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Revision as of 04:17, 22 March 2014

Getting Acclimatized
Dramatis Personae

Anole, Hailey, Sage




<XS> Computer Lab

All modernism in contrast to the old-world elegance of most of the mansion, this room has been dragged into the twenty-first century wholeheartedly. Rows of top-of-the-line computers provide internet access to any students who lack their own in their rooms, and sleek tablets give the mansion's artists a place to practice their digital art when the art studio does not suffice. Whether knuckling down to pull an all-nighter on a research paper or simply killing time browsing, students can be found in here at all hours in front of the glows of the screens.

It's quiet in here, at least in comparison to the chatter of much of the rest of the school on a Friday with the excitement of the weekend. Not a lot of chatter in here, just the whir of the fans of many machines; it's not quite /empty/, over in one corner a pair of boys are murmuring low together over some project or other but other than that the machines are largely unoccupied. For /full/ access they require an XS login but they do have limited guest logins, good enough for web browsing, at the least.

At the moment the door is opening again, one skinny green spiky-headed teenager slipping inside. Anole is dressed in baggy Xavier's tee that hangs too-big on his scrawny middling-height frame, jeans, bare feet; one sleeve of his tee hangs down over the missing stump of his left arm. He drags out a chair from one of the computers, logging in and picking up the tablet at it to open up Photoshop, taking the stylus to touch stylus to tablet and start to doodle -- rather aimlessly, it seems, at first.

Returning from grabbing a mug of coffee over in the kitchen, Sage passes in after Anole. She doesn't say anything at first, heading over to the little nook where she had set up, grabbing her laptop again as she goes through the various academic things she does as a teacher. And then, she's speaking to Anole, without looking at him, her voice as robotic as ever. "It is good to see you again, Anole. Many of us were worried, and I am quite glad myself you are alive.".

Sage is dressed in a gray t-shirt with her XS jacket over it, a pair of jeans, and pink converse, ATHENA shockingly missing, revealing her bright blue eyes that are often hidden behind the red tint.

After the tour and exploration yesterday Hailey had been given information on the school and told to give it to her mother. That night she had called the school and gone over some details with the headmaster and seemed elated to enroll Hailey to the prep school. They had arrived in the evening and started the process. While her paperwork was being done and her files were being situated Hailey and her bags were sent to the Computer lab to relax and play some games for a while.

The girl huffed as she sets down her ragged bags. She looks around a bit. "Send me to the computer lab, why not somewhere decent." She blows her hair up a bit with a sigh.

Anole glances up from his screen, stopping with his stray doodling to toss a crooked smile to Sage. "Oh -- oh." He sounds a little awkward-shy, a dark blush tinting his cheeks even deeper green. "Th -- thank you. I, um. I guess I'm -- also glad. That I'm alive. And glad -- to be back here, maybe. Um. It was -- kind of -- scary. How -- were things here, I haven't really --"

His eyes dart up and over quick-rapid as the door opens again, and immediately at the sight of a new unfamiliar face his clothing and skin shift colours, their shade reflexively fading away to blend in near-perfectly with the seat and desk around him. "Oh -- oh. Are you new?" Almost immediately he's shifting back to green, clothes back to denim-blue, grey cotton. His forehead rumples, puzzled. "What's wrong with the computer lab?"

"Things were more or less..the same. Though, recent tragedy has harmed us all a bit, I must say.". Sage's eyes meet Anole's for a moment, before they dart over to Hailey, instant recognition (from the voice alone, really).

"Is my workspace really that bad? If you want, you could go to the Study room, or even the library. It tends to be peaceful in here, when people are not blasting music videos.". Sage tips her head in a nod before turning back to her laptop. Not that this stops conversation for her at all.

Hailey gives a little bit of a shrug. "Sorry, just expected something different when I was told about the school...and my mom just kinda agreeing to things, and being sent to the computer room while the adults play." She chuckles a little bit before stretching out, yawning softly as she looks around the room slowly. "So what do you do around here then?" She asks, looking at Sage with a little hmm, trying to figure out where she's seen her before.

"What did you expect?" Anole asks this with a somewhat puzzled tilt of his head, still watching Hailey curiously. He looks back to his screen, and then back to Hailey. "We -- um. Well, there's -- class? I go to class. And, um. Com -- pute? I like the computers. They're peaceful," he agrees with Sage. I -- I like peaceful. Peaceful is --" His cheeks colour dark again. The stump of his left arm twitches. "Nice. I haven't -- had a lot of. Peaceful. Lately." His green eyes shift back to Sage. "Did it -- it hurt -- you too?" There's quiet sympathy in his voice. It takes a moment for him to look back to Hailey. "I mean we do -- people do other things. Too. Outside of class. Play games. Sports. Or video games. Or -- stuff outside. There's -- the lake. Or the stables. Or -- " He shakes his head. "A lot of clubs and things. But I like -- peaceful. Now."

At Anole's question, Sage freezes a second, one of her rare frowns coming to her face. "I lost someone very important to myself, yes. Though I am not the only one.". Sage looks back at her screen, replying to Hailey. "We have a large variety of clubs. I sponsor both the science club and mock trial myself."

Hailey nods a little bit as she looks at the two of them. "Ahh, sorry for your loss." She nods a little bit before carefully stretching out. "Well, what's going on now then? Like how long does this usually take?" She asks with a little yawn. Looking back at the door with a little hum. "Computer room might be somewhat interesting if I actually had knowledge or access." She chuckles a little before looking around. "So...what is there for a kid that doesn't like going to class, has a skill of lock picking, stalking, sneaking, and of course being the number one punk girl in the city.

"Nothing," Anole answers, just as puzzled. "I mean, you'll go to class or they'll kick you out. Why would you sign up for school if you're not going to, um, go to school?" He gives his head a small shake. "Stalking?" He scoots his chair /just/ a little bit farther from Hailey. "Um, that's -- that's not. Really a thing we. Encourage. Here." His voice is a little bit smaller than before.

"Detention, suspension, and expulsion.". Sage's voice comes clear, right as Hailey finishes her sentence. "Not that sneaking around would do you any good. We have some very fine telepaths, and some very fine security. You are not likely to get into any room that you have not been permitted to enter, at all. And illegal activities are punished heavily by zero-tolerance.". Sage is still looking at the laptop, as she finishes. "I also doubt you are the 'number one punk girl in NYC'. There are many of them and I doubt you have met every single one."

Hailey clicks her tongue a bit. "Aww come off that horse man, you don't know how to handle the bluff talk? I mean man you gotta show some cards off if you got em'" She sits backa bit. "And lock-picking isn't illegal....It's how people use it." she groans and kick the legs of her chair. "So what are the computers equipped with? Is this one of those rick kid schools where everyone is given a laptop?

"Why?" Anole's puzzled expression isn't fading. "Aren't you supposed to /not/ show people what cards you're holding? I thought that was the whole point of --" He shakes his head, eyes dropping to his lap. His fingers twitch against his knee, head shaking again. "They give you a cell phone, but if you don't have a computer you can come here and use --" He lifts his hand, gesturing around the computer lab to the machines located in this room. "These. Machines here. Um."

"Anole is correct. You are not to reveal your cards until you are playing them, or you will set yourself into a trap, like you just did.". Sage is opening up her email client on her laptop right now, write some pre-emptive things about the new student incase anyone wonders why doors have been broken into or who is creeping around the school.

"Cellphones are given, and are to mainly be used for school purposes and to contact the school if you require assistance. Laptops are not given but you may bring your own. Every computer here is usuable, but hacking..won't work well, and using them for illegal activities is strictly prohibited. And, seeing as none of these locks belong to you, I would most certainly call it illegal.". Sage may be a bit harsh in the words she is saying, but she's mostly trying to make sure the new student doesn't get in trouble quickly.

Hailey chuckles a little bit. "I couldn't hack a computer with an Ax." She brushes her hands through her hair. "I was too busy doing other stuff. Plus nothing I really need off the interent, just cool to have a computer, but guess a phone won't be so bad. Is this one of those drug dealer burn things or an Android?" She asks with a little grin before looking around. "Is there a lounge? Ya know, kick back, table, chairs, drinks, tv, chicks guys?" She asks curiously before nodding. "Oh by the way, what's my room going to be like? Nice and big? Roomy? Almost like my own apartment?"

"Um -- no? It's, um. It's a /dorm/. It's small. You share with another person. You get a bed and a closet. And a desk. The phones are -- phones. Stark models. They're nice. The rec room is -- is pretty nice too, umm --" Anole's fingers twitch in his lap again, his voice a little more mumbly. "It has -- a TV. Games. I don't know. Snacks usually." His missing arm twitches up in a quick shrug. "The rooms are better than -- some places I've stayed," he says with a small curl of his lips upward. "So that's something."

Sage nods to what Anole says. "I imagine you'll be meeting your dorm roommate soon, once you are all set up. And the rec room is quite nice. Most of the facilities here are state of the art. I assume there will be some you'll taught about later, but I believe you will enjoy yourself.". Sage smiles a small bit, before turning herself back to her laptop. "And, learn some things too."

Hailey nods a little bit and hmms a little taking a quick look. "Well, I guess this place ain't horrible. Wait.roommate/ I have to slep in the same place as someone else?" SHe shivers a little bit before sighing, adjusting her hoddie slightly. "This is gona take getting used to."