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| subtitle = Of Speakeasies and Safe Spaces
| subtitle = Of Speakeasies and Safe Spaces
| location = <NYC> - [[Happy Cakes Bakery]] - TriBeCa
| location = <NYC> - [[Happy Cakes Bakery]] - TriBeCa
| categories = Humans, Mutants, Happy Cakes Bakery, Hanna, Melinda, Citizens
| categories = Humans, Mutants, Happy Cakes Bakery, Hanna, Melinda, Citizens, Race War
| log = Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.
| log = Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.

Latest revision as of 18:51, 12 June 2013

Speakeasy, Friend

Of Speakeasies and Safe Spaces

Dramatis Personae

Hanna, Melinda

In Absentia


Cookies, coffee, and conversation in a crazy world.


<NYC> - Happy Cakes Bakery - TriBeCa

Happy Cakes Bakery is a cheery little spot of vintage charm amidst the hustle and bustle of the Manhattan neighborhood, a refurbished pair of row homes that hardly resemble their previous selves - the front walls are almost entirely gleaming glass, with the logo of the bakery painted onto the top, and rainbows of cupcakes dancing along the edges. Eclectically styled, it seems homey and welcoming - if the cross stitched sign by the door wasn't obvious enough - "All are Welcome!" it reads, with the "All" underlined in a sparkling bubble gum pink and yellow dotted line, with the logo of the bakery, a cheery smiling pink and white cupcake, beneath the lettering.

Once inside, the walls of the combination bakery and coffee shop are covered in crisp clean white ceramic tile, with the occasional randomly placed tile with an color engraving of a tropical flower, or tile made of reclaimed China. Ambient music reminiscent of the Big Band era plays through the shop, loud enough to be heard, but not loud enough to make conversation difficult. Tables and chairs in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles fill one side of the room, none of them quite matching each other, but all of them seeming to work together. The other side of the shop is a long series of gleaming glass and chrome bakery displays, filled with colorful sweets and treats of every description. To one end of the counter is a gleaming chrome espresso machine with far more tubes and bobbles than is really necessary, but producing excellent espresso beverages. At the other end is the old style cash register, a chrome and cherry wood relic from a bygone age that dings cheerily with each sale. The wall behind the counter is covered in photos of a tropical island, as well as a pair of shops that look like a smaller version of this one, several including a pair of dark haired women.

The atmosphere of Happy Cakes bakery is just a little bit more strained today than it normally is, and there is an almost palpable buzz in the air as people sit and chatter quietly in the seating area, huddled conspiratorially over cups of coffee and tea. Where as normally there is at least one outwardly visible mutant either behind the counter or in the clientele, today there seems to be a conspicuous absence, and the shop is not nearly as busy as it has been in days past. Hanna is apparently alone behind the counter, rushing about and manning the counter filling both drink orders and pulling pastries from the refrigerated cases. Despite the harried pace at which the woman works, she is still for all outward appearances her normally bubbly self, wearing a sky blue swing dress over a purple crinoline, paired with neon green Mary Jane kitten heels, swishing happily about as she fills orders. For anyone who approaches close enough to her and pays attention, her eyes do not change at all, and maintain a consistent and rather boring black-brown color, even when she smiles. At last, there is a slight lull in the orders, and she takes a moment to lean back against the cases, catching her breath and surveying the shop and the patrons.

Melinda slips in just as Hanna half collapses in her break. Eyebrows dart upward as she peeks around the countertop to look at her, drawing up slowly, the surprise melting into concern. She places her hands on the counter and looks around for Jayna, her lips pursing as she finds the other woman just not there. Still - She turns and looks Hanna again, nibbling lightly at her lip.

"Hanna, dear. You look completely worn thin. Err.. I don't mean that you look bad. No, you look adorable, but I couldn't help but notice that you're a little short staffed today." Mel is wearing a yellow tee shirt with a very orange sun rising (or is it setting) at her left hip with really blue jeans over sandals. She leans a little more against the counter and considers. "Need a hand?"

Hanna perks up, offering a brilliant smile to the approaching customer, on reflex, if nothing else. Seeing that it is Melinda, Hanna's smile fades from a forced smile to a weary grin - yet her eyes still stay a natural looking black brown. She shifts to lean against the counter top, shaking her head, speaking quietly, "Have you listened to te news this morning? I... I couldn't ask Jayna to come in with emotions running this high," she glances sideways at the espresso machine, "She's not happy with me, but she's at home. Safe."

There's a tinge of concern and protectiveness in te curvy woman's voice, as se smiles again, "But thank you for the concern. I'm not entirely alone, just handling the front end stuff on my own." There is a nod of her head towards the swinging door to the back, at which time the young man leaning beside the door with a coffee cup becomes visible - but it is almost as though he is so uninteresting he doesn't warrant attention or notice for more than a moment. "How are things for you today? And can I get you anything?" Hanna asks, looking sheepishly at Mel for a moment, realizing that should have been asked before the complaining was unleashed.

"Which thing on the news?" Melinda asks dryly, rubbing at her eyes tiredly. "Nah, I know what you mean. Kind of a terrible weekend, all things considered. There is going to be some backlash, but - man, I think my employees would quit if I ever told them not to come in just because tensions were high." She opens her mouth to continue, but takes a second to change her mind. "Then again, you're braver putting someone in front that does have a physical mutation. I keep mine... in the back." She purses her lips again.

"I'll take an espresso and maybe something gingerbread if you have it." She just then decides to start looking through the display cabinet, eyeing the offerings. "It's hard to balance the protection of the store and its business with the protection of the employees and their rights. It always seems like one is tugging the other out of proportion."

Hanna grins and shakes her head, blushing a bit, "I told her not to come in, but she knows that I'll still pay her for the hours as if she'd been here. She's more of a partner in the business than really just an employee." Busying herself for a moment setting up the espresso machine and starting the pull, she takes a few seconds to formulate a response to Melinda's statement. "I don't think I'm exactly brave. Foolish, overly optimistic, maybe, but I'm not the one in the line of fire if people object to Jayna. She is. And, she's the best I found at what she does - I couldn't tell her to stay in the back." Hanna lets the espresso finish up, while moving back to the glass case, "We've got gingerbread muffins, and I think I still have a few of the rainbow iced gingerbread cookies. I was interviewing a new decorator to help out on occasion, and it seemed like a good test of his skills." She gestures at a section of the case which is filled with cookies and cupcakes in a rainbow of colored and patterns, seemingly painted with amazing precision and creativity. Once the espresso machine finishes with its gurgling and hissing, Hanna sets the tiny China cup on a mismatched saucer, and slides it across the counter to Melinda, smiling as she says, "Hope it is up to snuff - Jayna's a freaking artist with the stuff - I just occasionally make espresso."

"It should be. At this point, if you've got the right amount of grounds and the machine is set to Jayna's specifications, then it should be very much the same as hers." Melinda considers the selection and then smiles a little wider at the display of color on the gingerbread cookies. "Those look great. I'll take two." She takes the little cup of espresso and takes a moment to just enjoy the aroma before setting it down again to grab her pocket book, pulling out some cash to pay for the transaction.

"Ah, well, it's a little different, I think with my employees. One in particular is a bit of an activist. If I didn't need to send all of my employees home for their protection, then I shouldn't send him just because of... well, x, y, or z factor." Mel exhales softly and looks out the window. "I might reconsider as it's just plain hostile out there. May leave it up to his discretion - but as I don't know if this is going to clear up, I can't exactly continue paying for never coming in. I don't actually own the place."

Hanna smiles a bit sheepishly as she plates the rainbow iced cookies, the designs on them as eclectic as the China used to serve treats in the bakery, "Ah, Jayna and I are room mates. We had it out this morning over her staying home... It was sort of a snap decision. In that I snapped at her." A delicate pink blush creeps over Hanna's cheeks, as she looks nervously out the windows, although there seems to be no disturbances in the immediate vicinity. "I'll talk to her a bit more civilly tonight. It will be her choice, ultimately, but I couldn't... Not today," Hanna mutters, offering the plate of cookies to Melinda.

"I refuse to close down because of this. Dammit, I opened this place to spread joy and cheer through freaking baked goods. And to create a safe space. Like hell I'm going to let some civil unrest and public opinion keep me from providing that to the City in its hour of need," Hanna says, at least somewhat directed to herself, although loud enough to be heard. Her gaze is still fixed on some distant point outside the bakery, her irises unchanging and deeply brown.

"I hope it stays safe," is all Melinda can add to that. She hands over her cash and only takes one cookie to nibble on as she waits for change, her gaze lowering, unfocused. "It can't stay like this. This is ridiculous. Mob mentality, police /obviously/ abusing their power? It's insanity." She frowns deeply, setting her cookie back down. "Sorry. I really shouldn't be grousing like this in your safe space. I kind of want to open an underground bookstore like New York used to have, where all the free thinkers and undesirables could just be themselves and talk without as much fear of incrimination." She shakes her head. "Not that it would do well, in this economy. That kind of thing is really the internet's domain now."

Making change and returning the bills and coins to Melinda, Hanna sighs slightly, “I hope so too. Keeping a low profile until this blows over seems ideal. Well,” she shrugs, grinning lopsidedly, “As low profile as I can. I’ve never been one for subtlety.” The apology gets a giggle from the baker, and she shakes her head, “Hey, no worries. Grousing and grumping is a part of life, and even that needs a safe space to be done.” She smiles at the idea of an underground bookstore, looking thoughtful for a moment, “That would be an interesting idea, and would happily assist with that, should it be necessary. Sort of a speakeasy of mutant proportions, with freedom and acceptance instead of booze and sex. Although, I suppose those wouldn’t be discouraged, when appropriate.” Hanna snorts and leans against the counter, “I hope things calm down before we have to go underground.”

"Hmmm. Maybe. I am kind of liking the idea of this speakeasy though. I mean, can't we have that anyway? I mean, sure there's Evolve, but everyone knows about Evolve and that's nice, but also a problem when things like this come up." As there are no other customers actively needing the countertop at this point, or actively ordering either, Melinda stays where she is, pocketing her change and putting her billfold away. "I just wish there was something that isn't particularly exclusive, but maybe secretive enough to be protected at times like this. Besides, when stuff isn't bad, the idea of hidden entrances and passcodes is more fun than necessary."

She snickers quietly and grabs one of her cookies to nibble upon, "You don't have a basement here, do you?"

Hanna leans against the counter, continuing to take advantage of the break in business for a few minutes, seeming to ponder what Melinda is saying. “Huh. I certainly hope we don’t reach Prohibition levels of paranoia, but the speakeasy could be an interesting idea. And even if it is just a goofily secretive little spot to sit and have snacks and chat, I think it could be a fun thing, in lighter times. Evolve is lovely and all, but there is something to be said for the fun and art of sneakery. And a hideout in case of,” she trails off, looking outside nervously, “In case of trouble.” Shaking her head once more, Hanna returns to her cheery smile, taking a moment to clean up the coffee machine, “We sort of use the basement here - it’s mostly flour and sugar storage, along with other pantry items. Nice and climate controlled, though.”

Hanna glances back towards the baking area, dark brown eyes scanning the room for a moment, realization dawning on her rounded features, “Although, huh, we only really use half the space - this shop used to be two row homes. I only use one basement for storage. I suppose the other one was mostly closed off when they combined the houses. I had completely forgotten that.” She looks sheepish for a moment, as though she couldn’t believe she had that much unused space, “Not used to having a basement, let alone two. Shop back on the Island was all a single level. I realize having that space and not renting it to some poor college student for a premium in rent is probably a jailable offence in New York.” Snorting derisively at the idea of charging for it, Hanna settles back against the counter, “It is there, though,” she finishes saying quietly.

Melinda raises an eyebrow, listening intently as Hanna explains the building situation, chuckling softly when she reaches the end. "Well, if you ever want to rent it out to people for a reasonable rate - or cheaper, I know a few people who could probably use it. If we ever do this thing, they could also act as moderators when one or both of us were unavailable." She finishes her first cookie and sips at her espresso now that it is a little cooler. "Ah, here I am getting ahead of myself. I suppose there's nothing wrong with daydreaming of fun ventures as long as we keep ourselves realistic, eh?" She sets down her cup. "But if you ever did want to rent the place out, even as a service to people who have hard times, I could probably set you up. I work with a shelter in Chelsea. We're always trying to get people on their feet and affordable housing is a big part of that. There'd be rules that they have to follow and the shelter could take charge of that, if you wanted, but it is an option." She opens her purse again and pulls out a business card for Helping Hands, sliding it across the counter toward her.

Nodding and chewing on her lower lip, Hanna considers the possibility of the speakeasy, or the rental situation. "It is an option. I'm a little reluctant to rent it as any sort of housing, it's a dingy little space, that side isn't finished off or anything. I think the drop is in for plumbing, but I'd have to double check." Hanna crosses her arms over her chest, thinking on it, "Would need work either way, but its something I think I will look in to. I'd like to have it as a crash pad, anyway, for myself or others." Accepting the card, Hanna reads it over, and nods, looking at Mel with a grin, asking jokingly "Bit of an overachiever there, huh? That's awesome that you volunteer. Do you accept donations from businesses? I hate when I have to destroy leftover bread and bagels at the end of the day - it's still fresh, just a day old." She shrugs letting the offer hang, adding, "Not sure how that would go over, but if you ever need food donations, let me know. I'd have no trouble churning out a few extra trays of bread and bagels. Or cookies."

"People appreciate food. People with very little appreciate having full bellies, even if the bread doesn't melt in their mouths the /exact/ same way it does the day it was made. Every college student will tell you the glories of the day old donut. Never fear. No one feels slighted by it." Melinda snickers softly and gives a shrug. "Yes, we accept donations from businesses and have paperwork so that you can write off some of the expenses at the end of the day. It's not much, but it looks good come tax day."

Mel finishes off her espresso and leaves the cup behind, lifting her last cookie and starting to nibble. "And yeah. I like staying busy. Had a big family growing up, so I am not used to sitting at home doing nothing. I'm /very/ used to helping people out, so it just turned into a natural decision. It beats dating in this crazy place, and who needs the expense of trying to keep up with the nightlife? It's much nicer to share a bottle of wine with co-volunteers after a long day." She raises an eyebrow at Hanna and considers. "If you ever want to show up for a shift a week, let me know. The training is pretty easy."

“Good to know. I’ll give them a call and offer to drop off the leftover bread off in the evening. Not sure why I keep making loaves, they aren't the most popular of items here,” Hanna muses, looking over at the neat rack of loaves on the shelf, before answering her question, “Force of habit, I suppose. I made all the bread for my mom’s cafe, years ago.” A broad smile crosses her curvy features at the thought of the old cafe, but she shakes her head, the smile remaining, though. “I’ll consider it, in time, but right now I’ve got my hands full with the bakery. I’ll keep it in mind for once I hire a bit more help and I’m not in here all day every day.” She grins at the thought, “I like to help out, but for now, I’ll just see about donating the bread so it doesn't go to waste.”

"Sounds good. Don't worry. I just wanted to let you know that we also take volunteers, not just donations." Melinda winks a little, leaving her plate on the counter top as she steps a half step away. "I am not at all pressuring you. Opening a new business venture must be incredibly difficult. I am only getting into full store management and find it overwhelming. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had to actually secure a lot of the supplies myself - find new vendors, order the equipment, figure out the entire price range on things..." She shakes her head. "Do not envy you at all. Besides, the best volunteers are the ones who are settled in their own lives and don't get burned out by burning the candle at both ends. You can also use the card to refer people in need - if you want."

Hanna smirks slightly at the call for volunteers, and quirks an eyebrow at the wink, listening to Melinda's statement. The bemused smirk becomes a bright smile as Hanna nods, "Oh, I know. I was outright told I was a crazy woman for opening this place now, and giving up on the business in Hawaii." She smiles, the touch of stubbornness in her voice, "I enjoy the challenge, almost as much as I enjoy baking. I'd make a horrible volunteer right now, though, I'm still getting settled and so wrapped up in this place." Hanna gestures at the bakery as a whole, looking quite happy and pleased with herself. "I'll keep the card on hand. Next time you come by, if you could bring a little stack, I'd appreciate it. I get all sorts of people down on their luck coming through here, being able to pass them on to a safe-place to get them on their feet again would be excellent." There's a slight flash of concern on her face, as though she'd just thought of something, the emotion echoed in her voice, as she carefully asks, "Ah, is the shelter mutant friendly? Even now? If not, that's, ok, I just want to know before I send people there, if they've got an obvious mutation..."

"Yes," Melinda replies quickly to Hanna's last question, when her mouth is clear of cookie. "We don't actually say 'Mutant Friendly.' We just say that we take everyone. And we do. Everyone. We ask that people don't use their powers when they are there, but obviously, physical mutations don't really have a choice and we don't give them a hard time." She grabs her dishes and looks around quickly. "You want me to put these anywhere? And sure. I'll bring a whole stack after I pick up more from the shelter." She takes another bite of cookie before adding, "I should probably take off now. I still have other errands to run, but I wanted to grab a quick pick me up. Stay safe, Hanna. And stay well."