ArchivedLogs:Bright Ideas

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Bright Ideas
Dramatis Personae

Ghost, Shane, Aloke


Aloke bungles yet another meeting with Shane while Ghost tries to help


<XS> Lake

Bright, bright, bright; the lake glitters wide and expansive here, stretching off into the distance. Sunlight, moonlight, starlight, it catches them all. Lapping at the rocky shore, its deep waters are frigid in winter and cool even in summer. A stone pier stretches out a ways into the water, wide and smooth, though often icy in winter.

The water teems with life nevertheless, home to myriad species of fish that provide for ample fishing or just lazy watching on a slow summer day, for those who want to take a boat from the boathouse out to the center of the lake, or perhaps lounge on the pier and try their luck.

Aloke sends out weekly emails reminding people about the afternoon yoga sessions scheduled for right after school, for the most part. Today his optional, extra-curricular is scheduled for 3 o'clock, out by the lake, and Aloke is there, then. Here. All of the above. He brought several rolled up foam pads with him, and he has his own reed mat laid out in the grass as well. The teacher is currently balancing on his head and hands making a kind of tripod, with his body straight up in the air. His thick Xavier hoodie and sweat pants have both scooted up in protest of his inverted position, but the upside-down teacher seems perfectly serene here, waiting to see if he gets any takers for once.

Also, the rumor about the teacher turns out to be true! He is currently glowing at a constant brightness, similar to the light of a 40w, soft yellow bulb. He's glowing all over, wherever his skin is exposed, including his midrift and calves at the moment. Also, his face, and hands - all exposed skin. His eyes are still glowing too, but that almost seems beside the point now.

Somewhere tucked into the reeds by the lakeside, there is a bag of clothing. Towel. Winter gear. That bag is /still/ tucked into the reeds by the lakeside, though, which means that Shane is conspicuously /devoid/ of said clothing when he drags his way out of the water, his blue skin darkened nearly to black. He is initially frowning at the lakeshore but then he's frowning at /Aloke/ instead, only for a brief moment before he looks away. "Fuck's that, you trying to be my pa now? Should get tattoos. They light up like stained glass when he's through fuc -- uh. When he's happy."

Walking towards the lake, is Ghost! Not for yoga, however. The young, purple girl is dressed in a large jacket, a pair of thick jeans, and as usual, nothing on her feet. Carrying a camera with her, she's snapping various pictures around the nature. She's about to take a picture of the lake, when, Naked Shane comes out, causing her to drop her camera in embarassment, shouting at him. "Agh, put some clothes on!". She hasn't spotted Aloke yet. "Other people come out here too, you know!"

Aloke regards Shane calmly from his handstand, without bothering to right himself yet. "Not trying to be anyone, Shane. I just... this just happened. Came on the other night. Seems to be permanent though." Aloke frowns, which upside down is in fact a smile. Lowering himself carefully, he sits down and pulls his slippers back on. "I apologize Shane, I know it's bright." Aloke sighs and nods when Ghost arrives. He adds, "Are your clothes nearby? She makes a reasonable request."

"If it came on the other night how do you know it's permanent? Do you decide you're dying of TB every time you get a cough for a couple days? No wonder you teach art and not science." Shane still isn't looking at Aloke, though he does turn to raise his brows at Ghost. "I was swimming. Have /you/ tried goddamn -- /gill/-breathing with a shirt on?" He gestures to the long rows of gills down his flank. "Or having swim trunks just /cling/ to you /all night/, that shit itches. I don't know where my goddamn clothes are, sometimes people steal them." He kicks a bare foot in some annoyance at the reeds.

"Decency is still nice, jeez!". Ghost is purposely trying to avoid eye contact with him, keeping her eyes tilted high. "Who the fuck would do th- oh right, high school. And no, I have not tried gill-breathing, due to the fact I don't have gills. Sounds rough, though.". She finally spots Aloke as they talk, trying not to stare directly at him either, but waving, smiling. "Hello, Mr. Suresh! Yoga, I take it?"

Aloke sighs again and nods at Shane. "That would be a good point, if it hadn't been confirmed by Han- Dr. McCoy. Anyway, Shane, I've been hoping I'd run into you." Aloke smirks and nods, as if to confirm the strange idea. Shane is constantly giving Aloke a hard time, and any reasonable person might have a hard time understanding why Aloke would seek him out. "Ghost, try to be patient with him please. Shane, you know you're allowed to go without clothes when you sleep in the lake, but you also know the school has rules about wearing clothes on campus. If you need, we could set up a locker for you. Have your clothes been stolen often?" Aloke's tone is pretty transparent. He doesn't really believe Shane's clothes have ever been stolen.

"Fuck you, you condescending bastard," is what Shane says in response to Aloke's tone. He stops poking through the reeds for his clothing, turning around to wade straight back into the lake where he came from, disappearing beneath the water as soon as he's deep enough.

Ghost nods to Aloke about being patient, but steps back a few feet when Shane gets pissed. "Uh, I don't think he was lying. He doesn't seem like the type to lie, but that's my opinion. He's mostly brutally honest, heh.". She walks over to the reeds he was looking through, looking around for his clothes. "They're not here. They /could/ have been stolen, it seems?"

Aloke stands when Shane turns back to the lake, clearly annoyed. "Oh, so you're the only one who gets to be condescending around here?" The professor is usually so calm and collected, outside of being excited about an art project, he's typically bottled up around students. Even this minor outburst seems unusual for him. When Shane disappears beneath the water, he nods his appreciation at Ghost's help to looking for the clothes. "Alright, thanks for checking, Ghost. I'm going to try looking down this side of the lake. Would you mind checking that way? We can meet on the other side." His tone is frustrated, but he's trying very hard to not take his frustration out on Ghost by proxy.

"Yeah, sure.". Ghost goes towards the way Aloke directed, shifting through reeds and grass, looking for the clothes. She almost cuts her foot on a sharp rock, but is able to pull her foot back in time when she spots it. "Gah, this is the benefit of shoes, it seems.". She doesn't find the clothes yet, but keeps looking, grumbling to herself. "Where could they have gone?"

Aloke continues his search on the opposite side of the lake, wearing his slippers fortunately. Also, his increased body temperature seems to be helping some with his comfort in the weather. Sweats and a hoodie seem to be enough in sub-freezing temperatures. When he's nearly halfway around the lake from Ghost he comes across the gym bag in question. Frowning, he squats down and picks up the bag, which is practically empty. Looking around a little more, he spies pants and a shirt a little way off. Aloke lifts a hand to wave at Ghost. "Hey! Hey Ghost! I think I found his stuff!" Aloke moves closer to the clothes, trying to get closer to the bank without slipping in himself.

On the contrast, Ghost is freezing, atleast in her feet, though that's never stopped her before. As Aloke shouts over, she begins heading his way, taking the shorter route around (even though the shortest would be to dive across, but she's not that crazy). Ghost is careful in making her way around, trying not to slip herself. "I'm coming that way!"

Aloke nods when Ghost heads his way, and goes about scooping up the scattered clothes he can find and stuffing them into the bag. Once he's packed everything he can find, he stands, scanning the water for a long moment for any sign of Shane. Finally, he drops the bag on the shore and cups his hands to shout at the lake. "SHANE. YOUR STUFF IS HERE." He shrugs and turns back to face Ghost coming his way. "C'mon Ghost, how about we go warm up? They should have cocoa in the kitchen."

"Sounds good!". Ghost finally makes her way to Aloke, walking back towards the mansion. She stops, however, also cupping her hands, and shouting towards the lake. "BYE SHANE.". Ghost then continues on her path to hot cocoa goodness.