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"I haven't hired you." "Not yet, you haven't."

Dramatis Personae

Tony, Domino

In Absentia


Dom gets her chance to talk to Tony Stark. It doesn't go quite like she had been hoping for.


<NYC> Stark Tower - Midtown East

A lot can change in five years. In this instance it's more a matter of turning back the clock, stepping inside of the modern marvel that is the Stark Tower as if it's now in the past. This future dreaming thing gets confusing as hell, already Domino's trying to figure out just how well she knows the inside of this building and if she can spot anything different about it.

The normal touristy things go without notice. She's a woman on a mission, notably having dropped the 'I have critical information regarding Stark Tech' card with Pepper a little earlier today. That, and mention of Tony's collection of Scotch. On-site security may be less than thrilled but she's got a rare opportunity to talk with the man, himself.

And set off any metal detectors which might be getting in the way of her and her target. She..didn't have a chance to disarm on their way over here.

The Man, Himself, at the moment, happens to be in an office up on the fourth floor; it takes Domino a little bit of runaround to /get/ there. A security escort -- who won't escort her /to/ Tony until first relieving Domino of her weaponry for the duration of her visit to Stark Tower -- a check-in at the security desk, a /couple/ of metal detectors.

But, eventually, a small conference room. The security escort doesn't /leave/, lingering by a door in the obtrusively-unobtrusive manner such personnel have perfected.

Tony appears a short while later. More dressed up than he was in the future. Business suit, today. Probably in between meetings.

The sight of Domino there waiting for him only raises his brows a /little/ bit. Even being informed she was here -- well. It's another thing to see in person. "I haven't hired you."

Having to ditch the gear first doesn't sit well with Dom. Never has, never will. But, it's a matter of perceived necessity that she get a chance to talk to the guy. Thus, it's a matter of projected necessity to shed a few pounds' worth of metal and plastic. But only because they said she'd get it all back later.

The added security detail is ignored..more or less. There's any number of sarcastic remarks she could have ready for deployment at a moment like this. Playing nice, it's hard work! Today it also pays off in the end.

"Not yet, you haven't," she replies with a cold blue stare back at the man. "Know a blue-skinned girl about yay high, goes by the name 'B?'" she inquires while holding her hand up above the ground to the approximate height. "Said she works for you so I'm kinda hoping that this all rings a bell. She also said something about a group of people who are all sharing similar ..symptoms.. of late. So," she trails off while holding her hands apart somewhat. "Here I am. And pretty damn ornery. Do you know your security goons wouldn't even let me hang onto my tactical pen?"

"Well, I have hired /them/. They're doing their job. Jobs. Kind of like to keep a handle on who's walking around here with --" Tony's head tilts, brows lifting with a note more curiosity. "Tactical /pen/? Huh."

He shakes his head after this, dropping into a seat at the small conference table. Tipping the chair back, hand braced lazily against the edge of the table. "B? Not a girl." His head shakes again. "Does work here, though. Usually -- not in, ah, power armor. More like a lab. Though if you're here to make your ornery my problem this meeting's going to be -- short."

"Yeah, Uzi, Smith and Wesson, Gerber..." Domino distractedly replies. "Point is we're -both- doing something we'd much rather not be doing today."

'Not a girl.' "Well what in the hell do you..." she starts in then holds the remainder of the thought to herself, once more pushing past the matter. "Whatever. Look." Now that Tony's taking a seat behind the table she walks right on over to place her own hands upon the polished surface, complete with -just- enough of a meaningful forward lean to suggest that she's not going to be easy to extract from this room if it comes down to it.

"I'm here about the dreams. You -do- know about those, right? If you don't then I've been lied to and I'm going to be even more pissy when I have to tackle your security to get my stuff back on my way out the door."

A creature of few social graces, this one.

Finally opting to level with the Industrialist, she says "I've been informed that there's a group of people, all experiencing this same nonsense, and that a bunch of them are banding together to try and prevent the situation from going completely fubar within the next five years. I'm here, I've experienced it, I'd rather it not become a reality. ..I'd also like to try and help spare your collection of Scotch from local grenade damage. Am I talking to the right person about any of this?"

Tony doesn't lean back when Domino leans in -- not any farther than he's already been leaning, anway, posture still in the same casual /drape/ in the chair that it has been. "Funnily enough, keeping you happy? Not high on my agenda today." His hand turns up in a small shrug. "But the dreams. I'm aware. Kind of a phenomenon. Been going around --"

There's a beat of hesitation before his hand drops. To his pocket, to pluck a card out of it. And a pen. Scrawl a phone number on the back. "I'm not the one you want, though. You and me, I think, collateral damage in whatever -- psionic /shenanigans/ this all is. This kid. Team that's happening, he's the ringleader. Do appreciate about the Scotch, though."

"And I didn't come out here looking to be amused," Domino replies with a stare that's every bit as level as her tone. At least he confirms knowing something about the dreams, though. That's one hurdle crossed.

With a setback.

When the card and pen come out her head dips forward, breathing out a slow sigh. She barely needs to look at the card when she reaches out to take it from the guy. "Fantastic," she deadpans while flicking the card about to make sure she can read everything that's been written onto it. Now there's some -kid- acting as the ringleader, too? This is by no means what she wanted to hear today.

"Collateral damage, right. So I'm going to assume that I won't be seeing you at any of these meetings?" she inquires with a glance and an upward flip of the card caught between her fingers. "Seeing as how you're just caught up in the sidelines and all."

The albino stands upright and pockets the card. What else can she do? "Thanks for the lead. Also, whatever happens in the next five years, I'm going to suggest that you don't give me a job. Little steps, right? Enjoy the booze."

"Well, you know what they say about assuming." Tony is already standing up, with a quick glance at his watch. A small smirk at the comment about the booze. "-- Whatever happens in the next five year, maybe you shouldn't apply." The look he gives Domino is, for all that -- kind of /amused/, though. Kind of.

And then he's heading back out.

Probably between meetings, after all.