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| gamedatename =  
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| location = Clinton
| location = <NYC> [[Clinton]]
| categories = Mutants, Citizens, Anette, Daken, Vi
| categories = Mutants, Brotherhood of Mutants, Citizens, Anette, Daken, Vi, Clinton
| log = It started out cool in Clinton today, but it's finally starting to warm up by midday. The streets are starting to fill with people, and Daken has actually came out from wherever he's been hiding. The hair atop his head has grown back to a nice short fuzz. He's dressed for the warmer weather to come in a black tank, dark green cargo pants, and combat boots. Noticeably out of character is a bundle of red roses he's carrying with him towards the Sunrise apartments.
| log = It started out cool in Clinton today, but it's finally starting to warm up by midday. The streets are starting to fill with people, and Daken has actually came out from wherever he's been hiding. The hair atop his head has grown back to a nice short fuzz. He's dressed for the warmer weather to come in a black tank, dark green cargo pants, and combat boots. Noticeably out of character is a bundle of red roses he's carrying with him towards the Sunrise apartments.

Latest revision as of 14:09, 2 August 2015

Gods Among Men
Dramatis Personae

Anette Vi Daken

In Absentia


"Always liked the mind based powers. When they weren't being used to pick my brain."


<NYC> Clinton

It started out cool in Clinton today, but it's finally starting to warm up by midday. The streets are starting to fill with people, and Daken has actually came out from wherever he's been hiding. The hair atop his head has grown back to a nice short fuzz. He's dressed for the warmer weather to come in a black tank, dark green cargo pants, and combat boots. Noticeably out of character is a bundle of red roses he's carrying with him towards the Sunrise apartments.

Vi is out to meet up with her new found Moutain Dew fond friend. With the heat starting to come on, she's elected for a white tank-top with a star on it's chest, which does wonders for making the black ink of her heavily tattooed arms stand out even more. She's walking along with her phone out and held up so she can follow the magical GPS to the spot they decided on.

Despite the heat, Anette continues to wear one of her coats, hiding her wings and talons from view. Still, she takes a deep breath while still in the most air-conditioned doorway before opening it and slipping outside. A very un-Anette excited squeak escapes when she notices Daken just about to approach the steps. "You! It's about time!" she says, catching herself before she does something really stupid like jump into his arms and profess her love. The roses get a quick glance and laugh. "God you're cheesy."

"I figured you might need a little bit more cheesy in your life." Daken says with a genuine smile for once, stepping in to wrap his left arm around Anette and press a kiss to her lips before offering the flowers. "Honestly feel like I should have done more. I am starting to get old though."

Pausing and clicking a few things on her phone, Vi then continues on up the sidewalk. She's basically completely oblivious to where she is going. It leads her right up to Daken and Anette. In fact, a hundred percent of the way to Daken. Right into his back. Her phone clatters to the ground and she yelps out an "Oops!" Vi is an expert in helping with a romantic atmosphere.

" were right," Anette says, taking the flowers in one of her hands just before Vi crashes into them. "Oh! Right...well, Daken, this is Vi. Vi, this is boyfriend." She takes a moment to watch Vi collect herself (and phone). "Alright, well, Vi and I were going to...I don't even know what we were going to do. Daken, you free?"

Daken isn't pushed too far, "No harm done." he reaches over to collect the phone for Vi, offering it back before nodding towards Anette. "Actually came to see if you were free, so I definitely am." He extends his hand and flashes Vi a warm smile, "Like Anette said, I'm Daken. Good to meet you."

Vi takes her phone back with a murmured thank you, then tucks it away in her pocket. She shakes Daken's hand when Anette does introductions, "Hey boyfriend," she says. "Well, it's the middle of the afternoon. Normally I'd be jonesing for coffee right now but..." She blows a raspberry.

"What? You're telling me people don't drink coffee for the taste?" Anette teases with a grin. "At least it won't be much longer, sounds like they're starting to figure it out. God knows I'd like caffeine to start working again." She glances towards Daken and frowns slightly. "Caffeine doesn't affect you to begin with, does it? Bastard."

"Thankfully not, I'd be extremely irritable otherwise." Daken replies with a slight nod. "We can't all have mutations that make us gods among men." He teases, wrapping an arm around Anette's waist. "So, coffee's out of the question. What about lunch?"

"Gods among men?" Vi asks, letting out an incredulous chuckle. "Now that sounds like a hell of a thing to win in the genetic lottery." With a hand raking her brown hair back away from her face, she nods her head. "Lunch sounds good to me," she says agreeably. "There anywhere worth eating at around here?"

"Lunch...lunch sounds good. Mmm, couple of fast food places I think. Sandwich shop nearby. A few chicken joints," Anette thinks as the idea of lunch is brought up. She leans in to Daken as he wraps his arm around her. "Genetic lottery, blah. I'd choose wings over that anyday." "I'd like to remind you if I had any other mutation, you'd have your arm around somebody that could be mistaken for your grandfather." Daken presses his lips to the side of Anette's head before focusing on Vi. "Few places that are mutant friendly around here. Know Trib pointed me towards a pretty excellent Chinese place that isn't too far from here."

Vi tucks her thumbs into the pockets of her jeans. "Chinese works for me," she decides. Then she gives Anette a good solid side-eye. "So okay, I might be rude here. But can you fly with those things?" She makes ready to move, to follow the lead toward lunch.

Anette grins as Vi asks about the wings, heading in the general direction of the asian place. "Of course! Not much point in them otherwise. I'm pretty much an owl. Neck swivel, eyes, ears, even screech. And talons, of course, though those are a new addition. It's fun." She glances to Daken with a slight smirk before continuing. "Mr Boring here, though not as exciting as me, has super healing powers. In fact, he's actually 112 right now." The slight playful tone in her voice suggests that yes, in fact, she intentionally rounding up. Way up.

"Sixty-nine. My father, on the other hand, is about two-hundred and still kicking." Daken explains. "But yeah, I heal pretty fast, Anette and I got mugged on one of our first real dates and I got shot in the back of the head. Probably because of the neck swivel. Don't like to think I'm boring though. I might just be one of the most dangerous people you'll ever meet." The wink he shoots Vi is clearly playful, though his voice is serious.

With a shake of her head, Vi laughs. "Goddamn," she says, kind of boggling over the scope of the abilities of her companions. She looks at Anette, "Wait, neck swivel. You can turn your head around all... Exorcisty?"

As if on command, Anette twists her head around almost 180. "Pretty much," she says, swinging her head around to it's proper position. " tends to scare people. And less 'run away' scarred and more 'bash your head in' type of scared. Though...I -did- scare someone off from attacking with it a few days ago and they proceeded to get hit by a car. So...I really should stop doing it in public." She turns to face Daken and narrows her eyes. "Don't you dare blame me for that. That was your own damn fault."

"I might have laughed at them a little bit." Daken allows with a slight nod. "Definitely had worse happen though, like that time I lost three fingers on my right hand. That shit sucked." He reaches forward to tap the button so they can cross the street. "And if whenever I leave you get people hit with cars, I should hang out at your place more often."

The neck swivel gets a good reaction out of Violet. She raises up both brows and pulls the corners of her mouth down, while suddenly holding on to her own neck with both hands. "Whoa, man, that just looks wrong. Awesome," she decides, with a laugh. To Daken, at his finger story, "So like... just, you heal up no matter what happens?" she asks, obviously curious about the powers the pair are sharing about. "I'm sorry if I sound like an excited kid. It's just interesting stuff, y'know?" She parades out into the street, pausing to make like she is about to jump onto the hood of a taxi that is pulled into the crosswalk. She just kind of hops at it and doesn't touch it, though, before scurrying forward again.

"No, no, I get it. I was lucky enough to go to a...very open minded school. Most of my curiosity has been satisfied. Still, it's always cool meeting new muties. Speaking off..." Anette's eyes trail to the inked girl who's playing real life Frogger with taxis, "you still haven't told us what you can do."

Daken nods a few times at Vi's question, "So far there's only one thing I know for sure I can't heal, but everything else is done pretty quickly. Things that take a bit longer is regrowing limbs, easier just to reattach them. Also have claws, six altogether. Tend to set off metal detectors because of the high amount of iron in them."

Vi looks a little bashful. "It's uh, nothing nearly as cool as being able to fly or being invincible," she says, with a dismissive little chuckle. "I just move stuff with my mind." She makes a little floaty gesture, wiggling one hand in the air. That's meant to represent telekinesis, maybe. Or a ghost doing the backstroke.

"Hey, telekinesis is awesome. If I had to choose a second power..." The group passes a homeless man and Anette absent mindedly pulls a few coins from her pocket and tosses them into his bucket. "So just telekinesis then? Can you pick up and move anything? Or are you limited?"

"Always liked the mind based powers. When they weren't being used to pick my brain." Daken reaches up to run a hand through his hair. "Besides, I can't get any tattoos. They last about a day."

Vi touches one of the big crows tattooed on her shoulders, with a sympathetic look at Daken. "Now that? That sucks." As they walk along, there's a clatter as a soda can resting on a trash can nearby falls off, hitting the sidewalk loudly. "It's... I guess the bigger something is, the harder it is for me to do anything with it? After a point, I can just kind of shove things instead of picking them up or moving them around." She doesn't sound like she's really tried to explain this to someone else before.

Anette nods along as Vi explains her abilities. "Hey, better than nothing. And the more you practice, the stronger you'll get. You never know, might be the next Magneto. Say what you will about him, guy's tough as nails." Anette glances over towards with a slight ah and grin. "You know...I always wondered why you didn't have tatoos. Always seemed like the tattoo kinda guy to me."

Daken lets out an over dramatic sigh. "I got a nice tribal sleeve on my left side that turned into a torso piece. Bigger waste of money than my entire stay in Las Angeles. Though all I did was get hooked on heat, find out my fuck buddy was a shape shifter and the person that made heat, then have him impersonate me and become the 'claws killer'. Was one hell of a time, think that asshole that was masquerading as me even made the news."

"I am totally the next Magneto. People'll cower at the name Violet!" she says, raising both tattooed fists up over her head and letting out a manaical laugh. She brushes the goofiness off with a snicker, then looks at Daken, with her brows raised up. "Damn dude, that's... There is so much there that I want to comment on."

Anette pauses a moment to stare at Daken before shaking her head. "I am very disappointed you never told me this story before..." she chastizes. She does however, grin towards Violet. "Of course! You'll terrorize the whole city, have it under your control! Maybe you'll even be the first mutant President of the United States. Which you will have one, of course, after all the other candidates mysteriously went missing." "California was just a shitty time period. Less I relive that, the better." Daken just gives his head a small shake as they near the place. "Speaking of which, they ever release where Magneto was being held? I haven't heard anything about it, but that's probably to keep those fucking crazies from breaking him out."

Vi seems to be rather enjoying the power fantasy. "Not even President, I'll be the Princess of America," she decides. She flexes both arms, "Terrorist Queen of the US," she amends. "I like the ring of that." She laughs some more, but sobers up at Daken's talk about Magneto. "I am pretty sure that they don't want anyone know where that dude is. Like triple-secret Guantanamo somewhere."

"I don't have a clue where he is. I'm sure he's fine, the guy survived how much in his life already?" Anette grins and pseudo-claps at her declaration of royalty. "Way to aim high. Course, now you have mutants trying to murder you to take your spot but hey, at least you're at the top for now."

Daken nods towards Anette. "As it stands, you'd need somebody like me there to guard you. At least until you get to the point where you can use your telekinesis to force invading forces to commit suicide. Should see about getting an application for that. But you won't find many other near immortal samurai's that are willing to work for you."

Vi replies, as if this were the most obvious thing. "A Terrorist Queen needs henchpeople. You two are both hired. Top of my administration."

Anette suddenly begins tsking. "Hmm, shouldn't always trust anyone who claims to want to help you. You never know, the owl henchlady might want the throne to herself and will be able to convince the immortal samurai to betray you so they can rule together." She shrugs non-chalantly. "Maybe...just a theory."

Daken chuckles quietly before leaning over to press his lips to Anette's temple. "We both have been known to rip throats out occasionally. Never hurts to watch your back." The wink he shoots Vi is very clearly teasing. "Been thinking about getting a real job, like working as a short order chef." He adds to Anette. "Something so my getting cash days aren't so few and far between. Even if my paydays are pretty awesome right now."

With a look as if she had already been betrayed, Vi sighs and shakes her head. "Heavy hangs the head that wears the terrorist crown..." She drops that line of fantasy and gives Daken a nod. "If you find somewhere that's hiring, I'm getting desperate enough that I'm considering waitressing. The coffee shop scene sucks right now, and that's what I'm good at."

"Yeah, I could use a job right now. Don't even care what. I just need some cash." Anette sighs and looks around casually. "Hell, I'll even take a coffee shop gig right now. If there was a coffee shop that hired people with wings and claws."

"Pretty sure Evolve does." Daken reminds Anette. "And they double as a nightclub. But I wouldn't put you in charge of the liquor." he jokes. "Not sure where I'd go about applying, unless it was a security gig."

Editors Note: Ending was misplaced, they arrive for Chinese. The End.