ArchivedLogs:Being Too Sweet

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Being Too Sweet
Dramatis Personae

Billy Kaylynn

In Absentia




<NYC> East Village

Historically a center of counterculture, the East Village has a character all its own. Home to artists and musicians of many colours, this neighborhood is known for its punk vibe and artistic sensibilities. The birthplace of many protests, literary movements, it is home to a rather diverse community and vibrant nightlife.

The sun has long since set in New York City, but there are a few that still wander the streets. The occasional passerby trudges along on the way back from a shift and another heading towards the pain that is their job. A few of those night owls are just taking a stroll, and then there are some stepping out for the first time today. Kaylynn is included in the latter half. The chocolatier is still wearing the same pale pink sundress she had on in the shop all day, and her face is smudged with chocolate that she hasn't noticed yet. "Mmmm, freedom!" There are her words as she steps out of the shop and onto the curb, both hands stretching skywards as she breathes in the night air. She waves absently to someone moving down the street before hopping, yes hopping, forward and then plopping right down on the concrete so that her feet are stretched out into the street.

A small, white dog marches up to Kaylynn's leg and plants both tiny paws on her shin in a confident stomp. Not much larger than a pint glass, the Bichon Frise-Teacup Poodle mix wags his little stub tail and stares up at her with confident, beady, black eyes.

"Sorry!" Billy yelps, struggling at the other end of the retractable leash to get the button to work. He juggles a shopping bag, a white leather briefcase, and what is presumably a bag for the little dog to travel in. "Taylor! Get down!" The young man gives the leash a tug as he approaches. He's dressed casually, but professionally in all white.

"Oh!" Kaylynn blinks in surprise at the sudden appearance of a dog, but soon there's a smile forming on her lips. "Hello to you too sweetie." There's an unmistakeable southern lilt to her voice, and as she speaks she reaches out a hand to offer the dog a little scratch behind the ears.

Soon enough though, the chocolatier's gaze is wandering upwards to meet the dog's owner and she quickly shakes her head. "I don't mind at all really, you're fine!" Kaylynn pauses slightly then, her head tilted to the side. "Do you need a hand getting everything balanced though? Looks like a bit much!"

Billy widens his innocent eyes as he shakes his head, "Oh, no, no. I'm just always like this!" He smiles, revealing perfectly bleached teeth. Being from Connecticut, there's little to say for his accent. Lifting up a knee, the blonde plants his briefcase there for a moment before reconfiguring his load. "Taylor, /down/!" When the dog doesn't respond, Billy let's out a little sigh of exasperation, "Butch, down." To his owners chagrin, the tiny dog with the pink collar responds to that.

Kaylynn's eyes casually flick from white teeth to white briefcase to white dog and then to white suit. "Got a thing for white?" It's a random musing and the chocolatier doesn't seem to expect an answer because she continues by letting out a soft laugh. "As long as you're alright then, just let me know if you need any help. And as for you..." You being the dog apparently. "Your name is...Butch? Or Taylor?" Clearly she's a bit confused and entertained by this new name that the dog answers to! And this time the question is half for the dog and half for Billy!

For his part, the dog let's out a confident breathy gruff, stomping forward again at Kaylynn and wagging his tail. His eyes remain fixed on her.

"You have chocolate on your face," Billy randomly muses back, raising his pale eyebrows into his forehead. Gesturing on his own face helpfully, he reveals his hands to be gloved in white leather. He pouts, shaking his head, "It's Taylor. But my boyfriend calls him Butch and bribes him with treats so now he's like, confused or something." That's being optimistic. He isn't confused. His name is Butch.

"You are /adorable/!" Kaylynn lets out another tiny laugh and reaches a hand out to pet the dog again. Only...seconds later she's quickly snatching it back and wiping at her face. "Ah hell, again!" It's takes a few seconds and some effort as she wrinkles her nose, but eventually the chocolate gets wiped thanks. "Thanks. I don't know how it just gets everywhere." Probably because she's a messy chocolatier. "Well then...Butch Taylor, I hope you're properly coercing your owner and his boyfriend to give you more treats!" Cue a quick wink in Billy's direction.

Taylor lurches forward as Kaylynn goes to wipe her face. The leash prevents him from helping, the tension in the line raising him up onto his back legs as he licks his chops.

His owner laughs, eyes shifting up to the storefront and back to Kaylynn, "Oh, do you like, work here? I've heard this place is so cute. I've been meaning to try it out."

"You sir, cannot have chocolate. You'll get sick!" She'll reach out to pet Butch/Taylor again though. "I do! The name's Kaylynn." There's a smile for Billy as she tips an invisible hat to him. "You should definitely swing by and check out the place, I just took over not too long ago. And before you ask, yes there are samples. I'm sure we can find something you like!"

Billy cranes down, extending a white-gloved hand even as his dog attempts to take over Kaylynn's hand, licking away at any remnants of sweets, "Oh, that's so cool! /What an adorable job./ I'm Billy." He offers a dramatic eye roll, "It's chocolate. I'm pretty sure it'd be impossible not to find something I like." Laughter comes easily for him.

"It's nice to meet you Billy!" Kaylynn grins up at him while taking the hand and giving it a firm shake. Afterwards, her hand is surrendered to Butch Taylor. Maybe he'll find some sugar left over from the kitchen. "/Thank you/! Someone else that agrees with me on that! Someone told me they don't like chocolate the other day." And clearly it's been weighing on her mind ever since. "How about you though? What do you do?"

"You, too! Oh, me? I work at a school just outside of the city," Billy tilts his head, mouth curving into another practiced smile, "Kindergarten and Elementary. So, yeah, I'll probably take you up on free samples. I'm on a teacher's salary." He let's the leash go slack as he becomes more comfortable with Kaylynn's interaction with the dog, "You're positive they just weren't being like, contrary?" Billy cocks a brow, "Everyone loves chocolate."

"Now /that/ is amazing! I mean I love kids, but it takes something special to handle more than a couple at a time and teach them things on top of that. Definitely stop by, I'll give you a discount too." Kaylynn reaches down to ruffle the dog behind the ears again before letting out a little huff and nodding. "Mhm! least that was the impression. Something about it being too sweet. There's a right chocolate for everyone though. It might sound silly but you know that movie Chocolat? If I could pick out chocolate for my customers like she could it'd be a dream come true." Priorities, she has them.

“They’re not /too/ scary,” Billy muses, eyes forming happy crescents. “That is so nice of you! I’ll definitely stop in!” He pops his head on his neck cheerfully, wrinkling his nose as he watches the woman, “That’s too much. You /seem/ right out of a movie.” He laughs, tugging on Taylor’s leash, “Alright. I gotta get this guy home. But it was nice meeting you, I’m totally coming in for that discount!” The blonde sidesteps, making to leave with a very reluctant little dog.

Kaylynn lets out a soft laugh as she pushes up onto her feet. "You deserve it, and thanks...I think?" The last unsure bit seems to be about the movie bit. Still, her words are accompanied by a smile and soon she's lifting a hand to wave to Billy and Butch/Taylor. "I'll see again then, y'all have a goodnight!" She waits for a few seconds after they've headed off before stretching and glancing up at the sky. Back to the store she goes!