ArchivedLogs:New Discoverys

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New Discoverys
Dramatis Personae

Corey, Penny, Felix

In Absentia


Felixdad and Coreydad take Penny shopping for picture frames. Corey learns for the first time that he may have powers, but what are they?


<NYC> Central Park North

Central Park North is slightly quieter than its southern counterpart, being further uptown and slightly out of the bustle of the City - insofar as one can escape the bustle of the City even here, in the acres of green and blue that make up Central Park. The reservoir is in the northern half, providing miles of jogging and biking trails along the clear water, as well as benches for people to sit and rest.

Clouds blanket the sky and the sun only peeks through here an there, but it is still a warm and humid day, likely to rain this evening. Typical weather for New York approaching summer. The park is less busy than usual, probably because of the possibility of rain today. Meeting near the restrooms is probably not a good idea today, to many people here at this time of day.

Felix met up with Corey earlier and they drove here in Felix's red Toyota Prius. They have walked from the parking area to the restrooms, but seeing that there are more people that desired they continue down the path. Plan B is to meet in one of the more wooded and secluded areas. Into the trees they head, looking for Penny, surely she will spot them before they spot her.

Walking along side the other man, Corey is dressed in his standard blue jeans and wearing a plain grey teeshirt, a collapsible umbrella carribeanered to his belt loot. "Glad that you've been able to get her some of the things she's needed already. How did the shops take her though? I mean, people can be pretty harsh and all." Shaking his head, he lets out a sigh, running a hand back through his hair to keep it from his eyes. "I don't think Ikea will be too bad though, big huge warehouse shop like that? Bound to be plenty of space."

Penny is of course, waiting in the woodsy area. She much prefers it anyway, because the more secluded, the safer she tends to feel. With seclusion assured, she's sort of scratched out a good place to rest. A bunch of branches to bed down on, she's got her backpack ready, and even managed to somehow get her clothes carefully shaken out of the bag. Now she's just sort of laying there, legs up in the air, whistling tunelessly as she stares between her toes. The girl is a champ at waiting.

"Shopping went great, I took her to the Manhattan Mall," Felix says with a smile, "I think everybody saw her as an energetic young girl." He is using his long umbrella, one with a hook at the end, as a walking cane, and today he is wearing just his blue jeans and a t-shirt, opting to leave his sport coat in the car. "I think Ikea will be just fine." When he hears the whistling and can see Penny through the trees, "Ah, over there!" pointing in the her direction.

"Thats good that people saw her like she really is," Corey replies with a chuckle. "Ah yes, I do believe you are right." Giving the waiting champion a small wave, he glances around the clearing to the pile of stuff and her backpack. "Hrm, all we need to do now is get her a few spiral note books and a binder and she'll be off to school." He walks towards her with a smile, and leaves himself open to whatever greeting she will choose.

Penny hops up when she hears, and then sees Felix, running over to him with a sort of gleeful expression. She makes a whistling sound again, to greet him, then turns and waves effusively at Corey upon realizing he is also there. Her talons click together excitedly.

Felix snickers at the comment regarding notebooks and school in an agreeable manor. When Penny comes bounding over he opens his arms wide then brings them together making a hugging motion. "How is my Pretty Penny today? Ready to go pick out some picture frames?" He has that big, warm, beaming smile on his face.

Corey chuckles at the reactions and shakes his head. "You do come off as a proud papa there Felix." He glances between the two for a moment, then nods. "Ikea has a huge section of stuff, and I have a folder with printouts of the pictures in a few sizes, so whatever you pick out frame wise you will be able to get it in just fine." He thinks a moment, looking to the backpack. "Maybe we can get you a couple frames, that way you can always have them with you."

Penny lets her head tilt this way and that, and then plops down with a sort of lazy, smiley expression, bumping her strap-covered shoulder into Corey and then Felix in the process. She then bows her head towards Felix, and scratches something in the dirt: MEMORY FRAMES! This done, she carefully extends her hand towards him, and points to the oh-so-carefully laid out clothes.

"Yes, I think we adopted each other." Felix says smiling at Corey, and looking at the folder in his hand, "Good idea." He lets Penny get her greetings out of the way and when she extends her hand, "I think she is ready to go." Reaching out, he carefully accepts her hand and closes his eyes. Being relatively sure that Penny is a bit more used to this next part, he applies his power at a slightly quicker pace that the last couple times.

"Will you be able to keep it up the entire time? Or do we need to set a timer to find a place for changing?" Corey asks as the two grasp hands. "So we'll look into sturdy memory frames at least. Oh, maybe we can see about titanium wallets too? I don't know if they have them at the store, but we may be able to order it online." He seems to be going over ideas outloud as the process goes on, not being of any help in the matter after all.

Penny seems almost about to respond on the matter of titanium wallets, but as the change continues, quicker this time, she really doesn't have much time to say or do whatever it was she was going to try to communicate. In short order, the diminutive teen is standing there with her usual straps hanging off of her. This gets a hug for each of the two men next to her. She starts tugging at the straps to pull them off and goes running towards her carefully laid out clothes. No modesty this one.

Felix actually answers Corey during the process, confirming that he does not need concentration do to this. "Not the entire time, I have to refresh it periodically," and the next question, "We already have a watch, preset to 22 minutes." He does not answer the other questions as Corey just seems to be going over possibilities. Continuing to keep his eyes shut out of respect, Felix accepts and returns the hug from Penny, "Make sure you start the timer."

Hugging Penny back as well, Corey chuckles then turns around when she starts stripping out of straps. "Might want to work on doing that where she's got more privacy. But still, being able to refresh it is amazing. I can't imagine what having powers like that could mean." Shaking his head, he keeps his eyes glued to Felix. "I can understand why you want it secret though."

Penny begins throwing on clothes after several series of beeps where she sets her timer,"Clothes." Been practicing, she has. "Clothes. Penny. Pretty." It takes a bit of doing, but eventually she is dressed in normal(ish), in a plaid short-ish skirt with a chain belt, and a black band t-shirt over fishnet stockings and shirt. And over that? A bright hot-pink shiny jacket. On her feet? High-heeled boots she wobbles around in for a while until she gets the hang of it. "Smart Penny."

"Middle of the woods is not the best place, but considering this is a big city." Felix is quiet for a moment. "You really do not know... what it is like to have a special gift?" he says with a puzzled tone in his voice, almost implying that maybe there is something Corey should know that he does not. Felix still has his eyes closed, so he is unaware that he is being looked at. Once he is sure that Penny is dressed he opens his eyes. With a big smile, "Yes, Penny is both pretty and smart."

Shaking his head at Felix's question, Corey replies "Nah, I've tried to put my mind into it, but after getting yelled at a few times, well I honestly can't really say I know what its like. I don't get oppressed, I can't change the world at a whim. Just an average guy who had a good life." He glances back to Penny when the other man does and smiles. "Indeed you are, though dressing like that I know of a few clubs you would fit right in at. My friend Jax works at one, he's nice." With his mind on timers though, he glances between the two and says "Shall we get going? Its not far to Brooklyn, but don't want to waste what time we have."

Penny leans over to grab one of Felix's hands to steady her. Not used to heels yet. Then she holds her other hand out to encourage Corey to take it. Having done this, she offers,"Jax. Jax? Jax. Who? Pretty mind?" She crosses her eyes, trying to look down at her mouth, and begins making random noises,"Ooooer."

"But, you do --" Felix was about to say something, but then seems to have a second thought. He remembers a conversation he had with Jax about 'outing people', and thinks better of it, for now. "Jax is my neighbor, really nice guy." Smiling, he realizes that Penny needs a little help as she grabs his hand. He shifts his attention to Penny and helps keep her balanced on this side as they head out of the park and to the car.

Accepting Penny's other hand so she has the balance, Corey shakes his head bemused. "Maybe we should get you some tennis shoes, or maybe sandals since summer is coming up." Raising a brow at Felix's comment he asks "I do what?" Shrugging, he looks to Penny. "Well if you're ready then lets head to the car. Do you want to ride in the front seat? Or would you prefer the back to have room to sprawl out?"

Penny nods emphatically at Felix,"Jax good. Jax Felixfriend." She holds on to each of the man's hands, using it to keep her steady. In this way, she almost seems to walk 'expertly' as long as she has help balancing in those heels. "Front. Play! Knobs! Vroom! Music! Woosh! Air!" She loves playing with the knobs in Felix's car. Because she has the attention span of a six year old.

Felix ponders for a few moments as they walk, he looks at Corey, in a very sincere voice, "I can sense people that have powers. You show up for some reason." He may be holding back, possibly knowing or wanting to say something else on this. "I said the same thing to Penny about the shoes, but she seemed to be set on getting them." he gives her another little smile.

Helping Penny to the passenger side door, Corey pauses as Felix's statement hits him. "Huh. Really?" He looks over himself a moment and raises a brow, then looks to him. "Does it say What I do? Because shouldn't someone, know?" His face his thoughtful, though he still goes through the motions to help Penny into the car so he can get in the back. "I guess I can get the blood work done to confirm it." Theres a bit of a hint in his voice that he doesn't really believe.

Penny points to Corey, then points at her nose as she sits down,"Coreydad makefeelgood." Long sentence for her. "Felixdad makefeelnormal." She nods emphatically at this point, buckles in, and immediately starts playing with all the knobs and buttons on the dashboard like they're the most fascinating thing ever.

After making sure that everybody is in the car and buckled up, Felix starts up the car and starts driving towards Brooklyn. He is not quite sure where the Ikea store is, so he will be asking for and relying on directions from Corey. Once the car in in route, "I can only tell that your power is active, and that you have no control over it," he glances at Corey in the rear view mirror then back to the road. "This puzzles me, because there are no obvious effects?"

Tilting his head at Pennys words, Corey smiles as he slides into the back seat. "You make me smile too Penny." Nodding at that he looks back to Felix and says "Pretty much. I mean, everythings normal about me. Well, aside from being a partial hippy. I don't think being a good person counts." Setting the folder on the seat beside him he looks out the window. "The Ikea is on Beard street as far as I remember. You head towards the water and then kinda go along that way." He keeps his gaze peeled out the window, being the big man in the back seat. "Maybe there isn't any power? I mean, maybe someone can be a mutant, but nothings different about them?"

Penny checks her watch quietly, and then begins playing with the radio. She quickly finds a heavy metal station, headbangs for about three minutes, then changes it so she can listen to the Cocteau twins. It's... predictably very girly. "BEARD!" She makes motions near her face to indicate a hair beard, then points at Corey,"Mutantmutantmutant. Person."

Not ignoring her, Felix does smile at Penny's comments about the 'dads', but he does not seem to have made the connection between the comments and the powers. "Not only do you have power, it is on and doing... something," he replies as he makes the next few turns. "The question is what? The only way I might be able to answer that is to turn it off and see what happens." He looks at Penny again when she mentions beard and mutant, then looks at Corey in the mirror and shakes his head. "Not sure what you mean Penny. There is a notepad and pen in the glove box." pointing to the lever that opens the compartment in front of her.

"I don't think a five o clock shadow counts, but I'll remember that." Corey smiles at the back of her head, then goes back to looking out the window. "And its no worry. Focus on Penny for now, I don't want you not able to sustain her just because we're curious about me. Can look into it some other day, we're on a mission for a picture frame after all, aren't we?" He nods to the mirrored face at that, then gives a shrug. "Besides, maybe I'll turn into a puppy or something if you turn it off." He chuckles at the absurdity of it, but shakes his head.

Penny quickly opens the glove box and roots around until she find the notepad and pen, and then snaps it closed.. Then she's writing very quickly in a barely legible scrawl: 'Why matter. Mutant not important. Think too much about mutant. Just person. More important. Mutant. No different than have beard.'

Felix lets out a little snicker at the puppy comment, "I agree, we can look at understanding your power later." Driving slowly through the parking lot, eventually there is a place to park. "Yes Penny, that is /exactly/ correct, it is just the person that is important." he gives her a wide smile. "Well, this place is much bigger than I was expecting," looking out the window at the large building. He does not exit the car right away instead waits to make sure the current conversation is over before they go in.

Glancing over the chair to the notepad, Corey nods at that. "Wise beyond her years. You are right Penny, everyone is a person, no matter what they are." He looks to Felix a moment, then as his eyes look out the front windshield he sees the building. "Alright, so I think the picture frames should be in the bottom floor where they have the kitchen and gadgets stuff. The upper floor I think is furniture, at least if its like some of the other ones." Undoing his buckle, he pops the car door setting the door open noise. "Let me get out and get your door for you Penny so you have support standing."

Penny 'glomps' onto Corey's arm, takes a moment to get her bearings, and then wobbles forward a few steps. "Talking hard. Picture. Make safe. Penny see always." Well, at least she's getting more adventurous with her language, anyway. She still seems to wobble a little, though, at the thought of having to conquer stairs. "Stairs. Bad."

BEEP BEEP BEEP The alarm on Penny's watch is going off. Felix exits his side of the car and goes around since Corey is already helping her out. He holds out his hand, which will both help steady her and allow him to reset the timer, which only takes a short moment. "We will help you with the stairs." he has that warm caring smile again.

"Don't worry Penny, we wont let you fall." Corey nods to Felix, then gives Penny a reassuring smile. "So we'll get something nice to protect the picture, and then we can walk around and see if theres anything else you may want. Like lucky bamboo or something." Nodding again, he heads up the stairs with the others, on a mission to acquire necessary goods.