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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Ivan, Rasa | summary = | gamedate = 2013-04-16 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2, Ivan, Rasa, Mutants, Xavier...")
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| gamedatename =  
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| location = <XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2, Ivan, Rasa, Mutants, Xavier's
| location = <XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2
| categories = <XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2
| categories = <XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2, Ivan, Rasa, Mutants, Xavier's
| log = The main hallway of the second floor runs lengthwise through the building, secondary corridors branching off at regular intervals. Tall windows at either end allow daylight to filter in, while rows of recessed lights in the ceiling bathe the hall with an incandescent glow come nighttime. The hardwood floor has a slight creak to it.
| log = The main hallway of the second floor runs lengthwise through the building, secondary corridors branching off at regular intervals. Tall windows at either end allow daylight to filter in, while rows of recessed lights in the ceiling bathe the hall with an incandescent glow come nighttime. The hardwood floor has a slight creak to it.

Revision as of 00:56, 17 April 2013

More Apologies
Dramatis Personae

Ivan, Rasa

In Absentia




<XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2

The main hallway of the second floor runs lengthwise through the building, secondary corridors branching off at regular intervals. Tall windows at either end allow daylight to filter in, while rows of recessed lights in the ceiling bathe the hall with an incandescent glow come nighttime. The hardwood floor has a slight creak to it.

Rasa is walking back to hir dorm after classes, a bag slung over one shoulder. Ze is decked out in a long sleeved tunic, with ties at the wrist and neck that are primarily decorative. Hir jeans are baggy and kept around hir waist with a belt that dangles a decent length, next to hir hip pocket. Ze is wearing flipflops because maybe finally the weather is warming. Hir skin? it's a rosy gold today, hir hair like spun honey. Ze isn't really looking where ze is going, because hir attention is fixed on her sad little analog phone.

Ivan is not only quiet with his words, occasionally he is also quiet with his /steps/. And with Rasa's attention elsewhere he may seem to come a little out of nowhere, coming to a stop standing right in hir path with a neutral expression. As if anticipating a near crash, though, he clears his throat. Just in case.

His clothes are nothing to write home about- a white dress shirt, jeans and the ever-present converse sneakers. But there is some colour there too! For he is holding out, toward Rasa, a mismatched collection of green and yellow and pink and purple and white-- a little bouquet of flowers which Rasa may recognise are... actually just from outside around the school. There is nothing holding them together but his hands themselves, and some daisies (far too small for a bouquet, in retrospect) have managed to wriggle themselves free from the bottom and sides, hanging sadly downwards.

Rasa starts to skew away when ze sees a figure in front of hir that is standing still. Then it clears its throat and ze stops all together, looking up and seeing... flowers. Flowers? Ze blinks at the a couple times and then looks up at Ivan, a small smile pulling at hir lips. Ze reaches out a tentative hand to accept the bouquet, hir other hand trying to catch the daisies lest they fall. "Hi, Ivan."

"Hi, Rasa." Ivan's smile is slightly delayed, decidedly hidden until Rasa smiles as well. Phew, the green light. He looks equal parts relieved and happy in his own, subdued sort of way. The flowers are handed over with a /bit/ of awkward fumbling, a few of the daisies tumbling to the hand below. At the very last moment before he has let go of all of it, a spindly little spider /shoots/ out from the stems and races up Ivan's fingers, then his arm. "I am sorry." For the spider? No, probably not, seeing as he is not paying any attention to it. Instead, he cocks his head to the side, eyes locked on Rasa's.

"Hm?" Rasa's eyes are following the flowers as ze is still trying to get a good hold on them. "Sorry about what?" ze takes a step out of the main walk way of the hall and moves closer to the wall. "Where have you been lately? I didn't see you around most of yesterday." Ze's rosyness fades as ze stays mostly golden.

Ivan's gaze darts from Rasa to the wall to the rest of the hallway and-- oh, right. Probably best not to stand where people will be walking. Yes. He follows to stand nearby. "Shelby said in class that I was avoiding you. But I am not. But maybe..." He sounds unsure how to finish that sentence.

But then he takes a deep breath, and-- "I was stuck. In Chinatown. Faelan teleported me there. I scared him." He then continues, matter-of-factly, his smile still lingering as though scaring people is the most normal thing in the world. "And then I had to find Lena. My tarantula. I have more detention now." At /that/, his smile fades a little.

"Detention. Huh. Okay. Maybe I'll get detention too." Rasa follows Ivan's story with interest, hir eyes wide and hir brows high on hir forehead. There might be a little mirth in hir tone when he finishes, but ze does hir best not to voice it. Hands hold the bouquet low. "I didn't really tell Shelby that you were avoiding me. I just said you were busy. I think she thinks we should be joined at the hip, but, well, you have your bugs and you have Peter, and I have stuff I do too. It's weird talking with her about relationship stuff because she is so unhappy right now. So." There's a short pause. "Chinatown - is that where you met Jim?"

Jim? Oh right Jim. "No, I--..." Wait. /Jim/. Oh. /Right/. Ivan's smile disappears, and his eyes grow slightly wider. An attempt is made at scanning Rasa's face for any trace of anger, but sometimes it is hard to spot! Maybe if he looks /harder/, he will know. STARE.

"N-no. I met him before that." He looks the very image of guilt, shoulders drawing slightly higher. "Should-- I say sorry twice...?" He seems to have ceased breathing in anticipation, it seems, of this conversation turning wry.

"Ivan," Rasa begins, a small frown starting to pull at hir lips. "I am not mad." Ze reaches a gloved hand out to take one of Ivan's carefully, wary of any bug friends who could be squished by such an advance. Ze attempts to lead him over to a place where they can sit on the ground. "I am not upset, I promise. I just need to know what is going on and if what Shelby told me was true." Rasa gnaws on hir lip as ze draws hir knees up to hir chest. "Did you really as Jim if he kissed me?"

The news of Rasa not being mad comes just in time for Ivan not to turn too incredibly red from not breathing, and he exhales slooowly as he is lead away, his fingers curling around the offered hand without thought. He sits down, legs ungainly in front of him as if he is not quite sure what to do with them. Too much thinking. Though not in an attempt to lie, evidently, because the next thing he does is nod.

"He asked... if I was 'hooking up' with you." The words leave his mouth strangely, unfamiliar with the term. He doesn't seem to particularly like it. "He said your name strangely. I misunderstood." The apprehension is clear in his voice, like he is only now realising how ridiculous this sounds.

"You should know that he is fun to hang out with, but I don't find myself with any desire to kiss adults." Rasa squeezes Ivan's hand a little. "I am mostly confused about why you asked. I thought you didn't want to know." Ze is biting hir lip as ze regards Ivan.

There is a bit of quiet that follows, and though quiet is not unusual for Ivan, it is not usually accompanied by quite as big of a /sigh/. When he finally does answer, he is studying Rasa's face again. "I thought that too." He admits under his breath, but speaks up for the following, eyebrows going up slightly: "Maybe I have not had things I have wanted to keep before. And now, there is /you/." He... sounds a little surprised when the last word is spoken, looking first to Rasa's face before his gaze lowers to hir hand. The surprise and slow pronunciation carries over in what he says a beat later, like he's trying the words out. "Now I have you."

"I'm not going anywhere, Ivan. Do not let people scare you." Rasa replies, quiet. Ze inhales deeply and leans hir head back against a wall. "And I really don't feel like kissing people anymore. So … yeah. Don't worry." Ze closes hir eyes and rubs a thumb against the side of Ivan's hand. "And don't really listen to Shelby. I like her and all, but really? She kind of has some really bad ideas about things. She's just like the rest of us, trying to figure shit out. Yeah, maybe she can get by on the streets really well and we could learn from her if the school ever went away, but for right now, you're just as good at this stuff as she is."

Something about that last sentence has Ivan looking over to study Rasa's face again, and a smile re-emerges onto his face. Timid at first, but actually-- pretty brighthappy for Ivan's standards by the time she has finished speaking. What follows is an actual, honest to god chuckle that manages to escape him-- only the second one that has managed since he's been at the school.

"I do not understand." He mumbles, then, shifting to lean toward Rasa, his fingers snaking between hirs. "Anything. Less things every day." But he does not seem particularly displeased about this. In fact, he just looks utterly amused.

"You and me both." Rasa agrees, letting hir shoulder rest against Ivan's. Ze stretches out hir legs so they can sit a little closer together. "So, what is teleporting like?" Ze tucks some hair behind hir ear, looking up to watch the other students pass by.

"Did you ever have a sleeping moment-- closing your eyes, and you open them, and it is morning?" His words come slightly easier than usual, it seems. Maybe the bordering-on-blissful smile is helping. Maybe they come a bit /too/ easily because barely leaving Rasa a time to answer, he adds with a tilt of his head to peer at hir face again, "Do you want to go to the city tomorrow to watch a movie?" It is entirely possibly, at this point, that he may even look a little /excited/ at this prospect.

"No, not..." Rasa begins but then realizes that Ivan is talking about something else. Ze considers for a while and bats at hir nose carefully. Trying to itch with a bouquet of flowers is somewhat difficult. "To Salem Center or New York City? What's out to see?" Ze leans hir head against Ivan's. Somehow hir hair does not have the same telepathic powers as hir skin. It is a safe touch!

There is a series of things that follow: At first, Ivan's face is a slight bit happier at the headlean, responding, "I probably do not have enough money for New York City. We can check there for the movie?" Then-- there is panic. He almost jerks /away/ from the touch, but then there is... nothing to panic about, apparently? And he relaxes again with another sigh, this time of relief. Smile /still/ growing stronger as he peers idly at bypassers.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Rasa nods a little, hir head rubbing against Ivan's. "Hopefully there is something interesting. If there is nothing, we'll spend the money of french fries or something." And this is how conversation goes for a while, completely laid back, relaxing in the hall until something demanding comes and takes one or both of them away. Dinner is the best bet, but it wouldn't be beyond the scope of possibilities if a teacher came and hosed them both down.

[[Category:<XS> Second Floor Hall - FL2 Logs|More Apologies]]