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| gamedatename =  
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| subtitle = Ice Cream and Sorbet
| subtitle = Ice Cream and Sorbet
| location = Custard's Last Stand
| location = [[Custard's Last Stand]]
| categories = Mutants, Sean, Anette, Nom, Citizens, Brotherhood of Mutants, Xavier's
| categories = Mutants, Sean, Anette, Nom, Citizens, Brotherhood of Mutants, Xavier's, Custard's Last Stand
| log = The beautiful springy weather has inspired the people of the city to pretend that everything is super awesome in the city and go about the streets acquiring things, and consuming other tasty things. One of the places of consuming tasty things is a place called Custard's Last Stand, and with it's door wide open, the sugary smells of sweets carry into the breeze. The happy noises of people consuming ice cream come from people at various tables and the counter, the place looking much like the old school soda shops, and in fact they have a variety of flavored sodas one can drop ice cream into, and their various flavors include ice cream of the cream variety, as well as sorbets, soy based, and coconut based frozen treat varieties.
| log = The beautiful springy weather has inspired the people of the city to pretend that everything is super awesome in the city and go about the streets acquiring things, and consuming other tasty things. One of the places of consuming tasty things is a place called Custard's Last Stand, and with it's door wide open, the sugary smells of sweets carry into the breeze. The happy noises of people consuming ice cream come from people at various tables and the counter, the place looking much like the old school soda shops, and in fact they have a variety of flavored sodas one can drop ice cream into, and their various flavors include ice cream of the cream variety, as well as sorbets, soy based, and coconut based frozen treat varieties.

Latest revision as of 03:52, 13 May 2014

Frozen Treats

Ice Cream and Sorbet

Dramatis Personae

Nom, Anette, Sean

In Absentia


People eat frozen things, then discuss pagan post cards.


Custard's Last Stand

The beautiful springy weather has inspired the people of the city to pretend that everything is super awesome in the city and go about the streets acquiring things, and consuming other tasty things. One of the places of consuming tasty things is a place called Custard's Last Stand, and with it's door wide open, the sugary smells of sweets carry into the breeze. The happy noises of people consuming ice cream come from people at various tables and the counter, the place looking much like the old school soda shops, and in fact they have a variety of flavored sodas one can drop ice cream into, and their various flavors include ice cream of the cream variety, as well as sorbets, soy based, and coconut based frozen treat varieties.

Sitting at one of the tables by himself with a sketchbook open, Sean has a bowl of brightly colored red and blue flavored sorbets and he seems content. The people moving around him draws his attention, and he people watches openly, leaning back in his chair, occassionally scrawling across the page, but mainly putting sugary goodness in his face. His lips are currently stained purple from the mix, as well as his tongue, with a tiny dot of red on his nose he seems to be missing. Of course this does not seem terribly out of place considering his tee shirt is color swirled into a tie dyed mess, though his jeans are expensive and form fitting.

Meanwhile, there's Nom. She's an odd, bouncy young girl. As is evinced by the way she bounces into the ice cream parlor. Where she got any money at all is anyone's guess, but a pile of one dollar bills is thrown on the counter, and the girl pretty much proceeds to dump them on the counter... and tries to point at every flavor of ice cream she can. A tired looking young man outside the store is currently relaxing with a soda in hand. In other words? Keeping an eye on her. She's friendly at least,"Me want that one, and that one, and that one, and that one, and that one, and that one..."

Chuckling at the the bouncy one coming in, Sean smiles purpley at the ice cream pile that seems to be forming. He scribbles on the sketchbook again, mainly taking notes on what all has come into the place more than drawing any one thing. "Such a nice day," he murmurs to himself, then frowns in thought, thinking he probably could use a soda to go with it. Moving up to get back into line behind the ice cream consumer, and looking to one of the other guys behind the counter "Black Cherry cream soda please. Without cream, just the flavoring," he says as he settles in to wait.

She keeps pointing at ice cream after ice cream until she has a nice big pile of ice cream, accepts it, and immediately stares down into her pile of ice cream... She picks up one scoop with her bare hands to take a bite of it... only to realize she's getting some stares. Looking abashed, she picks up a plastic spoon and uses that for her next bite. "Mmmm. Good ice cream." Then she looks at Sean,"Me am eat lots ice cream now. Ice cream am good."

Raising a brow at the girl's speach pattern, Sean accepts the ordered soda and pays for it. Looking back at the girl again, he smiles as she shifts to a spoon. "Good to know. I'll have to let my more omnivorous friends know about it." Glancing towards the person outside who is watching the girl, he seems to want to ask but then shakes his head, figuring it isn't his business.

Anette walks into the store, looking around curiously. Her first time here, she takes her time walking up to the counter, judging the atmosphere. Seeming content, she makes her way to the counter. "Turtle sundae, please. No whipped cream," she says, keeping to herself as she watches the server build her sundae. She looks around casually, noticing Sean and Nom but mostly ignores them. She seems fairly inconspicuous herself, save for the long leather coat she wears that would probably be a bit more appropriate in colder weather.

As the odd girl goes off to eat her ice cream, Sean returns to his table with his melting sorbet and sketchbook. He does offer Anette a smile and a wave, offering one of the extra chairs at his table if she's interested. "I didn't have anyone joining me." He shrugs to show its not a major thing, as he scoops some of the red and blue sorbet into his mouth.

Anette turns her head to Sean as he speaks to her, looking him overly briefly before shrugging slightly. "Meh, why not?" She takes her sundae as it's slid in front of her and she hands over some cash, taking it over to Sean's table. "So is this place any good? I've never actually ate here before," she says, digging her spoon into her sundae and taking a bite.

"It's my first time. But it seems tasty enough," Sean says with a smile. "The sorbet is tasty, and the soda is too at least this one is." To illustrate the soda point he takes a pull from it and wipes his lips off, though now the purple is darker due to the soda. "And that girl was eating the ice cream with her bare hands, so that says something too." Grinning, he closes up the sketch book and slides it over to make more room for her. "Can't say as I remember your name too well... but you were with the boxer right? At the Home diner."

Anette nods with a faint grin. "Well, two good items is a start. The sundae's pretty good, too." She goes ahead and takes another bite. She looks you over again when you seem to recognize her, recognition not clicking for her until you move your sketch book. "Ah! You're the artist, right? Wow, that was a while ago. Right, the boxer with the...eating thing. Haven't seen him in some time either. Anyway, anything new?"

"Oh not a whole lot, been working on a few new pieces for private collectors, but no new galleries," Sean nods with a smile. "I'm glad you liked the piece though. I'll have to ask you to model for me again sometime, though I need a good back drop. The city is so not right, but I can't think of where." Letting out a grumpy sigh he shakes his head. "I'm wanting like water falls or tropical forests, and it's so damn annoying to schedule travel." To drown his artists sorrow, he consumes the rest of his sorbet in a purple mess.

Anette chuckles and shakes her head. "Really? I can't possibly that interesting to draw. Though waterfalls are nice. And to be fair...I do provide a slight advantage to the travel situation." She takes another bite of her sundae. "Alright...this is a fantastic ice cream store. Anyway, private collectors isn't a bad idea. There's gotta be some money in that. Either way, nothing says New York like starving artist."

"There aren't exactly many models who have the features you do, it's kinda a specialized thing," Sean says with a grin as he taps his spoon against the empty bowl. "And I was thinking more tropical, and that's at least a six or seven hour flight by plane down to the Caribbean. Sure there are some water falls up here, I mean big huge Niagara one, but you don't get the same water and greenery effect." He nods severely, but offers a shrug. "Oh, they pay pretty well. Swanky apartments in New York sadly aren't cheap. But can't complain about what it brings. And thankfully, the fact that so much vegan food is able to be sent direct to my apartment, I shall never starve. Unless I forget to eat. And then I pig out on ice cream instead."

Anette laughs a bit at Sean's response. "Oh, I'm a model now, am I? I'm pretty sure I eat too many burgers to be a model. And the Caribbean? do dream big. Though I imagine the art would be absolutely beautiful. And I don't even wanna think about how much a swanky apartment costs. I've got a dump where the rats outnumber the tenants and I'm still paying through the nose." She drowns her money sorrows with a bite of ice cream. "Though for a backdrop, I would imagine a pretty, heavily forested area would work nicely. It fits the theme pretty well. Owls and all."

"Well yeah, but you get a completely different feeling with the different backdrop. Deciduous trees with that gives off the more pagan post card image than what I'm going for. Maybe if the light is right and we can get some rainbowing," Sean seems to be weighing the options, then nods. "I'll figure it out. Oh, the picture I gave you I should have given you a card with my email on it. Look at my art dot com?" He asks as if it rings a bell. The buzzing of a silent cell phone goes off, and he pulls out the offending piece of technology before he swipes it and puts it to his ear. "Yeah Angela? Yeah I went out for ice cream. What do you mean the delivery guy is there now? Fine, I'll go back to get it from the hallway." Looking apologetic, he shrugs to Anette. "Sorry that was my assistant. I should go and handle that before I get angry passive aggressive comments in the elevator if I leave out Chinese food again over night."

Anette nods and grins. "Right, I remember that email. I'll send you a message. And I suppose I understand the pagan post card problem, though that's the first time I've heard of it like that." She pauses and finishes off her ice cream while Sean takes his call. When he asks to be excused, she nods understandably. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you around then."

Wiping his face with a napkin and mainly making purple smears on the paper, Sean looks to her and says "Did I get it?" He licks his lips and and wipes his arm against his mouth and stands. "I just don't want it to be stereotypical really. But then, all art kinda Is a stereotype, I mean, just about everything's been done before, its more How you do it honestly. I just don't want people to think I did it hipster ironically." Smiling, he slides his notebook into his messenger bag sitting conveniently beneath the table as he sighs. "It was nice meeting you again. I look forward to the email." Inclining his head he gives a little wave as he heads on off.