Logs:To get wisdom is to love oneself; to keep understanding is to prosper.

From X-Men: rEvolution
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To get wisdom is to love oneself; to keep understanding is to prosper.
Dramatis Personae

Harm, Joshua, Leo, Mirror

In Absentia


Speak No Evil


<???> Mirror's Second House

The movie has been ongoing for a while now, projected large on the huge screen in this dark media room. Leo is interrupting the darkness with just a sliver of light from the door, slipping back in with a fresh bowl of spicy chili curry popcorn and a fresh round of drinks. He ducks his head apologetically as he sets the bowl down on the low table in front of the couch, sets the drinks on their coasters. Tucks himself comfortably back in a corner of the sofa, only to lean forward immediately and scoop a serving of popcorn into his own smaller bowl.

The movie is currently paused on an innocuous/menacing aerial shot of the Dutch wilderness, but before that it had inspired a number of judgmental expressions from Harm. Not so much at the gradual ramp-up of unsettling behavior from the couple who are obviously murderers, but rather at the increasingly absurd forbearance of the couple who are obviously going to get murdered. They pluck up the remote and hesitate, perhaps to ask whether everyone's ready, but then pointedly does not ask and just hits play instead. Fortified with a fresh drink, they lean back and get ready to judge again.

Mirror is curled up on the opposite side of the couch. They're tucked under an absurdly large and absurdly soft blanket, half of it spilling over the base of the couch and puddling on the floor. They roll their head to the side, looking somewhat pointedly at the remote; the glow of the screen lights the small hitch of their brows when Harm hesitates, the small quirk of their smile when the younger healer presses play. Undoubtedly one of the other drinks still on their coasters is the one they actually asked for, but rather than lean over and pick it up they just reach beside themselves to pluck Harm's from their hands.

Joshua has been settled in a nest of pillows at the base of the couch, still pretty haggard and pretty pale despite the distinct lack of superfluous holes perforating him anymore. He pulls the extra half of Mirror's blanket to drape over his shoulders. He's eying his own drink, but hasn't actually reached for it; his head tips back and he snorts quietly at Mirror's pilfering.

Leo's eyes cut to the side. He lifts a hand, his silent laughter half-hidden behind it. He shifts his coaster and drink over to a small end table by his end of the couch and conveniently well out of Mirror's reach. He plucks out a well-spiced kernel delicately with his fingertips and nibbles it, the lingering amusement on his face probably not directed at the increasingly dire plight of the hapless family on screen.

Harm swivels their judgemental look to Mirror, though a rising snicker threatens to ruin their mock outrage. Just as they relent and sink back against the cushions, the would-be victims of the film turn their car around and voluntarily drive back to their doom. They narrow their eyes and lean past Joshua to snag Mirror's drink from the table, staring defiantly at them all the while. Then, perhaps in recognition that Mirror has two hands, they scoot a little closer to Leo and wiggle their feet under the edge of the blanket before settling, fortified again, to watch the murders unfold.

Mirror takes a long swig of the cider, eyes fixed firmly on Harm through that judgmental look. They come very close to spitting the cider right back out when Harm steals their drink, but Joshua is saved the unpleasant dampness of this spittake by the FIRM clap of their hand to their mouth. They grab a paper towel off the table to wipe at their palm, shoulders shaking as they sink back comfortably into the cushions.

With effort, Joshua pushes himself up, just long enough to snag his own cider and a small bowl of popcorn. He plucks a small packet of wet wipes out of nowhere, tossing it up to Mirror. His eyes are on the screen, now, but he lifts a hand, clinking his bottle lightly against Mirror's Harm's. "You might survive this one after all."