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Revision as of 21:45, 24 November 2013

Out of the Cold
Dramatis Personae

Dusk, Rasputin

In Absentia




<BOM> Sapphire Passage - Ascension Island

It's pretty simple in here, sparsely furnished as yet. A futon, a coffeetable, a bookshelf (largely stacked with programming books). No decorations or personal touches to make it seem all that homey.

Currently, Rasputin is in the main-ish area of hir shared cabin, sitting directly underneath the coffee table, reading a book (difficultly). The white cat bats at the edge of the page he is currently on, trying to get it to flip over without tearing it with hir claws. After several moments of this, ze is successful, beginning reading the next page.

The door opens, briefly letting in a blast of cold air; outside the temperature's dropped sharply, and when Dusk closes the door behind himself he's shivering badly. He peels off his coat, carefully stiffly tugging his wings through it, and disappears into his bedroom to return with two thick fleecey blankets to drape over them.

He moves to curl himself into a corner of the futon, still shivering beneath his two blankets. "Need some help there?"

As the door opens, Rasputin tilts hir head, feeling the cold air. Rasputin watches with interest as Dusk runs into his room and back out with the blankets, but doesn't say anything until Dusk offers help. "No, it's fine, I need to learn to master these paws anyways. Though I'd like to learn more about this Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of Privet Drive without taking several minutes between page flip.". Rasputin pauses, before adding. "Wow, is it really that cold out there? You're the one who looks like he needs some help, no offense if that is offensive in any way, I don't htink it is.". Rasputin then flicks hir head back down to hir copy of Harry Potter.

"It's -- just about freezing." Dusk curls his blankets further around himself, pulling one up over his head. "Flying is just -- my wings are pretty big. They have a lot of heat to lose. I'm fine. You haven't read Harry Potter before? S'not half bad. Only -- maybe a quarter bad."

"I guess I never had the time or something. It's a pretty hefty book, took me a while to push it out here. I'm..probably going to leave it here, when I'm done with it.". Rasputin doesn't move hir head up, still reading the current page. "Maybe I should watch the movies. Handling a remote would be much easier than flipping a couple hundred pages every few moments.". Ze then looks up at Dusk. "Woah, didn't know that. The birds I possess are pretty small..and I still don't know much about them anyways, just that they're pretty stupid.".

"Birds built to live around here are built to handle it anyway. Feathers for insulation. I just have a lot a skin. The ones who aren't built to handle it move south. People aren't -- very well built, though. We make shit to compensate for how crappy our bodies are. But it's hard as fuck to make things that'll keep my wings warm and still functional. Usually just stick them under a trenchcoat all winter but that -- isn't possible if I want to fly." Beneath his blanket, Dusk is still shivering, arms wrapping around his knees. "They're lifting the quarantine. Taken care of the bulk of the zombies. Might almost have a normal life again soon, around here."

"Atleast human bodies have opposable thumbs. That beats both birds /and/ cats.". Rasputin continues to look up, having stopped reading, as Dusk brings up the quarantine. "I heard, it's fantastic! Not stopped me much, but, eh, great for everyone else!". Rasputin laughs a little bit out loud when Dusk says normal, completely accidentally. "Yeah, wouldn't that be great?"

"Thumbs are alright," Dusk agrees with a small flash of fanged teeth. "I've got four. Useful. I'd lend you a pair if I could." The smile continues shortly after: "It'd stop you soon enough. Not much food left for you once all the rats get eaten."

"I don't eat rats, for your knowledge, I eat fish. And birds. But never rats, they're filthy. But fun to play with, too.". Rasputin looks back down at hir book, as ze continues speaking. "I've considered finding a monkey body to fix my thumb issue, but that's..pretty difficult. Monkeys aren't very common in the c-". Rasputin quickly stops hirself, continuing. "On the mainland, I mean."

"Not much food left for you with the rivers clogged up with filth and corpses either, got some friends who are sharks they couldn't find safe food in there for the life of him." Dusk shrugs, with a wing rather than an arm, the blankets lifting upwards where they rest over his wing. "Monkey'd be way more useful but draw a lot more notice, too. Because, yeah, they're not so common. Nobody looks twice at a pigeon or an alleycat." His wings fidget beneath the blankets. "What about a bat? Their wings are like hands. Not /exactly/ the same dexterity, but way more than a cat."

"Ew, yeah. Hopefully my cats don't starve, I think some of them are getting malnourished and they don't have the benefits of being a Brotherhood member.". Rasputin pauses. "Wait, sharks? I'm going to take it you mean mutant sharks. I met a short fangy blue guy who looked kind of like a shark and had a temper like one at a safehouse but maybe there's just lots of sharks out there.". Rasputin snorts a bit when Dusk brings up bats. "I don't think I've ever seen a bat in New York, and I have a four year-old memory. Besides, I don't want to steal your style.".

"They're at the safehouse sometimes." Dusk looks amused at the description of Shane. "I think most sharks are actually much more chill than he is. Takes a lot of energy, being that high-strung. Sharks kind of laze around. Minimm of effort." His head droops to one side, resting against an arm of the chair, wing and blanket both folding over him. "There's bats not far out of the city. And they're small, nobody would notice much. S'alright, though. Nobody'd wear these wings as well as I do."

"Oh, so, that was who you were talking about. He has..quite a mouth on him.". Rasputin laughs a bit, stretching as ze begins pawing at the page again to flip it. "Never seen them. Though, I'm pretty noisy so, I probably scared them off. And you're right, you do wear those wings well. They seem heavy though, but eh. I'm now imagining what it would be like if I surgically had them attached to me, and was a batcat.". Rasputin thinks about this very intently, and slightly creepily, but ze then finally flips the page and goes back to reading.

"Heavy as fuck. It's kind of murder on my back and shoulders. Guess you get used to it after a while though." Slowly, reluctantly, Dusk stands though he keeps the blankets wrapped around himself. "I'm gonna go make some cocoa. You want I should bring you back some?"

"Yeah. I get what you're saying." Rasputin continues reading, but flicks hir head up when Dusk inquires. "That sounds delicious, but I'm pretty sure chocolate and cocoa are like, super bad for cats. Don't want to kill my host. So, I'll need to pass, but enjoy!".

Dusk tips his head up in a nod. "Sure. Maybe I'll bring you back some chicken soup instead." He pulls the blankets around himself, heading for the door. Another frigid blast of air washes in as he departs.