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Dramatis Personae

Corey, Melinda

In Absentia


Mel finds out some stuff about Corey and Corey, Mel. <.< (yeah, jumping to conclusions!)


<NYC> Montagues - SoHo

Montagues harkens back to the day when SoHo was filled to the brim with artists, with its mismatched furniture, all plush and decorated heavily with carved wood, but remains trendy enough to keep its newer patrons by making sure that furniture is clean, in good repair and inviting. The antique tables all have been reinforced to seem less creaky. The real draw of the cafe is the smell: fresh roasted coffee mingles with perfectly steeped teas. Spices from crisp pastries mingle with the tang of clotted cream but don't overwhelm too much the scent of chalk on the menu boards.

It's the middle of the week and the middle of the morning and Melinda is resurfacing from her office in the back. She's been here since open, but she's been so focused on the books, few have seen her. Now she's back and she's out, looking over the dining room and the barista station before heading to the sandwich area. She's wearing a turquoise top, ruched on the sides and just a little under the breasts, over dark gray, pink pinstriped trousers, the entire ensemble looking new. Her clothes finally fit the different shape her body seems to be taking. She glances over the supplies at the station before looking around for Corey.

Freezing weather leads towards layers being necessary, and even in doors the larger man has a couple still remaining. A grey teeshirt overtop a white mock turtleneck is protected by his work apron, and his still damp jeans are rolled up to just barely above the tops of his boots. Rising up from behind the sandwich station with a few refills for the various toppings and components, Corey slots out the empties to be taken to the back. Seeing Mel coming out, he offers her a smile. "Hey there Melinda. How're you doing today?"

"Hey Corey," Melinda gives him a small smile as she leans against the side of the counter, looking over the offerings. "How are things going out here - and well, in general? We should probably have a sit down to talk about post-zombie life, if you've got some time in the next ten minutes?" She eyes the refills and the empty containers he is pulling, turning to reach for a small stack to take them to the back when he is done with them.

"Its quiet, but can blame the weather on that. Mainly just people wanted something to drink," Corey says as he offers a shrug finishing up with the refilling. "In general? Not bad, fairly peaceful. Can't complain too much over all though," smiling he nods though he looks to the empties she was grabbing. "I can get those really, and then we can talk if you'd like." Glancing about the tables and current inhabitants, "Yeah, should be time to do that. Is there something up?"

"Nah, nothing is up," Melinda admits, leading the way into the back of the restaurant, disappearing from customer view into the kitchen. She leaves the empty fixing tubs for their dishwasher of the day -- though Shane is probably off enjoying the wonders of family. "It's just check in time. As you know, there's just so much going on in New York these days... I wanted to see if you still liked working here, that you had the hours you wanted, as trying to hire for those who have either passed away or moved on to bigger and better things," job openings created by people who passed away, "kind of leaves everything ... well, available." She finds a stool to half sit on and rests half her weight on one of the edges, her hands resting on her thighs as she looks Corey over.

Following her to the back, Corey stretches out compressed muscles as they leave the view of the populace. "Ahh, alright. Yeah, the city has been pretty crazy the past, oh, well since I've gotten here." He shakes his head and leans against the cutting counter to relax abit. "I'm happy here really. I mean, I don't exactly intend to work here until I'm old and grey, but well its nice here. And you're a great person, really." He chuckles and shakes his head, "Shane and I had been discussing what to put on a cake for you." Letting out a little sigh, he nods to himself though, "I have been taking classes, I kinda want to become an EMT and all. But with the new laws I doubt they'd even let me if I got the papers saying I can."

"A cake?" Melinda looks surprised and a little confused, but keeps listening, a small wrinkle appearing between her brows. She purses her lips as she nods, but her confusion remains. "New laws? Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with the rules and regulations of being emergency medical personnel. Do you need more classes now? Or is there some sort of union now that I haven't heard about?"

"Yeah, kinda an appreciation thing. With how good you've been to everything, inspite of everything that has gone on in the city." Corey gives her a warm smile, and inclines his head. "To let you know that people do notice what you do, and all." He gives a shrug as he watches her confusion. "The registration laws. I figure they'd probably put the same restrictions on any kind of emergency services that they have for cops. I heard that they had let them all go."

"OH. The registration applies to you?" That's an obscure enough way of stating it, right? Melinda looks around the back room to be sure that unwanted people are not overhearing. "We just haven't had this discussion before. Obviously, I haven't asked because it doesn't matter to me. I... I guess I just figure people will be forthcoming when they are ready or when they need some accommodation, like Shane's skin and hands." She lets the words flow freely, perhaps trying a little too hard to make sure that she is clear - and somewhat compassionate. "Uh, well, don't lose hope if you don't have to, but you could also look to working with other medical professionals to help others like yourself. They may be refused service when they need it, too."

"Well, I didn't know when I started, and well its not like its like Shane's situation is. Its no big deal really, I mean, it would probably be useful for that field, but I don't think useful really matters for the laws." Corey shakes his head, looking a little embarassed by how Mel is handling it. "I guess I should probably at least let you know, since well, um. Based on the best testing we could figure you're kinda in range." He pauses, then blinks realizing he paused in an unfortunate spot. "No, nothing bad. Stuff around me just kinda heals better. Or recovers more, like a plant thats dying goes green again, or ya know, getting better from a cold faster." Looking embarassed, probably for how crappily he explains it, he shakes his head. "But thats why I wanted to work in that field, and I guess I could work with other professionals yeah. Sorry for dropping this on you now. I'm just trying to get used to the fact that I wont be able to hide it with the government mandate."

"Or, uh, people being more fertile?" Melinda asks, firm and pointedly. Her voice is soft, though, and perhaps still surprised.

Raising a brow, Corey tilts his head. "I don't know? I mean I can't say as its been tested, but I don't really know that there have been more pregnant women around me than there would be otherwise." He scratches the back of his head, his face scrunching oddly as if he's trying to go through memories. "I mean how would that even work? Not... I mean not from a technical perspective. I know the process." He shakes his head at that again, as if dismissing it. "Bones have knit, and skin heals. But I mean, I guess sperm could maybe move better? I would think it would be less fertile for a female though, isn't it better for the body to not be that way?" He drums his fingers along the counter, then just shrugs and shakes his head. "Honestly? I don't know. I am pretty sure that there aren't exactly clinical trials that they would let me participate in to be able to verify one way or another, but I'm not a father and I would be more effected than anyone wouldn't I?"

"I, uh, suppose, in my case, it may have just... um, lengthened the viability of the egg... and possibly, um, the sperm as well." Melinda looks a bit sheepish, her cheeks reddening. "And no. The more unhealthy the female body, the less it menstruates." She clears her throat and straightens up into a standing position. "I would strongly urge at least two types of birth control, whenever you copulate, Corey." Oh, what is that shiny thing over there? Mel's going to stare at it now.

Blinking, Corey looks at Mel then blinks some more. "Oh, um." Blink blink. "I am so so sorry. Unless thats good. Or, uh" he stammers a bit more, also blushing and looking towards another shiny thing at the wall. "I guess I should have said something earlier. But." He shakes his head again, "I'm just going to shut up now. Yeah." He just nods once and looks towards the floor and its glory.

"Ah. No. It's... um, okay. It's not like you were trying to do anything or ... you were... um... dishonest. I..." Melinda lets out a little noise, something between a whimper and an uncomfortable laugh. "I mean, I was the one doing the act of ... um, baby making. I guess I just counted on prophylactics a bit more than I should have. I'll, uh, have to double up myself... in the future. Later."

"Er, right." Corey nods, blushing himself. "I'll keep that in mind in the future. If you would feel more comfortable with me not being around I'd understand. I never exactly thought about it that way." He shakes his head, then puffs a stray strand of hair out of his face. "Er, Otherwise though, are you alright and all? " He blinks, realizing that is a stupid question coming from him and he shakes his head again.

"What are you talking about, Corey? Right now, I need you around to make sure the next few months are as... gentle as the first. I don't think any of this was even noticeable until we all got separated by the plague." Melinda shakes her head and settles back onto her seat, her lips pursing as she thinks. "I'm all right. Stuff is just ... different, now, you know? Lots of things have changed. Lots of transitions to be made."

"I just wanted to make sure. I'm glad that its been of help, even if it may have been part of the factor to begin with." Corey smiles though since she doesn't seem upset about the situation. "What are you going to do when it arrives? Well, he or she, if its that far along yet that is. I know theres the recovery time and its probably going to be hard to manage, well, everything that you do."

Melinda lets out a great sigh, somewhat overwhelmed instantaneously again. "Oh, the kid's coming mid May." She reaches up and rubs at the bridge of her nose. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean, I'm pretty much going to do all the same. I've spoken to one of my roommates. He hasn't been able to get a job and would be interested in contributing to the apartment. I don't know about finances, but I think I'll get a break in my taxes that might help."

"Ah, it's probably been weighing on your mind," Corey says with a little frown. "I don't have much advice, at least none that you haven't heard already. If you need any help that I can give, just let me know. Well, aside from apparently existing like a healthy glowlamp." Chuckling he shakes his head at the tax comment. "Good luck on the tax break, I wouldn't be surprised if that is the next round of tax things they change."

"Yeah, weighing on my mind is a good way to say it. I... It's amazingly huge and I don't know. I'll figure it out - like I always seem to do." Melinda gives a little shake of her head and pulls her hair into a handful behind her shoulders before releasing it, staring at the ground as she collects herself. "Yeah. I appreciate the offer. I will ... Oh. How are your hours? Are you working well with your shiftmates?"

"Well, I wish you all the best. And well, I'm sure you'll handle it. As you said, you always seem to." Corey offers a reassuring smile at that, though watching her body language, he lets it fade, nodding. "Oh, things are alright. I think everyones gotten used to things, and well trying to get things back to normal." He lets out a little sigh and shrugs. "Its about as good as things will be honestly. I can work more hours if you need me to, I mean, I'd be around more to make sure whatever dose is right to keep you feeling alright."

"Oh. Oh. Okay." Melinda nods and smiles, blushing a little again. "I seem to be all over the place until I can get a new manager put in place. If you ever want to switch shifts, you know you have my ear. Knowing that you and Shane have resolved your differences is extremely helpful." She wets her lips and gives a nod. "I should get back to it. Thank you, Corey."

"It's a work in progress. But I'm trying. Really." Corey gives another nod at that, and smiles at her offer. "Thanks boss. And yeah, I'll bring out more of the sugars and stuff. I was just trying to get the front stuff restocked ahead of time." He grabs a pack of the turbinado sugar and the other sweeteners to bring out. "And take it easy out there, you have employees for a reason."

"Yeah, yeah, back to the paperwork for me, then. I'll bug you about my lunch in a half an hour or so." Melinda lifts a hand to wave and turns to head back to her cupboard office. "See you then."

"Lunch in half an hour then. Have fun with the stacks of papers. Somehow I think those are more dangerous than any of the bread knives." Corey raises the box of sweetener in a return wave as he returns to the floor to refill everything.