ArchivedLogs:Boogeymen: Difference between revisions

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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Daniel]] and [[Jack]]
| cast = [[Daniel Ketch]] and [[Jack]]
| summary = Jack runs into trouble. The Rider comes to the rescue.  
| summary = Jack runs into trouble. The Rider comes to the rescue.  
| gamedate = 2015-08-12
| gamedate = 2015-08-12
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| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <NYC> [[Lower East Side]]
| location = <NYC> [[Lower East Side]]
| categories = Mutants, Citizens, Lower East Side, Daniel, Jack, Xavier's
| categories = Mutants, Citizens, Lower East Side, Daniel Ketch, Jack, Xavier's
| log = Historically characterized by crime and immigrant families crammed into cramped tenement buildings, the Lower East Side is often identified with its working-class roots. Today, it plays host to many of New York's mutant poor, although even here they are still often forced into hiding.
| log = Historically characterized by crime and immigrant families crammed into cramped tenement buildings, the Lower East Side is often identified with its working-class roots. Today, it plays host to many of New York's mutant poor, although even here they are still often forced into hiding.

Latest revision as of 23:57, 26 January 2023

Dramatis Personae

Daniel Ketch and Jack

In Absentia


Jack runs into trouble. The Rider comes to the rescue.


<NYC> Lower East Side

Historically characterized by crime and immigrant families crammed into cramped tenement buildings, the Lower East Side is often identified with its working-class roots. Today, it plays host to many of New York's mutant poor, although even here they are still often forced into hiding.

Welcome to New York true believers, home of traffic, crowded sidewalks, and more than a few creeps. It's starting to get dark and the streets are starting to clear of all the massive daytime rush. A small group of men that all appear to be in their early to late twenties linger chatting quietly amongst each other, but this stretch of sidewalk seems empty otherwise.

Since its getting darker, Jack is on his way to meet up with the rest of the Xavier students that ventured into the city today to head back. He's not in the best of moods. Between the heat, things bothering him recently, and his earlier encounter with the girl that attacked him, he's thinking about hitting the gym as soon as he gets home and beating the sand out of a punching bag. Dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a light-weight hoodie, the invisible teen has his hood up and is carrying a small bag from a bookstore. He frowns deeply and invisibly when he spots the group of men ahead of him on the street and he starts heading for a crosswalk to avoid them.

One of the men catches sight of Jack, and just about when he goes to return to conversation he notices the teenagers hand holding the bag, or rather the lack thereof. He gets the attention of his companions and they perk up an begin to make their way across the street to confront the young mutant.

If not for the bag, Jack might be able to play off the lack of hand but that's not the case right now. He's not expecting those men to come after him so he's slightly startled when he notices them coming his way. Scowling invisibly, he grabs his phone in his pocket just in case. "What the hell is with tonight..."

"Yo freak." The largest of the men calls out, a murderous grin breaking out on his face. "Come here, we's have ah present for ya."

"You called?" Daniel calls out a touch dryly, stepping out of an alley and putting himself between the men and Jack, who gets a brief glance from over his shoulder. He's dressed in a black tank top, dark denim jeans, and black boots clearly meant for riding. "I hope it's a good present, because I think I'll take it off your hands."

The men seem taken back for a moment, before they're grinning at each other and moving even faster, clearly planning on using their numbers against Daniel.

"Turn around and walk away," Jack replies, shoulders tense. He's planning to say more but suddenly there's Daniel. Jack looks about as surprised as empty clothes can and frowns. "Hey, what're you doing?" he asks, concerned now. He glances up at the approaching men and scowls. "We should run," he says to Daniel quickly.

Daniel a grin creeps across Daniel's face as Jack speaks. "They should have." Then they're on him, and that's when it happens. The skin on his face begins melting right as the leader punches him in the face.

The man recoils with a loud "What the fuck!" The entire group freezes at the sight of the flaming skeleton. The Rider's movements are quick, so much so it isn't quite fair. His fist connects solidly with the leader's lips sending him sprawling out, then he brings his elbow down across the next closest one's face, the bone ripping his face. Before he can make a move on either of the reaming two they've turned tail and rain, piss running down one's leg.

"Merry Christmas." The Rider hisses, flames dying down and muscle and skin growing back onto the bone. Daniel looks back at Jack, "You alright kid?"

Cursing under his breath, Jack hits the panic button on his phone as soon as the men pile onto Daniel. He's debating whether or not he should dial 911 as well or try to help when he hears that exclamation and sees what's become of Daniel. His jaw drops and he stares as the Rider 'unleashes hell' on the men. There's a wince at the blows and Jack slowly lowers his phone. He watches the men run off and then Daniel turn back from 'extreme Halloween decoration' mode. "Yeah..." he trails off. "What the...some kind of illusion?"

"Nope. Transformation, ever have your skin melt off?" Daniel asks. "Not fun. Not fun at all." He seems tired, yawning and heading over towards a motorcycle parked nearby, digging in the bag on the back for a moment until he retrieves a Phillie blunt, lighting it up and taking a draw. Once that's settled he looks back over at Jack, "You need a ride anywhere, or have somebody that can come get you? Last thing we need is them cutting you off further ahead."

"I did. Along with everything else, bones too," Jack jokes dryly. He is a little freaked out by the whole flaming skeleton thing but he's trying not to let it show or bubble to the surface. There'll be time to process that later. The smoking gets an unseen scowl but Jack shakes it off. "Uh...thanks for...the whole helping thing," he offers awkwardly. When asked about a ride or someone coming to get him, Jack glances down at his phone. "Well...uh...I was on my way to meet up with some people. And I sort of...called for help when it looked like those guys were going to beat you up..." he trails off, lifting his phone a moment.

Daniel looks at the phone for a second or two then nods. "Good on you then. I'd find a place to wait for them where you don't have to worry about bigots, and definitely call ahead to let the people you were meeting know you bumped into the boogie-man." He teases, taking another drag before knocking the cherry off the end, opting to simply hold the cigar between his teeth.

"Let them know I bumped into myself?" Jack teases back. "Going to look pretty damn stupid when they get here and see there's no trouble..." he trails off. "I'll find a place," he confirms. "Uh...who should I say you are? Since they're definitely going to ask..."

"My name's Daniel, but you can call me Danny. Danny Ketch." Daniel replies, moving over to offer Jack a hand to shake. "Or you could say you ran into the Rider, but only a handful of people know about the Rider. Like that redhead guy, his husband, and their shark son." He lifts his shoulders in a slight shrug, "Shit, not sure why I'm telling you that. Guess I just like to talk."

Jack's a little surprised with how much information Danny is giving him but he still smiles a little. He takes the offered hand, his invisible but definitely able to be felt. "I'm Jack," he says. "Wait...shark son...I know those guys too. Friends of mine," he says. "Might be coming to help, actually..."

"They're good people, even if the blue one can be grouchy." Daniel replies, bringing his hand back to pluck the cigar from his mouth and cover a yawn. "Alright, talking obviously isn't going to keep me awake. If you see them be sure to tell them I said hey and hope they're doing well." He taps out a two fingered salute and turns to head back for his bike.

"It's part of his charm," Jack replies, an unseen smile. "I don't see how smoking would..." he trails off with a shrug. The invisible teen nods. "Sure. Least I can do after all that," he gestures towards the sight of the fight with an empty sleeve. "Have a good night."

"You too." Daniel calls back over, bringing his bike to life before speeding down the road.