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Dramatis Personae

Lyric, Sebastian

In Absentia




<XS> Music Room - FL2

Wide and spacious, seating in this soundproofed room comes largely on the sweep of gentle risers that afford the teacher an easy view of all the budding performers, and add another dimension to the acoustics of the room. Instruments of all types are carefully stored around the room, and a grand piano, immaculately upkept, takes the position of prize near the back. In a nod to the eclectic studies of the students, digital mixing equipment and turntables rub shoulders with the classical instruments. Music stands sit in front of most of the seats, and the only windows look out out over the side of the school grounds.

Class has ended, and even most of the school's staggered extracurriculars are winding down. It will be dinner time soon enough, but at the moment there's a lull in between activities. In the music room this lull is being filled up by lively quick drumbeats, exuberant-energetic coming from Lyric's set of hand drums in the corner. The girl is tucked in here, still dressed from dance practice in long stretchy grey-and-pink pants, a lightweight long-sleeved dark-pink-on-lighter-pink shrug tied across her chest over a black racerback tank top, hair tied back beneath her gauzy pink headscarf. She's probably overdue for a shower after softball and dance but despite the sweat she seems to still have excess energy to burn, channeled right now into the music filling the room.

Sebastian is lured here, maybe, by the rhythm coming from inside. He's hesitant as he pushes the door open, huge black eyes peeking around the doorframe quietly. He slips in quietly, too, rather un-twin-like in ill-fitting jeans, Batman logo tee, no shoes. His backpack is still on his back, heavy-laden with books, and he lingers by the doorway at first. Just watching Lyric with wide eyes.

The shift of color and motion at the door draws Lyric's eyes that way, though her playing doesn't stop. She looks over Sebastian's clothes, then up to his face, head tilting to one side a little uncertainly. Which twin? Maybe she's reached a conclusion or maybe she hasn't but she smiles at him anyway, bright and wide, and jerks her head in invitation -- further into the room, come in.

Sebastian is still hesitant when he's noticed; at first he shrinks back apologetically towards the door. But the nodded invitation relaxes him and puts a smile back on his own face. He nudges the door closed securely, and moves further in to take a seat on the floor nearby Lyric. He sets his backpack down, folding his legs up beneath him. One hand rests on his backpack, his other on his knee. His eyes drift closed, his hand starting to tap a beat on his knee along with Lyric's music.

Lyric nods in approval as Sebastian comes in and sits down. She watches his hand, too, eyes fixing on its motion. The movements of her own hands shift, the same basic beat but a more intricate rhythm, slightly syncopated with Sebastian's drumming hand.

Sebastian's smile brightens. He moves his other hand off his backpack, joining the first in drumming against his knee. He doesn't even /try/ to follow Lyric's more complicated rhythm, though he's steady enough at keeping a cheerful beat along underneath it. His gills open, shifting open and closed relaxed-slow against the sides of his neck.

Lyric's head bobs along to the tapping of Sebastian's hands, and eventually her toes take up the beat, tapping along with it as well. She closes her eyes, then, for a time just losing herself in the dance of skin against skin as she plays.

Sebastian's hands stop, his eyes closing as well. His gills continue to flutter, slow, and for a while /he/ just relaxes, listening. At length he opens up his backpack, scooting a little bit farther to give Lyric her space again as he pulls out one of his science textbooks and his laptop to start working on homework to the pleasant background soundtrack.