ArchivedLogs:Lucky This Time

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Lucky This Time
Dramatis Personae

Mallory, Lorna

In Absentia


Lorna and Mallory talk about the future /in/ the future. (Part of the Future Past TP.)


<WES> The Grindstone - Salem Center

Bright and cheery, this coffeeshop is Salem Center's social hub. Its black-and-white tiled floors are always kept spotless, and the deep wooden tables are polished smooth. Seating here is abundant, found in the clusters of large and social tables and tucked away at smaller booths, or along the stools at the window counters where the large windows make for ideal people-watching along the main street of Salem Center.

April showers bring May flowers, but the showers have come a bit early in the last days of March, soaking Salem Center overnight, leaving the early afternoon cool and damp with a promise of sunshine yet to come. The little coffee shop is pretty empty today, with only a few regulars tucked in a corner at the back, quietly sipping their coffee or tea and chatting quietly. The barista is taking a few minutes to organize the biscotti in the glass jars on the countertop.

On this damp Sunday afternoon, Mallory is making her way slowly into the Grindstone, checking her phone again for a response to the earlier message she had sent Lorna. Dressed a bit more for spring despite the slight chill in the air, she wears an empire waisted tunic in a warm golden cotton, edged with black embroidery and paired with a high waisted black skirt in a stretchy material. Her hair is pulled back neatly into a braid that sways with her slow movement toward the counter. She looks healthy, perhaps a little thinner than normal, though the contented look on her face suggests there is nothing to worry about; occasionally, her hand rests on her stomach, a hint of a bump visible to the observant as the fabric is pressed against it. A few people look up towards her, but she has been such a regular around here lately that nothing is said to the obvious mutant. Her brow furrows at the menu choices, looking over the small selection of teas while waiting for her friend to arrive.

Arriving out in front of the shop's big glass windows is a runner. Lorna is decked out in her workout gear: a t-shirt from the Boston marathon, a white windbreaker zipped up, and long black spandex tights that reach all the way to her bright pink running shoes. Her green hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and she looks a bit damp, probably a combination of her exertion, and the recent rains. She pauses outside, checking her pulse against her watch for a full minute, and then unzips her jacket and walks in. "Mal!" she says happily, entering and removing the jacket. She throws it over a nearby chair at an empty table, effectively claiming the table for them when they come back with drinks.

"So, is this whole thing Facebook Official yet? Or do I still have to keep it classified?" Lorna hugs her friend in spite of her sweatiness and when she kisses her on the cheek Lorna's nose and cheeks are quite chilly!

Mallory is still staring somewhat distractedly at the menu, blinking a few times and looking over when she hears her name called. Her smile brightens considerably as Lorna enters, turning her head and waving before she turns her attention back to the menu, chuckling lightly, “Can I claim the baby ate my brain yet? I swear, my attention span has been all but nothing lately..” She steps up to the counter and orders a lavender-mint herbal tea with extra sugar, and a plateful of assorted biscotti. Mallory leans against the counter, waiting patiently for Lorna to place her order.

“Oh, goodness. I think we’re waiting on the sonogram appointment early this week before we make any sort of “official” announcement,” Mallory laughs, patting her stomach gently, “But we are starting to tell more people, now. Made it through the first trimester, so we’re cautiously optimistic. So not /quite/ classified. Especially since I don’t know how much longer I can hide this.” Mallory’s skin is a little colder than normal, but still likely a pleasantly warm contrast to Lorna’s chilly nose and cheek as she returns the cheek-kiss. “Rather hoping we can get some clearer images this time. Little one decided to be contrary and out of focus the last time,” Mallory says, excited smile masking the faint concern in her eyes as she glances down at her barely-showing belly.

"I think maybe yes," Lorna says with a sly smile in regards to Mallory's 'baby brain' taking effect. "Aloke called me earlier when he found the physics material I requested from the library… delivered to the art room." She grins up at Mallory and winks, giving her a side-hug across the shoulders. "That's fine though. He brought it down to me. You've got a keeper there, by the way." Lorna steps away briefly to order herself an iced tea and a yogurt with a granola. Such a show off. "Let me know if the sonogram gives you any more trouble. Maybe I can help with a more accurate MRI." She shrugs and smiles.

An embarrassed blush warms Mallory’s somewhat gaunt cheeks, when her mix-up is pointed out, a hand raising to cover her eyes in shame, light catching on the modest set of matching rings on her finger. “Oh dear,” she chuckles, shaking her head at herself, “I now wonder where I left the lunch I had /meant/ to bring to him, then.” She glances sidelong at Lorna, dark eyes crinkled with laughter, “Sorry about that. He is an absolute sweetheart for picking up after me. I suppose I need to start leaving myself notes so I don’t mix everything up so readily.” She accepts her tea and mound of cookies from the somewhat confused looking barista, making her way to the claimed table to take a seat.

“We shall see, I suppose. Hank has a few theories, but nothing overly concerning,” Mallory says in response to the MRI offer, sipping at her drink, though the faint crease of her brow suggests she isn’t unconcerned. “Waiting for blood tests to come back for confirmation of one possible theory. Just...” Mallory sighs, nervously running her hand over her stomach, the bulge a bit more pronounced now that she’s sitting. The other hand reaching for one of the biscotti to nibble on, interspersed with sips of her tea. “Help yourself to a cookie if you’d like. Not that I can’t eat them all, I just /probably/ shouldn’t,” she giggles, leaning back in her chair.

"Don't you dare apologize," Lorna says with a happy laugh and a nod at Mallory's mini-bump. "You're making a /person/. It makes sense your body would be a little out of whack. I'm just so happy for you two. I can't wait to meet him." Lorna holds her hands up and says, "I know, I know what you've been saying, but /I/ have a feeling too. And I think you're having a boy. Based on zero evidence. So there." She chuckles again and politely declines the cookie. "And I bet you can use all the calories you can get. I'm good with this, anyway." She holds up her yogurt cup and then starts stirring in the granola with the plastic spoon they gave her.

Mallory blushes and grins, laughing happily, “Fair enough. I still contest we’re having a girl. I’ve got a feeling, too. So there.” She giggles, sticking her tongue out at her friend, before the giggles fade into a happy sigh, “I couldn’t care less. Just so long as whoever they are, they arrive healthy and safe.” Her smile fades a little, “Hard to believe this is really happening now. Even after all the warnings, all the concerns, the what-ifs and maybes. Everything that’s happened. I thought...” she says quietly, still rubbing her the subtle swell of her stomach without really thinking about what she’s doing. She finishes off the cookie she had started, and starts in on another, musing softly, “Guess we just got lucky this time.”