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(Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Fiona, Mai, Anette, Melinda | summary = | gamedate = 2016-12-28 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <NYC> Guerrilla Garden - Lower East Side | categ...")
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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = Fiona, Mai, Anette, Melinda
| cast = [[Fiona]], [[Mai]], [[Anette]], [[Melinda]]
| summary =  
| summary =  
| gamedate = 2016-12-28
| gamedate = 2016-12-28
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle =  
| subtitle =  
| location = <NYC> Guerrilla Garden - Lower East Side
| location = <NYC> [[Guerrilla Garden]] - Lower East Side
| categories = RP, Mai, Fiona, Anette, Melinda, Guerrilla Garden, Citizens, Mutants
| categories = Mai, Fiona, Anette, Melinda, Guerrilla Garden, Citizens, Mutants, Brotherhood of Mutants, Humans
| log =  
| log = Situated on the lot directly adjacent to the distinctive sleek form of the Mendel Clinic, this space was once abandoned. The chainlink fence around it is still rusty, dilapidated, and the signs affixed to it still unwelcoming -- rusty as well, reading KEEP OUT, and PRIVATE PROPERTY. For those who venture into the slitted gap cut out of the fence, though, the yard within tells a different story.
Neat and cleaned of any garbage and weeds, the once-abandoned lot has been rebuilt. Packing crates have been broken down for their wood to create raised beds full of rich soil, each bed neatly tilled and tended. Stakes label the different plants growing -- a wealth of vegetables growing three seasons of the year in the carefully tended soil. Around the edges of the lot, smaller beds have had brightly coloured flowers planted, lending even more cheer to the little hidden garden. Very eclectically mismatched seating has been brought in; old packing crates, chairs scavenged from curbs, though it's all been brightly painted.
It's evening out - the sky is dark, and New York being New York you can't see much in the ways of stars above. Dat light pollution. Still, the garden is rather nice - Fiona found her way here a little while ago and... while it's rather chilly out, she seems to be enjoying the flowers and little bit of peaceful nature that someone has created. Even if it's 'private property' she doesn't exactly care that much; it looks more like abandoned property that someone decided to throw a garden on top of, anyway. Nothing particularly amazing or exciting is going on - the dragon (looking) girl is just browsing the internet on her phone. Apparently.
It's evening out - the sky is dark, and New York being New York you can't see much in the ways of stars above. Dat light pollution. Still, the garden is rather nice - Fiona found her way here a little while ago and... while it's rather chilly out, she seems to be enjoying the flowers and little bit of peaceful nature that someone has created. Even if it's 'private property' she doesn't exactly care that much; it looks more like abandoned property that someone decided to throw a garden on top of, anyway. Nothing particularly amazing or exciting is going on - the dragon (looking) girl is just browsing the internet on her phone. Apparently.

Latest revision as of 05:43, 30 December 2016

Not So Quiet
Dramatis Personae

Fiona, Mai, Anette, Melinda

In Absentia




<NYC> Guerrilla Garden - Lower East Side

Situated on the lot directly adjacent to the distinctive sleek form of the Mendel Clinic, this space was once abandoned. The chainlink fence around it is still rusty, dilapidated, and the signs affixed to it still unwelcoming -- rusty as well, reading KEEP OUT, and PRIVATE PROPERTY. For those who venture into the slitted gap cut out of the fence, though, the yard within tells a different story.

Neat and cleaned of any garbage and weeds, the once-abandoned lot has been rebuilt. Packing crates have been broken down for their wood to create raised beds full of rich soil, each bed neatly tilled and tended. Stakes label the different plants growing -- a wealth of vegetables growing three seasons of the year in the carefully tended soil. Around the edges of the lot, smaller beds have had brightly coloured flowers planted, lending even more cheer to the little hidden garden. Very eclectically mismatched seating has been brought in; old packing crates, chairs scavenged from curbs, though it's all been brightly painted.

It's evening out - the sky is dark, and New York being New York you can't see much in the ways of stars above. Dat light pollution. Still, the garden is rather nice - Fiona found her way here a little while ago and... while it's rather chilly out, she seems to be enjoying the flowers and little bit of peaceful nature that someone has created. Even if it's 'private property' she doesn't exactly care that much; it looks more like abandoned property that someone decided to throw a garden on top of, anyway. Nothing particularly amazing or exciting is going on - the dragon (looking) girl is just browsing the internet on her phone. Apparently.

Mai has not had a very good day, to be honest, and as such is taking a walk on the darkening streets, part of her even hoping that some unfortunate thug would try to mug her so she could get something to blow off some steam on. But alas, those types are never around when one would want them to be, instead she gets a text message from one of her friends, to come check out a cool place she found, and she manages to follow her directions well enough to find the hole in the fence and slips through to find Fiona at the middle of the garden. "Hey, whats this place?"

Anette's taken a less traditional approach, bouncing rooftop to rooftop across the city, gliding and flying as needed, despite the heavy winds. She doesn't appear to be heading any particular direction and seems like she stumbles across the garden by chance. Standing on the roof of a nearby building, she walks to the edge and peers over. A brow raises as spies the dragon-esque girl in the garden, catching sight of the other squeezing through the fence to join her. Anette jumps down, her wings spreading to ensure her safe arrival to the ground. "Didn't know this was such a popular place," she says, grinning as she pulls her wings in and invites herself to join the others.

Fiona jumps a little as Mai and Anette come in - she's still not sure that this is actually someplace she's allowed to be. She blinks owlishly at Mai, eyes adjusting from the phone to the darker surroundings. She does recognize the voice though, "Uh, someone's garden, I guess...? Funny we'd run into each other here," she notes... and THEN there's flapping or gliding or something and... Anette is there! She again looks startled. "I-I guess it is, isn't it? It's a nice little green spot, for sure."

Mai looks around a bit as she listen's to Fiona's guess. "Rather weird place for a garden to be sure. But, I guess it works. Pretty nice find. Such a contradiction to the bustling city outside to have this patch of green here..." she muses, then turns her attention towards the sound of the wings also when Fiona does, now thats one big bird! "Hey there. I am not sure of popular... but someone has definetily done a lot of work to set this all up." She agrees as she looks the new arrival over, not having seen her before.

Anette can't help but chuckle. "Have you not been to Central Park yet? I mean, that's a /little/ bigger and greener than this," she says, glancing down to the mostly dead plantlife. "This is pretty nice though. Can't believe I never noticed it before. Seems like it's usually pretty quiet and relaxing." She looks up to her new companions and gives shrug. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything. I was just out for a flight. Saw some people gathered, got nosy."

Melinda slips through the fence a little bit later, carting a coil of steel cables with locks on her winter coat clad shoulder. She blinks as she looks around at the small group before exhaling and moving to some of the seating that they are not using. "It is also greener during the summer. And there's food, but we do try to keep the food for those who can't afford food at all. So, keep that in mind." She gives a nod to the group before starting to lace one of the steel cables through the chairs and ties them together.

Fiona seems less startled by Melinda, probably because she is a Carrier of Things, and that adds to a person's legitimacy and authority. She nods as Melinda explains the purpose of the garden, "Oh, I've read about stuff like this. I thought it was just a place for sitting, but you actually grow food in the middle of the city? That's pretty awesome. I wonder how well it'd do on the rooftops, too..." Pondering.

Mai laughs softly at Anette's remark about the park. "Oh, well, of course, but I guess I just don't think of the park in the same way, since its so big that it feels more like its own thing than part of the city... or something." she explains with a shrug, thought the last part of what Anette says catches her interest. "Flight? You can fly? That must be awesome!" she offers, well technically, Mai can fly as well, but she doesn't think of it the same way since its not 'natural' if that is the right word for it. Then Melinda arrives and reveals the mystery purpose of the garden. "Oh, this is your garden? I do hope that we aren't intruding?" is inquired, before she listens to what Fiona says.

"Yeah, Central Park does feel like it's own thing. I get that," Anette agrees, glancing over towards Melinda curiously as she enters before tuning back to Mai with a chuckle. "Course I can fly. Did you think these were just for decoration?" she says, stretching out her wings behind her again for a second. She does glance towards Melinda again when she gives her explanation. "I've heard of that happening in the city. First time I've seen it though. Sounds useful.'

Melinda continues to strap down the furniture to the garden beds as best as possible to keep it from blowing away in the forecasted more forceful winds. "It works just fine on roofs. You have to be aware of the weight capacity of a roof, as dirt isn't light, and that it's well drained, because you don't want to cause damage that would weaken the roof -- honestly, I think more people have started roof top gardening since the rising." She clicks the lock in place and straightens up, fists kneading the small of her back as she stretches. "Aren't intruding?" her eyebrows shoot upwards. "Of course, you're intruding. You had to crawl through a hole in a fence, past a sign that said 'private property.' Doesn't really get much more specific than that." She studies the intruder's faces for a moment before continuing, "however, the point of this particular garden is to be open for all those who respect it. So, respect it and there won't be a problem."

"I just... wanted a place to sit and have some quiet... this place looked quiet..." Fiona murmurs in response to that last bit. Well, it DID look quiet. Not that there's quiet here now! "Anyway. I don't think we'll touch anything, it'll be fine..." Well, she can't speak for the other two, actually, but she herself is not in the habit of touching things that she shouldn't. "I always thought that'd be neat, if, you know... they built cities to include terraced agriculture platforms. I think it'd do wonders for people's mental health... or at least, it'd look nice. Parks are a good start though..."

Mai didn't really see the wings that clearly before as they were against Anette's back, and it is rather dark, but now when they are stretched out she watches them curiously. "Oh wow, those are beautiful." she admits, before turning to look at Melinda, blushing a bit at the mention of the sign and fence. "Uh... yeah... I meant more that you wouldn't mind it. I certainly don't intend to break anything, was just curious about the place." nodding in agreement to what Fiona says about the quiet.

"Well thanks," Anette says, grinning happily at the praise. That grin slides more in a smirk as Melinda brings up the fact they're all intruders. "Now that's a fun perk of flying. You can reach all sorts of off-limit places. But, I promise to be respectful. And I'm just passing through." Her yellow eyes turn to glance over Fiona, lingering over her less than human features before she glances towards Melinda. "Who /does/ this garden belong to anyway?"

Melinda starts back to work when the wind stirs up a chill down her spine. "I am not fully sure who holds the deed, I'll be honest. But if I had to guess, I'd say it was Jax. I will have to check in on that." She smiles a little and finishes intertwining the steel cable in and around the furniture and clicks the final lock. "We'll see how neat of an idea it is when spring rolls around and your quiet spot is filled with people cultivating and growing things."

"Well, it WAS quiet..." Fiona shrugs, looking down at her phone again and up at Anette, whom she's yet to really speak to nor introduce herself. Mai seems to know the bird-lady? Hm. "I guess it's not really my spot, either," she smiles faintly, picking herself up off the bench. "Eh, I better get going anyway," she gives the gathered occupants a wave, excusing herself and squeezing out through the hole in the fence - her tail trailing behind her through it.

Mai gives a curious look at Anette again as she talks more about flying. "Mmm, wouldn't mind to talk with you sometime more about that, perhaps you could help me get over my aversion for flying." she ponders, staggering a bit as a particularly strong gust of wind blows through. "Whoa... speaking of flying, this wind is building up something fierce, might be good idea to get somewhere inside before it flies us away." she notes with a light laugh, seeing Fiona getting ahead of her there already, she gives a little wave after the dragon girl. "See you around, Fiona!"

"Sure, if you'd like. You don't...look like a flier though," Anette says, looking over Mai again. "And I'm Anette." She does have to brace herself as the wind suddenly picks up, flattening her wings against her body to prevent them being caught. "Yeah, inside sounds good. We can talk and chat if you want." She glances towards the departing dragon before glancing towards Melinda and offering a faint nod. "Take care."

"Yeah, it's probably not going to be very nice out tonight. There's a gale force wind warning. It's a good idea to get settled for the night soon." Melinda nods to the pair before she starts toward the exit as well. "Have a good night!"

Mai gives a smile to Anette. "I know, and I don't really feel like one either, it feels so strange... its a bit complicated. Oh silly me, I am Mai, nice to meet you." this last part is aimed equally to both of the two others still present. Seeing that Melinda is leaving as well she gives the woman, whos name she still doesn't know, a wave. "Good night, and sorry for intruding!"