ArchivedLogs:Texts from Mel

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Texts from Mel
Dramatis Personae

Melinda, Micah, Shelby

In Absentia


Document in progress... Mel's many texts upon hearing of Jim's disappearance.


At 10am this morning, on the dot, texts start going out.

  • (Melinda-->Micah) Oh god. Micah. Jim is... gone.
  • (Melinda-->Micah) his PI friend showed up at my apartment after midnight, questioning me about his disappearance.
  • (Melinda-->Shelby) You're okay, right? People keep disappearing and I want to make sure you're okay.
  • (Micah-->Melinda) Gone gone? Like, everybody else is gone?
  • (Melinda-->Micah) that's the only assumption we can make. he was investigating some kid's disappearance and then went missing himself.
  • (Micah-->Melinda) This is so far beyond out of hand... Did he at least maybe keep PI notes somewhere to say where he went? It could be a good lead. Maybe.
  • (Melinda-->Micah) Murphy said he tracked him to his last location, and then there was nothing.
  • (Micah-->Melinda) We really need that psychic detective. :(
  • (Micah-->Melinda) Does Murphy have any other ideas?
  • (Melinda-->Micah) No. He's going to talk to Jax about the twins, see if he can pull any leads off that. Jim trusts him, Micah. Tell Jax that if he's uncomfortable.
  • (Melinda-->Micah) because Murphy makes people uncomfortable.
  • (Micah-->Melinda) I'll let him know, but... Jax can get kinda cagey anyhow? Especially about the kids.
  • (Melinda-->Micah) I understand completely. Murphy's own fault if he can't get info.
  • (Micah-->Melinda) This is incredibly frustrating... Is there anything I can do to help?
  • (Melinda-->Micah) No. ...there's just nothing. Just have to get through this day. Finally sleep. Get through the next.
  • (Shelby --> Melinda): if ok is bein stuk in stupd bio class ten yeah im cool
  • (Melinda-->Shelby) Okay. good. stay safe.
  • (Micah-->Melinda) :( I am giving you so many brainhugs right now, just so you know.
  • (Melinda-->Micah) Thanks.
  • (Shelby-->Melinda) dont wury im liek ttly safst chik in NY
  • (Melinda-->Shelby) I worry... but I do believe you.