Logs:Oneg Shabbat

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Revision as of 03:10, 17 September 2024 by Astillcurrent (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{ Logs | cast = Blink, Jax, Joshua | mentions = Spencer | summary = "We can workshop." | gamedate = 2024-09-13 | gamedatename = | subtitle = | location = <MOJ> X-Men House - Mojoverse | categories = Blink, Jax, Joshua, Mojo's World, MOJ X-Men House, Mutants | log = This is a largish house that has been very unevenly appointed, its decorator gone somewhat heavy-handed with yellow and blue color theming in all the decor. The gro...")
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Oneg Shabbat
Dramatis Personae

Blink, Jax, Joshua

In Absentia



"We can workshop."


<MOJ> X-Men House - Mojoverse

This is a largish house that has been very unevenly appointed, its decorator gone somewhat heavy-handed with yellow and blue color theming in all the decor. The ground floor has a cramped kitchen that is nearly empty of any equipment or food. The adjacent sitting room is crowded with a baffling range of chairs and tables and cabinets all jockeying for space together with numerous televisions of varying sizes that all only receive Mojo's own baffling network all day. There is a sunroom beside this, seemingly devoted entirely to hammocks of varying sizes and styles. The upstairs has quite comfortably appointed bedrooms across the top two levels, enough for everyone to pair up. Ornately gilt-framed oil paintings of Scrat from Ice Age have been hung up prominently in each bedroom.

The basement level has an extremely well furnished gym and leads out into an extensive yard where someone has halfheartedly begun working on a garden and then given up. There is quite a nice patio to sit on, though. The whole place seems to have just one tiny bathroom tucked up on the top level like some kind of afterthought, crammed in there with the shower under the slope of the roof so it's impossible to stand up straight if you are over 5'7" and even sitting on the toilet feels claustrophobic. At least there is a toilet.

Is it night? It must be night. The sky is dark now, overhead, and you can definitely tell this isn't really New York because overhead there is a beautifully glittering panoply of stars illuminating the back patio. At some point someone has dragged one of the truly excessive number of sunroom hammock-chairs out here and Jax has tucked himself into it curled up snug with his legs beneath him. He probably is not actually dressed in comfortable overalls in a colourful tessellation of patches and a soft rainbow colourblocked sweatshirt, but at the moment it looks like he is, eyepatch sporting a cheerfully smiling sun emblem. He's nibbling at a lychee jelly candy, swinging his chair slowly back and forth. "... survive another day like this, but I'on know what else we can do. He's good at a whole lotta things, but, I mean. This nonsense'd be beyond a lotta people."

Blink probably is, in fact, wearing the rose-colored tea dress she arrived in where she's curled up in the hammock chair beside Jax's. She has a small bowl of maraschino cherries and the liqueur they came in that's evidently serving her for dessert tonight. "He's really good at -- a lot of these games, just not in a way that's entertaining. Most of us are flashier, but..." She stretches out her hand and it pulses with purple light. "...it doesn't have to be that. The audience just has to be invested in him, right? One way or another." She looks a bit disgruntled as she takes a sip of the liqueur -- the fruit wasn't working fast enough on its own. "The audience doesn't care that he's an amazing person, or that he's absolutely hilarious, or -- ugh, the audience has no taste!"

When Joshua abruptly appears outside he is in a cleanish set of pajama pants, soft plaid flannel, and a baggy FDNY sweatshirt with the hood pulled up. This mostly serves to hide his fresh bandaging and his pallor but does not hide his exhausted droop, or the way he just whumphs straightaway into a spare rocking chair. He reaches into evidently nowhere to pull out a very small silver pomegranate-shaped case that he unfolds on a table in front of him, two little tealight candles inside it, but then just scowls up at the dark sky overhead. He slumps back into the chair, scrubbing his palm over his stubbled face. The slow downward drag of his hand makes his glance over towards his teammates seem just that much more mournful than usual.

"I think the Weirdos from Planet Earth fandom got some pretty questionable tastes, safe to say. But it's downright criminal to be sleeping on Joshua, I can't hardly think on someone I know who's more a treasure than he is." Jax sits up quick and startled when Joshua actually appears, his chair swinging wildly in place. "Oh! Sugar, you're up, are you --" He peers towards the small candles, and then the sky, nose wrinkling in apology. "We done said blessings inside earlier, I'm sorry, we didn't know if we shoulda woke you, you was -- pretty beat and it seemed like..." His teeth catch briefly at his lip, here, his eye flicking to Blink for a moment and then back to Joshua. "...you don't seem maybe at a hundred, y'sure I can't get you back into bed?"

Blink starts to pry herself out of her hammock when Joshua arrives, her entire person glowing briefly purple, but eases back down when he sits in a more or less controlled way instead of falling over. "I'm not sure you coulda woke him up. I'm not that tight with God but I'm pretty sure He'd want you to rest up. Kind of what shabbat is all about, right? Anyway," she adds to Jax, quirking a tired ironic smile, "I bet I could get him into --" She blushes, the markings on her face darkening. "-- I didn't mean like -- okay, I'm also not gonna portal you back to bed. The chair would go with you and it would be a whole mess."

Joshua drops his hand to his lap. He's squinting blearily between his teammates, and making a slow and halfhearted attempt to set his chair to rocking. This cuts off after a wobbly half-a-rock. He blinks slowly several times, and finally eventually collects himself enough to shake his head. "Shabbat is..." He is still kind of frowning between Jax and Blink like there is something he is trying to puzzle out, but what he comes up with, at length, is: "... not about bed."

"Shabbat's about joy." Jax's answer at first is kind of offhand and reflexive. After this he's settling the wild swinging of his chair, though, and brightening just faintly, a subtle-soft illumination where he's leaning in a little toward Joshua. "Maybe that ain't been about bed the way you been celebrating but there's plenty time to change that."

Blink hasn't stopped blushing, but when Jax starts riffing she sits up straighter, attending with keen interest. Her ears aren't actually that much more mobile than most bogs, but the pointiness does sometimes give a sense that they are pricking up when she's interested. "Excuse me, that is my partner you are talking to," she says, huffy and stilted. "I am perfectly capable of making his night joyful, thank you very much."

Joshua wriggles himself, gradually, just a little bit less slouchy in his chair. Almost immediately he seems to regret this decision, maybe less because of whatever aches he has triggered and moreso because he has decided to focus a little more intently on the conversation. He squints at Jax. He squints at Blink. He squints at the cherries. "M'I gonna regret asking what you two think a joyful night here would be?"

"I'm sorry, you got some kinda teleporter ownership? He and I been working together since long before you started flashing your gaudy lil --" Jax blinks his hand open and closed in the air in front of him, a shimmer of purple energy glowing open briefly in the air between himself and Blink. "At my man. Talmbout your partner, he practically raised my kid with me, what's he to you?"

"Your man? You need to get your eye checked, Cyclops." Blink laughs heartily -- her derisive laughter definitely needs work. "Our connection transcends the very bounds of space and time!" In a flash of purple she is out of her chair and looking down at Jax. "Do you actually think you have what it takes to split the Dynamic Duo?" Her hands glow bright purple as she strikes a moderately unconvincing wushu stance, not quite able to suppress her grin any longer. "Or are you just smoke and mirrors?"

At the mention of Spencer, Joshua frowns thoughtfully before giving a somewhat capitulatory nod of his head. "Lot of people practically..." He doesn't finish this sentence. It fades away into a bemused silence. He's starting to rock his chair again, or maybe this is a side effect of attempting to push it sliiiightly more backwards. He has pushed his hood just a little bit back, though. Away from his face, the better to allow him to spectate this now with a morbid kind of fascination.

"Oh, smoke and mirrors, I like that," Jax is dissolving into a not at all derisive laugh as Blink appears in front of him, "we should work on some kinda blocking if we gonna throw done in the arena for real so we don't decapitate each other on accident. We can workshop." He's glancing over to Joshua again now with this. "What'd make our night real joyful is you not dying. Sometimes maybe that takes a little teamwork."