well.

from: Lyric Dirie <>
to: Isra al-Jazari <>
date: Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 14:19
subject: Family Weekend

You're extraordinarily mobile. I do have a student MetroCard though.

I'll be by at lunch. See you tomorrow!
