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| location = <XS> [[Garden]]
| location = <XS> [[Gardens]]
| categories = XS Garden, Xavier's, Mutants, Peter, Ivan, Faelan
| categories = XS Gardens, Xavier's, Mutants, Peter, Ivan, Faelan
| log = From indoor gardens to outdoor, though without the protective greenhouse glass the back gardens do not last all year round. Still, the gardens out here are well-tended and well-worth spending time in, as well. The paths wending through the beds of flowers and herbs and vegetables spread out through the school's back grounds, tended by students as a credit class. Benches offer seating and a small pond is home to koi and turtles, as well as a few frogs.
| log = From indoor gardens to outdoor, though without the protective greenhouse glass the back gardens do not last all year round. Still, the gardens out here are well-tended and well-worth spending time in, as well. The paths wending through the beds of flowers and herbs and vegetables spread out through the school's back grounds, tended by students as a credit class. Benches offer seating and a small pond is home to koi and turtles, as well as a few frogs.

Latest revision as of 17:52, 19 June 2013

Dramatis Personae

Peter, Ivan, Faelan

In Absentia


X-kids discuss TWIN RETRIEVAL plotz.


<XS> Gardens

From indoor gardens to outdoor, though without the protective greenhouse glass the back gardens do not last all year round. Still, the gardens out here are well-tended and well-worth spending time in, as well. The paths wending through the beds of flowers and herbs and vegetables spread out through the school's back grounds, tended by students as a credit class. Benches offer seating and a small pond is home to koi and turtles, as well as a few frogs.

Off and on cloudy or rainy, the day had been hard to predict on what precisely being outside would be like. The garden was fairly empty over all, with benches being damp and the sky looking threatening. One figure was sitting out by the koi pond, with the hood of a sweatshirt pulled up to keep out the weather. Faelan had experienced worse in his accidental travels after all, and if it had gotten to wet for his reading he could go inside. To the sound of croaking pond froggies, he read The Time Machine, as he attempted to go through another one of H.G. Well's books as Mariot had suggested.

"Faelan Faelan /hey/ Faelan." Oh man this cannot be good. Peter arrives, Ivan in tow; he is clad in his black hoodie, blue jeans, and redonkular glasses. He is also /waving/ at Faelan as he marches through the garden. But as he greets Faelan, he's already turning back to Ivan, as if to continue some piece of a multi-part discussion they've been having: "--seriously I'm sorry look, bugs are /not/ gross, I mean, not /always/ but I mean there are times, like - you know there is a breed of spider that injects its young into wasps which then eat their way out while the wasp is still alive? I mean, that is - that is /pretty/ gross, Ivan. Isn't it? I mean--"

Ivan is a person of very /obvious/ expressions (admittedly, mostly just panic), or almost no expression at all. This particular conversation seems to spark the latter, and he saunters after Peter in as straight a line as he can manage to follow his dorm buddy in. He's dressed in a boring old blue and darker blue striped shirt, jeans and sneakers, and shruuugs a drawn out shrug at Peter's inquiries, as if to say, 'well that depend on your definition of /gross/, my dear friend'. Outwardly, though, he only says "..." This silence only continues when Faelan comes into view, though his eyebrows do shoot up a little. He may have been delaying speaking to the other boy after having tripped into the dorm room over something /invisible/ the other day.

Sighing and closing his book, Faelin looked out over the pond. "Once is enough, really." He was most likely referring the the fact Peter was saying his name over and over, but it could also have referred to other things. "Were you looking for me? I don't think I had any texts." Frowning at that, he rummaged through his pockets for a moment as he pulled it out and started to check. "Is Sophie alright? I haven't seen her today, but she seemed kinda mad..." It wasn't understatement of the year, but it was one at least.

"She's fine totally fine I mean we talked and she's fine," Peter says, yammering away on the subject of Sophie like it all wasn't a big deal. He even waves his hand, as if to brush aside the whole thing. "Actually it's really cool, she showed me how her power works, and --" He stops there - not remembering if Sophie was okay with Peter /blabbing/ about that. Then - "Oh, Faelan, did Ivan say he was sorry about scaring you yet? Ivan did you say--" Peter gives Ivan a /nudge/ toward Faelan, as if to propose an apology. Completely oblivious that apologies have already, in fact, been given!

Nudges! Ivan is susceptible to nudges, and is easily prompted to take a stumbling step toward Faelan when the nudge hits. But he just stares at the boy he is apparently supposed to apologise to, and nods. Firmly. Apologies have, indeed, been given. He seems nonplussed about it.

On the bright side, with the lack of a coat, there is a complete lack of space to hide a tarantula on Ivan today! ... Unless it's just very well hidden in his hair.

Feeling slightly bad that Peter was dragging Ivan into this, especially when he had his own apologies to make. Looking towards Ivan, Faelan had a contrite look upon his face. "Um, I'm sorry as well Ivan. Just because you scared me, doesn't mean I should have used my powers." See, he had listened to Miss Jennifer, not that she was here or anything, but he said he would try harder. "I just, ya know, its what happens. One of the therapists told me that running from my problems isn't healthy." Which is stupid, since he's alive, and therefore it must have been good for him.

"Oh - oh, did you already - /oh/, sorry," Peter says, and now /everyone/ has apologized, haven't they? He reaches forward to give Ivan a tug - /tug tug/ - as if to reel him back from apologies. Peter has a way, apparently, of just controlling Ivan. Via shoving/pulling. Maybe it's just the flipside of Ivan's power. "Man you /should/ run from your problems sometimes, I mean when your problems are 7 feet tall green monsters who want to eat you, I think it is okay to run from them," Peter replies, "although I don't think that's your problem." He looks to Ivan, then. "...oh, right, I didn't tell you - I was thinking, um. Of an idea to look for the twins, maybe. I dunno if it would... work. I gotta ask Jax about it, I guess."

Just before Ivan is tugged back outside of Apology Range with yet another stumblestep, he quickly shakes his head at Faelan with a determined furrowing of his eyebrows. "My fault." He quietly manages the words only after having taken his spot next to Peter again. Who gets a curious glance, in turn. Plans? What plans. His eyes flit to Faelan again, for a second, as if he might know.

"I'd definitely run from a giant grean monster yes. I don't want to get eaten. And twins? What twins?" Faelan tilted his head to look at Peter thinking. "I think we have a few at the school don't we?" Frowning and thinking a moment to figure out which ones were missing, mind you that would have required paying more attention to other people. Looking to Ivan as the other boy just seemed as confused as he was, he looked back to Peter. "Have you told anyone your plans yet? Maybe you should ask Jax first. He is a teacher after all." Which at least would get the danger placed firmly away from himself.

"Sharktwins. They're, uh, blue. Sharky," Peter explains to Faelan. "They went up and disappeared a while ago. Haven't been showing up in school - we're worried about - where they might be." A glance toward Ivan. Peter's hands get shoved inside of his pockets. "Sophie - she can, like... see things. Far away. Not /too/ far, but. I was thinking, maybe she could peek under water. We could take her, and carry her around, and she could go under the water and look around for us, along the bay area - the ocean front - maybe drive her around in a car." Peter's mouth twists into a frown, like he's unsure of this plan. It's the best he could manage, anyway. "I just wanna do, like, /something/, you know?"

There are a few nods from Ivan, but they're slower with each one that passes, and confusion slowly piles on. Wait. He clasps his hands behind his back. "... 'Carry her around'?" Peter's words are echoed, give or take a Russian accent.

Remembering seeing scary bitey blue things around the campus when he was more hiding, Faelan nodded his head. "Oh, them. Well uh, I hope they are okay." Not exactly enthusiastic, but he didn't really personally know them. Still he looked to Peter as he described Sophies powers, his brow raised. "Wow, thats like, the opposite of my powers, kinda. I think you should talk to a teacher first, since its kinda illegal to use powers in public." He nodded at that, having had it drilled into him. "I could hide her maybe, people tend to stay invisible for a few hours at least."

"Well, we'd probably just - put her in a car, and drive the car around. And she'd look around from inside the car. I guess, yeah, it would be illegal, but..." Peter trails off, not finishing that thought. It's not like it being illegal ever slowed /him/ down...! "But, yeah, I'm gonna talk to Jax about it. Maybe do it over the weekend. Maybe - um, Ivan can use bugs to search, maybe, too? I dunno. I just... they haven't been responding to any texts or anything. They're just /missing/ and I'm worried, maybe they don't wanna be found, or even worse, maybe they're in /trouble/, or..."

Though there's a certain look of dubious reluctance to Ivan's face for a few seconds at the mention of him looking for the twins /personally/, what follows is... another nod. Not firm, this time. Just a nod. Then, a look at Faelan. It just looks like another bout of staring at first, but his eyes narrow shortly afterward. It's... vaguely similar to the look he had before he shoved a spider in the other boy's face, actually. But only in the sense that it is followed by Probably Not a Good Idea. "... Can you make water invisible?"

"Um, I think thats way too much water to try to do that to, and really really illegal, and wouldn't help anyway." Faelan thought a moment trying to think of how to explain it. "Um, you know how I turn invisible, you don't see what I ate? Or the things in my pockets? Even if I could turn the ocean invisible, which I don't even want to think about doing, You'd just see the bottom of the ocean. Not any fish in it." He was fairly certain of that at least.

Peter's mouth quirks up on one side at the image of a big chunk of ocean becoming invisible. "...that would be /interesting/, anyway. I mean, maybe you should try turning parts of water invisible, to see what happens - if it'd be, like, a cube, or if just /some/ of the water would become invisible, or..." Peter shifts; hand drops down on Ivan's shoulder. "--they aren't gonna still be mad at you Ivan and even if they /are/ then they're just being dumb." Peter thinks, a moment: "Maybe we could get Hive to help, too. Or - maybe Rasa could grab gills and -" As soon as Peter mentions this, his eyes go wide; an image of Rasa, meeting hungry SHARKTWINS under water, flashes into his mind. "--actuallymaybenot."

With his idea shot down, Ivan looks upward toward the sky again. Pondering. Until Peter mentions Rasa, and /snap/. His eyes are back on Peter. With added concern. "Yes. No. Maybe but only if-- we know they are not angry." Then, quickly afterward, "I will check what I can send into the water. I can look. I would mind if they got bitten /less/." Than Rasa? Yes. A second later and he's swiveled around on a heel, wandering off already while looking intently down at his own hands as he-- counts on his fingers? Oh the possibilities of waterdwelling insects and arachnids.

Shaking his head at Peter, Faelan had a look of concern and thoughtfulness. "I can't do that. Its gotta be a thing, like a car, or a book, or a backpack or something." Nodding at this, he frowned as Peter continued to try and rope other people into this. "You could just ask Professor Xavier to find them. I mean, he found me when I was out in the middle of nowhere, finding them in the harbor shouldn't be too hard." Yes, this was a much better idea. Though as Ivan turned to walk off in search of bugs, he thought a moment. "Check the library, they have lots of books on things like that."

"Thanks, Ivan--yeah I, uh, no I don't think we should send Rasa down there, I mean - they can be pretty bitey..." Peter watches him slip off; then, he turns back to Faelan. "...maybe. Actually maybe, yeah, I mean... that might work." Now Peter gets an intentful /look/, thinking hard about it. "...actually yeah maybe I should ask Jax about /that/, he can - find people? Yeah actually that's a pretty good idea then I could go track them down and /web/ them to something." Yes, all of Peter's solutions invariably involve webbing people to things.

Looking at Peter like he was crazy, a look Faelan was getting more practice at than anticipated, he said "Or you could talk to them. If they are under water, I do not think their phones work, so calling would probably not work." Actually, he wasn't sure about the phones stopping working under water, since his got damp more often than intended. "But yes, sending someone responsible to go and talk to them is a good idea. Perhaps Jax can do so once they are found."

"Yeah, just, they can be kind of hard to track down and keep in one place, I mean - it's - /complicated/ and stuff and webbing people is /easy/ so," Peter explains, "sometimes I just want to /web/ everyone down so they stop flipping out and leaving the school or something." He scratches his face, then, as if contemplating whether or not this is a reasonable solution. But, finally: "Yeah, but I - I'll talk to Jax. Or maybe the Professor. I dunno if I can just - walk in there. Maybe I should ask Jax first," and now he's fishing out his telephone to do /just/ that! "Thanks, Faelan...!"

Nodding as the crisis is averted and the likelyhood of experiencing personal danger was lowered, Faelan let out a sigh of relief. "Yes, this is the better idea. They will be able to help, and nobody will get webbed or bitten in the process." He even had a small smile at that, "And this way Sophie wont get in trouble for doing something illegal, or the rest of us. The ticket is really expensive..." He would not say how he knew this.

"Ticket schmicket, /screw/ the ticket," Peter says, but this has the rasp of something more instinctive; like, he's just spitting it out because it's /there/. Ticket? Ptooie! He doesn't look like he's going to go and do anything crazy, though. "See you later!" Peter chirps, bounding off - sometimes jumping half a dozen yards at a time.