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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Emma]], [[NPC-Jamie]]
| cast = [[Emma]], [[NPC-Jamie|Jamie]]
| summary = Emma Frost Interviews at the Hellfire Club
| summary = Emma Frost Interviews at the Hellfire Club
| gamedate = 2013.01.28
| gamedate = 2013-01-28
| gamedatename = 2013.01.28
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location =  
| location =  
| categories = Mutants, Hellfire Club
| categories = Mutants, Hellfire Club, Emma
| log = Outside the world is kind of dreary-grey. Overcast, not quite made up its mind yet about whether it cares to snow or to rain; it's intermittently been doing both, in desultory sprinkles, and though it's currently doing neither the ground has been left slushy and full of puddles. Inside the Hellfire club, though, things are pristine. The floors sparkle, somehow clean of the wet being tracked through, the rooms are warm. Somewhere deep in the recesses of the club, in one small office well-appointed in black leather and black trappings, a young man is working. He looks very industrious, at least, splitting his attention between his computer and a phone, or at least the Bluetooth headset tucked into his ear.
| log = Outside the world is kind of dreary-grey. Overcast, not quite made up its mind yet about whether it cares to snow or to rain; it's intermittently been doing both, in desultory sprinkles, and though it's currently doing neither the ground has been left slushy and full of puddles. Inside the Hellfire club, though, things are pristine. The floors sparkle, somehow clean of the wet being tracked through, the rooms are warm. Somewhere deep in the recesses of the club, in one small office well-appointed in black leather and black trappings, a young man is working. He looks very industrious, at least, splitting his attention between his computer and a phone, or at least the Bluetooth headset tucked into his ear.

Latest revision as of 21:08, 4 March 2013

HellFire Interview
Dramatis Personae

Emma, Jamie

In Absentia


Emma Frost Interviews at the Hellfire Club


Outside the world is kind of dreary-grey. Overcast, not quite made up its mind yet about whether it cares to snow or to rain; it's intermittently been doing both, in desultory sprinkles, and though it's currently doing neither the ground has been left slushy and full of puddles. Inside the Hellfire club, though, things are pristine. The floors sparkle, somehow clean of the wet being tracked through, the rooms are warm. Somewhere deep in the recesses of the club, in one small office well-appointed in black leather and black trappings, a young man is working. He looks very industrious, at least, splitting his attention between his computer and a phone, or at least the Bluetooth headset tucked into his ear.

A young woman in shown in. She is decked out in a fine suit, pristine white and Burberry, ash blond tresses swept back in a bun. She wears black rimmed glasses which tie in to the portfolio in her hands and the black toed white shoes peeking out from under the pant leg. She smiles as she is shown in and extends a hand to the man behind the desk. "Good afternoon. Emma Frost." If the person who showed her in meant to make the introduction, Emma has beaten her to the punch. Her mind is open and listening.

The young man holds up a finger -- one second! -- finishing up his phone conversation. A fairly routine one, arranging catering for a meeting the following week. << Oh, great, another one, >> is running through his mind as he glances at his computer, finishes the conversation and rises, though his smile is easy and professional. "Ah. Ms. Frost. My apologies, that call went longer than expected." He clasps her hand, warm and firm. "Jaime Sanger. Pleasure. Please." He gestures towards the chair opposite him. "Can I get you something? Drink, perhaps?"

Emma remains standing during the course of the phone conversation, the portfolio lowering so she can hold it with both hands in front, straight armed. She smiles again when it finishes, through his mental evaluation of her. She inhales, switches her grip to offer him the hand again and replies, "Oh, yes Some water, please?" when asked. She settles into the chair, tucking one foot a little behind the other in a well practiced fashion, chin lifting as she watches him. "Thank you for seeing me. I'm sure you're inundated with applicants these days."

<< God, you have no idea. >> "Well, you know how it is," Jaime says, gesturing to the person who showed Emma in before sitting back down. The other person disappears, shutting the door behind them. "I see that you did some work for the Holliway Group, can you tell me about your time there?"

"I was working as an entry level electrical engineer, but the firm had a terrible lack of organization when it came to any sort of event they hosted." Emma smiles sweetly, hands splayed on the portfolio in her lap, "I started off with small functions, team parties, birthdays and things like that - and managed to not only meet budgets but draw attention to my work. I started organizing more and more on the side until it became my position. Last month's dinner for the introduction of their new robotics line was my biggest to do as of yet: Three hundred people, press releases, and photo and video shoots for the web." She wets her lower lip, gently probing at her interviewer's sexuality and love life - surface thoughts only.

Here Jaime's thoughts perk up, slightly, taking a little more notice through Emma's answer. << Huh. Initiative. Always a good sign. >> He nods, his small smile still in place as the door opens again; the person who led Emma in initially returns with a small silver tray, a crystal tumbler on it along with a glass bottle of spring water. He sets these down on the table in front of Emma, uncapping the water and retreating. "It sounds like you're used to stepping in where there's a void," he says, easily. "It's good to see that kind of drive. What interested you about our organization?"

"When you spend time in the planning industry, you begin to learn names - especially of those who throw the bigger and better shindigs, those who have high expectations and greater rewards for meeting them." Emma leans back and brushes Jaime's mind a little deep, gently, looking, but also admiring his business focus. "I've heard Hellfire more than a few times. I've heard it from those you employ and from those that attend. Hellfire is the best, and I believe that I can not only continue to uphold that reputation, but also coordinate smoother and more seamlessly than anyone else you've seen here." She exhales and sits back in her seat, switching mental gears and probes into what he's looking for in this position. That should be easy to read.

Jaime's mind is all over the place -- meetings, SO MANY of them, man, his girlfriend is going to kill him if he's here late /again/ today. Then again she might kill him anyway, things've been rocky -- oh, right, interview. He polishes up his Professional Smile. "Stepping in to fill a new role without much guidance, there's a lot of leeway there to really shine but a lot of potential for difficulties, too. What's the largest challenge you faced in your last position? How did you deal with it? Is there anything you'd have done differently, with the experience you have now?" In an organization as polished as the Hellfire Club, he is looking for someone who can think on their feet, someone who won't need a lot of handholding but has the creativity to see what needs doing and take charge themselves.

Emma starts to weave a story, starting out innocuous enough, going back to a smaller party, her first time organizing something for the company's publicity rather than just internal affairs. She's paying attention while she speaks, making sure that she hits every check point that lights up his synapsis with 'yes!' and 'that's perfect!' even if the story starts to take on a slightly less truthful angle. She pours herself a half full glass of the bottled water as she speaks, using her smile to get him to smile - an easy enough task when she /knows/ her words are turning her into the perfect candidate, one he can relax about. "So, you can see that I would have no problem whatsoever with the new challenge. I have my feet underneath me, no matter the situation."

By the end of the story, Jaime is nodding along, his smile a little easier now and his brusque-impatient mental commentary shifted to more appreciative interest. His next questions explore matters further, probing thoughtfully at her experience and skills, and by the end of this barrage he's still more at ease. "-- Do /you/ have any questions for /me/?" he's asking, finally.

"I am brimming with curiosity about the inner goings of Hellfire - I am fascinated by the balls and soirees, but I feel like I've held you here long enough." Emma issues a small mental nudge, getting him back on the thoughts of his girlfriend and leaving early enough to keep her happy - especially since she is a shoe in for the job and he's completely satisfied - no thrilled with her taking up the roll. This is in the bag. She finishes her water and glances at the clock. "We've gone far over the alloted amount of time. I am nothing, if not conscious of the demands of a schedule."

Girlfriend, shit. What time is it? Maybe there's still time to make a reservation somewhere nice tonight. That should calm her for the week. This woman is good. Perfect. I'll pass her along to -- "It's been wonderful to meet with you, Ms. Frost, thank you so much for your time. You should be hearing from us shortly." He's getting back to his feet, extending a hand across the desk towards her. Relieved, mostly, to have finally found a decent candidate. << /God/, I hope she takes it, this search has been forever. >>

Emma smiles winningly at Jaime and takes his hand, shaking it firmly. "I look forward to it. And I truly appreciate your time." She smoothes her suit jacket, leaving the portfolio on the desk. "Just in case," she offers as she straightens. "Have a wonderful evening. Please let me know if you need further references or information."

Jaime's handshake is just as firm. "Have a wonderful evening, Ms. Frost." His thoughts are already turning back to the rest of his meetings, as he settles back down at his desk. His phone is flashing with messages. He ignores them. He's looking up the number of his girlfriend's favourite restaurant to make reservations. Hopefully.