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xxxxxWith hair not quite as colorful or frequently changing as Jackson (much to her chagrin), Elli is on her own road. A middle of the road student heavily involved in athletics, growing up with her two older brothers have left her "one of the boys", complete with a sailor's speech and an alcohol tolerance to rival some fraternity students.


xxxxx Born the third child to a family of two psychologists, Elli grew up on the outskirts of the city of Akron, Ohio. She was never the best student - not first nor last - and never quite a popular kid or outcast. Middle of the road, her life was shaping up to be quite an average one. Perhaps because of the influence of her older brothers, some desire to be different, or some twist of fate, a remarkable set of determination and coincidence set about to quite thoroughily derail that possibility.

Seventh grade held a whole new set of interests for her. There was punk music, pot, boys, new friends, and a quite distressing set of disappearing acts. At first, she wasn't quite sure there was anything to them - maybe she was just zoning out. That doubt melted into a worse one - maybe she was going crazy. The first time one of her older brothers followed her through the front door of the house and ended up in the bedroom, the whole family was quite sure that something rather else was going on. The first time she ended up over a thousand miles away from her house just walking through a door in her living room, there was little doubt that average just wasn't on the menu anymore.

Thanks, perhaps, to some help from one of her teachers, she ended up at Xavier's School for her first year of high school. She flourished there, coming back to life as she had not for several years. Academically, she was not one of the best students, but she was involved heavily in many of the athletics. Not the best player, either, and not necessarily that easy of a person to get around with, she did make a few good friends despite tending to slip out of notice. Her control over her powers, too, vastly improved under the care of the Xavier's teachers.


xxxxxDescription of your character's powers.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.

[[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]] [[Image:|x150px]]

Elli Zamora
Codename None
Birthdate 18 July 1997
Species Mutant
Affiliation Xavier's
Alignment True Neutral
Powers Teleportation between doorways
Occupation Student
RP Hooks
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
RP Hook - Explanation.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2019-09-06)
Not My Jam Elli, Gaétan, Harm
  • (2019-03-24)
Ghosts, Pens, and Magic Cassy, Elli, Harm