ArchivedLogs:Treatment Plan

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Treatment Plan
Dramatis Personae

Micah, Jackson, Flicker

In Absentia

23 April 2014

TEXTS! (Part of the Perfectus TP.)



TEXT, sent circa 5 in the morning.

  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Dusk's in the hospital. Hive too.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Dusk's in Kings County. They brought him there hours ago.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Hive is connected to him, so, it is rough on him.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Hive is up at Mount Sinai.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): We and Mel are supposed to be moving into an apartment near there today, so I'll probably be busy helping Mel move with the kid. You can just text me any time.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Oh gosh it is a really stupid hour. Sorry.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Ohgosh. Stupid hour is better than not knowing.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): I'll come by as soon as Spence is at school.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Is there anything else I can do or bring?
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Umm. Bring Dusk, or bring Hive? Where are you coming by?
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Joshua's with Dusk. Hive says he doesn't want anything, especially not food.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Yes. Both. Either.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Hive first if there's no one with him, I guess.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Or whoever needs something first.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): Ohgosh I have a lot of class on Wednesdays I can come by between them.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): I won't bring food but I can bring hugs?
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): Tea? Books? An overabundance of fretting?
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): I'm sure you'll have that last one covered no problem.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): I'll be here for a while anyway, I've only got to leave later in the afternoon when it's time to move Mel into the apartment we'll be living in.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): I don't know how long Joshua is staying with Dusk. Till he has to work or sleep or something, I guess.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Jax and I can probably tag in and out with you and Joshua.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): I have some time before work. And lunch. And could sneak between appointments, maybe.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): I'm sure we can work out a schedule.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): OK. B is texting me too. Says the pups want to come after school. I think everyone will be very thoroughly Visited.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): SO thoroughly you have no idea.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): Probably with robots involved if Spence has any say.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Okay, I'll ask Spence if he wants to go after school, too.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Then we'll be able to go after.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Otherwise I'd have to tap out and head home, at least.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Just let me know. We'll be around. Don't think anyone's going anywhere any time soon.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Maybe someone should call Kate.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Did we ever hear anything from Mirror?
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Or about...maybe reversing the process?
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): I feel like we had a lot of ideas that stalled out.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): There were nearly a dozen people we dropped off at the Clinic after that raid needing help I'm sure Kate also needs to eat, sleep, and go to her real job.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Maybe we should just focus on getting him back to healthy and not feeding him false hope again.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Or waiting for help that's maybe never actually coming.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Okay, I just wanted to check.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): I didn't know bad it might be.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): But I pretty much said the same thing to Corey yesterday.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): We might just need to get him healed up as fast as possible.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): Joshua can do that. He just can't... regrow his wings.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): Or his eyes. :/
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): I know. But he's been sitting there in agony starving to death for too long.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): If this keeps up it won't even matter. Hive's in his head and says there's not going to BE much left of him to save anyway if he stays like this.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Also what I brought up.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Maybe do what we can and stop waiting for the hardest part to be worked out first.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): I just don't know how to make a decision like that. He's... not in any place to make it for himself.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): And I don't know whether living the rest of his life without his wings wouldn't just do the same thing anyway.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): I know. I don't think he'd want to live. But he's GOING to die as is. If we don't do anything we're already making the decision.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): My inclination is to fix everything /but/ the wings, since that can be arranged.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): And buy us time to figure out if there are other options with the wings.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): It's a lot easier to go back on being kept alive than it is on being dead.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Arranged how? He's in a hospital now, getting proper care. His own healing factor will be kicking in soon. Boosted, with Joshua around.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Even if Joshua doesn't specifically target his back, they'll heal. Short of continually slicing him open, I guess.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): Any healer should be able to help his infection and his leg, I'd think.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): And we could see if there's any way to get him seen faster for the eyes, emphasizing the point that we're not worrying about the wings right now.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): what we can ASAP.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Joshua's there about the infection. I just mean there's no way to STOP his wings healing once he's in good shape. Which he's probably already on his way to; Joshua's been there hours and brought blood with him.
  • (Flicker --> Jax, Micah): Because no healer is going to help him much for long while he's still starving. And not much of anything is going to stop him healing when he's *not*.
  • (Jax --> Flicker, Micah): Well, maybe if the infection is dealt with and he's in less pain, he'll be in a position to have the rest of this conversation himself.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): We just need to mobilise people as quickly as we can to make sure that things can happen.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): We're not completely out of options yet.
  • (Micah --> Jax, Flicker): See you all soon.