Logs:Ghostly Greetings

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Ghostly Greetings
Dramatis Personae

Asva, Remi

In Absentia


"Not dead, not Jewish, not sure and... not able to pick that up."


<XAV> Foyer - Xs First Floor

Xavier's foyer provides a suitable introduction to the opulent mansion. Teak-paneled, wood floors immaculately polished, vaulted ceiling ribbed with dark wood boning, there is no doubt this school was built with no expense spared. The hallways branch off to the separate wings, with the grand staircase spiraling upwards to the residential dorms above.

The foyer was, as usual, quite busy. Not as busy as it normally would be on a weekday with people rushing between classes or sneaking off the residential dorms to skip, but busy enough that you got to see a few of your classmates in passing as they wandered to their next location. A lot of students today were heading outside due to it being the weekend. No classes meant freedom and teenagers are always gonna jump at the opportunity. Well, most of them.

Remi had woken up that morning feel fine, fresh and hunky dory. Adorning himself in a new spring dress that his mother had sent for him during the week. It was a peachy pink, covered in white lace trim and strawberries along the skirt. To match this he wore his ballet pumps and tied the ribbon up his legs, ending in a rather obnoxious bow that bounced as he walked, along with his dress. He had tied his hair up in two space buns, wrapped them with red ribbon to match his red satin choker and his adorable pink blush. Walking down from the residential area he noticed a newer face. It was the ghost! The ghost of the boys' dorms, the talk of the town, the current occupier of Remi's brain palace. The excited sugar addict glided over to the boy with a hop in his step and a smile on his face. "I feel like i'm meeting a for real celebrity. Hi, i'm Remi nice to meet you! Wait....can ghosts speak?? Oo! Blink once for "no" and twice for "yes" if you can't speak!"

Biting into a crisp red apple, Asva joins the dotting of students in the mansion’s entryway from the direction of one of the adjoining classrooms; phasing through the partition that separates it from the usually bustling foyer. Of course, today there‘s no class to be escaping from or heading to, so instead he’s embracing his battle with Remaining Solid by trying out a few shortcuts through the mansion. This time, he emerges from a wall to the right, dressed in a pair of light wash denim dungarees, an oversized striped tee that’s awkwardly tucked in at the sides, and simple white converse. A chrome pendant dangles from his right ear, resembling a sword of sorts.

Still with a mouthful of fruit, he’s caught off guard by the flouncy figure that bounds up to him, his lack of attention span causing him to miss half of the words they say. He simply blinks as he finally remembers to keep chewing, the words finally sinking in as he swallows, realising his mistake instantly, “Wait, no I can talk.” His voice, even though right in front of Remi, sounds distant - a slight echo to his words that doesn’t do well to dispel the ghostly rumours. “Asva.” He replies with a warm smile.

Remi claps his hands gleefully in front of himself and slightly bounces on the tips of his feet. Looking up at Asva he smiles wildly. "I've never met a ghost before, this is so exciting. You're eating so that must mean that you digest." he waits to see if the apple simply falls through Asva's ghostly body. Looking up from the floor, surprised to see there was no bite of apple laying there he looked back up to Asva. "Your name is so pretty, what era are you from? are you like a new ghost or an old ghost, did you pass in that outfit? It's stunning by the way!" he really did think it was a shame. This ghost was kind of cute. "Oooooo I have a question! If i gave you a muffin, could you eat it or would your hand go straight through it like in the movies?" he fished into his little snack pouch that he had secured around his thigh so he didnt have to carry it and pulled out a small Magdalena muffin still wrapped in it's plastic prison and offered it to Asva. "Just to be clear. This muffin, is not kosher." he eyed Asva seriously.

The desire, nay, need to place his hands on Remi's shoulders and cut the onslaught of questions in half is Incredibly Strong, but in his... current state, that would just raise even more. Instead, he slowly takes another bite of his apple and watches the other student practically flail before him, catching every other word in the meantime. "Not dead, not Jewish, not sure and... not able to pick that up." He lists with a mouthful of apple still, before evidencing the fact that his hand goes right through the outstretched muffin. "Not today at least, took me long enough to pick this up-" He raises his apple hand, "I'm spent. But to answer your question," There were many, "usually yes, I would be able to eat it." His smile is still warm, but his eyes are missing their spark today.

Remi now took a breath and put the magdalena back in his pouch. "Ok cool, so now i've asked all the questions I wanted to ask a ghost. It's lovely to meet you" he went to reach out his hand for a handshake and very quickly realised that wouldn't be very helpful. "How are you doing? I'm pretty new just like you, only been here about 3 months maybe." he smiled warmly, though staring at Asva's eyes he could tell something was a little bit off.

"You know, I was pretty sad and confused when I came here too, so if you'd like someone to talk to, you can always come find me in the boys' dorm, my roommate Spence isn't on campus much"

"Thank you that's, really sweet of you." He doesn't realise the irony of his response, glazing over Remi's hand as he extends and almost instantly pulls it away. "It's actually been pretty good so far!" His tone picks up as he notices the strawberries on Remi's dress, his aptly nicknamed Canorwegian accent more prominent as he continues, "It's quite nice to have people around who just get it." He's referring to powers going haywire or depending a little too much on emotions and stress, but the sentiment extends to every part of being a mutant. "I hope it's not still sad and confusing for you?"

He chuckles happily. "I'm much better now. I still miss my parents a lot but I'm trying to get truly comfortable here before I go back home. My mom and dad sent all of my stuff over though so at least my room feels like my room now." nodding at Asva's statement. "I was whipped over here the day I found out I was a mutant. So it's been a little weird for me. But i've stopped making macaroons explode now so at least i can control when not to make sugar explode" he nodded, now in agreement with himself. His strands of hair bobbing with the motion of his movement.

"You know, for a ghost, you're quite cute, and i like your voice. It's weird, but it's pretty. There a lot of unique people here so it's kind of hard to feel like an outsider. For me at least!" he said, stepping slightly closer to Asva in examination of him, looking him up and down with curiosity.

"Oh good, I'm glad! I miss mine too, New-York is great and all but home is, well, home." Asva's eyes grow slightly wider, "You're the one making things go boom in the boy's dorms?" He simulates an explosion with his hands as if 'boom' isn't a good enough description. Before he gets a chance to bond over the fact that they were both invited to Xavier's on the same day their mutant-hood announced itself, the compliments begin. His cheeks flush a light pink and his stance shifts a little more inwardly. Its barely noticeable, but as the eye-contact he was maintaining up until now starts to drift off to, really anywhere else in the foyer, it becomes clear he is a little out of his comfort zone. His body, unbeknownst to him, has become ever so slightly translucent; the shapes behind the two students showing through him in very blurry shapes.

Remi's hands flail in a placating manner before. "Wait! I was the one making things go boom but i'm not doing it anymore don't worry! I was practicing and they were only small booms but now I don't do any booms please don't worry i'm not scary!" he tries to reassure Asva.

He sighed heavily and looked apologetically, taking a breath to calm himself down. "I can only make sweets explode, and I can't give you any sweets because ghost so please don't worry. You're one of the only people I don't have to actually worry about getting too excited around and then worrying if the sweet treat i just gave them could explode." he smiled timidly.

Asva chuckles, his voice sounding like it’s even further away now. “Interesting power, what’s the biggest sweet treat you’ve blown up so far?” It’s true that Remi can’t give him anything right now, but Asva hopes the apple and a good rest somewhere - most likely on the floor as he’d have some trouble sitting on any kind of chair or bench right now - will help regain some energy to Become Solid once again.

"Umm" he takes a moment to think. "A plate of macaroons. When the scouts or recruiters or whatever came to speak to me. The whole plate went bang. Mom and dad came running it, it was a whole thing." Remi laughed. "The largest thing i've affected was this kid called Dylan, total idiot, but i accidentally got mad at him and sapped most of the blood sugar in his body. He's in hospital now. But they told me he'd be fine. So that's nice. Sucks I hurt someone though. I wanna be a nurse." while he was speaking Remi was squinting as he tried to pay attention to Asva, finding it hard to focus on the ghost himself and not the slight movement he could see through him

"Are you feeling ok Asva? I'm sorry if this is rude but...I could swear you got like...kinda see through. You're not sick or anything right?? If you need to rest..." he looked up at the stairs close by to them to the residential area and then back to Asva's slightly intangible body. "the study area is quiet, if you can't make it back to your room!"

Totally invested in Remi's story, and frankly quite glad that someone else also has quite the traumatic Power Manifestation, Asva finds himself getting somewhat comfortable with the other student. Abrupt complimenting aside. It does, however, mean that he fails to notice his translucency, confirming Remi's statement by looking at his hands and seeing a pair of ballet pumps through them.

"Helvete-" He curses, taking a rather aggressive bite out of his apple, which also happens to be slightly translucent, "Thank you, Remi, I think I'll find somewhere outside to just chill and sort this out. I'm okay, really!" His warm smile makes his way back to his no-longer-blushing face, "It was lovely to meet you - I'll see you around?" He goes to hug the other student, but realises quickly that it would be fruitless, instead offering a gentle wave as he sidesteps around Remi and towards the front door.