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The Sewer Lady:

  • Callisto: Former Queen of the Morlocks during a brief "STRONGEST IS BEST" phase. For a few months, the growing militancy and mandatory mutilation policy drove many Morlocks away, until Tatters arrived on the scene and promptly defeated Callisto in single combat, and just as promptly declared that the Morlocks were now an anarcho-syndicalist commune.

Unfortunately, Callisto was injured in the battle and called upon Masque to heal her. Out of malice and an attempt to curry favor with her successor, Masque further crippled her instead; when he refused to revert the damage, he was promptly told to GTFO. He's probably still lurking around somewhere, plotting revenge.

Now that the wheelchair-bound Callisto is no longer an aspiring warlord, she's actually beginning to grow into a competent administrator. Where she once used her tactical intuition exclusively to win fights, she's been slowly learning to apply it to the broader end of untangling logistical issued and arbitrating interpersonal conflicts, and her success is starting to bring her out of what had been a serious post-duel funk. And while she and Tatters regularly butt heads, neither has the patience or inclination for complicated political maneuvering, so they mostly just argue a lot.

The Sewer Knights:

  • Marrow: A young teen who spent her formative years among the Morlocks, she promptly fell under Callisto's wing when she arrived. While violent and poorly socialized, Marrow is fiercely loyal and bears something of a grudge against Tatters for dislodging her mentor. As the two rangerly Knights, they've quickly developed a rivalry: Tatters has an edge in power, maturity (?!), and actual social skills, while Marrow knows the sewers like the back of her hand and has years of experience fighting viciously for her life and her next meal. She's also a lot smarter than she looks.
  • Sunder: He's on the Brute Squad. Well, he is the Brute Squad.

Other NPC-Morlocks of Note:

  • Masque: No longer a Morlock, he was banished for being a mega creep and a toxic political presence. Hasn't been heard from since, but is probably out there planning something. Or maybe he got eaten, who knows; they should really have tried to keep better track of him.
  • Caliban: Probably has an OKCupid account. Well meaning, but may be in danger of falling in with the Wrong Internet Crowd; the time to worry is if he starts wearing a fedora. Probably has a crush on Lily.
  • Leech: Sort of a Morlocks Mascot, seems like a prime candidate for being mothered at by Nox.
  • Annalee: Middle-aged empath who's lost her children, and has a bad record of trying to forcibly adopt replacements, which could easily put her in conflict with Nox -- I'll leave Annalee's existence and disposition up to her.
  • Healer: Probably wasn't around a few months ago, or else Callisto wouldn't have resorted to asking Masque for help. May or may not be present.