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Who needs friends when you can make 'em?

xxxxxVícente is very practical yet arrogant. He's very stubborn about the ways he does things, and will only really think about it if presented with valid proof. He's known to be credible and intelligent, but lazy when starting new projects. He loves helping those the people he's close to, and has the penchant for people-pleasing because he feels that's the only way he can maintain positive human relationships. He has the tendency to overthink things and excessively worry about past decisions. Overall, he greatly values the people close to him, but will not stand for those who he feels does not reciprocate the same amount of


xxxxxA 5'7" olive-skinned man with a slouched posture that exudes laziness. He has a diamond-shaped face, a medium-sized nose, and hooded light green eyes. He has shoulder-length dark brown hair, usually tied in a rat tail. He mostly wears loose-fitting solid colored clothing, coupled with some coat that has pockets.


xxxxxVícente is known for his more shadier side job, as a black market doctor. His fees vary on the severity of the patient's wounds and income, but is fairly popular as he doesn't ask any questions and is willing to work anywhere to do so.


xxxxxVícente was born to two loving parents, who struggled to make ends meet. He didn't have many friends growing up, and with his parents having to work most of the time, the boy started creating imaginary friends. Once he was a little older, his father would start a new business with one of his closest friends. In response, Vícente decided to focus on his studies, to get a better education to help provide for his family as well. Once he graduated high school, he went to NYU to get a degree in economics. Unfortunately, it would be when he reached twenty when things started to spiral out of control. His father's business, while started alright, went sour, and the family friend embezzled the remaining funds. The whole event took a toll on the Foster family, and Víncente, out of desperation, sought comfort in the form of one of his old stuffed animals. To his surprise, it would soon become animated. He wouldn't tell anyone about what conspired in the small bedroom, but he grew more confident.

After finishing his bachelor's, he would enter medical school as he disliked the thought of being associated with big corporations. It would be during the latter half of his first year that he meets, Heidi Crawford, a retired physician. They connected through similar struggles, and once they were a little bit closer, he confided about his true abilities. The older woman would become his mentor and key to the shadier sides of medicine.


xxxxxVícente has the ability to make "artificial life" in the form of golems/monstrosities. The actual power deals with controlling makeshift anthropomorphic figures/set of objects. The golems are usually constructed out of various objects, but must at least have a defined head and torso. They can have limbs, but said limbs must be able to support the upper half if Vícente actually wants them to walk. He is able to use his senses through the golem, but in exchange, he goes into a semi comatose state in his actual body. Meaning, while he's sensing through the golems, he's unresponsive in his original body and will not know anything that happens there unless he gets heavily wounded (stabbed, shot, etc.). The durations for controlling each golem depends on his continued concentration for each. Additionally, while he doesn't feel outright physical damage on the golems, once destroyed, he becomes fatigued depending on it's size. On the subject of size, he has a limit of the amount of golems he can construct... [Other numbers meant to represent the amount he'll be able to make when he's already constructed different sized golems; tiny/small/med/large]

10/3/1/0 tiny golems (Lego people)

5/1/0 small golems (Stuffed animal)

2/0 medium golems (Mannequins)

1 large golem (>7ft)

If he goes above this limit, he starts losing senses. Recovery time depends on how long were the extra golems activated for. RT = G(deltaT)

RT = Recovery Time (Days), G = Golem constant (1/3/5/10)


xxxxxVícente has a background in economics and extensive knowledge in medicine from both actual schooling(4th yr) and from an older doctor that was willing to give him more hands on learning (3 yrs). Because of the nature of his work, he is able to treat people in less than perfect conditions, sometimes improvising the tools he'd need if the situation called for it. As he's half Brazilian, he can also speak Portuguese.



  • Coming soon.


  • Coming soon.

And everything in between

  • Coming soon.
  • Vícente is near-sighted but wears contacts when working. Otherwise, he wears glasses when in a casual setting.
  • He names repeatedly made golem structures; like Emmet, a tiny legoman he uses to eavesdrop on conversations.
  • His favourite food are Brigadeiros. He likes most sweets and isn't opposed to doing small favours in exchange for them.

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Vícente Foster
Codename None
Birthdate 10/16/1993
Birthplace New York, New York
Species Mutant
Affiliation None
Alignment True Neutral
Powers Golem Creation
Occupation Student/Black Market Doctor
Registration Status (currently n/a)
Played By WhoopDau
RP Hooks
Emergency! Or is it? - If you need to be out back together and want it done discreetly, you can call Vícente to help. Price depends on relationship and income.
I accept bribes in sweets - If it's a small task (nonlife-threataning), Vícente's down as long as there's sugary treets wating for him at the end.
I enjoy long walks on the beach - When stressted, Vícente likes to walk around the city to get away from his work and breathe, strangely enough. Wouldn't be strange to bump into him as he's quite a worry wart.
Sleep is for the weak! But I am a weak, weak man - As a medical student, Vícente was known to chug coffee like it's water during exam season. Now that he's in his fourth year, he now enjoys tea for its relaxing properties, while simultaneously doing crosswords in local cafes.
Date Title Cast Mentions
  • (2019-10-25)
For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of the affliction we experienced Dusk, Kurt Wagner 2.0, Leo, Vícente
  • (2019-10-16)
Ugly Flags Alma, Ryan, Skye, Vícente
