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{{ Logs
{{ Logs
| cast = [[Megan]], [[Faelan]], [[Kris]], [[Sophie]], [[Kurt]], [[Scott]]
| cast = [[Megan]], [[Faelan]], [[Kris]], [[Sophie]], [[Kurt Wagner 1.0]], [[Scott Summers]]
| summary = The kids get together post-NYC-trip to discuss the (lack of) progress in the search for the missing students.
| summary = The kids get together post-NYC-trip to discuss the (lack of) progress in the search for the missing students.
| gamedate = YYYY-MM-DD
| gamedate = 2013-05-11
| gamedatename =  
| gamedatename =  
| subtitle = Mild swears, teenage angst.
| subtitle = Mild swears, teenage angst.
| location = <XS> [[Gardens]]
| location = <XS> [[Gardens]]
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, XS Gardens, Megan, Faelan, Kris, Sophie, Kurt, Scott
| categories = Xavier's, Mutants, XS Gardens, Megan, Faelan, Kris, Sophie, Kurt, Scott Summers
| log = Today's search proved fruitless. Well okay, not fruitless: there was ''definitely'' fruit in Megan's jam tart. But they didn't find any evidence of the missing students. Now that she's not required to hide herself away, Megan has doffed the sweater-dress under which she was hiding her wings, leaving her in a pair of yoga pants and a hot pink sports bra. At present, she's over the gardens, performing an aerial ballet, eyes closed as she revels in the freedom of flight.
| log = Today's search proved fruitless. Well okay, not fruitless: there was ''definitely'' fruit in Megan's jam tart. But they didn't find any evidence of the missing students. Now that she's not required to hide herself away, Megan has doffed the sweater-dress under which she was hiding her wings, leaving her in a pair of yoga pants and a hot pink sports bra. At present, she's over the gardens, performing an aerial ballet, eyes closed as she revels in the freedom of flight.

Latest revision as of 03:32, 24 May 2023


Mild swears, teenage angst.

Dramatis Personae

Megan, Faelan, Kris, Sophie, Kurt Wagner 1.0, Scott Summers

In Absentia


The kids get together post-NYC-trip to discuss the (lack of) progress in the search for the missing students.


<XS> Gardens

Today's search proved fruitless. Well okay, not fruitless: there was definitely fruit in Megan's jam tart. But they didn't find any evidence of the missing students. Now that she's not required to hide herself away, Megan has doffed the sweater-dress under which she was hiding her wings, leaving her in a pair of yoga pants and a hot pink sports bra. At present, she's over the gardens, performing an aerial ballet, eyes closed as she revels in the freedom of flight.

Walking out into the garden, Faelan still is wearing what he had on during their Peter search, having managed not to spill baked goods upon himself. This was convenient enough, though he made enough pre-emptive noise with shuffling feet that he was easy to notice coming from a ways off. With phone in hand, the screens light is shining on his face as he goes through the paths.

Kris is disgusted. Why? Because even petite Megan has a figure the girl envies. But one day. Right now, she's got a tupperware container full of some heavily spice substance including some kind of meat and rice. She spoons it up as she watches, and calls out to Megan,"That's beautiful! What do you call that routine?"

After arriving back at the school, Sophie headed back to her room to drop off some extraneous purchases, then ultimately she, as well, made her way to the gardens. Crazy how that works out. She's actually inside, at first, sitting on a bench and working on knitting something, but when she hears voices outside she perks up curiously, stuffing yarn and work into her floral bag and heading outside. She's barefoot, fake flower removed from her hair, but is otherwise still wearing what she was earlier; a long pink shirt/dress and purple galaxy-print leggings. Poking her head out to see who-all is out here, she raises eyebrows in slight surprise and strolls out. "Heyyyy guys." Head tilted up to look at Megan, she grins while watching the aerial dance.

Megan starts with surprise, and a small measure of dust flutters to the ground beneath her. Good thing no one else is beneath her. She smiles at Kris, then zips down to land beside the girl. "Hi," she says. "I didn't know anyone was watching. Um, it's Tinkerbell's ballet, from Peter Pan. I was working on it for a performance when the wings happened," she says, then grins. "I guess the upside to not getting to perform it is that I don't need wires for it anymore."

Seeing the others present, Faelan blinks and gives a wave, though the wave was with the phone in his hand. "Oh hello guys. " He takes in the fact that the others are relaxing now that the search was over for them for the day. "I guess I should have put on something else then." He gives the girls a smile at least, remembering the food and comradery earlier. "Maybe you can suggest that they put on plays here. I think there may be a club for acting."

Kris offers a spoonful of her rice dish to Megan, then says, "I suppose you will not need a rope to do the flying parts. I always wished to learn. Do you teach?" Then there's a Sophie, and she's waving a hand over at her. As usual, she too is barefoot, and seeing someone else doing it makes her wanna wiggle her toes. After doing this, she grins,"What is up?" She points with her spoon at Faelan, "Come back in a skirt? Then you will fit in."

Sophie grins at Faelan, waving idly at the little group as she approaches. "Hey. I'm trying to get around more, I spend too much time cooped up in my dorm and.. well, it's finally getting warm. It's been so cold lately, blegh." Yes, she actually says 'blegh', and even sticks out her tongue as she does so. "So is it just me or was Ms. Walters like... weirdly nice today? I'm kind of wondering if things are worse than we think they are if they have her being.. y'know, not as stern as she usually is."

"Why, Faelan?" Megan asks him curiously. "I didn't change. Just took the sweater off so my wings could be free." She flutters her wings to demonstrate, then looks over her friends all at once. "I don't really act; I just dance. I've never tried to teach it, but I guess I could. It's not very fun at first, though. There's a lot of fundamentals to learn before you can really start dancing." She smiles, then asks, "Is Ms. Walters not normally nice?"

Shaking his head at the dress comment, Faelan took the comment seriously. "Not a good idea. I can fit more gear under it, but it gets too swirly if I end up in water. The pants I can use as a flotation device better." Looking at her a moment, he peers at her. "Oh you were joking. Oh. Uh sorry," he continues though he looks rather embarassed. "I just had meant that you were all kinda sweats and wavey and relaxed." He gestures at their attire a moment, though Sophie's comment gains a pause. "She may be trying to prevent startling us. I mean you and Kris are fine if something happens quick. But what about Megan and I? Its not good."

Kris shakes her head at Sophie,"I have always found Miss Jennifer nice. She has been very kind to me and understanding of my issues. Sometimes, she acts more like a student than an instructor." She chuckles as if the idea were sheer ridiculousness. As for Megan,"Will you teach me? I mean, I obviously can't do the splits, but I bet I could do everything else. I'm otherwise very flexible and it looks so graceful." She turns her gaze on Faelan, though,"You could try a riding dress? That would meet in the middle." Amusement dances over her features, before seriousness returns,"Surprising me is sometimes worse than surprising others, not better. I... do not always react well."

Megan's question gets a bit of a headshake from Sophie, and some non-committal 'ehhh'ing. "It isn't really that she isn't nice but she's usually uh..." She frowns, blushes a little. "...kind of a hardass?" The mild cuss sounds weird coming from the typically overpolite redhead, and she lifts a hand to her mouth to clear her throat. "Er, um. Not that I'd ever say that but. You know. She isn't bad just kind of hard to get used to, I guess." Kris's explanation does get a little surprise, but Sophie nods slowly. "I guess... I mean after today that doesn't sound too out of character, but if you'd told me that yesterday I'd probably look at you like you were crazy."

"Well she seemed very nice, today. She bought me jam tarts," as if that were the most important test in being 'nice'. "Anyways, it's probably just that she's worried about the missing students, and doesn't want us to go missing as well. But sure, Kris, I can teach you. We'll have to go into the city and buy you a few leos; I don't think you would fit any of mine."

This time, there is precious little sneaking going on. The sound of someone approaching from the direction of the school's main building is instead distinct and unmistakable. Crunch, crunch, feet on the path.

Her facial expression actually goes from a wide smile, to falling a little when leotards are mentioned,"Ah oh... well... I uh... I can't really... I mean... I prefer not to wear leotards, or tight-fitting clothes, really... They don't really look right on me..." Cough cough. Oh, hey, look, a distraction! Kris smiles and peeks over in the direction of the crunching gravel, then smiles at Sophie,"She's really very nice. She just doesn't have patience for... unecessary squeamishness."

Sophie grins over at Megan. "Yeah, that's probably it. I do kind of panic easily sometimes. Especially since, I mean..." She shrugs. "I feel like I hardly ever know what's going on sometimes so it's kind of easy to jump to conclusions." And then to try and make everyone else freak out with you. But then attention is turned to Kris, and there are some nods there. "Yeah, I guess maybe that's a better way of wording it. Still, I mean, I wouldn't consider her a particularly fun teacher. But it's good to know she has a nice side."

"Hi Professor!" Megan calls to the approaching Kurt, with a wiggle of her fingers. Then she looks to Kris confusedly. "I don't think you'd look so bad. I mean, there are lots of girls who aren't super-curvy who dance. In fact, most of them aren't; the amount of exercise we put in tends to keep us small. But ... you'd look fine. We can do tights with the leo, if you don't want to show off your legs."

Indeed, the approaching sound proves to be that of an elf on the garden path. He has an apple in one hand, and his phone in the other, although given its orientation and how he occasionally swipes his thumb across it from right to left, he's probably reading. That is, until he realizes he isn't alone, looking up with a bit of a blink. He's still not used to professor meaning him. "Ach! Die Kinder! Hallo, girls."

Kris shrugs to Sophie,"Maybe she likes you, so she pushes you harder? I've seen instructors do that before. She probably thinks you have some potential that you aren't living up to. Or, if not... maybe you should talk with her about it and tell her you think she is being unfair?" Because that's SO easy. Then Megan is making more suggestions and Kris is staring at Megan with her ultra-special 'I CANNOT BELIEVE WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS' gaze. She rubs her hands against her face, and in a long-suffering manner, tries to speak QUIETLY on the subject,"I do not wear them because of the parts of the body they accentuate. Transwomen often dislike body-hugging clothing." Maybe that was clear enough? She's certainly blushing enough! She points at Kurt, and says loudly,"Hey, look! A distraction!" Then she shoves her mouth full of food from her tupperware container... because it's better than talking.

Sophie looks back and forth between Megan and Kris for a moment, biting her lip a little. This just got a little-- awkward, maybe. She may not be aware of what the word 'transwomen' actually means, since her own commentary is a more general, "C'mon, Megan, sometimes people are just shy, y'know?" A smack on the head might be a good idea but OH HEY A DISTRACTION. Her attention is caught both by German and by Kris's pointing, and she blushes a little, casually moving to put one of the other two girls between herself and the teacher even as she says, "Good afternoon, Professor Wagner!" With a bit of a lilt to her voice. Followed by a confused, "Wait, did we scare Faelan off?"

"... oh," Megan says, clearly startled by the information. Her eyes wide, she covers her mouth with both hands. "Oh, Kris. I'm so sorry, I didn't know at all." Backwards compliment, mabye? "I thought you were just ..." she puts her hands down her chest, to emphasize the other teen being flat-chested. "Well, maybe we can ... figure something else out. Skirts? Do you wear loose billowy skirts?"

This feels like the most emphatically awkward moment Kurt could have walked in on. For a moment, he just stands there, tail sweeping back and forth behind him, chewing through a bite of his apple. His expression almost looks blank, but this is likely due to the fact that it's hard to tell where his eyes are pointed most of the time. "Well. How are you all this lovely afternoon?" It's a delicate question which almost begs not to be told anything more about transwomen in leotards, closing his phone down to slip it into a pocket.

Kris stares at Sophie for a moment with something resembling gratitude. Shy. That's a good word for it! She begins to note emphatically... Then looks a little stricken as Megan continues to apologize. About until Kris looks like she would rather crawl into a hole somewhere. The girl mutters quickly,"YesskirtsarefinewecantalkaboutitlaterHIPROFESSORWAGNER."

She turns her best brave smile on Kurt, and manages,"We were talking about dancing and how much fun it is. I tried to teach Megan something yesterday and it didn't work out, so I thought I would try to learn something from her instead. It looks so pretty."

Dropping her hands to her waist to hold her bag there, Sophie looks down at the ground a bit, smiling somewhat shyly. "And we went to the city today with Ms. Walters! It was fun but, um, we didn't... y'know, have any luck finding anyone." Siiigh. She bites her lip, shakes her head a little, and takes the opportunity to change the subject; "Oh, the sword practice didn't work out?"

Still mortified, Megan rubs at her mouth, then smiles at Kris. "Great," she says, cheery as she can manage despite feeling a total heel. "Uh, no, no it didn't. I'm not very good with fighting I guess. But I'll learn, eventually. Professor, do you dance, too?"

"In an abstract sort of sense, I suppose." Kurt says, quite happy to try and help steer the conversation away from Kris' wardrobe troubles. "I can waltz, but I have no formal training in anything else. I was never a dancer, I am from the circus, ja? Trapeze, contortion, acrobatics, like that, not ballet. I have a great deal of respect for those who do it, though, it demands a great deal of both strength and agility."

Kris shoots Kurt an equally grateful look when topic change manifests itself as one of the teacher's secondary mutations. "I can do tinikling, and a few club dances a little, but nothing so graceful. I tried to enroll when I was very little, actually, but... it did not last for... reasons." Her 'soldier past' specifically. "Still, the circus... did you like the looks of awe on the audience, or was it awful? I do not think I have ever enjoyed 'spectacle'."

Sophie strolls over to stand next to Megan, gently bumping against her side in a sort of playful/friendly gesture. With a grin, she comments, reassuringly, "Well it's not like you really have to learn to fight, we aren't exactly going to battle anytime soon." Poor Sophie. She clearly never read the comic books. Lifting her voice a bit, she adds, "I don't really dance, either. Fredonia's not... really... high class or anything."

"Neither's Abergylid," Megan tells Sophie with a faint grin. "My gran just insisted that, no matter what, I should be allowed to do what made me happy. And when I was a little girl, that was dancing. And it still is." She shrugs a little, spins once, then asks, "What was it like in the circus, yeah?" echoing Kris's question.

"The life of a performer is not for everyone." Kurt's grin acknowledges Kris' expression of discomfort, but he seems completely at-ease with the topic, even allowing his smile to grow. "But for me, it was an idyllic childhood, for the most part. I like to perform. I feel very rewarded by bringing happiness and awe to others, ja! My sister and I were the most accomplished acrobatic act in all of Europe, for a time. It was something, to know we could go to any town and make the lives of the people there a little better. Also the trapeze act was a nice time for me, I could be as I am in front of many townsfolk and none of them were frightened. Of course, they all thought it was a very clever costume. It was not until I left the Munich circus that I ever felt dissatisfied with my role as a troubadour."

Here are some X-Residents in the gardens. Three of them are girl-type students. One of them is a man-type teacher, holding a half-eaten apple in his hand. He's also adopted a certain way of standing, a little straighter than is his normal want, with his shoulders back and his chin up--he's clearly reminiscing about his nights under the Big Top, just from his stance, his tail making cheerful S-shapes behind him.

Kris is glad to have safely shoveled attention on to Kurt. Besides which, stories are fun! "Your gran sounds amazing. She reminds me of my parents, both the birth and the adoptive... We are very lucky children, aren't we? What about you, Sophie?"

But look, Kurt is telling circus stories,"Did you work with a net, or was it unecessary with your power? I bet it was a beautiful act... And so storybook... Brother and sister, performing before a crowd, with only each other between them and the ground..." She lets out a wistful sigh,"It makes a good story. I bet you were very popular as an act."

Sophie grins. "That's fair, I guess I just tend to figure every place outside'a upstate New York is way more interesting than ... upstate New York." But then she shushes herself up to listen to Kurt's story, entirely enthralled by the description, stars practically in her eyes by the end. But then Kris asks her a question, and she blushes a bit, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. "Uhh.. I kind of.. I sort of feel bad because honestly, everything was always sort of normal for me... I probably wouldn't even be here except that my, uh, power sort of-- things got weird." She leaves it at that, for now. "There's a college in town my mom teaches at and dad's a power company guy and pretty much everything's boring compared to pretty much everyone I've talked to since getting here."

All three of the teens are barefoot. Megan is in yoga pants and a hot pink sports bra, her hair pulled up with a yellow headband. "Brother and sister?" she asks Kurt, eyes widening with excitement. "Oh, that sounds fantastic! Is your sister a mutant, too? Does she look like you do? Were you twins?"

This seems to be Kurt in his element. He takes a bite from his apple as the questions come pouring in, tail practically wagging. "We trained with a net, of course, I could not teleport until I was thirteen or so, and Jimaine never could. My power is cheating anyway, there is no need to be bamfing about when I can get a better reaction from the acrobatics. They are more fun anyway. But for the performances, nein, of course no net, the hint of danger is part of the thrill, for the audience. It is where my field name comes from, actually, in the Munich circus I was already known as the incredible Nightcrawler, I saw no need to change that once I made my way here. We worked very well together, it is really too bad there were no videos made of our act, it was something to see." Megan's question gets almost a shy little laugh, his teeth showing. "I am afraid not. I am adopted, you see, my true parentage I know nothing of. Mutti found me in the reeds, like Moses. Stefan and Jimaine are her children biologically, but I am not. It does not matter, they are still my family. They are not twins either, Stefan is oldest, then Jimaine, and I am youngest."

Kris nods slowly as she considers all this, then says to Sophie,"Why should you feel bad? Everyone has their own trials. Pain does not have a set value. Everyone experiences it differently, and being jarred from the world you became comfortable in and used to... That is as painful as any other story." She turns back to Kurt, and says,"Weren't you ever scared?" Says the girl who used to fight. "I think I would be terrified... Also... why were you named after worms? You do not in any way resemble a worm." She seems... troubled by this? "I do understand, though... my adoptive parents treat me no different than their own blood."

Frowning a little at that, Sophie looks just a bit sad, and expresses her feelings eloquently; "That is so sad." She strolls over to the nearest bench, settling herself down and sliding her bag underneath her seat. Looking up at Kris, she shakes her head a little. "I guess I just kind of feel guilty that the worst I have is 'my parents sent me here because they don't know how to deal' when people like Faelan had people trying to murder them." She is, obviously, entirely unaware of Kris's backstory. And she gives a slightly horrified look to the girl when she asks Kurt that question. "I-- He probably-- I don't think they meant the worm--"

"Hey, just because you didn't have an awful life," Megan says, flitting off to land next to Sophie on the bench. "Don't feel bad about it. You should be happy for yourself, and sympathize with your friends. Don't feel guilty. You're a great person, and they got help. And now they're here, just like us!"

Alright so Scott has been constantly moving about like a chicken with his head cut off. Even late into the night he is focused on finding missing students now. Thankfully, the visor keeps the bags under his eyes out of sight. All the same, he is a bit of a mess - swear to God, he's even developed a crippling caffeine addiction he barely manages to sate with excess amounts of coffee. So when he walks into the Gardens with his white #1 Living Weapon mug, sucking down ye olde bean juice, he makes a stilted and firm beeline for the group of children and also Kurt, walking like a man possessed.

"Pardon, people, haven't heard anything about Peter and the twins, have you?" he asks in a tone that implies he's just about ready to turn on his heel and head out if the answer's strictly 'no'. Slurp.

"Oh, I am scared all the time. I don't let that stop me. But of heights? No, actually, I do not think I ever was. There is a sense of freedom I find, in acrobatics and high places, that I do not find anywhere else. It is why I am always lurking in the rafters." Kurt grins again, looking between Sophie and Megan briefly. If there's darkness in his expression at the mention of people trying to murder Faelan, it passes quickly. "Worms? Oh! Nein, I was not named after a worm, I think I am far more handsome! In Germany we do not call them night crawlers, they are Tauwurm. Nightcrawler, ny name, most often we showed it in English, but sometimes in German--Nachtkriecher. It is only the same thing to English speakers who cannot tell an earthworm from a very stylish and talented elf." This is about when he notices Scott's arrival, and he looks up, his expression fading a little in order to translate into a sadly shook head.

Kris is enjoying the the story... and then Peter and the twins come up as a subject of discussion and she manages to look crestfallen,"Miss Walters drove us around town for hours, but no luck following the signal. We did meet a very nice mutant barista and find a mutant-friendly bakery though." She pauses for several long moments, then says,"I think they may have been a couple. They were certainly very cute together." She taps her lip thoughtfully,"Isn't a signal that leads nowhere just as telling, though, in a lot of ways?" A pause, and she asks with a serious tone of voice,"Are going to be id-tagged?" She saw them doing it to dogs on TV.

Sophie runs that hand through her hair again, smiling a little awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I've just been kinda feeling like I put my foot in my mouth ever since telling Faelan about how tooootally lame my parents are," her tone sort of self-mocking, "and then he said people'd tried to kill him and I was like... oh." She clears her throat, shaking her head a little. "But anyway." She turns her attention to Kurt, frowning thoughtfully. "Night.. creature?" German sounds enough like English that it's probably a fair guess. But then here comes SCOTT. And she stares at him a little too long before asking, hesitantly, "...Mr. Summers, are you okay?"

Megan smiles at Sophie and gives the girl a gentle, encouraging squeeze on the leg before hopping off the bench and floating back down to her feet. "Hello, Professor Summers! Thank you so much for the idea on keeping my wings hidden. It worked! I got to go into the city today, and it was a little uncomfortable, but it worked."

Scott gives a quick thumbs up for Megan, a slow nod for Kris, and a dismissive wave for Sophie. Kurt also is acknowledged with a traded look. "Everything's all right. I'll tell you what I found, since I'm trying to keep everything together. If you can find Logan, or anyone else who can follow a scent or a trail - I know I'm stuck in that department - I've got a list of addresses that I need checked in Manhattan. This is just based off of some detective work that may or may not pull up results, but it's all I've got. Peter was at a roof top near a fire and there may be a scent that takes us to him."

The way he says it, Scott's not too hopeful. It doesn't take a genius to realize a scent could easily have gone cold on the Island, what with all the hustle and bustle. Slurp.

"Thanks for keeping your eyes and ears open on this one, but make sure you're focusing on your schoolwork - okay?"

"It means 'Nightcrawler', liebchen, in the literal sense, as opposed to being the word for the earthworm." Kurt says to Sophie, his voice gentle but thoroughly amused, possibly entirely because he'd already translated it. The German's attention is quickly back on Scott, however, his entire demeanor much more serious when the topic of the missing children have come up. "I will keep an eye out for Logan," He agrees, his tail picking up a little speed. "And I can investigate myself if that would help at all. I know I cannot track by scent but I am pretty good at being hidden when I do not want to be seen. Perhaps...I might see something useful." His shoulders lift and drop in a quick shrug.

"Maybe I should go out at night, when I can fly unseen," Megan suggests thoughtfully, then gets a thought. "Oh! Oh! Professor Summers, can I talk to you a sec?" she asks, flittering up into the air, then alighting once more next to Scott. "Privately?"

Kris scuffs her foot against the ground,"Sophie, worry less about it. Every story always seems more amazing than one's one. You are good and kind to the other people here, and that matters more." She swivels to look back at Scott, and then says,"I do not suppose you know of any mutants with 'finding powers'? Or specifically 'mutant-finding powers'?" She turns back to Kurt, then,"I wish I could be more help, but nothing I've learned would be literally any help in this situation. Do adults spend much difficult time waiting?"

Grinning up at Megan, Sophie slides her hands under her legs, idly kicking bare feet back and forth as conversation resumes. Scott's plea may just get a bit of a good-natured eyeroll from the ginger, but she does reply, "Yes, sir." Kurt's answer is met with a deep red blush, and she looks down at her feet with some embarassment. "Oh, er, I didn't realize-- you were translating. Before. I thought-- nevermind." Her feet are extremely interesting for a moment before she finally manages to look up again, to Kris, and nods a little. "I'm just kind of.. I dunno, I just always feel guilty about everything, I dunno. I'm working on it." There's a small smile at that, as she shrugs.

"Fine by me, Kurt, whatever you're comfortable with out in Manhattan," Scott says at an even clip, slurping down more coffee. Slurp slurp. It's hard not to be distracted by a floating Pixie, so as she flitters his head turns a little. He clears his throat and nods at her for her request. He glances at Kris, and purses his lips. "There was one idea I had, but it's not really a serviceable one at this point. I know it's easy to think of us mutants in terms of our abilities, and assume there must be someone out there with an ability tailor-made to any situation, but I just don't think there's anybody around in possession of that golden ticket, Kris. If you hear of 'em, let me know."

He gives Sophie a thoughtful glance, pursing his lips. "The last person you need to worry about feeling guilty around is Kurt. He's not going to feel blue about it. C'mon, Megan. Let's sidebar for a minute and hear what you've got." Walkie walkie slurpie.

"Scott," Kurt deadpans suddenly, his face wiping of emotion and golden eyes going wide. "I always feel blue, has no one told you...? I know you have trouble with colors." He looks so earnestly worried that Cyclops doesn't know he's blue.

The grin breaks through a second later, and he inclines his head towards his team leader. "I will do what I can." Then he's turning towards Sophie, trying to reach out to tip her chin upwards, gently, with the knuckle of one oversized finger. His fur is very soft, even on his hands. "Cheer up, fraulein, you learn nothing at all when you make no mistakes. Step one of anything worth doing is learning how to fall."

Megan's smile couldn't be broader, and she hops a little as she wanders off deeper into the garden with Scott. Once they've got a little distance, she asks, "I was thinking. Well, actually it was Kris's idea, but does anyone teach ballet? Dance? Any kind of arts around here? Because I've got fourteen years of experience and she wants to learn, but it'd be easier to teach her if there were more than one student, and I kinda think it'd be fun. I know I'm still just in uh ... High school you call it? But maybe I can do it as a senior project or something next year? And maybe we can give credit for it as an athletics course?"

Kris crosses her legs underneath her body as she takes a seat on the ground, and finishes off her food. Setting the container aside, she sighs with satisfaction. She doesn't look at Sophie when she's talking this time, but talk she does,"Sophie... I feel guilty all my life... Guilty for surviving, guilty for being who and what I am, guilty for everything that went wrong in the world. Professor Summers and Professor Logan, they teach me that you cannot be responsible for things you had no control over. If you have not really done anything, then let the feeling go, and if you have, try to do better next time. Everything else wastes time you could be using to feel happy or do good things." She stifles a burp, and then nods quietly to Scott,"I will, though I do not hear much. Maybe the internet will have information. Everything is on the internet."

Yep. Everything's on the internet. "At least, it seems like it... I am sorry, Professor Wagner... I do not have a blue-joke for you. I will try better next time."

For a moment, Sophie does not in fact realize what Kurt is angling out to do-- and once he does tip her chin up her whole face goes red again, and she tenses up noticeably. "I-- um--" She fishmouths for a moment, struggling to come up with something, anything, to break what to her is an entirely awkward moment, and finally settles on stammering, "b-b-blueberry muffins." Her eyes go wide with horror, but she attempts quite poorly to play it off as another blue joke. "I mean-- we went to a bakery today and Mr. Summers just reminded me they had good.." Voice lowers to a mumble. "Blueberry muffins."

Scott leaves it to Kurt to decide whether he knows or not - though there is a telling little tiny smile on his lips as he has his aside with Megan that may solve that issue for everyone who was super interested. It's a mystery, though, really! Really.

"Well, Alexandrine Reynaud does head up the vast majority of the dance classes I'm aware of, but I'm sure that she'd appreciate the interest and potentially the help you'd be willing to offer to Kris and other students interested in the program. My understanding is that it has been flagging, lately, so interest in the program could stand to be reinvigorated," Scott muses, running his hand through his hair. He always did seem to know everything going on at the school. He casts an odd glance over at Sophie and Kris and Kurt.

"... oh," Megan says, only a little crestfallen to discover there's a teacher in the subject. She frowns, reaches up to push her hair behind a pointed ear, then, immediately perks back up. "Oh! Well that's great, then. Maybe I can convince her to let us put on Peter Pan. I was working on it before ..." she trails off, then motions towards a wing. "Anyways, so do you think I could sneak off campus with one of those tracking devices? I can cover a lot of ground really fast at night, if I can fly. No one will see me. I'll wear all black, and I'll be very careful. But maybe I can find something that we couldn't find by car, if I am not limited to the streets. You know?"

There's just a moment, the briefest of flashes across Kurt's face, that tracks as surprise and maybe--just maybe, just the very hint--of hurt. Then he's tipping his head back, retracting his hand to clasp it behind his back with the other one, and the amicable smile he wears almost all the time slides into place like a mask. "Ah, it is alright, Kris, I far more treasure spontaneous jokes and wit to something that was offered out of a sense of necessity. But if you come up with a good blue joke I am all pointed ears, ja?" His tail maintains a low, slow pattern of flick-flicking over the grass. "Nicht wahr? I always preferred cherries, myself, perhaps they have pastries."

Kris opens her eyes in time to smile,"You two are so alike, even though you look so very different." She slicks her hair back a little, then rises and approaches to lean over and murmur in in Sophie's ear,"I think you have hurt his feelings. Maybe tell him you find his fur very fashionable?" Then she's straightening and adressing Kurt more directly,"I am not very clever with humor. You would be better served playing at riddles than jokes.

What with the fact that she's pretty much practically staring at Kurt, Sophie catches that look and... could probably not possibly feel any more like the worst person on the planet right now. Shit, shit, shit, shit. She's probably even the blurst. Kris's suggestion is heard, but it doesn't really register - Sophie is not exactly in a position where she feels like she can say anything else without tasting her kneecap. "I, um, I--" She gulps, looking around. Agh, too many people here. "I'm gonna-- I should go-- I'm sorry--" Sharp eyes will notice tears on her cheeks as she gathers up her things and runs back inside, limbs and head tucked in in as close to curled-up as one can be while also running.

Scott bewilderedly watches Sophie exit the gardens, flabbergasted by her sudden and dramatic exit despite the conversation he is having with Megan which is very important by the way. Slurp. Scott gives Kurt and Kris another look, but we have established he is not a very emotive sort, so.

"Megan, I want to be as supportive of your initiative as I possibly can, and I respect what you can bring to the table for your friends," he says, cyclopean red visor still resting on Kurt and Kris a little, lingering, before he finally turns back to Megan. "Your courage is stellar. The only way I can see that happening is if someone is following along with you, like Kurt via his ability, or someone like myself via motorcycle. If you're asking to go alone, that's just not something I can conscience. We'd need to organize a route, besides."

Kurt watches Sophie run off with an expression more like dismay, and when he explains to Scott's querilous look, it is with sadness in his voice. "I think I scared her. It was not my intention." He says, and his tail flicks back and forth unhappily. He falls quiet a moment later, seemingly introspective except for the aforementioned motion of his tail.

Running bare feet draw Megan's attention from her conversation, and she turns to spy Sophie running away. "I wonder what happened," she says, then Scott's words register. "Oh! No, I don't want to go alone. Well I mean, if I have to I will; I'll be very careful. But having someone following would definitely better. I need to go check on Sophie, but I'll come by first thing in the morning to talk to you about this, okay? Maybe we can plan the route tomorrow and I can fly tomorrow night, if you're okay with it. I just want to help. I don't know Peter, or Shane, or Sebastian, but I'd be scared if I were in their place. So ..." she trails off, then takes to the air. "See you tomorrow!" And off she zips, her wings rappidly beating against the air as she flies after the fleeing ginger.

Kris watches Sophie turn and begin to flee, a pained-look on her face. The sigh is almost audible as she wheels about and turns to go after the girl,"I will go get her, Professor Wagner. Do not worry. She is just sensitive. It was not you." She holds up a hand and goes chasing after Sophie as well, at a stately jog,"Sophie, hold up!" Whether her elite tracking skills are of any worth is questionable: She is chasing a ginger.