ArchivedLogs:Brief Interlude in the Forest

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Brief Interlude in the Forest
Dramatis Personae

Ivan, Rasa

In Absentia


Spring is when bugs come out in the woods


<XS> Forest

Quiet and shady, the trees rise all around here high and thick. In stillness, woodland creatures make appearances, though sudden noises scare them back into the cover. Dappled sunlight filters down between the thick foliage, and the ground underfoot is heavily overgrown, though here and there paths have been worn, by deer or years of students wandering familiar trails.

Ivan may be a bit of a hermit when it comes to his almost constant availability somewhere inside Xavier's School (give or take an occasional sewer rescue), but even he needs to distance himself sometimes. Not very far, mind you, because he finds the nearby forest provides just the right level of not-among-students while simultaneously being blanketed in that promise of satefy which the school grounds offer.

Spring's still fresh out of the package, and he hasn't yet changed out his black, wool winter coat for something lighter. He's wandered off the beaten path and seems to be searching for something, hands clasped behind his back as he treads soggy ground and wet leaves, occasionally stopping to peer at something below. He's Very Serious about this little expedition, and whatever it is he's studying is given very stern looks indeed.

At least until he mistakes a tree root for a branch, hooks his foot underneath and goes tumbling down with a yelp, landing flat on his face with a thumph, before rolling onto his side. No one saw that, right.

Rasa unfortunately did.

Seeking perhaps a little bit of quiet hirself, Rasa is out in the woods wandering about, covered in warm clothing to extend hir stay in the semi-wintery spring daylight hours. Ze is mostly minding hir own business when ze hears the thump and yell of someone falling down. Ze is compelled by curiosity to see who it is, but stays mostly behind a tree and peeks out so as not to draw unnecessary attention should the situation not warrant it. When ze sees that it is Ivan, ze hurries over. "Ivan! What happened? Are you okay?"

There's a brief and vaguely pathetic-sounding mutter of something that sounds like 'blyaaad', before Ivan fumbles to get back up, a stray leaf still stuck on his face when he rises. A little awkwardly and favouring one leg over the other. The looks he shoots Rasa when he sees hir is brief and quickly aimed elsewhere. OF ALL THE PEOPLE. "{ Yesyesy-- }" He starts, in Russian, before giving a quick shake of his head. "I am okay. I--" He looks back, to the root that caused his fall, "I was not looking."

"Sometimes, those things are hard to see. You don't want to just walk everywhere with your head down." Rasa shrugs as ze steps forward, reaching out to peel that leaf away from the Russian's face. "Is anything hurt? I can help you to the infirmary and maybe we can hang out with Peter." Ze isn't really permitted in the infirmary otherwise. Ze turns hir attention to the leaf as ze lets it float back to the ground. "But if not, it's okay. Good even. I don't want you to be hurt."

Ivan seems momentarily confused when his face is reached for, but does not move as frustration turns to surprise. Oh. When the leaf comes into view, he lifts a hand to rub at where it had previously been. "I am okay." He repeats again, this time a little absently, attention first on the leaf, then on Rasa's face. Unblinkingly. At least until he remembers that he's staring, and he promptly turns his eyes downward again, at his legs. One foot gets stomped down with a wince, as a test, but only before a determined shake of his head. His eyes dart upward at hir face again with a smile, this time. "I do not think it is needed. I will-- /walk it off/." He looks a little proud, then, to have used something so /English languagey/.

Rasa gives a little smile and looks over Ivan's shoulder. "Are you going somewhere in particular? I was just... out." It is difficult to discuss plans when one doesn't have any. Ze takes a step back, and clasps hir hands behind hir back as ze starts to take a step in the direction ze was heading before Ivan had his fall, hovering as if waiting on something.

Social cues! Ivan knows of these. At least that's what he assumes it is after a spot of pondering leads him to the conclusion. During a quick brush down of his coat to rid it of some dirt from said fall, he answers quietly, "I was just... looking. For friends." As if to illustrate the answer, a few small, grey-brown moths come crawling out of one of his coat pockets, only to U-turn back in again when he moves to take a small step in Rasa's direction. A flicker of thought to make sure he's got the order of it right, before he asks, "... Do you mind if I walk with you?"

"Please do," Rasa replies and turns down the path, picking hir steps a little more carefully after Ivan's incident. "and you can tell me all about your little friends and what species start coming out this early in the spring."

[[Category: <XS> Forest Logs|Brief Interlude in the Forest]]