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| subtitle =  
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| location = <NYC> [[Chinatown]]
| location = <NYC> [[Chinatown]]
| categories = Mutants, Humans, Chinatown, Citizens, Jack, Jason, Teague, Brotherhood, Xavier's
| categories = Mutants, Chinatown, Citizens, Jack, Jason, Teague, Brotherhood of Mutants, Xavier's
| log = One of New York's oldest neighborhoods and the oldest Chinese enclave outside of Asia, Chinatown is a vibrant ethnic community, which draws throngs of tourists annually as well. This neighborhood is packed with Chinese-owned businesses, from restaurants to groceries to theaters to fashion.
| log = One of New York's oldest neighborhoods and the oldest Chinese enclave outside of Asia, Chinatown is a vibrant ethnic community, which draws throngs of tourists annually as well. This neighborhood is packed with Chinese-owned businesses, from restaurants to groceries to theaters to fashion.

Latest revision as of 12:12, 7 August 2015

Invisible Vandals
Dramatis Personae

Jack Jason Teague

In Absentia




<NYC> Chinatown

One of New York's oldest neighborhoods and the oldest Chinese enclave outside of Asia, Chinatown is a vibrant ethnic community, which draws throngs of tourists annually as well. This neighborhood is packed with Chinese-owned businesses, from restaurants to groceries to theaters to fashion.

With another day of sweltering heat, Chinatown is quite a ripe place to be. Late on a Sunday evening, the residents of the pungent district have mostly sought refuge in many of the above-street-level, air conditioned apartments. Save for passers-through, if you have any sense of smell at all, the area is to be avoided.

Sunk into the concrete sill of storefront window, Teague flicks the end bud of a cigarette off to the side. The ember bounces before settling there with the cigarette he'd smoked just before that one. Dressed in all black, with his long hair pulled back into a tight bun, the teen keeps his head low as he watches one store in particular.

Baohaus is just closing for the night. A waitress finished sweeping up just inside the glass as the restaurant's white and neon-blue signage is flicked off. Shrouded by poor lighting, another man checks that the door is locked at its handle. He reaches for and straightens a very clear, "No Mutants Allowed," sign.

Teague straightens up his backpack, pulling it closer to his side. The adjustment causes spray paint canisters clink together.

Coincidentally the sign may be being readjusted for Jason's benefit, the teen having tried to catch a last minute bight to eat. He offers a wave and pleasant smile to the people closing up, drawling out a very simple "Fuck you too." under his breath. He settles for a bench at the moment, tail flicking back and forth behind him in an agitated manner.

It's not entirely by choice that Jack is in Chinatown tonight. Subway issues left him in Chinatown and walking the rest of the way to his destination. Just in jeans, sneakers, and a freshly bought hoodie, he's got the hood up and hands in his pockets as he walks. He mutters about trains being unreliable before motion catches his invisible eye. Glancing up, the mutant teen spots Teague before he notices Jason. He stays quiet, just watching for the moment.

From behind his long lashes, Teague watches Jason meander away from Baohaus to the bench. Between the horn and the tail, the British mutant doesn't figure he'll be much of a problem. Humorously enough, even with his clothes on, Teague doesn't see Jack. No veteran to vandalism despite his recent practice, he lacks equipoise. He's bold, but he isn't cautious enough to notice the third mutant.

As the inner lights are turned off and the employees make for the unseen back door, Teague pulls up his hood and slides down from his perch. His androgynous form crosses the street between two parked cars.

Jason tugs out his phone, the telltale beginning of Clash of Clans giving away what he's up to on the bench. So nefarious. However his attention is stolen by the form that broke away for the back off the restaurant, which also leads him to notice Jack, who gets a distracted nod. The phone is tucked away before he pushes up, attempting to get a better look at what's going down without giving himself away.

Jack debates just overlooking this all and continuing on his way home. But it looks almost like someone might be planning on robbing a place. Eventually Jack gives in to that not so smart impulse and decides to investigate. Tugging his hood to make sure its covering him, he steps a little more into the shadows and creeps closer trying to get a better look at whoever that figure approaching Baohaus is.

Lowering to a knee, Teague props his bag on an upturned thigh. It’s hard to tell where the fabric of his black skinny jeans and the black backpack begin. The sound of his bag’s zipper can be heard over the hum of AC window units and from it, the teen unfurls a leaf of white paper approximately the same size as the sign in the window. A spray can rattles as he produces it with an upturned wrist, pops off the cap, and gives it a few ginger shakes. If no one interferes, he sprays a quick clear coat of fixative over the glass, right where the sign sits and makes to gently press his own sign, with near identical font and spacing, right over it.

Jason doesn't interfere once he's in watching distance, arms crossing over his black t-shirt. The look on his face is thoughtful, almost like he's trying to decide if he should say something. He obviously decides against it, instead keeping an eye out for anybody else that might run up.

It's not until he hears that telltale rattle that Jack realizes there's some vandalism going on instead of breaking and entering. He's relieved at that but still isn't ready to just keep walking. No, he wants to see just what sort of vandalism is going on. Creeping closer, he stays in the dark as he tries to get a peek at that sign. He's only really planning to say anything if it’s some kind of anti-mutant stuff.

From around the back alley comes the sound of a door slamming shut, and the subsequent shuffle of footsteps as someone draws towards the open street from the back of the restaurant.

Teague hears this, turning his head to do a fearful double take in Jack's direction and briefly to where the horned fellow used to be. Heart racing, he isn't willing to stop. He smooths out the paper onto the glass, 'Mutants Lives Matter,' perfectly set over the former. He gives the canister another shake. It's no use if he doesn't apply the topcoat.

Jason heads towards Teague, throwing up a two-fingered salute. Instead of stopping to say anything, he glances down the alleyway, waving at the person coming out. "Excuse me!" he drawls out, jogging down to meet them. "I really hate to bother you, but I'm lost. It'd be much appreciated if you could point me towards the subway."

Jack nods a bit at the sight of the sign. It's a message he approves of. The slamming door draws his attention as well but he's relieved when he sees Jason moving in to intercept whoever's coming. Turning back to the vandal, he's going to warn them to run but then he sees who it is. "Oh" he mutters, remembering his last run in with Teague. "Hey, you got it stuck up there now beat it before someone who's gonna have a problem shows up," he whispers as he steps closer to Teague.

“What you need? Get out of here, freak!” Heavily accented but a great deal shorter than the horned Jason, the newcomer only seems to quicken his pace. Perhaps mid-forties, the man breaks into an open trot through the alley towards its opening.

Teague is already spraying the fixative over the new sign. Midway through, he pulls away to peer over his shoulder. “Are you seriously nagging me at this very moment?” He hisses back, scoffing as he turns back to spray the bottom half of the sign. Not soon enough, he’s struggling to shove everything back into his bag.

"Assalamu alaikum." Jason calls after, sounding only slightly annoyed. "I tried." He heads back out of the alley, hands finding his pockets and tail draping over his shoulder.

"I'm trying to warn you someone is coming so a fight doesn't break out, asshole," Jack hisses, glancing back over his shoulder. "So hurry up and get the hell out of here," he snaps, heading for the alley opening as well to see if Jason got into any kind of trouble.

"Oh my God, are you telling me your life story right now?" Teague continues with the whispered bickering match as he struggles to close his bag. The zip to the bag is audible.

The man curses Jason in Mandarin, flailing both hands in an effeminate, sweeping gesture at Jason as he steps out of the mouth of the alley. "What you doing over there?" He cranes his neck to be taller as he stomps threateningly towards Jack and Teague, "Go shoot up somewhere else!"

Teague takes off running past the other two boys.

Jason simply keeps on walking past the shorter man, flicking the tip of his tail under his nose. He doesn't stop to talk anymore, making his way towards the subway fast enough to have a decent lead should he get blamed for the tagging, but not fast enough to draw suspicion.

Jack has to resist the urge to take a swing at Teague. He just manages to get under that invisible skin. He stops himself this time though, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He keeps his head down as he starts following after Jason. "Just stopped to tie my shoe. Dunno about that asshole," he remarks with a faint nod in Teague's direction as he goes.

The employee awards the restaurant's entryway with only a passing glance, mistaking the similar looking sign with the original. With his nose wrinkled, he stares daggers at Jack and Jason's heels as they continue on their way.

Agility being his strength, Teague is long gone.

"Fucking asshole." Jason mutters. "Wonder what crawled up his ass." He subtly nods back towards the store owner. "Apparently my money is contaminated. Glad I know how to cook. Thought I might get a break from it tonight though."

Jack just shakes his head as he heads past the subway and along to meet up with his ride back to the school. He's gone from muttering about subways to muttering about bigots and Teague. Not a happy invisible guy tonight.